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Newslinks for 12/10/2024

AL: Madison County judge rules in favor of man claiming self-defense in fatal shooting
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A Madison County judge ruled in favor of a man claiming self-defense in a shooting on University Drive. Omondo Varner claimed he was defending himself when he shot and killed Christopher Cattage last year. According to investigators, Cattage was shot to death inside his car at the intersection of Jordan Lane and University Drive.

PMC Ammo Review: Worth Using or Overrated?
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Want to learn more about PMC and the ammunition options that they offer?

In an industry full of giants, PMC has managed to carve out a niche for itself. Today, we’re going to explore that niche with a deep dive into PMC ammo.

WA Gun Ban Group Reveals 2025 Legislative Agenda
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The billionaire-backed Alliance for Gun Responsibility, a Seattle-based gun prohibition lobbying group, has announced its legislative agenda for Washington State in 2025, including a requirement for permits to purchase, a tax on firearm and ammunition sales, and a restriction on “bulk sales.”

Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms quickly reacted to the purchase permit and special tax items.

Nesbitt: Loading, Shooting the Short-Barreled Navy .36
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Here are some things I should have told you about my short-barreled .36 Navy revolver, made by Uberti, before telling you about how it was updated. Perhaps this story will help show why the gun and its front sight was improved.

GA Congressman Unveils Bill to Block Medicaid Funds for Gun Control
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Republican Georgia Congressman Andrew Clyde is leading legislation which would prevent federal Medicaid funds from being used to finance gun control projects disguised as “gun violence prevention” programs.

Supreme Court rejects appeal challenging Hawaii gun licensing requirements under Second Amendment
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Supreme Court rejected a challenge to Hawaii's gun-licensing law on Monday, though three justices expressed a willingness to hear arguments over the issue later. The majority did not explain their reasoning in a brief order declining to take the case. But Justice Clarence Thomas, joined by Justice Samuel Alito, wrote that he would vote to hear a case to “reaffirm that the Second Amendment warrants the same respect as any other constitutional right.”

Texas Proposes Anti Red Flag Act To Safeguard Second Amendment Rights
Submitted by: David Williamson

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In response to recent attacks from Democrat lawmakers and governors retaliating against the 2024 election results by threatening the Second Amendment rights of their constituents, new legislation has been filed in the great state of Texas that, if passed, will prohibit the recognition, service and enforcement of “red flag” orders. This epic pro-Second Amendment legislation takes things a necessary step further, providing real consequences for anyone in violation.

Second Half of Maryland’s Muzzleloader Deer Hunting Season Opens December 21
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The second part of Maryland’s split muzzleloader deer hunting season will open Dec. 21 and run through Jan. 4. The first half of the split season was held in October. Hunters may use muzzleloading firearms to harvest sika and white-tailed deer during this time.

FREE MAN: Jury Hands Hero Daniel Penny Not Guilty Verdict
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A Manhattan jury this morning found Marine veteran and subway hero Daniel Penny not guilty in the choking death of Jordan Neely. The jury acquitted Penny of criminally negligent homicide, which could have cost him four years in prison, in Neely’s chokehold death aboard a crowded uptown F train in May 2023. The judge in the case tossed the original charge of second-degree manslaughter last Friday after jurors could not reach a unanimous verdict on the charge.

Justice Thomas's Statement Reaffirms Sword-Shield Dichotomy
Submitted by: David Williamson

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"A defendant can always raise unconstitutionality as a defense 'where a statute is invalid upon its face and an attempt is made to enforce its penalties in violation of constitutional right.'"

IL: At least 14 shot, 4 fatally, in weekend gun violence across Chicago, police say
Submitted by: David Williamson

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At least 14 people have been shot, four fatally, in gun violence across Chicago so far this weekend, police said. Here's how the news is developing.

Was the Johnson Rifle Better than the Garand?
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Mark Dinsmore loves his Johnson – his M1941 Johnson rifle, that is. “Personally, I think the Johnson probably should have been adopted by the military, or at least served side by side with the M1 Garand," Dinsmore said. "Nothing against M1 Garands, but I like this one better.”

28 Nosler vs 300 PRC: Perfecting the Long Range Hunting Rifle
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The 28 Nosler and Hornady 300 PRC are two centerfire rifle cartridges that were developed for long range shooting and hunting. They represent the pinnacle of 21st Century ballistic technology and development that were designed to hit targets at ranges of over 1,000 yards while maintaining sub-MOA accuracy.

They should have stopped with "Congress shall make no Law..."

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