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Newslinks for 12/18/2002

NC: School stand on weapons vexes judge
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"A Superior Court judge criticized the Durham Public Schools' 'zero-tolerance' policy toward students who bring weapons on school grounds after he accepted a guilty plea Tuesday from an honor student who had to complete high school in another state because of his suspension." ...

" 'I certainly understand that you can't have guns on campus,' Judge Orlando Hudson said. 'But the school system ought to take responsibility, too. Zero policy doesn't mean that your life has to add up to zero.' "

Pentagon announces data project
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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" 'There’s questions about what kind of oversight is there when private companies are involved to this extent in the research,' said Bill Allison of the Center for the Public Interest. 'In a sense, it’s outsourcing Big Brother.' "

PA: Officer charged in drug probe
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"A Washington Township police officer has been arrested and charged with attempting to buy $40 worth of cocaine from an undercover investigator, authorities said."

"Patrolman Amalio S. Gurcsik, 25, was supposed to work 3 to 11 p.m. Sunday. Instead, police said, he called in sick and drove his patrol car to the King of Pizza on Route 70 in Cherry Hill."

PA: Fired Cop Reinstated
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A patrol officer who was fired nine years ago after being accused of racism and excessive force has been reinstated, union officials said." ...

"Siteman, who could not be reached for comment, allegedly pointed his gun at an unarmed teenager, beat a prisoner in his cell, struck a suspect with a flashlight, and shouted racial slurs over his cruiser loudspeaker."

NY: The NYPD Wants to Watch You
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"As the nation's largest law enforcement agency—nearly twice the size of the Federal Bureau of Investigation—the New York City Police Department could be the biggest Big Brother of all. Yet it faces quite a stumbling block. A long-standing federal order, imposed after a landmark lawsuit revealed rampant surveillance abuses of political activists, prevents the NYPD from spying on whomever it wants."

"Now the NYPD is fighting to gut the order and get its old powers back."

UK: Shop raid spree gunman given 15-year sentence
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A gunman involved in four robbery bids within days of his release from prison has been jailed for 15 years." ...

"All the Glasgow raids, during which Kinnon had a replica revolver, happened within nine days." ...

Gun-rights ruling seen as dare to high court
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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" 'Reinhardt is basically thumbing his nose at the Supreme Court and daring them to take the issue up at some future date,' said San Jose, Calif., lawyer Donald Kilmer Jr., who is preparing to argue a different Second Amendment issue before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals."

UK: Armed robber linked to double hold-up
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Thousands of pounds were stolen when two security guards were attacked within minutes of each other in hold-ups in Partick.
Police fear that one armed robber carried out both attacks."

"The guards were held up as they delivered cash to city banks last night."

"One was threatened with a knife and the other had a gun pointed at his head, but both escaped unhurt." ...

MD: Maryland jury acquits man in priest shooting
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A jury has acquitted a former altar boy of attempted murder charges in the shooting of a Roman Catholic priest he claims molested him a decade ago, a decision the archdiocese hoped would close "one sad chapter" in the church abuse scandal."

"The panel acquitted Dontee Stokes, 26, of attempted murder, reckless endangerment and assault charges Monday but convicted him of three gun charges."

UK: Bungling robber jailed for five years
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A FORMER soldier covered his face with a scarf to raid a shop just 150 yards from his Lothian home - but was recognised by staff who called him by his first name."

"Terry Mulcahy, 22, insisted shop assistants had got it wrong when they called him "Terry", and pulled a gun on them, saying: 'My name is Bob.'"

"But the hapless robber sealed his own fate when he left his wallet containing ID lying on the counter when he fled with a pile of £10 notes."

NY: Former town justice sentenced in gun-theft case
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Phillip Barker Sr., 57, pleaded guilty in August to a felony count of knowingly stealing firearms from Remington Arms in Ilion, 56 miles east of Syracuse. Barker quit as town justice in Oppenheim, 53 miles west of Albany, after being charged in March."

OR: Student suspended for tough talk on bus
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Tigard-Tualatin school officials suspended a Twality Middle School student Monday and banned him from riding the school bus after he allegedly told a bus driver Friday, "I'm going to take a gun and kill everyone."

"Administrators began a "risk assessment" Monday to determine whether the student poses a threat to others. Threatening violence carries a minimum penalty of suspension in the Tigard-Tualatin School District and a maximum penalty of expulsion."

WA: Fatal shooting of car thief raises issue of deadly force
Submitted by: Lee Matthews

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"Using deadly force solely to protect property is illegal."

