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Newslinks for 12/17/2002

How to Ruin American Enterprise
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"We're well on our way to squelching what gives this country an edge. What would it take to kill innovation altogether?"

"As a casual observer of what makes this country work and what stops it cold, I hereby offer a few suggestions on how we can ruin American competitiveness and innovation in the course of this century. I think the reader will agree with me that we are already far down the road on many of them:" ...

From the ever-astute mind of Ben Stein. Yes, that Ben Stein.

Australia: Wife guilty of husband's murder
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A WOMAN has been found guilty for a second time of killing her sleeping husband by shooting him in the head at point-blank range and then checking the internet for tips on body disposal."

"Robyn Dale Buller, 44, was retried in the West Australian Supreme Court after successfully appealing a 2001 murder conviction on the grounds that her first trial should have been adjourned to allow the defence to explore some surprise evidence." ...

CA: City Council plans to rebuff Bush measure
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Oakland's elected officials are drawing a line in the sand against the Bush administration's USA Patriot Act, a series of broad, far-reaching powers some fear could be used to violate residents' fundamental rights under the U.S. Constitution."

"On Tuesday, the City Council will consider a resolution opposing the Patriot Act and other executive orders that expand the government's ability to obtain personal information and infiltrate religious and political organizations, under the auspices of the war against terrorism."

UK: Taxpayer will foot bill for groups to oppose hunts
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Animal welfare groups would be paid by the Government to contest the right of anyone who wishes to hunt with dogs under a clause of the Hunting Bill which has its Second Reading in the Commons today."

Australia: Shot guard lucky to be alive
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A security guard, shot through his car window as he tried to flee two masked bandits in a dramatic armed hold-up at a Gold Coast RSL club yesterday, told last night of his terrifying stand-off with the robbers."

" 'I had a fair idea there was going to be a robbery and our training is to try to get away from the scene if we possibly can. I had the motor running but they had me boxed in.' "

"The bandits escaped in a stolen car with the club's takings and Mr. Donohue's service pistol."

CA: Anti-gun measure missing its target
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"...there is growing concern that California's hard-nosed, anti-gun law known as "10-20-Life" is a mystery to the very people it was designed to target five years ago: young would-be offenders and gang members." ...

"Bordonaro and others have tried several times without success to get the Legislature to part with a few million dollars for a statewide ad and education campaign similar to one in Florida."

OH: Ohio law lets ex-convicts erase the past
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The process, commonly known as expungement, allows an offender to get a case file sealed so long as he or she committed only one crime or one series of related crimes. The crime or crimes also had to be relatively minor."

"If a judge agrees to seal the file, the conviction is treated as if it never occurred. The courts keep the case files, but they seal them from public view. The public can't even be told the files exist."

Canada: 16 held in street-gang showdown
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Sixteen people were arrested early yesterday after an apparent turf war broke out between the notorious Bo Gars and another street gang at an after-hours bar in Laval."

OK: School board to review policies, construction
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Currently, policy classifies a facsimile of a weapon -- such as a cap, toy or water gun -- as being a dangerous weapon. Also, all knives are classified as dangerous weapons."

"Under the new language, if no harm or threat occurred from having the toy weapon, then it will not be recognized as a dangerous weapon."

"Any knife that is not classified as a dangerous weapon will not be considered so if no harm or threat occurred."

Australia: Arrest made in gun blitz
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A 54-year-old Warialda man arrested during a joint NSW/QLD blitz on illegal guns faced Moree Local Court on serious firearm charges yesterday."

"Bruce Neville Oliver was charged with selling an unregistered firearm, selling an unauthorised firearm, possessing an unregistered firearm and not keeping a firearm safely."

MA: Gun club under fire, again
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The Westwood Gun Club is on the defense again, this time for a wetlands violation. The club recently fended off criticism that its new range was too close to nearby homes and its 'WGC' sign was obstructing traffic."

"...The club is charged with having filled in part of a wetlands area with dirt near the Walpole border, a violation to which the club admits."

"'We didn't realize (it was a violation) when we filled it in,' club President Joe McGinnis said." ...

Australia: Sydney shootings raise questions over handgun agreement
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Two young men are dead and four others injured after a series of shooting incidents in Sydney at the weekend. In one case, at a Sydney nightclub, it's believed that a man who went to break up a fight was shot in the head with a handgun."

"The three separate shooting incidents have raised questions about whether the latest Commonwealth-State agreement will go far enough to address the gun problem in New South Wales."

The Australians will never learn, will they?

CA: Reopened shooting range aims for safety
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"After a yearlong closure, a popular indoor shooting range in Oxnard has reopened with a new owner who completed a major cleanup of lead pollution in the building."

"The Shooters Paradise range at 1910 Sunkist Circle in Oxnard reopened in October under new owner John Barrison of Carpinteria. Barrison said he will focus on safety issues and has installed new equipment to ensure the building remains lead-free."

