Guns and Freedom: An American Love Story
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Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
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... "America has, by far, the highest rate of private firearm ownership of any nation in the world. There are estimated to be 90 guns for every 100 people living in the U.S., far ahead of second-place Serbia, with 58. In a paper found on the Social Science Resource Network, a strong case is made correlating the proliferation of private firearm ownership with positive values in many indexes pertaining to objective valuations of concepts like freedom and societal corruption. That finding is very much in keeping with an understanding of the Second Amendment, that private firearm ownership in early America was intended to be the people’s check and balance in the newly-formed government ..." ... |
FBI Fails to Process Thousands of Background Checks. And?
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Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
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"'The busiest shopping day of the year also saw a major boom for gun sales,' cnn.com reports. Time for a happy dance? Not if you’re CNN (or the AP). Every gun-shaped silver-lining must have a dark cloud surrounding it. 'Officials estimate that about 3,000, or 2%, of the more than 144,000 Black Friday background checks will not be completed because of insufficient information from records such as court documents.' Sales that will, by law, go through if not resolved in three days. That’s three thousand guns sold without a background check! Hide your children! Call out the National Guard! And ask yourself this . . ." ... |
Hunters: Time to Play Offense Against the Antis
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Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
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"The anti-hunting movement has overwhelmed the consciousness of the hunting industry. Hunters, hunting land, firearms, and the sporting way of life are under attack politically and socially. Millions of hunt-able acres are shut down in Oregon to 'protect' the spotted owl. Lead ammunition is banned in California. Increasingly legislators, not biologists, are making wildlife management decisions . . ." ... |
In self-defense: Edmonds shooting ignites hot debate
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Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
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"Did an Edmonds mother use good sense and act in self-defense when, early Thanksgiving morning, she shot and seriously wounded a stranger who was trying to force his way into her home, where her husband and children, and another youngster were sleeping?"
"... According to KOMO ... the alleged intruder is 22-year-old Nelson Patrone, and apparently he had been drinking Wednesday night. ..."
"Published reports suggest the man apparently mistakenly believed friends still lived in the home ... He knocked loudly on the door at about 3:15 a.m. The woman called 911 and armed herself. When she opened the door and did not recognize the man, she apparently tried to close the door and he apparently tried to push his way in." ... |
Winchester Unveils the XPR Rifle (video available)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Over the last couple years, there has been a considerable push from gun companies to produce a new entry level hunting rifle to replace the quickly deteriorating Remington 700. Ruger has their American Rifle, Weatherby has their Vanguard S2, and now Winchester looks to be getting into the game with the XPR. The website for the new gun is live now, but certain details (like pricing) seem to be withheld pending SHOT Show 2015. What we do know is . . ." ... |
Review of Voodoo Tactical Padded Rifle Case
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Delivered recently, a Voodoo 42″ tactical padded rifle case, which holds two rifles and other weapons (two handguns). There is also room for magazines, tools, and other kit that you might want to take to the range or into the field. If you’re like me, you probably cannot even name or catalog the equipment and other miscellaneous stuff you have in your dope bag (or range bag). This clears it up. When you head out the door, you put in what you need for the day, weekend or longer."
"Here is a picture of the case unopened, plenty of Molle and cinch straps. And I like the OD green." ... |
Gun Sales Triple on Black Friday
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Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
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"The national media were full of reports from retailers of Black Friday consumers driving sales to record levels, with some retailers estimating sales jumping 15 to almost 40 percent over last year. Consumers not only took advantage of specials being offered the day after Thanksgiving, but in many cases even shopped on Thanksgiving Day, perhaps foregoing a little turkey and football in the process." ...
"Missing from the establishment media reports, however, was any mention of what was going on inside America’s 48,000 gun retailers. According to the FBI, sales on Black Friday were double what they were last year, and triple the normal day. ..." ... |
Remember Schuldies, Cox by Fixing Gun Laws
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Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
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"George Salinas Jr. never should have had a gun when he murdered Leann Schuldies and her 17-year-old daughter, Brianna Cox. But thanks to Idaho’s legal system, where gun rights trump safety, he did. It’s time to change that with Leann’s Law."
"Salinas was under a temporary restraining order, filed by Schuldies just days before the Nov. 15 double-murder near Twin Falls. Yet as in much of the country, he was allowed to keep his shotgun. And now two young woman have been robbed of the ultimate right: life." ... -------
Submitter's Note: There actually are things other than guns that abusive partners use to get their revenge. Acid comes to mind. |
It takes guts to go up against guns
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Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
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"I didn’t agree with everything Gerald Ensley wrote, but after reading his column calling for a repeal of the second amendment I wanted to shake his hand and not stop until they pry my cold dead fingers from his palm."
