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Newslinks for 12/17/2010

Atlanta lifts airport unsecured area gun ban
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "... While this report focuses on unsecured public areas in airport terminals, such bans also mean 'law-abiding' travelers to and from the airport could be left defenseless in sparsely-populated parking areas, as well as for the duration of their trips to and from the airport to pick up or drop off passengers." ...

Do strict gun laws endanger police?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday’s revelation by the Greeley, CO Gazette that Chicago holds the distinction of being the city with the highest number of police officer fatalities by gunfire serves as a rebuke to arguments by the gun prohibition lobby that expanding gun ownership will endanger the lives of our lawmen; no surprise at all to Washington state gun rights advocates who beat Chicago in court." ...

Safer Streets 2011: Time for gun owners and non-gun owners to unite
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I can imagine a political cartoon where a gun owner, denoted by a sidearm on his hip, is turning his back on a non-gun owner who is denoted by some sort of political demonstration sign on anything but second amendment politics. The non-gun owner's caption balloon shows his thought of thinking that gun owners are single-minded nuts at the same time the gun owner's caption shows his thoughts that the other one is a nut. Both are for freedom, but they are not united." ...

Unsettling remarks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer appeared on Fox News Sunday this week. One part of the interview was especially troubling. Host Chris Wallace read the Second Amendment, and asked Justice Breyer: How can the District of Columbia government deny its residents the right to possess a handgun?" ...

Bill of Prohibitions Day
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bill of Rights Day was yesterday. Undoubtedly, American statists celebrated the fact that the Constitution and the federal government give them their rights and that the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are fighting to protect their politically granted rights."

"Actually, however, neither the government nor the Constitution gives rights to anyone. Rights are natural and God-given and pre-exist government. ..." ...

"The Bill of Rights was actually misnamed. It should have been called the Bill of Prohibitions. It doesn’t give people any rights whatsoever. The people who crafted the Bill of Rights were careful to make certain that the language prohibited the federal government from infringing upon preexisting rights." ...

Florida Gunman Provokes Gun-control Debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "In the end, Williamson and Parker successfully placed, at the very least, a reasonable doubt in viewers' minds that more and stricter gun-control laws would decrease gun crimes."

"Parker reminded Spitzer and her guests, 'In 2009, gun sales were up 12 percent and the crime rate was down. [Therefore], you can't draw a cause and effect line from gun ownership to crime.'"

"Naturally, Mayor Jones and Governor Spitzer did not address Parker’s statistic."

Schools teach that an unarmed society is safer
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "This is not about guns or safety. It shows no connection with real gun violence and actually makes schools far less safe. One argument is that “zero tolerance on guns” includes the police except when responding to a call. Otherwise, the police must lock their weapons in the trunk of their police cars. If they want to bring a gun onto a school campus they must call a school administrator at the main office to get permission." ...

NATO Caliber Basics -- and a few notes on compatibility (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Keep Your Piece (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Giving a Firearm as a Gift? Some Reminders from NSSF
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The holidays are just around the corner. As hunters, shooters, collectors or just plain plinkers, it's a natural instinct to want to share our enjoyment of firearms with others. What better way to do that than to make a gift of a firearm to a family member, close friend or relative?"

"The first thing to remember if you're thinking about giving someone a gun is that . . . it's a gun! You already know that ownership of a firearm brings with it some serious legal and ethical obligations that other consumer products don't. So let's look at some questions you may have about giving a firearm as a gift." ...

Wilson Combat 'Contemporary Classic' Centennial 1911 (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It makes perfect sense, of course. The company known for manufacturing some of the most meticulously crafted 1911s on planet Earth have decided to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first 1911 by building a reproduction weapon. The question is, of course, just how faithful is Wilson’s new, limited edition Centennial to the design and spirit of the original 1911? Instead of a slavish historic recreation, Wilson took the WWJMB (What Would John Moses Browning Do) approach. ... And the answer is . . ." ...