Will database seriously erode privacy rights?
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Americans' medical and educational records, credit histories, car rentals and airline reservations, magazine subscriptions, banking transactions, e-mail and instant messaging traffic and criminal convictions would be swept through the DARPA database. So would their gun purchases, credit card records, prescriptions, driver's licenses and more." ...

"Defense Department officials insist the critics' rhetoric and concerns are overblown." ...

Smith & Wesson capitalizes on 150-year-old name
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Golf clubs. Bicycles. Home security products. This is not your grandfather's Smith & Wesson."

"Just one-and-a-half years after the unprofitable firearms maker was purchased from its British owners, the Scottsdale company is aggressively growing its sales and is hot on the trail of licensing deals. Five major deals were inked in the past few months alone."

MO: Guns for Christmas bring out some buyers hunting for gifts
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"This weekend's gun show, with about 70 vendors from throughout the state as well as outside Missouri, is one of four put on annually by three local men. This time of year, people often come for the same reason most people are out shopping: a search for the perfect present."

Keeping Track of John Poindexter
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The head of the government's Total Information Awareness project, which aims to root out potential terrorists by aggregating credit-card, travel, medical, school and other records of everyone in the US, has himself become a target of personal data profiling."

"Online pranksters ...are publishing John Poindexter's home phone number, photos of his house and other personal information to protest the TIA program."

This is what's commonly known as "a taste of one's own medicine."

IA: Court cuts rapist's sentence in half
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Authorities said Gully broke into the woman's home armed with a handgun and repeatedly assaulted her while he held the gun to her temple." ...

"He ...received a 50–year sentence for the sexual abuse count because of a prior conviction for what authorities deemed a sexually predatory offense."

"But a 1999 decision by the Iowa Supreme Court held that only convictions occurring after the law took effect in 1996 could be counted toward the enhanced penalty. " ...

Violent Crime on the Rise, FBI Says
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"The number of crimes in the United States rose in the first six months of the year, adding to the increases that began in 2001 after a decade-long decline, the FBI said on Monday."

"Murders went up by 2.3 percent from the first half of last year, the FBI said in its report on crime statistics. The report did not say why crime was up, but experts have cited a number of factors, including the sagging U.S. economy."

Geoff Metcalf Book Just Released
Submitted by: Geoff Metcalf

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Geoff Metcalf's new book has just been released.

In The Arena is a collection of interviews including David Hackworth, David Schippers, Ted Nugent, Ward Connerly and other "doers of deeds."

It also includes two interviews about the Bellesilles controversy.

Bush Names Ex-NJ Gov. Kean to Head 9/11 Commission
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"President Bush on Monday named former New Jersey Gov. Thomas Kean, a Republican, to head an independent commission investigating the U.S. government's failure to prevent the Sept. 11 attacks." ...

"The announcement came three days after the previously named commission co-chairman, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a Republican, resigned abruptly on Friday. Former Sen. George Mitchell, a Maine Democrat, previously resigned as the other co-chairman of the commission." ...

CA: Ninth Circuit Rejects Gunman’s Civil Rights Suit Against City
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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More antics from the "9th Circus."

"An armed robber who opened fire on police officers when they blocked his getaway cannot sue the city for violating his civil rights, but his dead cohort’s survivors can, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Friday." ...

"Plainclothes Los Angeles police officers ...shot Cunningham ...and Daniel Soly... Soly was killed in the gun battle. Cunningham was paralyzed from the waist down."

UK: Attempted robbery at petrol station
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"AN attempted robbery took place in Bedmond in the early hours of Monday, December 16."

"At approximately 2am, three men entered the Q8 petrol station in the High Street, Bedmond. One man brandished a handgun whilst another pulled out a machete."

"The men threatened the male cashier who managed to lock himself and the cash in another part of the shop."

Fed Health Chief: I'll skip smallpox vaccine
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson said yesterday he does not plan to be inoculated with the smallpox vaccine and recommends that other Cabinet members not request the inoculation either."

"'I do not believe it is necessary or should be taking place,' he said."

IL: Rockford Police Officer Resigns After Firing Gun At Garage Door
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Police say Thammarath and a female Rockford police officer had a disagreement while attending a Christmas party hosted by another Rockford officer. Thammarath and the female officer parted ways, then Thammarath opened fire... Bay Thammarath will be charged with two counts of criminal damage to property and one count of reckless conduct, and could face one to three years in jail or probation."

Toy Makers Catch War Fever
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"As anyone who has visited a large toy retailer this season knows, JC Penney is hardly alone in its push to sell war-related toys. Toys 'R' Us and other big toy stores have entire large sections devoted expressly to military toys--figurines, weaponry, and other accoutrements. Meanwhile ...The Army is distributing a video game, aimed at people age 13 to 17, that is full of guns and shooting and the chance to engage in exciting rescue operations."

