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Newslinks for 12/11/2024

Zimbabwe: Zimbabweans Infuriated After Chitungwiza Man Faces Murder Charge For Killing Intruder
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Zimbabweans have been left angry after Chitungwiza man faces a murder charge for killing an intruder who threatened his life with a knife.

A 22-year-old man from Chitungwiza, identified as Benson Macharangwanda, has been charged with murder following a confrontation with an alleged intruder. The incident reportedly occurred during the early hours of December 2 at around 4:30 AM.According to court proceedings held in Harare on Monday, Macharangwanda was remanded in custody pending a High Court indictment. The confrontation allegedly unfolded after an anti-theft alarm on Macharangwanda’s phone was triggered, waking him from sleep.

FL: Florida Driver Refuses Carjacker Then Shoots Him
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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“While the husband was waiting in the car for the wife to pick up their food order inside the restaurant, a masked man entered the car and attempted a carjacking,” police said.

This is obviously a rookie carjacker mistake, as you never mess with a guy waiting for his meal. This could also be why the man just wasn’t having it that day. No food, bad mood and he didn’t have a Snickers. And that’s when the conflict erupted.

“The victim pulled out his own gun and fired at the suspect. The suspect fled the scene, and the victim called 911 and waited for police to arrive,” according to authorities.

HI: Justices Take Aim at Hawaii Supreme Court’s Second Amendment Ruling
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When defendant Christopher Wilson appealed to the United States Supreme Court, the Goldwater Institute, along with our friends at The Buckeye Institute and the Kansas Justice Institute, filed an amicus brief asking the federal high court to step in and protect Wilson’s Second Amendment rights.

Although the court this week declined to get involved—yet—on procedural grounds, three justices (Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch) issued statements making clear that they are displeased with the Hawaii court’s “second-class” treatment of the Second Amendment, and keeping the door open for the case to potentially return if the Hawaii Supreme Court does not change course.

OH: ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law Does Not Apply to Teens Who Committed Crimes Before Law Took Effect
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Supreme Court of Ohio ruled today that the state’s “Stand Your Ground” law for claiming self-defense only applies to alleged crimes that happened after the law took effect in April 2021.

In a 5-2 decision, the Supreme Court affirmed an Eighth District Court of Appeals decision, which found Jaidee Miree and Desmond Duncan received the proper jury instructions on self-defense in their June 2021 murder trials. The Stand Your Ground law changed the circumstances in which a person using deadly force could claim self-defense, and the jury in the pair’s trials were instructed on the law prior to the 2021 change. Both were sentenced to 15 years to life for the murder of Ramses Hurley in 2019.

NY: Jury "couldn't get past reasonable doubt" for Dontie Mitchell's attempted murder charge
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I mean, the prosecution's case included all of this stuff that didn't matter, right? At the end of the day, what mattered was in that 1:22 clip, right? You know, whether or not Dontie felt like, you know, Sealy was going to kill him at that moment. And you know, again, I think the jury agreed with this."

Between the testimony, closing arguments and evidence, the surveillance video stuck out the most for the jury.

"The fact that the defendant clearly was confronted by a larger, younger man, in a pretty threatening way...he did take a step back which could indicate an attempt to disengage," the foreperson said. "We couldn't in good conscience say he, for sure, attempted to murder Nalik [Sealy]."

FL: Deputy Injured in Negligent Shooting at Deltona Walmart
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Volusia County Sheriff’s Office deputy suffered a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the leg earlier today in an incident at Walmart, located at 101 Howland Blvd., Deltona. The injury occurred around 1 p.m., and fellow deputies on the scene promptly provided first aid until emergency medical services arrived.

The deputy was transported to a local hospital for treatment, and her injuries are not life-threatening.

Rediscovering the Second Amendment: A Call to Arms for Common Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The debate over the Second Amendment often feels like a tug-of-war. On one side, some argue it’s about protecting individuals’ rights to defend themselves from crime. On the other, some claim it’s all about state militias, not personal freedom. But there’s a missing piece to this puzzle—a third way to understand the Second Amendment.

This perspective views it as a personal right, but one that also serves the collective good: the defense of the community.