"I openly confess to my liberal leanings. I don’t believe in the death penalty and I support a woman’s right to choose. And before any extreme right wing heads explode, I also own handguns. I like my guns. I don’t hunt but I have a great time target shooting. And I absolutely don’t want someone telling me I can’t own a gun, but not because of the second amendment. We have a problem in America and covering our eyes with our holsters won’t make it go away." ... |
Have Ferguson protesters in Seattle just blown it?
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Last night, the Seattle Times duly reported this morning, Westlake Center closed early on 'Black Friday,' the legendary day of remarkable profit for retailers that kicks off the holiday buying season, because protesters angry about the Ferguson shooting and lack of an indictment moved in to disrupt Seattle’s Christmas tree lighting ceremony and paraded through the mall."
"Demonstrators declaring anger and frustration over Ferguson may have just worn out their welcome with at least some Westlake visitors, who were there for the excitement rather than the exploitation. One can sense that in some of the comments from Seattle Times readers reacting to Saturday morning’s report." ... |
Kamala Harris’s Conveniently Selective Arguments in Peruta
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"California Attorney General Kamala Harris has moved for an en banc reconsideration/rehearing of the denial of her motion to intervene in the Peruta case (the petition may be found here). The guts of it run about seven pages. Of course she harps on the dissenting opinions in both the main case and in the denial of the motion to intervene, which is in many ways pretty insulting to the majority (and hence not very persuasive). The worst deficiency . . ." ... |
Does 2A Apply to the Corps Land? 11th Circuit to Decide
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"In the Ninth Circuit federal court of appeals, District Court Judge B. Lynn Winmill ruled that the second amendment does not stop at the boundary of land administered by the Army Corps of Engineers."
"There are millions of acres of wild land and waters involved, as the Corps of Engineers administers enormous projects across America on the waterways."
"In the 11th Circuit, Judge Harold Murphy in Georgia has ruled that the second amendment does not apply on land administered by the Corps, because the land is all considered 'sensitive', like a courtroom, or prison. The decision is being appealed." ... |
CA: Challenging California's Absurd Ban on Signs in Gun Store Windows
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Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
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"In a 1964 U.S. Supreme Court case involving a movie-theater owner convicted of an Ohio law banning the showing of obscene movies, Justice Potter Stewart famously said he could not 'intelligibly' define obscenity, 'but I know it when I see it.' People still use that line to showcase the imprecision and irrationality of many laws."
"... We often know when we see other absurdities, also, including an archaic statute now subject of a gun-related lawsuit filed this month in federal court. California Penal Code 26820 bans gun stores from displaying signs — visible from outside the premises — picturing handguns. They aren't allowed to display words-only signs that advertise the sales of handguns, either." ... |
CA: Battle For Gun Rights Continues In San Diego County, Sunnyvale (video available)
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Bruce W. Krafft
Website: http://www.keepandbeararms.com/
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"A couple of Second Amendment gun battles have been brewing for quite some time now in California."
"One of the most recent battles determined whether everyone would be allowed to carry a concealed weapon in California if they were legally able to own a firearm." ...
"In February of this year, however, the Second Amendment prevailed. ..." ...
"With that Second Amendment challenge over, a new anti-gun battle has begun."
"The city of Sunnyvale, California, about an hour south of San Francisco, passed an ordinance which bans possession of large-capacity ammunition magazines. ..." ... |
CA: Judge: No more delay to enforce gun ruling
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A federal judge has rejected a request by the California attorney general to further delay his order overturning the 10-day waiting period for gun owners who want to buy more firearms."
"U.S. District Judge Anthony Ishii of Fresno ruled last week that he already gave six months from his August decision before the state must implement his order. The judge found no evidence that the cooling-off period to buy more firearms prevents violence by people who already own guns."
"Attorney General Kamala Harris had asked for a delay until the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals can issue its decision." ... |
Marianas: US court sets filing, hearing on summary judgment in [Northern Mariana Islands] gun law challenge
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A U.S. Navy Gulf War veteran and his wife who are challenging the constitutionality of the CNMI Weapons Control Act in federal court have until Dec. 31, 2014 to submit their motion for summary judgment." ...