Obviously playing soldier - a traditional and honored staple of childhood - is no longer fit for children, according to these bedwetters.

With Video Games, Researchers Link Guns to Stereotypes
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Asked to make split-second decisions about whether black or white male figures in a video game were holding guns, people were more likely to conclude mistakenly that the black men were armed and to shoot them, a series of new studies reports."

"The subjects in the studies, who were instructed to shoot only when the human targets in the game were armed, made more errors when confronted by images of black men carrying objects like cell phones or cameras than when faced with similarly unarmed white men. The participants, who in all but one study were primarily white, were also quicker to fire on black men with guns than on white men with guns." ...

WI: Crime in Milwaukee up 5% in first six months
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Overall crime rose 5% in Milwaukee over the first six months of this year, though the murder rate fell 18%, according to FBI statistics released Monday." ...

"The commission, on a 5-0 vote this month, directed Jones to present a plan within 30 days to deal with gun crimes. Jones, who lashed out at commission members, including labeling two African-Americans "Uncle Toms," has said his department is doing a good job, often citing Milwaukee's reduced murder rate." ...

NY: Cop Suspended Again
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A police officer who killed a fleeing suspect by throwing a police radio at him in 1998 was suspended for the second time this year after being arrested for allegedly breaking into a woman’s upstate home and assaulting her."

NJ: NJ Passes Gun Law Requiring Unique Mechanism
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The state legislature passed a bill on Monday that would make New Jersey the first state in the United States to ban the sale of handguns not equipped with a mechanism to limit their use to the owners."

"The measure, which would apply once the technology is available, would require each new handgun sold have a mechanism that would prevent anyone other than the owner from firing it."

National Campaign to Close the Newspaper Gun Loophole Launches New Website
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"'Most Americans don't know that criminals, the mentally ill, and even terrorists can easily buy guns through newspaper classifieds,' according to John Johnson, chair of the national campaign. 'Our website explains this threat to public safety and what can be done about it. Newspapers can play a role in reducing gun violence by simply not permitting the sale of guns between unchecked parties through classified ads.'"

Ah, the age-old, hackneyed technique of "incite panic without facts." How about telling us how many crimes are committed with guns bought from newspaper ads annually?

Air marshals to fly in foreign skies
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Armed air marshals will soon patrol Qantas flights to and from Singapore under the first agreement with a foreign government to expand the program to international flights."

"Justice Minister Chris Ellison has been negotiating with Singapore, Indonesia and the United States to allow undercover air marshals to fly in foreign skies."

CA: Backers of Gun Controls Preparing To Fire Another Round of Legislation
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Gun zealots, led by the National Rifle Assn., fought Davis and Democrats virtually every step, stubbornly refusing to compromise and giving up more than they surely would have by negotiating. Digging in against gun controls is a losing strategy in California."

"There are, by some estimates, 15 million firearms in the state; 27% of households have at least one gun, according to The Times Poll. And people want these weapons controlled."

According to this feeble excuse for a columnist, anyone who opposes draconian, freedom-limiting measures is a "zealot." What would you call a frothing, vitriolic pseudo-intellectual with little capacity for logic?

MD: Partisan Discretion in Maryland (Letter)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"I find the description of Maryland's House Speaker-elect Mike Busch as a 'centrist lawmaker' perplexing [Metro, Dec. 3] because the same article reported that he favors such traditionally liberal positions as expanded abortion rights, additional gun control laws and raising taxes. Can somebody explain The Post's definition of 'centrist?'"

MN: Inquiry follows officer's fight
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An off-duty Minneapolis police officer is facing an internal affairs investigation for possible misconduct relating to a fight with a man after leaving a police Christmas party earlier this week."

"The Hennepin County Sheriff's Department and the Minnesota State Patrol are investigating whether officer Matthew Olson had been driving drunk before the incident and whether he drew his gun on 27-year-old Willie Lee Cash on a downtown Minneapolis street."

CA: Feds to Join War Against Out-Of-Control L.A. Gangs
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Federal authorities, answering a call from Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton to help fight violent street gangs, pledged on Monday to commit more officers, agents and resources to that battle."

Enough is enough!!
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"The greatest tragedy, however, is that these traitors to America - including those in the past - haven't done it alone. They had the help of one of the most uninformed societies the world has seen - the American People. It has been said that ignorance is bliss and maybe it is if one doesn't mind wallowing in servitude to a few elitists with one goal in mind - complete and utter control over all of Mankind."

Quemadmoeum gladis nemeinum occidit, occidentis telum est ("A sword is never a killer, it's a tool in the killer's hands") — Lucius Annaeus Seneca "the younger" ca. (4 BC - 65 AD)

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