Dear Diary: 30 Days to Conceal Carry, Day 15
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"So we've reached the half-way point in my 30 day odyssey in carrying a firearm concealed on my person. And I think it's a good a time as any to take stock in what I've learned. You know the bit (that I've cited before) about the different speeches: the speech you plan to give, the one you write, the one you deliver, the one you think you deliver, and the one the audience actually heard? Well my experiences with conceal carry are a lot like that. Let me explain…" ...

FN Confirms MK 20 MOD 0 Sniper Support Rifle (SSR)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just the other day, I was out zeroing my new FN SCAR. My gun hand's only slightly steadier than that guy in the Westerns who sits at the bar trying to bring a shot of whiskey to his lips without spilling it, illustrating a gunfighter's fate should he lose his moxie. Especially when it's 4,265 degrees below zero (including wind chill). Even so, I was able to put together a one-inch group at 50 yards with Hornaday TAP ammo using an Aimpoint red dot with a 3X multiplier. The rabbi said ca suffit (that’ll do, pig). 'The SCAR is not a sniper rifle,' he said. Yeah, well, this one is: the new MK 20 MOD 0 Sniper Support Rifle (SSR). What's different you ask?" ...

UT: State gun just a start for Utah-born inventors
Submitted by: David Nelson

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"In just a few weeks, the Utah State Legislature, 2011 version, will debate a proposal by Rep. Carl Wimmer, R-Herriman, that the Browning model 1911 handgun, invented right here in Utah exactly 100 years ago by John Moses Browning, be officially adopted as the state gun." ...

"Opinions are sure to vary about giving state status to something that has played a hand in more deaths than perhaps any weapon known to mankind." ...

KABA Note: More than the AK? Or swords? Or clubs? Or rocks? Or fists and feet? And how many lives has the 1911 saved?

FL: No excuse for this kind of firepower
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Once again, innocents in communities like Liberty City suffered the murderous reality created by Second Amendment absolutists -- those who talk of the right to own military assault weapons as if these guns should be regarded no differently than handguns or hunting rifles." ...

Submitter's Note: "But why do you need such a high-capacity weapon?" they bleat. This is called 'Goldilocks' gun control. Eventually they'll come for your hunting rifle too.

TX: Police: Houston store owner kills 3 would-be robbers - 'The man was clearly defending his business, clearly defending his wife'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A jewelry store owner shot and killed three armed men who tried to rob his business ..."

"Two men were in an east Houston jewelry store Thursday afternoon pretending to be customers when a third man burst into the store and stated, 'This is a robbery,' ..."

"All three men then pulled out pistols, tied up the store owner's wife and took her to a back room ..."

"As they were trying to tie up the store owner, the 52-year-old took out a handgun from his waistband and fatally shot one of the suspects, ... The store owner then grabbed a shotgun and shot and killed the two other suspects in the ensuring gunbattle ..." ...

VA: Woodbridge clerk becomes robbers' worst nightmare
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It was a gas station employee’s worst nightmare, being grabbed by two men after closing up shop for the night."

"But it turned out the clerk ... was the nightmare for a pair of would-be muggers." ...

"A concealed weapons permit holder, the clerk quickly turned the tables on the men, pulling out his handgun and firing twice at the muggers." ...


PA: Dormont Auto Shop Owner Shoots, Kills Alleged Intruder
Submitted by: Tom Price

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... "'The gun was against the delivery man's head,' said Miller's lawyer, John Thompson."

"Miller was somehow able to get his own gun and fire a single shot that killed the armed person, Morton said." ...

TX: Owner kills 3 robbers in jewelry store shootout (another view)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In the back room of a humble jewelry store and pawn shop in Houston's East End ... Castillo's husband was ordered at gunpoint to put his hands behind his back."

"But Ramon Castillo had a surprise for the gunman and two cohorts, who had announced they were robbing the business."

"Castillo pulled a pistol from his waistband and shot the gunman dead. Then he grabbed a shotgun from his office and engaged in a shootout with the other two armed robbers." ...

FL: Gunman Terrorizes Others, Kills Himself At Florida School Board Meeting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Clay Duke ... came to a school-board meeting and opened fire ..." ...

