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Newslinks for 12/14/2007

David Codrea: 'Privileges' Watch
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Public opinion polls show that, although more than 60 percent of Americans erroneously believe the Constitution gives them a right to be armed, only a minority of Americans believe that it should grant that right,' The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence Legal Action Project declares."

"They're right, you know, if not in their percentages, then certainly in their assertion. If you believe the Constitution gives you the right to be armed, you're simply and demonstrably wrong. If you think the Constitution should grant you that right, sorry, you're wrong again."

"... The Bill of Rights grants no rights. To believe that it does reverses the proper role between government and the people." ...

Are Curio & Relics holders the next target of the ATF?
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"Firearms manufacturers and dealers are currently being eliminated by the BATFE; with the dealers they began to weed out the individuals with licenses. Soon that wasn't enough, so they began to set their sights on Pawn Shops and other small gun shops."

"You have to realize that this is an agency that fears being shut down, so they have to justify their own existence. An Inspector cannot come into a gun shop, spend all day or several days searching through your books and then report back that they didn't find anything. So the inspectors will flatter you; as Inspector Caleb Rushing did to us in 2005 by telling us that we were one of the best small guns shops that they had inspected. ..." ...

Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Submitted by: David Lawson

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"Chuck Goudie and ABC7 Chicago's I-Team stalked an elderly black woman back to her home in Chicago and confronted her on television regarding her recent handgun purchase in an I-Team report aired on Wednesday, December 12th, 2007."

"Chuck proceeded to grill her about her purchase and in a holier-than-thou manner, inform her that the .32 calibre pistol was illegal to have in her house in Chicago." ...

A Huge Success!
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "So who better for Jackson to recruit to ensure maximum turnout? Pfleger eagerly complied — using his St. Sabina Web site to coordinate information, putting up 40 billboards around town, and rallying and bussing protestors to his gun store target du jour, although how he reconciles advocating legislation with his church's tax exempt status remains a mystery."

"So how did it go? And remember — news of the rallies had garnered plenty of free advance notice publicity from media outlets across the land."

"ABC News put the throng at 'about 150 marchers.'" ...

War on Guns: Today's Red's Update
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"Questions for BATFU: You really expect us not to think this is a vendetta you're conducting against Ryan Horsley and his family business because he dared to stand up to you instead of baring his throat and letting you kill him? Who the hell is up at 4:30 AM doing Internet searches for "reds trading post news" except someone obsessed with trying to use against him?"

"This is the kind of stuff you expect to see in a criminal investigation. I'd like to see someone explain this web search and their motives--under oath."

"In other Red's news, Ryan has a warning for Curios and Relics holders: Don't think the eye of Sauron hasn't noticed you..." ...

GUNS Magazine: December 1957
Submitted by: David Codrea

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Complete copy of magazine in .pdf file from 50 years ago (Adobe Reader required).


Guns aren't clear issue, but pain they cause is
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "These guns, the military-style weapons, have no place in civilian society. And yes, I've been told such weapons are actually closer to what our forefathers envisioned in the Constitution. I also support restrictions on handgun purchases."

"But I can't say I'd ban traditional revolvers and hunting rifles of the non-semiautomatic variety. Some strain of a Western, more rural upbringing comes to the fore. It does not run as strong in me as it does my uncle who believes we have a duty to bear arms. It's not as steady as my brother's with his military background and his guns in a safe ..."

"Still, I grew up in a gun home ... The right to keep weapons for personal use and protection was never in question. ..." ...

Say What?: Those Tough Gun Laws
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"Idaho's two United States Senators, Larry Craig and Michael Crapo — both Republicans — are blocking President Bush’s nomination of Michael Sullivan to head up the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms."

"The reason? Mr. Crapo's spokesman said his boss is hearing from gun owners and dealers with 'concerns about ATF policies regarding gun sales and even ownership.' It may be, he said, 'that the federal government is getting a little too aggressive with people who haven’t done anything wrong.'"

"It's a remarkable claim to make in a month in which a young gunman in Nebraska shot 11 people, killing eight of them, at an Omaha shopping mall, and another killed four young people in two attacks on religious organizations in Colorado, before taking his own life." ...

