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Newslinks for 11/5/2011

Open letter to FBI, ICE, Secret Service on apparent Infragard ethics violation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Please consider this to be an official report of a potential criminal violation, either committed by or known about by one of your members, and please immediately investigate the keystroke copying assertion."

"What an evil way to chill free speech—especially if it’s from someone who claims to be a frequent expert contributor to major news organizations! If anyone is logging keystrokes of blog comment posters without a warrant, please see that they are stopped, arrested and prosecuted. If, on the other hand, the comment poster was lying about that and if he turns out to really be Warner, please advise if your organization intends to allow him to retain his membership and advertise that affiliation on his commercial website." ...

Protecting our constitutional right to keep and bear arms requires constant vigilance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun owners in America know they can never rest easy. That’s because Americans’ constitutional right to keep and bear arms is always under fire from the political left and their allies in the White House, Congress and the media."

"It doesn’t take much to prompt another assault on our Second Amendment Rights. All it requires is one high-profile case involving a criminal and a firearm, and there’s no shortage of liberal legislators and pundits willing to tar law-abiding gun owners with the same brush and call for gun control." ...

Pentagon vs. NRA: Will gun-rights law raise risk of soldier suicides?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Top military officials are speaking out against a new law backed by the National Rifle Association, which they fear will increase the danger of suicide among US troops." ...

"The NRA pushed for the law after receiving complaints from soldiers at bases across the country, says spokesman Andrew Arulanandam. In Fort Riley, Kan., commanders 'imposed a preposterous regulation,' according to the NRA website, that required soldiers to register firearms that they were keeping off base and authorized commanders 'to set arbitrary limits on the caliber of firearms and ammunition their troops may privately own.'" ...

More Information about Machine Guns Vegas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We published a story a short time ago about Machine Guns Vegas, a place which the Daily Mail made out to be some unholy mix of a strip club and a firing range. Sounded good to me, but it did raise some concerns about safety and some bigger concerns about whether or not the average Joe would be allowed into this Valhalla of firearms. Earlier tonight the staff of Machine Guns Vegas reached out to me and gave me some more accurate information than the limey bastards at the Daily Mail cared to provide, and the news only gets better. Make the jump for more information and the full press release." ...

Yes, It’s True. Another Zombie Product Line Extension.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hornady had the, um, distinction of introducing the first mainstream firearm-related zombie product in the form of Zombie-Max ammunition. If you were looking for one, that event provided a clear delineation of the before-and-after shark-jumping inflection point for the whole zombie craze. Evidently, though, when there’s a first, a second can’t be far behind. Or so it seems. Our southern hemisphere friends at Taurus just couldn’t seem to leave well enough alone…" ...

How much do you know about the Second Amendment? A Quiz.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After decades of inactivity, the US Supreme Court in 2008 began a major reexamination of the scope of the right to keep and bear arms, an issue that has long ignited passionate debate and prompted powerful political lobbying."

"How well do you understand this constitutional evolution? Take our quiz to test your knowledge."

Submitter's Note: I disagree with their answer to question 11, but that is partly because A) I am insanely libertarian and 2) the question is poorly worded.

WI: The Slippery Slope of Concealed Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"November 1, 2011 is a date that definitely will be remembered in the annals of Wisconsin state history."

"It signifies the date that concealed carry took effect in the Badger State." ...

"As a former Milwaukee Police Officer, I have some major reservations about both the need and applicability of this new law. As we have seen, over the past decade, the crime rate has been on a downward spiral. Moreover, the infusion of more guns in our midst does little, if anything, to ensure public safety or deter crime." ...

H/t to David Codrea who asks "Hey, how come talking about a 'slippery slope' is 'paranoia' when we suggest it?"

