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Newslinks for 12/18/2024

Critics Say Biden Exploits WI School Tragedy to Push Gun Ban Agenda
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Career anti-gun President Joe Biden, with just over a month remaining in office, quickly exploited the tragic school shooting Monday in Madison, Wisconsin to push his gun control agenda, say critics in the firearms community.

In a statement released by the White House, President Biden declared, “Congress must pass commonsense gun safety laws: Universal background checks. A national red flag law. A ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.”

Classic Firepower: Smith & Wesson’s 629 .44 Magnum
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The granddaddy of all heavy duty double action revolvers is the Smith & Wesson Model 29. The good old 29 is heavy enough for hard use but light enough for packing daily. This makes it one desirable revolver. And while it is no longer the most powerful handgun in the world when it comes to all around defense and medium game hunting, it cannot be bested. Let’s look hard at the modern stainless 629 Classic the best and latest version of the original Model 29.

Kamala Harris Pushes ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban After Handgun Attack at Madison Christian School
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Failed presidential candidate and current Vice President Kamala Harris called for an “assault weapons” ban Monday night, hours after a 15-year-old allegedly killed two people with a handgun.

Breitbart News noted the shooting occurred at Madison, Wisconsin’s, Abundant Life Christian School (ALCS), where a 15-year-old girl allegedly opened fire just before 11:00 a.m., killing a teacher and another student. The 15-year-old then apparently took her own life.

Hunter Dies When Bear Falls from Tree After Being Shot and Lands on Him
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A Virginia hunter is dead after a bear shot by one of his fellow hunters fell out of a tree and landed on him.

CBS News reported the incident Tuesday, noting that it occurred on December 9, 2024.

Multiple Armed Suspects Force Their Way into Arizona Home, Homeowner Fires in Self-Defense, Injuring One
Submitted by: David Williamson

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An early morning home invasion in a Laveen neighborhood ended with a homeowner opening fire on multiple armed intruders, sending them fleeing and leaving one suspect hospitalized. The incident occurred just after 1 a.m. Monday near 51st Avenue and Southern Avenue. According to Phoenix police, several armed suspects forced their way into a residence, prompting a man inside the home to defend himself and others by firing on the intruders.

Grassroots Judicial Report—December 18, 2024
Submitted by: David Williamson

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What’s New—SCOTUS: two cases that were to be conferredon Dec. 13— Snope v. Brown and Ocean Tactical v. Rhode Island on Dec. 11, were rescheduled with no date given; Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. v. Estados Unidos Mexicanos: On Dec. 3, the Second Amendment Foundation filed an expanded amicus brief supporting Smith & Wesson.

28 Nosler vs 300 PRC: Perfecting the Long Range Hunting Rifle
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The 28 Nosler and Hornady 300 PRC are two centerfire rifle cartridges that were developed for long range shooting and hunting. They represent the pinnacle of 21st Century ballistic technology and development that were designed to hit targets at ranges of over 1,000 yards while maintaining sub-MOA accuracy.

22 Nosler vs 22 250: 22 Caliber Speed Demons
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The 22 Nosler and 22-250 Remington are two 22 caliber centerfire cartridges that excel at varmint hunting.

Many shooters would agree that the 22-250 is the uncontested king of the vermin slayers not named 223 Remington. With its flat trajectory and blistering high muzzle velocities, the 22 250 has been the gold standard for varmint cartridges since its introduction in the 1930’s.

Trump Pollster: Americans Want Leaders, Judges Who Strictly Follow Second Amendment
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The company that ran President-elect Donald Trump’s polling operation has released a new poll showing widespread support for judges and politicians to prioritize gun rights. keeThe poll, conducted by McLaughlin and Associates and sponsored by the Second Amendment Foundation, was released on Tuesday. It found 77 percent of voters agree it’s “important” that federal judge appointments make it “a priority to try their best to strictly follow the 2nd Amendment.” Another 76 percent said it’s “important” for national political leaders to “protect and defend the 2nd Amendment Rights.” Fewer than 20 percent of respondents said neither was important to them.

WY: Wyoming Senate Proposes Terrible Legislation to Blunt a REAL Repeal of Gun Free Zones
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Wyoming’s 2025 Legislative Session is just around the corner with the next session beginning January 14, 2025. Anti-Second Amendment forces are already showing their true colors in the Senate with the introduction of SF0037.

MI: Michigan Dems thwarted by attendance in efforts to pass gun law bills during lame duck session
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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The clock is ticking on Democrats in Lansing to pass bills during the lame duck session and, in the wake of another school shooting in America, a package of bills intended to reduce gun violence is awaiting their votes. But a single representative is refusing to attend – putting that potential legislation in jeopardy.

Two years ago, Democrats won control of Michigan's Governor office, state Senate, and state House of Representatives. It enabled Democrats to push through bills without a blockade from the Republican Party. That will all change starting next year.

In November, Republicans took back control of the House, while Democrats maintain the Senate majority.

NRA-ILA demonstrates its influence in advancing Second Amendment causes
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Far too often, an organization's entire body of work can get overshadowed. Take National Rifle Association's Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA), for example.

2A Poll: Public Says Trump & GOP, NOT Democrats, Best To Protect Gun Rights
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Second Amendment Foundation has just released the results of a national survey it commissioned, which reveals that a majority of American voters believe that incoming President Donald Trump and a Republican majority in Congress will better protect Second Amendment rights than Democrats.

Repeal of Florida’s ‘red flag’ laws seem unlikely in state Senate
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Controversial gun bills may not have much luck next session in Florida’s legislature. The state Senate President isn’t a fan of a couple of them, including repealing what many call “red flag” laws.

CCRKBA Blasts Biden's Reaction to Wisconsin School Tragedy
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms condemns President Joe Biden’s crass exploitation of Monday’s tragic school shooting incident at a private Christian school in Madison, Wisconsin, in an effort to push his tired—and in this case irrelevant, past its expiration date—gun ban agenda.

Taurus Judge Public Defender is Built to Tame Snakes
Submitted by: David Williamson

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With five rounds of .45 Colt or .410 shotshells in a carry-sized revolver, the Taurus Judge Public Defender is the solution to your pest or snake problem when you are walking around your property. Plus, it can double as a defensive gun.

A state may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the federal constitution... The power to impose a license tax on the exercise of these freedoms is indeed as potent as the power of censorship which this Court has repeatedly struck down... a person cannot be compelled 'to purchase, through a license fee or a license tax, the privilege freely granted by the constitution.' —MURDOCK V. PENNSYLVANIA 319 US 105 (1942)

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