KABA Note: Neither of which have anything to do with the BATFE's out of control actions under Acting Director Sullivan's 'leadership'.

Fix the flaw in gun database
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Gun dealers are supposed to be able to check a federal database to quickly screen out customers like Seung-Hui Cho. But the system failed tragically in his case -- and it could fail in the same way today, tomorrow or months from now, unless officials nationwide move more quickly to fix a major flaw in the database." ...

PA: CeaseFire PA Continues to Grow, Hiring New Executive Director to Help Direct Statewide Campaign for Stronger Handgun Laws
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"CeaseFire PA, a non-profit organization dedicated to preventing gun violence, announced the hiring of a new executive director with extensive campaign experience to direct a growing statewide coalition that supports stronger handgun laws for Pennsylvania."

"According to Phil Goldsmith, President of CeaseFire PA, the organization is hiring Joe Grace, an attorney, former journalist and communications professional, to serve as the organization’s fulltime executive director. He will assume his position on January 14, 2008." ...

CO: How many more will die before we learn?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Colorado is certainly gaining a worldwide reputation these days. But it's not for our magnificent mountains or fantastic skiing. It's for our horrific murders, first in schools and now in churches. What a reputation!"

"Columbine shook us to the core. Wherever I travel, when I say I'm from Colorado, that's the first thing people ask about. Then we had Platte Canyon. And now the Faith Bible Chapel in Arvada and the New Life Church in Colorado Springs. Children mowed down by severely depressed classmates and demented adults. Where will this stop?"

"Of course, we're not the only ones. We've seen mass murders across the country. We've seen so many mass murders that we're almost numb. ..." ...

PA: Guns Represent 'Most Significant Public-Safety Issue'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Though her life hasn't been affected directly in any way by violent crime, one well-known Philadelphia philanthropist has decided that illegal guns present the most significant public safety issue to the city and the state, and she's hoping to change the legislative status quo by mobilizing voters to pressure elected officials."

"'This is an enraged constituency,' declared Lynn Honickman of the citizens of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. 'Why aren't our representatives voting for the will of the people? Are they all under the thumbs of the NRA [National Rifle Association]?'" ...

Submitter's Note: Can it be that none of these laws you are pushing have been shown to have any effect on gun crime?

Legally Speaking: Gunning For a Change-The Court Takes Aim At The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"They are simple words - 'the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed' - that liberal commentators have called 'maddeningly ambiguous,' even while justifying constitutional rights (like privacy) that go unnamed in the Constitution."

"Yet for all of the controversy surrounding gun control laws, the Second Amendment has not been considered by the U.S. Supreme Court in nearly 70 years. All of that is about to change, as the highest court in the land announced recently that this spring it will review the case of Parker v. District of Columbia ... A decision will likely be issued by early summer, set against the backdrop of a heated 2008 presidential campaign." ...

The common denominator of mass shootings - Gun Free Zones (cartoon)
Submitted by: Dustin

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Excellent political cartoon depicting the common denominator in mass shootings - gun free zones.

NY: Who should have guns: Part II
Submitted by: Gun Legislation & Politics in New York

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"Speaking of guns, a classic -- and tragic -- case is unfolding today in a Suffolk County, Long Island, courtroom, as a black man who felt it was necessary to use his gun to protect his son from harm now stands charged with manslaughter."

"His trial is in its third week. The jury's verdict will say something about where public opinion stands on the proper use and non-use of firearms." ...

NY: The Texas double shooting story from a New York perspective
Submitted by: Anonymous

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This is one of the most incomprehensible accounts of a fascinating story ever: So, says the Times, a guy in Texas shoots two guys robbing his neighbor. However! "A police report suggests [the robbers] may have been shot in the back."
It... suggests that?
And: "a plainclothes officer had pulled up just in time to see [the white neighbor] pointing his shotgun at both men across his front yard, that [one of the robbers] had at one point started to run in a way that took him closer to [the shooter], and that both men 'received gunfire from the rear.'" Leaving aside the entirely unfortunate quote about receiving things from the rear, whaa? Someone printed the phrase "started to run in a way that took him closer"?

