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Newslinks for 11/7/2011

Gungrabbers resort to character assassination on new WI carry law
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Kristen Rand of the Violence Policy Center ramped things ups a notch, claiming 'Concealed carry permit holders don’t prevent mass shootings, they perpetrate them. They don’t support police, they shoot them.'”

"Really. I didn’t make that up."

Submitter's note: Also see archive of 50-year-old GUNS Magazines.

NC: Campus Police Shoot Gunman at North Carolina University
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A former student at a North Carolina university who was seen carrying an AK-47 style rifle on campus was shot by police Saturday before being taken into custody and charged.
Rashaad Gardner was charged with assault by pointing a gun, possession of a weapon on state educational property and going armed to the terror of the people, WAVY reported. ...
Officers saw Gardner wielding an AK-47 style rifle, and he was shot in the leg by an officer during a confrontation. ...
University police contacted the Elizabeth City Police Department, which dispatched officers and a K-9 unit to locate him.
Gardner was apprehended at 3:28 a.m. local time and taken by ambulance to a local hospital for treatment.

Wisconsin Carry: 49 Down, One To Go
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Naturally, the qualifiers did not stop horrified hoplophobes from issuing dire warnings. Speaking of a court decision from the year before that Wisconsin’s ban on concealed carry was unconstitutional, then-Brady Center President Paul Helmke declared 'The ruling by a Wisconsin trial court judge that the US Constitution provides a right to carry concealed weapons in public endangers our communities, puts law enforcement at risk, and is just plain wrong… This ruling shows the danger of accepting the gun lobby’s vision of the Second Amendment as mandating its any guns, anywhere, for anybody agenda.'”

FL: Henning's comments about shooting at my store are appalling
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The shooting last month involved a resident from Henning's district. This perpetrator tried to harm my grand-daughter and great-grandbabies. Unfortunately, drugs alter the minds of people who use them; drugs alter their ability to do the right thing.

Perhaps a view of my on-site video soon will clear up the injustice that is being done to our family. The incident, although a tragedy with any loss of life, is a perfect example of the "Stand Your Ground" law and my granddaughter, Elizabeth Easterly, handled the situation in the best way she knew how to save herself and her babies from harm.

WI: Why I’m a concealed carrier
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Andrew Mueller knows there aren’t any gangsters or murderers wandering around his neighborhood.

He never feels like his life is in immediate danger.

But it still doesn’t hurt to be prepared and carry a concealed weapon.

“I would hate to find myself in any situation unprepared for it,” said Mueller, a Chi-Hi graduate who moved to Eau Claire a year ago.

UK: Antique firearms collector with more than 140 guns is jailed for two years for owning four air rifles without licence
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An antiques firearms collector was jailed for two years after he was found to have four air rifles and ammunition without the correct licences.

When police raided Karl Blennerhassett's luxury flat in Up Holland, West Lancashire, they found more than 140 guns, including racks of rifles and revolvers, a court heard.

Ed.: Two years in jail for an air rifle. This is the gun grabber's "reasonable" gun control.

Latinos Overwhelmingly Support Stronger Gun Laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The bipartisan coalition of Mayors Against Illegal Guns today announced the results of a new public opinion survey showing overwhelming support among Latino voters for strong gun laws designed to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people, tough enforcement practices, and state control over who can carry concealed, loaded guns in public places.

‘Wide Receiver’ CI cites plan to smuggle firearms to Tijuana via San Diego
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Aside from revealing a strategy to mask the bad behind a loudly trumpeted success, the revelation that there were two component operations under the Wide Receiver designation is as yet unexplored in media reports."

Cop vs. Cop in Florida -- Who is Right?
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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Topic number one among police officers all over the country is the confrontation between two cops in Florida, with one of them arresting another one. On October 11 Florida State Trooper Donna Watts saw a Miami police car speeding on a highway, Thinking the vehicle might have been stolen, Watts gave chase -- at speeds of up to 120 miles an hour. Instead of a car thief, Miami police officer Fausto Lopez was behind the wheel. He explained he was speeding to an off-duty job. Watts did not show any professional courtesy; rather, with gun drawn, she screamed at Lopez, handcuffed him and tossed him in the back of her squad car. He was later charged with dangerous driving.