"... Their attorneys are Daniel Guidotti of Saipan and David Sigale, of the Law Firm of David G. Sigale, P.C., based in Glen Ellyn, Illinois."
"Sigale, according to court records, represents the Second Amendment Foundation, which is based in Bellevue, Washington, with purposes that include 'education, research, publishing and legal action focusing on the constitutional right privately to own and possess firearms.'" ... |
CA: Open Carry Gunfight At The California Corral: Start Of Year Four
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Three years ago today, Charles Nichols filed a lawsuit to overturn California's 1967 ban on openly carrying loaded firearms. Some time later, he amended that lawsuit to challenge California's other bans on openly carrying modern, unloaded firearms as well."
"California doesn't completely ban openly carry firearms, whether loaded or unloaded. There are exceptions, but there is no exception if the gun is carried for the purpose of self-defense." ... |
TX: Road Rage Texas Reserve Deputy Constable Shoots Woman in the Head (video available)
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"'A woman was traveling on the 610 South Loop near Stella Link during the evening rush hour commute on Nov. 11.,' click2houston.com reports. 'She said she was driving her car when she was cut off, then honked her horn and tried to get around the other driver. That action nearly cost the woman her life. 'I honestly got a taste of death. My heart was slowing down and I couldn’t really breathe,' she said. 'The other driver, now identified as Reserve Deputy Constable Kenneth Caplan, drove alongside her, rolled his window down, pointed his weapon and opened fire, investigators said . . .'" ... |
FL: Florida Law Prevented 2 Students From Stopping FSU Active Shooter
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"According to Students for Concealed Carry (SCC) at Florida State University, two students present at the shooting that occurred there could have stopped it, but were disarmed by current Florida law. One of the students — Nathank Scott, an SCC member – was wounded during the shooting. In spite of his wound, he was able to warn other students about the shooter. The other student was a U.S. infantry combat veteran who says he had a shot at the shooter . . ." ... |
OH: Cleveland chamber hosts successful gun show
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Greater Cleveland Chamber of Commerce-sponsored gun show, which was held the weekend of Nov. 29 through Nov. 30, went off with a bang."
"According to chamber CEO Tracey Walters, the event saw more than 1,000 people come through the doors on Saturday alone, all eager to browse the vast selection of rifles, pistols, ammunition and other gun show staples."
"The two-day extravaganza, which was held at the Cleveland Civic Center, drew crowds of buyers and vendors, all eager to bond over their support of Second Amendment rights." ... |
GA: Church offers good book to get guns off the streets
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The biblical Isaiah 2:4 speaks of how the people 'shall beat their swords into plowshares.' Next week, a Valdosta church offers to exchange Bibles for guns."
"Morning Star Baptist Church hosts the first Guns for Bibles Exchange Project Saturday, said Dr. William C. Morgan, Morning Star pastor." ... -------
Submitter's Note: For those unaware of the context, Isaiah was speaking about the End Times, when the Lord's House rules and:He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. |
CO: Ready, Aim, Fire, Then Relax in the Lounge
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"At a gun club in this Denver suburb, Marc Rabinoff sat in the V.I.P. lounge, amid a sea of leather couches, the fireplace at his back. The air smelled vaguely of perfume. At an adjacent range, his wife, Diana, fired bullets from her purple glitter pistol, her hands wrapped in gloves of leather and lace."
"The Rabinoffs paid a $9,250 initiation fee for their membership in the Centennial Gun Club, an impressive 35,000-square-foot complex that opened in 2013. With its spa-style locker rooms, sunny cigar patio and bouquet-lined lobby, Centennial is part a wave of luxury gun clubs popping up in and around urban centers, modeled after country clubs. ..." ... |
Will UK medical surveillance of gun owners arouse Britannic federalism?
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Mike Stollenwerk
Website: http://www.examiner.com/gun-rights-in-washington-dc/mike-stollenwerk
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"The United Kingdom’s gun laws could be the first major public policy test since the near-miss bid for Scottish Independence last fall. The policy question: Should the Law Lords in London dictate Britannic-wide medical surveillance on lawful gun owners?" . . .
"'That’s pretty much what I thought,' said John Pierce, a Virginia attorney and co-founder of OpenCarry.org ... 'Gun policy in the UK was hijacked by London after the 1996 Dunblane school murders,' says Pierce, and those Law Lords in London think that they can just keep going making gun policy for all four nations.'" ...
"... Perhaps too, someday, 'The Rights of Englishmen' will mean something again." |