TX: Shootings Test Limits of New Self-Defense Law
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Joe Horn’s home was his castle, but what about his neighbor’s home?"

"When Mr. Horn, a 61-year-old retiree living with his daughter and her family in a growing subdivision in this Houston suburb, saw two burglars breaking into the house next door on Nov. 14, he called 911 and grabbed his shotgun."

"Moments later, after what the police say was a confrontation on Mr. Horn's front lawn, the two men — both illegal immigrants — lay dead on winding Timberline Drive, leaving behind a pillowcase stuffed with jewelry and about $2,000 in cash." ...

Push for gun control stems from boomers' urge to avoid personal responsibility
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun.' — the Dalai Lama, May 15, 2001."

"Thank God Jean Assam, directly or indirectly, took this advice when she stopped the malevolent attack at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs. The former police officer and volunteer security guard who made the suggestion to beef up security at the church without question saved the lives of perhaps dozens of people."

"What a terrific conundrum for the anti-gun left. Normally, a gun-waving psychopath is a poster child for their counterintuitive argument that firearms cause crime. ..." ...

An armed hero
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I have been waiting for this to happen. For years we have witnessed the carnage when innocents were mowed down at schools, colleges, shopping malls and post offices. The unarmed (disarmed?) were easy targets for crazed gunmen armed with grievances, weapons and ammunition."

"Now someone has shot back, probably saving many lives. All of the gun-control laws that have been passed and are still being contemplated could not have had the effect of one armed, trained and law-abiding citizen on the scene like 42-year-old Jeanne Assam, a volunteer security guard at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs. ..." ...

MI: Colorado hero shows gun law must change
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At issue: A woman using a handgun to stop a killer in a 'soft target,' a church."

"Our view: The case shows why Michigan school staff need an option for training and concealed carry, not 'gun-free zones.'"

"Another month has brought more shooting sprees in what commonly are 'gun-free zones.' Four died in two separate shootings Sunday in Colorado. Eight were murdered last Wednesday in an Omaha, Neb., shopping mall. Seven students were slain recently in Finland. That followed a Cleveland school shooting in October."

"Only in the latest attack did an adult have a right to a gun to defend herself and others. And that attack Sunday at a crowded Colorado church ended abruptly when citizen volunteer Jeanne Assam used her handgun ..." ...

FL: Teacher Arrested For Bringing Gun To School
Submitted by: Clell Adams

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"A Seminole County elementary school teacher was arrested today after allegedly bringing a loaded firearm onto school property." ...

"Lorry Coats ... noticed a cell phone lying on the ground about thirty feet away from the school's administrative building. ... she found a handgun in a case lying next to the phone."

"Coats took the gun and the phone to Barbara Nixon, Heathrow Elementary's principal, who cross-referenced the phone's number and realized it belonged to Michele McGhee, 56, a third-grade teacher at the school ..."

"Nixon summoned McGhee to the principal's office, where McGhee admitted that she had a concealed weapons permit for the gun, but knew Florida law prohibits carrying a handgun onto school property ..." ...

Starting From Scratch
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Attention must be paid to Dr. Ron Paul, the 110-proof libertarian in the Republican race. He's had a surprisingly strong online fund-raising push and now has at least $10 million in the bank. ..." ...

"Do you support any limit on private ownership of guns or weapons?"

"Sure. The Second Amendment means the federal government can't interfere with your right to have a weapon to defend yourself. The type of weapons weren't defined, of course, in the Constitution, but if you live next door to me and I thought you were working on a 500-ton bomb, I would say there's a clear and present danger. So there's a limit. I might ask the officials to get a proper search warrant to find out if you are ..." ...

Those who shoot know it's easy to miss
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"People for whom indignation is a way of life — and there seem to be an increasing number of such people — repeatedly have outbursts of outrage whenever the police fire a lot of shots at some criminal."

"People who have never fired a gun in their lives, and have never had a split-second in which to make a decision that could mean life or death for themselves or others, are often nevertheless convinced that the police used excessive force."

"As someone who once taught pistol shooting in the Marine Corps, it has never seemed strange to me that the police sometimes fire dozens of shots at a criminal."