CA: Oakland Non-Occupant: I Rack, They Ran
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In any case, [Occupy protesters] decided to rampage through downtown Oakland late Wednesday night smashing windows, spray painting store fronts and setting small fires. Phil Tagami, who owns a historic building targeted by the rioters, was having none of it."
"'We had people who attempted to break into our building,' the landmark Rotunda Building on Frank Ogawa Plaza outside City Hall, Tagami said Thursday. He grabbed a shotgun that he usually keeps at home, went down to the ground floor and 'discouraged them,' he said."

"'I was standing there and they saw me there, and I lifted it – I didn’t point it – I just held it in my hands,' Tagami said. 'And I just racked it, and they ran.'" ...

CA: 2 arrested for armed robbery at Max Muscle store
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two men have been arrested for allegedly robbing the owner of the Max Muscle store in southwest Bakersfield at gunpoint." ...

"'Next thing I know, there is a gun to the back of my head, telling me to get on the ground,' Ravelle said, adding that the other suspect had his girlfriend held captive in the bathroom. '(One of the men) made her strip naked and had a gun to her head. They told us that they were going to kill us like three times.'"

"When one of the suspects was distracted, Ravelle grabbed a handgun he kept at the store for security and shot several times at the suspects, who ran away. The gun jammed, and the would-be robbers were hit, Ravelle said." ...

CA: When can a business owner use deadly force? (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With some recent shootings involving local business owners, you might wonder when it's legal to defend yourself with a firearm."

"Video from a shooting at a Max Muscle store shows how intense it can be with the robbers barging in and pointing a gun at the owner's head."

"It happened Sunday when two armed men came in and robbed the store. The owner shot at the men, fearing for he and his employees' lives." ...

SSI Exclusive: FBI involvement in the murder of Brian Terry and the cover-up that followed. Part One. Peck Canyon -- The Killing Ground.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The night of 14-15 December was cold and dry. ... It had been 78 degrees that day, but with nightfall it gets cold quick in the desert and by the time Brian Terry's BORTAC team was working its way down to the lay-up around Peck Well it was close to freezing. ... Cold was good, cold and dry was their friend. There was nothing to interfere with the thermal scopes. Anyone who approached them that night would have stood out like a blazing candle in a dark room."

"What happened that night? The FBI, the Border Patrol, in fact every other Federal agency that knows what happened in that canyon that night -- and KNEW it BEFORE it happened -- isn't talking. There are, however, some documents that slipped out of the iron curtain of silence." ...

Fraternal Order of Police rushes to Perjurer General Holder's defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With Attorney General Eric Holder set to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee next Tuesday, where he will certainly face questions about 'Project Gunwalker,' administration apologists apparently think he needs some moral support. That, actually, is somewhat amusing in a way, given the fact that the Democrat-controlled Senate committee, chaired by Patrick Leahy (D-VT), is likely to be about as friendly a venue as Holder is likely to find in the near future."

"Still, the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) intend to give him some backup, according to Politico:" ...

More chicanery uncovered in ATF retaliation against whistleblowers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a letter to Attorney-General Eric Holder yesterday, Congressman Darrell Issa and Senator Charles Grassley asked for information on media leaks that were aimed at discrediting the testimony of a key ATF whistleblower--Agent John Dodson. The leak violates the Privacy Act which protects the personal information employers gather on employees, and points to more chicanery on the part of ATF management in retaliating against agents who went public with the agency's illegal activity." ...

Fast And Furious-Like 'Gun-Walking' Probe Mentioned In 2007 Bush Administration Memo
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A briefing paper prepared for Attorney General Michael Mukasey during the Bush administration in 2007 outlined failed attempts by federal agents to track illicitly purchased guns across the border into Mexico and stressed the need for U.S. and Mexican law enforcement officials to work together on such efforts using a tactic that now is generating controversy." ...

Submitter's Note: There is a huge difference between coordinating with Mexican authorities to track smuggled guns and deliberately keeping Mexican authorities and your own people working in Mexico in the dark about smuggled guns. Not attempting to track the Fast & Furious guns was the 'controversial' part of the tactic.

