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Newslinks for 11/6/2014

Radio host and author Loesch cancels book signing on ‘gun-free’ campus
Submitted by: David Codrea

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“Texas Christian University is committed to providing a safe environment for employees, students and campus visitors,” the private school notes in its policy. “Therefore, the university, in accordance with the Texas Penal Code, prohibits the possession of any firearm or deadly weapon on university property or at university-sponsored events even if an individual has been issued a license by the state.”

CA: Northern California officer charged, resigns amid nude photo controversy; says he's sorry
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Authorities say a former California Highway Patrol officer has been charged with two felonies after women he arrested on suspicion of drunken driving accused him of stealing explicit photos from their cellphones.
The Contra Costa Times reported Friday ( ) that 35-year-old Sean Harrington resigned days before prosecutors filed charges. The allegations surfaced after a 23-year-old woman discovered nude photos of herself on her phone had been sent to an unfamiliar number.
Investigators say Harrington told them he considered it a game and had done it several times.

Second Amendment Crushes Gun Control Candidates in Midterm Elections
Submitted by: Anonymous

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As the election returns came in on November 4 one thing was evident—the Second Amendment crushed gun control candidates in Senate and gubernatorial races around the country.
In so doing, the Second Amendment annihilated the left's relentless claim that 90 percent of Americans support more gun control.
On the gubernatorial level, in Arizona, pro-Second Amendment candidate Doug Ducey (R) beat gun control candidate Fred DuVaul (D). And in Florida, pro-Second Amendment incumbent Rick Scott (R) beat gun control candidate Charlie Crist. These victories were enhanced by the fact that Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly endorsed DuVal and Giffords' gun control PAC gave $100,000 to Crist's campaign.

OK: Oklahoma City officer charged in 3 more sex assaults
Submitted by: jac

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OKLAHOMA CITY – An Oklahoma City police officer already accused in the sexual assault of 10 women has been charged with assaulting three more.

The Oklahoman reports that Daniel Ken Holtzclaw was charged with six more sexual assault counts Tuesday, after three new victims came forward.

The victims, including a 17-year-old girl, say the 27-year-old Holtzclaw forced them to commit sex acts while he was on duty.

WA: Gun Control Loses, Second Amendment Wins Big In The Midterms…Yet Ludicrous Libs Claim This
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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You find that it pumps up the passage of one initiative in one state, Washington, a reliable stronghold of liberal ideology and activism. Voter approval of one initiative in one state earned hundreds upon hundreds of words of breathless praise on

Ed.: WA isn't a liberal stronghold. Until 594 we had among the best gun laws in the country. Only in the last decade have so-called 'red' states started getting pro-gun laws as good or better than ours. With 594, we now have the worst gun laws in the country--just letting a friend hold one of your guns in the privacy of your own home without getting background checks and paying a use tax (both ways) will make you both felons. And the NRA hung us out to dry.

WV: Intruder shot dead in Kanawha County
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A burglar may have taken one chance too many in Kanawha County. Kanawha County Sheriff’s Deputies say Andrew Carter, 31, was shot and killed when he broke into a home of David Campbell, 65, in the 200 block of Campbell’s Creek Drive around 5:30 a.m. Wednesday.

“This was the second burglary that has occurred in the last 24 hours,” said Corporal Brian Humphreys of the Kanawha County Sheriff’s Department. “Additional stolen property was found across the street on a walking path not too far from the home. There’s been a string of burglaries in this area of Campbell’s Creek the Sheriff’s Department has been investigating the last couple of days.”

Bloomberg Wastes $50 Million on Anti-NRA Midterm Ads
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On November 4, candidates supported by gun control proponent Michael Bloomberg and his various gun control groups fared so badly that one of his groups--Moms Demand Action--is counting the defeat of quasi pro-gun Democrats as a victory.

They are doing this even though those Democrats were beaten by openly pro-Second Amendment Republicans.

CO: Roupe's win helps GOP inch toward control of Colorado Legislature
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Control of the Colorado Senate and House of Representatives will be determined by a few key races that are still too close to call.