Len Savage interview on 'Talkin' To America' re: ATF abuses
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"Some Red Pills readers no doubt consider previous posts regarding Michael J. Sullivan and the ATF a bit off in the deep end. Yet, I have tried to document all the assertions made and now I find out about a Mr. Len Savage who has had numerous dealings with the ATF."

"Ryan Horsley, the Manager of Red’s Trading Post has penned another great post on his blog in which he discusses Len Savage of Historic Arms, LLC and his experiences with the ATF. Read about some of Len’s experiences with the ATF in his article entitled, 'Am I an enemy of the US Government?'"

"In doing research for this post, all the Internet buzz and articles I have read concerning Len find him to be an honest and forthright individual. ..." ...

Is Sullivan history?
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"The AP is reporting that Idaho Senators Mike Crapo and Larry Craig have blocked the nomination of Mike Sullivan as the head of the BATFE. Why, you ask?"

"Apparently, the agency is too "aggressive" in enforcing gun laws. Ya think? Putting legitimate business owners out of business... persecuting those who stand up to them... targeting innocent people and law-abiding gun owners... If you don't believe it, do a little research into the ATF yourselves, and discover how abusive this agency has become." ...

As for Sullivan... anyone whose anus is being so sycophantically licked by Brady and crew cannot possibly have freedom at the forefront of his mind.

Michael J. Sullivan’s confirmation as ATF Director on temporary hold!
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"Some most excellent news is coming out of Idaho! Idaho’s two senators are actually taking their jobs seriously and listening to the people and the documentation of the egregious, out of control mess, which is the ATF. ATF acting Director, Michael J. Sullivan, thinking he is above every one and as I opined before, the big bully on the block, has had his feathers clipped a bit. That is Idaho Sens. Mike Crapo and Larry Craig have put a TEMPORARY HOLD on Sullivan’s confirmation as Director of the ATF." ...

"Apparently the Senators were persuaded to take the holding action due to hearing from the Idaho gun shops which have been put out of business by Sullivan, Sullivan picking on Ryan Horsley of Red’s Trading Post, who does not take Sullivan’s crap lying down, the Gun Owners of America (GOA), the Citizen’s Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA), the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO), and those of you who have contacted their Senators. ..." ...

Kerry urges GOP senators to back Sullivan's nomination to ATF
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"Sen. John Kerry is urging Idaho's Republican senators to drop their hold on U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan's nomination to become director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives."

"Kerry, D-Mass., on Thursday called Sullivan, President Bush's choice to head the ATF, a 'qualified professional' who deserves swift Senate confirmation."

"'Michael Sullivan has spent a lifetime protecting communities from crime,' Kerry said in a statement. 'I am disappointed that his nomination is now in jeopardy simply because he has responsibly enforced our country's laws. I hope this experienced and capable nominee is confirmed without further delay.'" ...

Farms, guns and games with the Idaho senators
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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... "Craig and Crapo have each placed holds on President Bush's nomination of Michael Sullivan to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms."

"For those of us who don't closely follow the bureau, this is kind of unexpected given Bush's strong support for gun owner rights and his close political ties to the National Rifle Association." ...

"Oddly,I couldn't find any mention of the Sullivan nomination controversy on the NRA web compound, which is bristling with over-the-top audio and video features but, as I've noticed through the years, has a Pravda-like approach to actual news." ...

Idaho Senators Block Bush's ATF Pick
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"Idaho's senators are blocking President Bush's nominee to head the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, saying the agency has become overly aggressive in enforcing gun laws."

"Republican Sens. Larry Craig and Mike Crapo placed separate holds on the nomination of federal prosecutor Michael Sullivan, the acting ATF director for more than a year."

"Crapo's spokesman, Lindsay Nothern, said the senator's office has heard from a number of gun dealers, gun owners and others in Idaho who 'have concerns about ATF policies regarding gun sales and even (gun) ownership. Maybe the federal government is getting a little too aggressive with people who haven't done anything wrong.'" ...