NY: NYC Cops Bust Harlem Gang; Stashed Guns All Over Their Turf
Submitted by: Opposing Views

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Police in New York City say they have busted a gang that stashed guns all over their turf in Harlem where members could find them just in case a weapon was needed. “We have dismantled one of the most violent gangs in Central Harlem,” Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr. said according to the New York Daily News. Nineteen gang members, some as young as 17 years old, were indicted on charges ranging from attempted murder to weapons possession to firearms trafficking. Police were able to find 18 of them -- they pleaded not guilty at arraignments on Friday. One suspect remains at large.

NY: Gun debate needs a cease-fire
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Although the 2008 decision supported gun ownership rights, it has not noticeably changed the landscape of gun control laws. Since it was issued, there have been more than 80 suits filed to overturn gun laws; few if any have succeeded.

Ed.: How about McDonald, in 2010? Or Seattle (twice)? Does the author not realize it takes time to get a case before SCOTUS?

OH: NRA calls the tune and kids pay the price: Christopher Evans
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association, that well-funded protector of the people's right to keep and bear arms, is also a felon's best friend.

The group's zero tolerance toward gun registration or any kind of public database that records and tracks the purchase of firearms -- fueled by a paranoia that crooks, killers and rogue government agencies would use that information for evil -- has triggered the kind of collateral damage that politicians, both here and in Washington, should be condemning instead of condoning.

LA: 'Vampire Diaries' Star Sean Faris Grew Up With Guns in Texas, Loves Shooting in LA
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“I enjoy shooting. We shoot clays down in Texas, I hunt as well. And I have a couple of guns for home security,” Faris told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column while promoting his new role alongside Christina Hendricks in the forthcoming EA game “Need For Speed.” “I’m from Texas. It’s the way I was raised. Everybody’s got one. My girlfriend for the first time started shooting a couple months ago in Louisiana too. We call her dead-eye butterfly because she hit the bull’s eye, no scope, from about thirty yards out with a rifle, which is pretty good for her first time ever shooting.”

WI: Capitol's new debate: guns vs. cameras
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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More generally, research on concealed-carry's relation to violence is decidedly mixed, according to Jon Vernick, co-director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research. A 2005 report, the National Research Council, a part of the nonprofit, nonpartisan National Academies, found the existing research was too weak to determine any causal links between concealed carry laws and violent crime.

In other words, it's entirely reasonable to think an ever-present group of hard-core, camera-toting protesters known for their eagerness to make loud, obnoxious spectacles of themselves might be more disruptive to the legislative process than a few sane people legally carrying concealed weapons.

WI: Police gun seizures are up to court to discharge
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Nik Clark, president of gun rights group Wisconsin Carry Inc., thinks no one should have to wait months or go to court to get back their lawful property, even guns.


He cited the case of a group member who was arrested and his gun seized because someone saw him wearing it at a gas station. He wasn't charged, but after he petitioned to get his gun back, he was cited for having worn it within 1,000 feet of a school. In 2010, he sued in federal court, and the city last month agreed to pay $6,500 to settle the case. But police still have the man's gun.

Justice Faces 'Sting' Grilling
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Top Justice Department officials have settled on a strategy for explaining a botched gun-trafficking probe that includes blaming the now-ousted U.S. attorney in Phoenix.

The department has spent much of the year dealing with questions about federal agents' use of investigative tactics that resulted in the smuggling of firearms into Mexico. The issue is coming to a head Tuesday, when Attorney General Eric Holder is set to answer questions at a Senate hearing.

IN: Conviction in dog shooting irks owner of property
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"We presented the evidence, and jurors believed it was a crime," Smith said.

He argued that Yerk had a duty to retreat, rather than shoot.

Indiana does have a standalone self-defense statute, which states a person is justified in using reasonable force -- and doesn't have to retreat -- to protect himself or his property. But that applies only to reasonable force against another person, Schumm said.