Just the facts on Fast and Furious

Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a recent column in The Hill, Lanny Davis ('Let’s Get The Facts Straight On Holder,' October 12, 2011) claimed that Republicans politicized the inquiry into Operation Fast and Furious. Ironically, however, it is charges of partisanship like his that inject party politics where it doesn't belong. He questioned the motives of the Members of Congress involved while at the same time criticizing those members for allegedly questioning the motives of others.

" ...

Montana Rep. Rehberg becomes 35th congressman to call for Holder’s resignation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Montana Republican Rep. Denny Rehberg is calling for Attorney General Eric Holder’s immediate resignation, becoming the 35th member of Congress to demand it."

"'It's become clear that in his efforts to advance the President’s anti-gun agenda, Eric Holder was willing to cross lines that should never have been crossed,' Rehberg said in a statement Friday morning. 'Mr. Holder has lost the public confidence necessary to do his job.'" ...

New revelations in Fast & Furious: gunwalking habit under former ATF field chief
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Startling new revelations by CBS News and the Associated Press suggest a pattern of allowing guns to walk existed with the Phoenix field office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives under the command of William Newell, who became the special agent in charge in mid-2006."

"As the SAC in Phoenix, Newell would have been in control of activities involving the Tucson ATF office, according to an ATF source. It was during his time in Arizona that both Operation Wide Receiver, and later Operation Fast and Furious, were conducted."

"'This all happened on his watch,' the source told this column and Gun Week." ...

2012: REPEAL!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Grover’s wrong."

"'Third, remember who votes for you and why. The modern conservative movement is made up of people who, on the issue that moves their vote, ask one thing from the central government: 'Leave me alone.'"

"That’s no longer enough for gun owners and it hasn’t been for a long time. We can no longer accept ‘being left alone’ or picking the candidate who will infringe our rights the least. It’s about how many restrictions they’re going to REPEAL in exchange for our support." ...

Election season: Time to put up or shut up on gun rights Read more: Election season: Time to put up or shut up on gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Elections are in the air, and while the presidential contenders and the media focus on jobs and the economy as election issues, members of Congress and state legislators know that certain issues can wake up voters and make a huge difference come Election Day. Gun control and firearm rights are among those voter-motivating issues, and the push for gun points is well underway." ...

Industry Insight & A Presidential Candidate Taking Your Question
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "At this point, the apparent front-runner appears to be Herman Cain, although the race with Mitt Romney is pretty close to a photo finish."

"But Cain's giving political operatives on both sides of the aisles fits."

"He's decidedly not a professional politician ..." ...

"Through it all, he's managed to pretty much remain his own man. ..."

"Until yesterday, I didn't know he was the black guy in the cowboy hat I saw strolling the aisles of SHOT Show last January. Heck, until yesterday, I didn't care."

"Today, we should all care. And be encouraged by the fact that he was visiting the outdoor industry's biggest event before it was a purely political visit. He was there because he wanted to be." ...

IN: Residents aren't looking for ultra-liberal mayor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I was not totally surprised when The Star editorial staff endorsed Melina Kennedy because of their ultra-liberal bias ... However, I wonder why reporters have not emphasized a couple of her views that should be red flags for intelligent, fiscally responsible, and law-abiding residents." ...

"Kennedy ... chastised Ballard for his refusal (thank goodness) to join New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns. This is a small (and growing smaller) group of liberal mayors across the United States who are trying to rescind the Second Amendment rights of citizens to own firearms and use them to protect themselves and their families from criminals. ..." ...

PA: National Rifle Association endorses Stabile, Covey for statewide court
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Republican Party of Pennsylvania released a statement regarding the NRA’s recent decision to endorse Vic Stabile for Superior Court and Anne Covey for Commonwealth Court."