JPFO: An Open Letter to the People of America
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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... "For the past year, for example, a man named Michael Sullivan has been Acting Director of the BATFE, and has made no effort to curb its abuses. Indeed, he has promised to 'work with' notorious anti-Second Amendment politicians like Senator Edward M. Kennedy on 'gun control' issues."

"Judges are complaining of sloppy briefs and missed deadlines in Sullivan's office, but the situation is vastly darker than that. U.S. District Court Judge Mark Wolf ... castigated Sullivan recently for tying up the courts with penny-ante street-crime cases."

"Unimaginably worse, U.S. District Court Judge William Young has hammered Sullivan's office for evincing 'a moral code more suited to the alleys of Baghdad than the streets of Boston' ..." ...

Breaking News--ATF Nomination Placed on Hold
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"Word was received late Wednesday afternoon that the confirmation of Michael Sullivan as the Director of the BATFE (or the ATF) has been placed on hold by Idaho's two Republican Senators."

"According to Senate rules, any one Senator can block legislation or confirmation indefinitely, sometimes even for years."

"Sullivan has been a controversial choice due to his actions as acting director of the ATF for the past year. Under Sullivan, the ATF has continued its harassment of our citizens, put a damper on law-abiding business owners, and engaged in gestapo tactics against those who believe in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution." ...

Idaho senators block Bush's choice to head ATF; Crapo, Craig concerned government overstepping its bounds on gun control
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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... "News of the hold brightened the day for Ryan Horsley, manager of Red's Trading Post in Twin Falls. Since March, when the ATF stripped Red's of its license after auditors found numerous record-keeping violations over a five-year period, Horsley has waged a relentless battle to show the ATF is aggressively targeting gun dealers."

"'We have the ability to contact our senators and oppose them (the ATF),' said Horsley, who has been asking people to call their senators to action against the ATF. 'We have the opportunity to oppose them and I think this is an opportunity we haven't had in the past. It's kind of a call to action. It's time to stand up. These are your rights.'" ...

John Kerry tells Idaho Senators to remove their hold on Sullivan's confirmation
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"John Kerry, who has an F rating from the NRA and an F rating from GOA, is urging Idaho Senators to drop their hold on his friend Michael Sullivan's confirmation as director of the ATF."

"You will remember how Sullivan's other friend Ted Kennedy, who also has F rating from NRA and GOA, praised Sullivan as well."

"Senator Kerry, probably agrees with the Brady Campaign that we should give Sullivan a chance." ...

"Mr. Kerry is fully aware that the ATF is eliminating firearm dealers and manufacturers, I urge everyone to join Gun Owners of America and CCRKBA in contacting your Senators to oppose Sullivan's confirmation."

NJ: Cops Probe Officer's Injury at Range
Submitted by: John Donovan

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"The Elmwood Park police department is conducting an internal investigation into safety procedures at the borough firing range after an officer accidentally shot himself in the hand in late October."

"Patrolman Ronald Serio, a police officer since September 1996, shot himself on Oct. 29 with a .357-caliber Glock at the River Road pistol range, Police Chief Donald Ingrasselino said Tuesday." ...

ID: Wasden opposes D.C. in Supreme Court case
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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This is in response to a recent letter to the editor regarding the case of District of Columbia vs. Heller. This case, addressing the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, will be argued before the U.S. Supreme Court in 2008.

In July of 2006, Attorney General Wasden committed to join Texas and other states in opposing the District of Columbia in this case. The state of Texas will be writing the amicus brief, which will be filed with the U.S. Supreme Court in February 2008. Attorney General Wasden looks forward to joining in this multi-state effort to defend the Second Amendment rights of Idahoans and all Americans.



(Editor's note: Bob Cooper is director of constituent information and communications at the Idaho Attorney General's office.)

OH: Anti-gun bias on display at News Channel 5, Cleveland's ABC affiliate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When you watch the news, you are supposed to be watching a factual and unbiased reporting of the news. However, that is often not the case and it is especially true when it comes to guns." ...

"But it is another level of bias entirely when a man with a bomb is referred to as a 'gunman'. And that is just what a Cleveland ABC affiliate did about the deranged man who recently took hostages at a New Hampshire Hillary Clinton campaign headquarters..." ...

No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. — Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

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