"RCW 9A.16.050: Homicide is also justifiable when committed... In the lawful defense of the slayer ...when there is reasonable ground to apprehend a design on the part of the person slain to commit a felony..." (car theft is a felony)

"RCW 9A.16.040:...private citizens' permissible use of deadly force... remains broader than the limitations imposed on peace officers."

Canada: Gun registry had to be 'rebuilt' after Rock left
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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The finger pointing continues in Canada over the gun registry debacle.

"Anne McLellan says she had to rebuild the national gun registry after inheriting the troubled program from Allan Rock, suggesting that mistakes that have cost taxpayers nearly $1-billion occurred during his watch."

"Ms. McLellan, now the Minister of Health, said the entire system required revision when she took over the Justice portfolio from Mr. Rock in 1997." ...

HI: Boy suspended for having explosive device in school
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Hamada said the boy was called into the school office Friday on another rules infraction, and that a search turned up the device."

"Police Chief George Freitas said the device contained a small amount of firecracker powder placed inside a Christmas ornament that had been wrapped up. It had a sparkler as 'a kind of crude fuse,' he said. The device was exploded by Army munitions experts from O'ahu."

"Both Hamada and Freitas said the boy apparently had no intention of hurting anyone."

Canada: Airport Security Finds Retractor Left In Patient's Abdomen
Submitted by: John Fansler

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"The woman set off the metal detectors at an airport in Regina, Saskatchewan. It turns out that surgeons had left a more than foot-long metal retractor in her abdomen."

Police summoned over family photos
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"After paying for the prints at the one-hour processing desk Sept. 3, Dragone was shopping in another area of the store when a uniformed police officer approached. She and her children were escorted past other customers to the manager's office where she was detained and questioned for about 45 minutes. Dragone eventually was allowed to leave but without the pictures."

All because she took a couple of pictures of her toddler while the little tyke was playing in the buff!

UK: Carjack gang in 28 attacks
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A gang of youths played out a "gangster fantasy" stealing luxury cars worth £350,000 in 28 armed raids across London, a court heard yesterday."

"Wearing ski masks they smashed their way into the homes of wealthy families and forced them to hand over their car keys at gun and knife point."

"They also crashed into lone drivers and took their cars when they got out, Snaresbrook crown court heard. And they posed with guns and balaclavas for "trophy" photos of the cars."

TX: Jailer is injured in gun accident
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"An off-duty Bexar County jailer accidentally shot herself in the stomach Monday as she tried to unload her service-issued pistol and store it in a box." ...

"Sheriff's Sgt. Skip Zimmerman said it appeared the Glock was still loaded with one round when Soriano attempted to store it in a box, which contains a pin that depressed the trigger." ...

Court asked to reconsider gun ruling
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Gary Gorski, the attorney who brought the case before the 9th Circuit, said if the court rules against him again or declines to rehear the case, he would ask the U.S. Supreme Court to hear the challenge."

The high court has never squarely ruled on the issue. Gorski and others have said the 9th Circuit's decision, combined with political will, could lead to the banning of gun ownership." ...

Canada: Gun-registry fiasco blamed on technology
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"One reason costs ballooned out of control at the federal gun registry is that the Justice Department had to replace hopelessly inadequate technology to handle it, former justice minister Anne McLellan said yesterday."

More of the blame game from the Canadian front.

UK: Gunshots blast house
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Four shots penetrated double glazing and heavy curtains and the bullets were found embedded in furniture and walls. Five men, four of them Asian and one white, were in the rented house but no one was hurt. One of them, Maurice Power, said he was very shocked by what had happened."

Public Health Is Key in Fighting Bio-Terrorism, Indiana University Professor Says
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"'If an emergency occurs, we need a strong public health infrastructure, not someone out there with a gun,' said Kane, an associate professor of criminal justice. She recently presented a paper on this subject at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Her research interests combine anthropology and criminal justice in the specialized field of cultural criminology."

UK: Gunned down at anti-gun protest
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"DETECTIVES have launched separate manhunts following a weekend of violence which left three men dead."

"A 19-year-old Croydon man was one of two people shot in a double killing inside a Southall night club in the early hours of Sunday morning."

"Mohamed Korneh was at the Tudor Rose anti-gun club night called 'Unarmed Part 2', when at 2am two men entered the a 300-capacity venue brandishing handguns and opened fire."