"Vic Stabile said, 'As a member of the National Rifle Association, I am humbled to have received the NRA’s endorsement for my Superior Court campaign. I have always held that should I have the privilege and honor to be Pennsylvania’s next Superior Court judge, I will be a stalwart protector of individual rights, including those guaranteed by the Second Amendment.'"

"Anne Covey said, 'Our U.S. Constitution protects our inalienable rights and I am proud to go to the bench and protect those rights. ...'" ...

WV: Kessler May Have Ace in Hole
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Acting West Virginia state Senate President Jeff Kessler, D-Marshall, faces a battle later this month to retain his post. Though I'm not privy to the counting of potential senators' votes being done by Kessler and his opponent, state Sen. Brooks McCabe, D-Kanawha, I wonder if Kessler has an ace in the hole." ...

"Although he's far from a Republican in Democrat's clothing, Kessler has other pluses for conservatives. He's said he opposes abortion and he is a staunch supporter of Second Amendment rights." ...

OH: 2010 Second Amendment March featuring Yost and Husted sparks proposed rule change: Statehouse grounds to be no-guns victim zone?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Dodd did not explain how the board believes a policy banning people who are legally exercising a constitutional and statutorial right is more 'inclusive,' or why they believe ensuring that only criminals will have guns on the Statehouse grounds is more 'safe.'"

"According to the article, much of the impetus for the change stemmed from the Ohio Second Amendment Rally which was held last year in conjunction with a rally that occurred a week later in Washington, D.C. The article says the board wanted to bar attendees at the Second Amendment March from 'packing heat,' but was told by the attorney general's office that no policy existed for a ban." ...

WA Ceasefire to seek Evergreen State open carry ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Washington Ceasefire has announced that it will ask the Washington State Legislature to ban open carry of firearms in the Evergreen State, a move that comes just months after California’s lawmakers did the same thing."

"This 5,000-member gun prohibition organization has been looking around for a new cause du jour, and open carry appears to be it."

"Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Bellevue-based Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, was quick to observe that this is just another manifestation of 'divide and conquer' because not all gun owners necessarily agree with the practice. However, he just as quickly added that the anti-gun lobby also would like to prohibit concealed carry ..." ...

WV: Raid of wrong home results in suit against State Police
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A Logan County man alleges he was falsely arrested by the West Virginia State Police following a mistaken raid of his home."

"The State Police and three of its troopers are named as co-defendants in a civil rights suit filed Nov. 1 by Anthony Baisden in U.S. District Court. In his complaint, Baisden, of Logan, alleges he was first brutalized and then detained by Troopers in the course of serving an arrest warrant last year on another man, only to be later charged with obstructing an officer." ...

FL: Man arrested after recording conversation with PBSO deputies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Pulled over by a Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office deputy shortly after midnight near Hypoluxo and Highridge roads in Lantana, Paul questioned the traffic stop and recorded the conversation with deputies on his phone, according to arrest records." ...

"Paul was informed he did not have the deputies' permission to record, a violation of state law, and was arrested after he did not stop recording."

NY: Nassau Cop Quits, Admits Traffic Stop Sex Grab
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Nassau County police officer has resigned after he admitted to forcing a woman to touch his penis through his uniform during a traffic stop earlier this year."

"Garrett Mannerz pleaded guilty Wednesday in county court to official misconduct."

"The 34-year-old former Third Precinct officer was arrested after the woman gave investigators a recording of one of his repeated sexually suggestive phone calls that followed the incident." ...

NC: UNC School of the Arts pays $100,000 to settle lawsuit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The lawsuit alleged that on Aug. 14, 2009, Walter Lee Faye, then an assistant police chief at the school, showed the woman, who also worked at the school, nude photos of himself on his cellphone and forcibly touched her in a sexual way." ...

"Faye, who lived in Tobaccoville at the time, was convicted in May 2010 of misdemeanor sexual battery and received a suspended 30-day jail sentence. He also is required to register as a sex offender for 30 years. He lives in Huntersville, according to an online search of North Carolina's sex offender registry." ...