"After exchanging fire with security guards and suffering a bullet wound, Duke put the gun to his own head." ...

"... Given the current laws on gun control, the only way to protect one’s self seems to be to get one’s own gun. We’re all for the Second Amendment but the more people walking around with these deadly weapons, the higher the potential for incidents like this." ...

Submitter's Note: I don't suppose you have evidence contradicting the extensive studies that show the exact opposite? And note that the 'rampage' was stopped by someone with a gunn!

IL: So-Called 'Electronic Errors' Mar Cook County's Defense of Gun Ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Cook County State's Attorney's Appellate Court defense of the county gun ban (Wilson, et. al. v. Cook County, et. al.) got off to a bad start when briefs filed by the county before the First District Appellate Court were found to contain factual errors. More specifically, these factual errors included the misquoting of U.S. Supreme Court decisions in the DC v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago cases. (The ISRA was a Plaintiff in McDonald). When these errors were brought to light by the plaintiffs, the county hastily filed a motion to withdraw the erroneous briefs in favor of amended versions ..." ...

Obama White House Hit by Wave Bearing Armed Santa on Gun Card
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A surf-boarding Santa Claus rides a tidal wave smashing into the Obama White House and other Washington landmarks on an original Christmas card sent to congressional and other recipients by gun rights expert John Snyder."

"'Americans are fed up with Obama and the big government mind-set he epitomizes,' said Snyder, 'and voters are expressing this at the polls. Waves of change are blasting the Washington elitist political establishment. The card illustrates this phenomenon.'" ...

President Obama and Gun Rights: Beware the Cornered and Quiet Politician
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"President Barack Obama has a long and undistinguished record of infringing on the rights of law-abiding gun owners. When he was elected that record made him the darling of the anti-gun movement which expected to ride his coattails back to prominence in the marketplace of ideas."

"The expected road back to relevance hasn't materialized as they expected, and the anti-gun crowd blames Obama's unwillingness to take action against the powerful gun lobby." ...

Gun regulators propose emergency plan
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To stem the flow of guns to Mexico, federal firearms regulators are proposing an emergency requirement that certain gun dealers along the southwestern border report bulk sales of so-called assault weapons beginning as soon as January." ...

Submitter's Note: And wasn't the multiple handgun reporting rule supposed to end handgun trafficking?

Smuggled Glock Proves TSA Security Sucks. Surprised?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"America’s worst terrorist attack was perpetuated by Muslim extremists wielding box cutters. In a sense, that means the screening measures before the fateful flights were successful ... forget about carry-on weapons. If the security men had, if they’d concentrated on the passengers rather than weaponry, 2819 innocent people may not have died in horrific circumstances. No really. One of the security men later admitted he didn’t stop a terrorist because he was worried that he’d be accused of racial profiling. So today’s news that TSA’s security has more holes than a termite infested roof beam is not as big a deal as it sounds. It is, in fact, bigger. First, the facts via ABC news . . ." ...

The ATF’s Previous Definition of a "Crime Gun"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Earlier today, I cautioned readers that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive (and Really Big Fires) labels ANY GUN submitted by law enforcement for an ATF trace a 'crime gun'—regardless of whether or not it’s been used in a crime. The recent media reports—specifically and egregiously The Washington Post’s series The Hidden Life of Guns—accepts and perpetuates this profoundly misleading definition. I forgot to mention that this is a new definition, a stark change from previous agency usage. Click here for the official ATF document on the subject from 1989. Here’s the money shot . . ." ...

ATF Training Video Treats Gun Dealers Like Idiots (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Are gun dealers really that stupid/greedy? Does the the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosive (and Really Big Fires) really think gun dealers are that stupid/greedy? How stupid is that? The last example is a real doozy. At the end of the video, comely ATF Attorney Erika (no last name) tells a tale of a gun dealer selling a felon a firearm who changes his answer re: his feloniousness, claiming 'all charges were dropped.' ..."