Canada: Former RCMP officer to be sentenced for murder
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The RCMP officer was convicted of first-degree murder on Friday. The defence tried to prove Hotte was not in control of his actions because he was overworked, exhausted and depressed."

"The prosecution said depression is no excuse for murder."

"Hotte was also convicted of three charges of attempted murder." ...

CA: L.A. Police Chief proposes ban on most police car chases
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The new policy would stop officers from chasing people for minor traffic violations such as missing license plates or broken taillights. The Police Commission has found that at least 60 percent of Los Angeles pursuits are for such minor offenses."

NV: Shooting facility's backers turn out
Submitted by: G. Hughes

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"Setting aside federal land worth nearly $230 million was tough enough, but Clark County officials now must find millions more if they are to turn 2,800 acres of dirt into a world-class shooting facility for the public."

"They need $20 million to $30 million to build a first-rate complex, and either public-private financing, a revenue bond or a combination may be needed to get the long-awaited project off the ground."

TN: Armed Robberies Up During the Holidays
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The tri-cities has experienced a rash of armed robberies and police say it could get worse as Christmas draws near."

TN: Subway robber's death ruled justifiable
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The owner of a South Memphis restaurant who fatally shot a robber who used a small pipe to resemble a gun on Thursday acted in self-defense, authorities said Friday."

Concerning Purity
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"It's often argued that abolishing public schools or the income tax, or even repealing all gun control laws simply isn't "practical". Of course it isn't! The overwhelming majority of Americans subscribe to the socialist/fascist worldview, and so are absolutely opposed to such ideas. Though this is certainly a problem, it is our problem as Libertarians to fix; educating the masses about principled government is the cross we bear."

Why socialists hate rich people
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"You have to protect yourself here, don't you? If you accept that the vast majority of those you call "rich" got there through hard work, then don't you have to ask yourself why you're not one of them? It's just so much easier to cast them as callous, selfish monsters and evil exploiters of the working class while preserving the mantle of goodness and righteousness for yourself."

Uh, oh – here comes the old money toss!
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Romero's tactic has been used successfully before. Recall the mantra of the anti-tobacco activists. The bottom line of their pitch for all manner of tobacco taxes, fees and surcharges is children. It's all for the children."

"They used the same arguments in anti-gun legislation: fees, licenses, taxes and surcharges – it's all tied to children and health."

"There's the trial balloon about the dangers of snack foods. Keep an eye on that."

TX: Boy, 14, outwits kidnapper
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Victim grabs gun, escapes; police asking public for help."

MS: Barnett serving on nation's new Homeland Security Task Force
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Ideas ...included the possibility of a national identification card system and an under-the-skin capsule that would contain a variety of information about the wearer. The subcutaneous capsules would be voluntary..."

"In transportation matters, the task force discussed airplane pilots being allowed to carry guns and two lines at airports for different classes of passengers. One line would be for frequent travelers while the other, more scrutinized line would be for the occasional flyer."

D.C. Judge Rejects Lawsuit Against Firearms Makers
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A D.C. Superior Court judge yesterday dismissed a lawsuit filed by the D.C. government and victims of gun violence against the nation's major firearms makers and distributors, dealing a blow to city officials and gun control advocates."

CT: Former officer to get new trial in suspect's death
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Scott Smith, the first police officer in the state to be accused of murder for an on-duty shooting, will get his day in court — again." ...

"Smith was a New Milford police officer in December of 1998 when he fatally shot 27-year-old Franklyn Reid in the back after a foot chase... Smith ...didn't heed his orders to stop and swiveled as if to reach for a weapon. But a jury believed the evidence told a different story — that Smith shot Reid at close range after Reid had been subdued." ...

EL AL Security Shock
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Four Israeli airport security staff have lost their jobs after an investigation found “human failure” was the cause of a serious breach in El Al’s security."

"Airport authorities acted in response to last week’s revelation that an Israeli El Al passenger carried an undetected handgun aboard a flight to New York."

"A spokesman for the Israel Airports Authority - the body responsible for security at Ben Gurion airport - said all four operators of the luggage x-ray machines had been fired."

Ridge says Homeland Dept. on track
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The designated chief of the Department of Homeland Security met Tuesday with hundreds of anxious federal employees and said the new entity to protect America from terrorist attack would be up and running by March 1, the congressionally mandated date for full operation."

Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.... We've been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. Well, if no one among us is capable of government himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else? All of us together, in and out of government, must bear the burden. The solutions we seek must be equitable, with no one group singled out to pay a higher price. — Ronald Reagan

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