But things are looking good for Republicans, who needed to net one seat in the Senate and five seats in the House.

CA: California Boy Scout Troop Receives NRA Foundation Grant
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The NRA Foundation is proud to award Boy Scouts of America Troop 1855, located in Folsom, California, with an $8,500 grant for its shotgun merit badge program.

The troop, which formed in the 1990s through a group of parent volunteers, will use the grant to purchase shotguns, ammunition, clay targets, an electric thrower, and safety equipment.

A Right To Rebellion?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Begala was ridiculing Iowa’s Republican candidate, newly-elected Senator Joni Ernst, who had talked firearms freedoms at an NRA event in 2012. Mocking as a political tactic is promoted as Rule 5 from the late “community organizer” (and Hillary Clinton mentor) Saul Alinky’s Rules for Radicals, wherein he noted “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.”

WA: Gun control wins in Washington State
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun control definitively won in Tuesday’s elections — in Washington, at least.

In the only state where a gun issue was directly on a ballot this week, Washington residents passed Initiative 594, the measure that will require criminal background checks on all firearms sales and transfers in the state, including at gun shows and on the Internet. The proposal, more commonly referred to as “I-594,” gained 60% of voter support, according to the NBC News Election Unit.

A rival campaign, Initiative 591, would have blocked the implementation of background checks, if passed. But more than half — 55% — of the state’s residents rejected the competing measure, which was backed by the gun lobby.

CO: Hickenlooper Wins Re-Election
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Others thought the stricter gun laws Democrats passed and the Governor signed into law played into the closeness of the race. Jason Krueger is an attorney and lives in Denver, but he grew up near Steamboat Springs and his family has a cattle ranch in Craig. He attended the Democratic watch party on election night.

“There’s a lot of gun owners out there, especially on the western slope. You know, it’s a second amendment right,” said Kreuger. “I respected what Hickenlooper did. I think it was the right thing to do. However I heard a lot of rumblings from my family and different parts of the state that this might cost him.”

The Myths of Initiative 594
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Newspaper editorial boards and media coverage of I-594 continue to distort the purpose and effect of this anti-civil rights measure. The media regularly portrays I-594 as a background check on firearm sales which it is not; it is much more.

There is an effective media blackout on press releases and position statements opposed to I-594. The public, even the shooting public, does not yet realize what this initiative will do if passed.

Ed: If you are confused about what I-594 does, like Charles C. W. Cooke from the 'National Review Online' apparently is, read this article and you'll find out why it is arguably the worst gun control law in the history of the country.

AL: Huge Win for Gun Rights in Alabama Election
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Alabama voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly favored a revision to the state constitution which will provide greater legal protections for the right to keep and bear arms. By a vote of 73 percent to 27 percent, voters amended the state constitution to include the following provision:

Two Gun Bills the New Republican Congress Should Consider
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Now that Republicans are in full control of Congress, there are a couple of firearms related bills that I would like to see debated. The first would fix the Firearms Owners Protection Act of 1986 (FOPA), making it clear henceforth that the law’s “safe passage” provision applies to airports as well as to highways. Earlier in the year, I noted that the states of New York and New Jersey have managed to exempt themselves from FOPA’s remit, thereby preventing Americans who rely upon JFK, LaGuardia, and Newark airports from traveling with their guns.

MN: Minnesotans Send Anti-Gunners Home & Elected A Pro-Second Amendment Majority
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Thirteen months ago, the Minnesota Gun Owners Political Action Committee consisted of two people, a lot of support from leaders at the Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance, and a belief that mobilizing Minnesota’s gun owners could make a difference on November 4th, 2014.

Over the past year, we’ve learned a lot. How to fundraise, how to build a mobilize a grassroots army, how to buy digital and radio ads, how to craft and send effective direct mail.