WA: Court: Seattle's Gun Ban in Parks is Illegal
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Washington state Court of Appeals affirmed this week that a gun ban in Seattle's parks is illegal. The decision comes more than a year after a King County judge sided with several area gun owners, the NRA and the Second Amendment Foundation, and the city of Seattle appealed.

In 2008, the City of Seattle and then-Mayor Greg Nickels (D) enacted a rule that banned firearms and “dangerous weapons” from city parks, community centers and other city properties. In 2009, the city added another rule that banned guns from parks where children are “likely to be present.”

OH: Warning issued for 3rd armed robbery in 1 week
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A third armed robbery in a week in the Ohio State campus area prompted the OSU Police Department to send out another Timely Warning to the community Saturday afternoon.

A female OSU student was walking in the alley on Norwich Avenue between Waldeck Avenue and Tuller Street at 5:15 a.m. Saturday morning when two black men approached her, one with a black handgun, according to the warning.

China: Baseball bat is a hit as a defensive weapon in China
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In recent years, the offensive tool of America's national pastime has become a defensive weapon of choice in China.

Though baseball has barely made a dent in the consciousness of Chinese sports fans, bats are a familiar accessory in a country where the pursuit of money at all costs and a weak faith in law enforcement have led many people to take matters into their own hands.


Before mass urbanization took hold and most Chinese lived on farms, people protected themselves with the family shovel, rake or hoe.

Today, city dwellers have few options. Guns are outlawed. Daggers and machetes require permits. Shanghai and Beijing even require buyers to register their names to buy a kitchen knife.

WI: New lessons to learn as those seeking concealed carry permits find they're getting an education in more than firing a gun
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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With Wisconsin's concealed carry law going into effect on Nov. 1, residents around the state are spending time sitting in classrooms in order to fulfill the training requirement to apply for the permit to carry a concealed weapon.

On Oct. 30, a dozen people filed into a basement conference room at the Welcome Inn and Suites in downtown Ripon for one of those classes.

TN: Memphis pizza delivery guy shoots would-be robber
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An 18-year-old man a pizza delivery driver says he shot in self-defense is in custody in fair condition at a Memphis hospital.

Authorities say the unidentified pizza driver drew his own handgun after the would-be burglar told him to hand over his cash while delivering three pizzas in south Memphis.


Dalya Qualls, a spokeswoman for the Tennessee Department of Safety in Nashville, said the pizza deliveryman had a valid gun carry permit. Papa John's prohibits drivers from carrying weapons, including firearms, while delivering food.

MSNBC's Alex Wagner: Get Rid Of Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"Well, I'm going to be pilloried for this. I think get rid of the second Amendment, the right to bear arms. I just think in the grand scheme of the rights that we have; the right of assembly, free speech, I mean, owning a gun does not, it does not tally on the same level as those other Constitutional rights. And being more discreet about who gets to have a firearm and right to kill with a firearm, I think is something that would be in our national interest to revisit that."

Canada: Gun editorial misses mark
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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You quote Statistics Canada data indicating that 43 people were killed with long guns in 2009 and imply that a registry would have saved lives. How would a long-gun registry prevent long-gun deaths when a handgun registry (which has existed since 1934) did not stop the 112 handgun deaths in 2009? You fail to report that of the 43 long-gun deaths, at least 20 were by illegal weapons (and hence non-registerable), and do not report suicides, which if not done by gun, are usually done otherwise. These statistics are not supportive of your argument.

WI: Gun shop leaders hope concealed carry law triggers sales
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The first gun show was held this weekend in Central Wisconsin since the Concealed Carry law went into effect. Some vendors told Newsline 9 they hope the new law will mean a boost for business.

Hundreds of guns loaded the showroom at the Wausau-Rothschild Gun Show Sunday. And while organizers said turnout was about average, some vendors said the concealed carry law has triggered more sales.

"Biggest boom that we've seen," said concealed carry trainer Paul Arnold.

He said now that it's legal to carry concealed weapons with a permit, the number of people signing up for classes has gone up.

A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. — Edward R. Murrow

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