NY: Daniel Penny Celebrates with Beer Following Acquittal in High-Profile Case
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On December 9, 2024, Daniel Penny was acquitted of criminally negligent homicide in the death of Jordan Neely. The jury’s decision followed a trial stemming from an incident in May 2023, where Penny restrained Neely on a New York City subway after he allegedly threatened passengers.


Following his acquittal, Penny celebrated with his defense team at Stone Street Tavern in Manhattan. This gathering included drinks as they marked the end of a challenging legal battle.

MT: Second Amendment groups say armed man across from grade school should be exonerated
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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While Metcalf’s attorneys have issued a notice of appeal, alerting the district court that they’re appealing his sentence, the Second Amendment Law Center, the California Rifle & Pistol Association, the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus, the Second Amendment Foundation, the Second Amendment Defense and Education Coalition as well as the Federal Firearms Licensees of Illinois, have joined together in a friend-of-the-court’s brief to support and the persuade the appeals court to overturn Metcalf’s conviction on the basis of his Second Amendment rights, reports the Daily Montanan.

HI: Supreme Court Denies Request to Hear Hawaii ‘Spirit of Aloha’ Carry Case
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A rebuke of the Aloha State’s top court will not be the Supreme Court of the United States’s (SCOTUS) next Second Amendment contribution.

The justices on Monday denied a request for certiorari in Wilson v. Hawaii. The case is an appeal of a Hawaii Supreme Court decision reinstating gun charges against a man for carrying a firearm without a permit at a time when the state rarely issued them to its citizens under a now-unconstitutional may-issue regime.

Justice Clarence Thomas, joined by Justice Samuel Alito, wrote separately to criticize the Hawaii court’s ruling but defend the justices’ cert denial on procedural grounds.

HI: A Court Called Out Clarence Thomas’ Gun Extremism. He Didn’t Take It Well.
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Last February, the Hawaii Supreme Court dared to call out the U.S. Supreme Court’s Second Amendment jurisprudence for what it is: unworkable law built on bogus history and pro-gun fanaticism. It now appears the critique has gotten under some justices’ skin. In an opinion on Monday, Justice Clarence Thomas, joined by Justice Samuel Alito, railed against the Hawaii Supreme Court’s top-to-bottom evisceration of his own gun-rights opinions. But Thomas and Alito protest too much: Their grousing is pure projection, accusing the Hawaii Supreme Court of committing the same sins at the heart of their own Second Amendment rulings.

HI: ‘Spirit of Aloha’: Thomas, Alito clash with Hawaii over 2nd Amendment ruling, insistence that Constitution is not a ‘suicide pact’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The U.S. Supreme Court denied review Monday in a case which challenged gun licensing laws in Hawaii — and the court’s conservative trio made no secret of its shared disdain for the Aloha State’s take on the Second Amendment.

The case stems from a December 2017 during which a man named Christopher Wilson went for a nighttime hike with friends in the West Maui Mountains. When the group strayed onto private property, the owner called the police. Upon their arrival, Wilson informed them he was carrying a gun. The firearm was unlicensed, and Wilson said he had purchased it in Florida four years earlier.

WI: Feds Crack Down On Machine Gun Conversion Devices In Wisconsin
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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One must wonder if the incoming Trump Administration’s well-laid plans to streamline the government and trim the bureaucratic fat might affect the propensity of federal agencies to waste taxpayer dollars chasing fabricated monsters. With less than two months remaining until inauguration day, we can only speculate, but for the time being the feds are back at it, this time targeting what they call “illegal machine gun conversion devices” in the state of Wisconsin.

Democrats And Corrupt Media Rush To Make Health Insurance CEO’s Murder All About Grabbing Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Democrats and legacy media are already using the death for political messaging, primarily concerning so-called “ghost guns.”

Count how many times this week you hear the words “ghost guns.” Second Amendment advocates bristle at the left’s nickname for kit guns and 3D printed guns. Sold as parts and fully built by the consumer, the parts do not have a serial number and are tough to track.

In a 2022 executive order, President Joe Biden required serial numbers on gun parts sold in kits. This has been challenged in the Supreme Court as an infringement of Second Amendment rights. In a September executive order, Biden called for a report assessing the risk of 3D printed firearms.