CA: Special Ed Student Jailed for Months on Bogus Charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "King said, 'After looking at the video it became quite apparent that this prosecution is not only without merit, it could very well be considered a libelous abuse of power under color of law.'"

"'In that light it appears rather than dismiss this prosecution, pressure is being placed on this 18 year old special education student to plea to some minor offense to shield the actions of the school police and justify the cost of prosecution and incarceration.'"

"'In the instant cause of action and other prosecutions developed out of the incident depicted in the many videos, only Robles testimony is used to substantiate a course of events that no one person could keep track of alone while involved with the original detainee.'" ...

OR: Oregon prosecutor pleads guilty to misconduct for sex favors
Submitted by: none

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"An Oregon prosecutor has pleaded guilty to official misconduct after he admitted using his position to seek sexual favors."

"... Rand Overton, a Lincoln County deputy district attorney, was sentenced to 30 days in jail, two years on probation and is prohibited from working as a government lawyer." ...

WV: Retired Charleston officer charged with stalking
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Court documents indicate former Charleston Police Capt. Myron L. White continued to harass two women after the police chief ordered him not to have contact with them."

"White, who recently retired from the department while on paid administrative leave, was charged Wednesday with three counts of stalking and one count of battery, all misdemeanors."

MI: Sell your stolen gun to the Detroit Police Department
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Do you have a stolen handgun you want to fence? Or a gun used in a crime you want to get rid of with 'no questions asked?'"

"If you do, make sure to attend the so-called 'Gun buyback' program being held today by the Detroit Police and Continental Management at Second Ebenezer Church in Detroit." ...

CA: 7 Deputies Suspended After Brawl At Christmas Party
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Seven Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies have been relieved of duty pending an investigation into an alleged brawl at a Christmas party, officials said Wednesday."

"The party, held Friday at the Quiet Cannon banquet hall in Montebello, was for deputies who work at Men's Central Jail." ...

"Montebello Police say officers responded to a 911 call at the restaurant. In a statement, the department said a man who identified himself as a sheriff’s department captain told the officers at the door that everything was fine and that they would handle it."

"Two deputies went to Montebello Police Department to file a report, but the sheriff’s department will handle those reports." ...

KABA Note: Looks like the Sheriff's Department is going to need some lime, hot water, salt, alum and molasses to take care of this problem.

FL: Florida School Board Shooter Security Guy Jones: Why I Didn’t Respond Sooner
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In my previous analysis of the Florida School Board shooting, I wondered where the hell the Board’s security guy was during the incident. Why he didn’t intervene sooner? Mike Jones has been speaking to the media today. 'He said he got a call about the dramatic confrontation and went downstairs,' CNN reports. That doesn't tell us much. The whole incident ran about six minutes. The crucial question: at what point did Jones arrive? We don't get a full accounting. But what we do get is damning enough for anyone charged with protecting against just such an attack . . ." ...

CA: Concealed-weapons rules and cronyism
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The ruling by a federal judge about the issuance of concealed-weapon permits is typical of all government agencies that always 'know best' regarding us ignorant sheep ('Concealed-weapons rules upheld,' Local, Dec. 14)." ...

NY: Victory Christian Church Hosts "Gifts for Guns" Program
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Pastor Charlie Muller, partnering with Albany District Attorney David Soares is undertaking the Second Annual Gifts for Guns Program. The program will run this Saturday, December 18th from 9am to 5pm. With advertising in both the Times Union, and Jams 96.3 and flyers going out to targeted areas, for a one day massive Guns for Gifts Program. ..." ...

MO: Town Mute for 30 Years About a Bully's Killing
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The murder of Ken Rex McElroy took place in plain view of dozens of residents of this small farm town, under the glare of the morning sun. But in a dramatic act of solidarity with the gunman, every witness, save the dead man's wife, denied seeing who had pulled the trigger."

"The killing was a shocking end for a notoriously brutal man who had terrorized the area for years with seeming impunity from the law until he was struck down in a moment of vigilante justice. ..." ...

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. — Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German philosopher

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