CA: Former Cop Arrested For Child Porn Possession
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A multi-agency task force arrested a former police officer Tuesday after about two dozen pornographic images of children were allegedly found on his computer."

"Hector Jesus Zamora, 42, was arrested near his Temecula home by members of Riverside County's Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement (SAFE) Task Force."

"Authorities say the images found on the computer include photos depicting Zamora with girls that may have been minors. SAFE Task Force officials say they believe those photos may have been taken about 10 years ago when Zamora lived in Holtville, Calif., where he worked as a police officer." ...

NY: Cops Mock Poor People, Calls Prosecutors "Pieces Of S--t," Claim Ticket-Fixing Is Just The Way It Is
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As 16 NYPD officers were arraigned at a Bronx courthouse yesterday to face charges related to the department's massive ticket-fixing probe, around 500 off-duty police officers ... showed up to voice their support for 'professional privilege.' According to the Times, the officers shoved away television cameras and jeered at people receiving public assistance at a benefits center across the street. According to the Daily News, some of those assembled shouted 'you piece of sh*t!' at prosecutors. Ahh, the sweet sounds of CPR."

"While many off-duty officers and PBA members held signs that bore slogans of, 'It's a Courtesy Not a Crime,' ticket-fixing charges weren't the only ones aired in court: ..." ...

LA: What Could Possibly Go Wrong: NOLA Official Wants Random Gun Searches
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Constitution can be an awfully inconvenient thing sometimes. You know, with all of its requirements for annoying little details like probable cause and prohibitions against unreasonable searches and seizures, it can be downright difficult to run an effective police state in this country. It’s almost as if the framers were more concerned about the rights of the individual than with empowering a strong, intrusive government. Go figure, right? Don’t worry, though. There are always plenty of people elected to positions of authority who are willing to break some eggs and not let a few words on a 225 year old sheet of parchment get in their way…"

"People like New Orleans city councilwoman Cynthia Hedge-Morrell, for instance. ..." ...

AZ: 'Gun fight' lecture to be hosted by College of Law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The author of a new book that examines the early history of gun rights and gun control in the United States and weaves together dramatic stories of Second Amendment advocates and gun control lobbyists will speak at the College of Law, Nov. 15."

"'Gun Fight: The battle over the right to bear arms in America' is the title of the lecture and the book by Adam Winkler, a professor at UCLA School of Law. The lecture will begin at 4:30 p.m., in the Great Hall. It will be followed by a question-and-answer session with gun-law expert Alan Korwin, author of The Arizona Gun Owner’s Guide, and a book signing." ...

TX: 2011 Texas Hill Country Whitetail Season Begins
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ladies and gentleman, the day has finally arrived! Tomorrow is opening day of whitetail deer season here in Texas and it feels like Christmas morning. I took the day off from work on Friday to come out early and spend the day setting up my blind and checking (and rechecking) my gear. This is my eighth whitetail season and by all estimates, it might very well our worst. As you may have heard, Texas is experiencing a serious drought and my ranch has not been exempt from those conditions. Our ponds are dry, there is no grass to speak of, and the acorn crop is slim out in my neck of the woods. But there’s always a silver lining in these types of situations…" ...

CA: One of these things is not like the other
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "But then there's AB 144, the bill barring open carry of firearms. From the scorecard:"
"AB 144: Abrogation of Second Amendment Rights CRFI and CRI oppose this bill by Assemblyman Portantino. ..."
"Now, this is another bill that the R-S editorialized against ... so I certainly have no heartburn that CRI opposes it. But what exactly does it have to do with the Capitol Resource Institute's stated mission of strengthening families and supporting legislation affecting family values? I'll go out on a limb and suggest that 95 percent of California mothers who might take their kids to a park and see firearm buffs parading around with sidearms would enthusiastically support banning open-carry of firearms." ...

Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you. — PERICLES (430 BC)

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