New Measure Would Ban Biden’s Medicaid Funding For Gun Control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A U.S. Congressman is working to try and head off a Biden Administration scheme to use Medicaid funds to finance so-called “gun violence prevention” programs.

In September, the Biden Administration announced new executive orders directing federal agencies to advance its anti-gun agenda. Among other measures, the order stated the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will allow states to use Medicaid to pay for counseling on “firearm safety.”

MT: SAF Wades Into Montana Gun-Free School Zone Case
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The SAF has filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals supporting the defendant in a Montana case challenging the federal Gun-Free School Zones Act. The case is the United States of America v. Gabriel Cowan Metcalf.

Metcalf, a resident of Billings, Montana, lives across the street from an elementary school. He was charged under the federal Gun-Free School Zones Act after local police received reports of him carrying a firearm while patrolling his yard and neighborhood. Metcalf stated he was protecting himself and his mother from a stalker against whom she had a protection order. Montana law does not prohibit carrying firearms near schools.

HI: Supreme Court Rejects Hawaii Gun Case: Future Fight Looms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a challenge to Hawaii’s gun-licensing laws, despite arguments that the state’s strict regulations infringed on Second Amendment rights. While the court’s majority provided no reasoning for their decision, Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito expressed a willingness to address the issue in a future case. Justice Neil Gorsuch echoed their sentiment, noting that the case of Christopher L. Wilson might be revisited later.

FL: Florida Lawmaker Files Bill For Open Carry And Red-Flag Law Repeal Amid Opposition
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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State Representative Joel Rudman, R-Navarre, has introduced a bill (HB 31) that would allow Floridians to openly carry firearms and repeal the state’s controversial red-flag law. The proposal faces resistance from Senate President Ben Albritton, R-Wauchula, and law enforcement officials.

Rudman announced the bill in a Facebook post, calling it a move to protect Second Amendment rights. “This bill repeals Florida’s unconstitutional red-flag laws and makes Florida an open carry state. ‘Shall not be infringed’ will mean something here in the Gunshine State!” he wrote.

FL: Florida high school suspends student over 3 spent shell casings
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Florida Carry Inc. has filed a lawsuit against the Hillsboro County School District over its decision to suspend a high school student identified in their lawsuit only as “J.S.,” who, officials claim, brought three spent shell casings into one of their schools.

According to the pro-gun group’s lawsuit, school officials learned of the incident via a message sent to them on the FortifyFL app, a “suspicious activity” reporting tool that allows parents or other students to relay information to “appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.”

SCOTUS Conservatives Say Aloha to Hawaiian Gun Control Appeal
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Aloha means hello and goodbye, and the Supreme Court said both, and see you later to a gun control case out of Hawaii on Monday. In Wilson v. Hawaii, the Court rejected an appeal challenging Hawaii’s gun carry law. What’s remarkable is what three conservative Justices wrote while doing so. Associate Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch engaged in rare speculation that the case would be back in the future with a different result.

MI: Lansing legislation on ‘ghost guns’ one step closer to law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Access to guns, especially those that can’t be traced, is fueling concerns about rising gun violence in Michigan.

“What makes these firearms so dangerous is not the gun aspect but the ghost,” said Senator Mallory McMorrow.

While ghost guns is not the official name the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives says a ghost fun is a privately made firearm assembled or completed by people other than licensed manufacturers.

MA: CEO killing highlights concerns over untraceable ‘ghost guns'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The man charged with the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson in New York City is alleged to have used a homemade "ghost gun" amid growing concern over the untraceable firearms.

"You can get the parts online, you can get a 3D printer and within a couple of hours with some limited expertise the same way you put together furniture 332 from a big box retailer you can put a gun together," said Tim Gallagher, chief of security for Nardello and Co.

CT: Renewed calls for ban on ghost guns following murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Lawmakers and law enforcement officials are renewing their calls for a ban on ghost guns after police in New York City said one was used in the fatal shooting of UnitedHealthcare’s CEO Brian Thompson.

“This is exactly why Connecticut was one of the first states in the country to pass a ban on ghost guns. This is what we are afraid of -- nnregistered, un-serialized guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them,” said Connecticut Attorney General William Tong.

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