Good Night for Gun Sense: Everytown Claims Major Victories in Washington State with Passage of I-594, Connecticut and Colorado Governor Races
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In races across the country yesterday, Americans supported policies and candidates that will prevent gun violence, leading to decisive victories for Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, the advocacy arm that led Everytown for Gun Safety's electoral activity, and I-594, Washington State's background check ballot measure that passed with 60% of the vote. Everytown spent more than $4 million, placed half a dozen full-time staffers on the ground for the past year, and produced state-of-the-art research to support I-594, Washington State's ballot measure to reduce crime and save lives by closing the background check loophole.

WA: Finally the Seattle press admits that I-594 is ‘gun control’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After 18 months of reporting and editorializing, and not until the day after the election, did the headlines acknowledge today what gun rights activists have been saying so long about Initiative 594: It’s a gun control measure, as affirmed by the Seattle Times and Seattle

And Wednesday morning, I-594 backers held a press conference to make it abundantly clear that passage of their 18-page gun control scheme was just the first step in pushing a more far-reaching agenda. That also affirmed what the firearms community had been saying all along, and been essentially pigeon-holed as paranoids by gun prohibitionists.

SC: Man acquitted in 2010 shooting death of daughter's boyfriend on Hilton Head
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A jury need only about an hour of deliberation Wednesday to find a Hardeeville man not guilty of voluntary manslaughter in the shooting death of his daughter's boyfriend, his attorney said.

Public defender Trasi Campbell said she was pleased the jury agreed Gary Lee Simmons, 55, acted in self-defense when he shot and killed Alvin Sosa on Hilton Head Island on Dec. 4, 2010. Simmons, formerly of Bluffton, was also found not guilty of possession of a weapon in the commission of a violent crime, Campbell said.

FL: NRA, Florida Chamber spend big to get out the vote for Scott
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Despite that, Scott joined former Gov. Jeb Bush as the only two Republican governors to win reelection in the modern era. He had some helped. In the waning days of the campaign the NRA spent up to $2 million dollars in broadcast ads, mailers, phone calls and email blasts in support of Scott.

Ed.: $2M for an R governor that may or may not have any impact on gun rights, versus only about $500k to fight an initiative that turns gun owners into felons for letting a friend hold a gun.

IL: Chicago Gun Laws Provide Interesting Case Nationally
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Known as one of the country’s most violent cities, Chicago is at the center of the national debate about guns.

The city long has had some of the strictest gun control measures in the nation. Chicago passed an ordinance banning the sale and registration of handguns in the city in 1982, following the lead of suburb Morton Grove, which was the first municipality in the United States to ban handguns, according to the Encyclopedia of Chicago.

It’s the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Stupid
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This will presumably be touted as a great victory. But it’s really not. For a start, universal background checks represent the most modest of all the Left’s aims in this area. This was not a ban on “assault” weapons, which remain legal in Washington. It was not a reduction in magazine sizes. It was not a ban on open carry. Instead, it was a law that requires residents of the state to involve a gun dealer when they transfer a weapon to another resident within the state.

Ed.: The author should *read* 594--it isn't just 'universal background checks'. It is arguably one of the worst gun control laws in the history of the country.

WA: Voters support gun checks
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Washington state lawmakers have been too timid to enact common-sense universal background checks on gun sales, so voters did it for them on Election Day.

With a resounding 60 percent of the popular vote, citizens made it clear they want tighter gun control laws. Initiative 594 will extend the state’s current requirement for criminal background checks to all gun sales, including gun shows and online purchases.

Nor were voters fooled by the gun industry’s scare tactics. I-594 will not create a statewide registry. It won’t prevent the transfer of guns among family members. It won’t change hunting laws. It doesn’t diminish the Second Amendment.

WV: Youngest state delegate elect is pro-gun
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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While republicans gained seats across the country, they also added the current youngest lawmaker in the country.

Eighteen-year-old Saira Blair won a seat in West Virginia’s House of Delegates over democratic candidate Layne Diehl in the state’s District 59.

Blair, a freshman in college, campaigned on “conservative values,” touting pro-life, family, business, jobs, and, of course, Second Amendment.

Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are. ~ Benjamin Franklin

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