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Newslinks for 12/20/2006

Brady President: Violent Crime Surge Helped By 'More Guns, Less Police' Approach
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence ... issued the following statement about yesterday's release of FBI crime data showing a surge in violent crime:"

"'The statistics released by the FBI yesterday are very troubling ... We have all heard how the police are struggling in America's largest cities, but the FBI report also shows that we are seeing a tremendous surge in violent crime -- of more than five percent -- in cities with populations from 25,000 to half a million. Such small to mid-sized cities represent the heart of America.'" ...

"'Violent crime is up in America for a number of reasons, but one very likely cause is that it has become easier for criminals to arm themselves, and with ever more deadly weapons.'" ...

KABA Note: So why is violent crime up in the UK? Australia? Canada?

Programs give boost to female shooters
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Fifty percent more women are target-shooting now than were involved in the sport five years ago, according to surveys conducted by the National Sporting Goods Association."

"The statistics from the Connecticut-based trade association for the shooting, hunting and firearms industries show that of the 22 million people who target-shoot more than once a year in the United States, about 5 million, or 23 percent, are women. The surveys were conducted from 2001 through 2005."

"More than 1.2 million women in the United States target-shoot at least 20 times per year, the surveys show."

"'More and more women are discovering that hunting and shooting sports are great family activities,' said Doug Painter, National Shooting Sports Foundation president." ...

What patriotic Christians can do for America
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Among the hundreds of email letters I receive, scores of them ask the same question: 'I see the problem, but what can I do?' Today's column is an attempt to answer these people."

"First, let's acknowledge that our Pilgrim forebears answered this question by leaving their homeland and risking their lives on a dangerous voyage across the Atlantic ..." ...

"Secondly, begin educating yourself. Stop relying on the major news outlets to bring you the news. ..." ...

"Thirdly, get involved with likeminded patriots. Hook up with your local John Birch Society. Join Larry Pratt's Gun Owners of America. Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership is another terrific pro-Second Amendment organization you should be familiar with." ...

"...only for the maintenance of order and justice, and the preservation of liberty...", May 16, 1797
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"...But we have still abundant cause of gratitude to the Supreme Dispenser of national blessings. . . . . for the rapid progress and ample acquisitions of industry, through extensive territories; for civil, political, and religious liberty. While other States are desolated with foreign war, or convulsed with intestine divisions, the United States present the pleasing prospect of a nation governed by mild and equal laws, generally satisfied with the possession of their rights; neither envying the advantages nor fearing the power of other nations; solicitous only for the maintenance of order and justice, and the preservation of liberty...."

"...In addition to this voluntary provision for defence, by individual citizens..."

DC: Masked Thieves Raid Hipster Bar
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Proof that the gentrification of Columbia Heights is a work in progress: Three armed robbers crashed the Wonderland Ballroom, at 11th and Kenyon Streets NW, in a daring heist during peak Friday evening drinking hours."

"According to owner Matthew McGovern, the thieves came in around 9 p.m. and were in and out within three minutes. 'At first everybody thought they were kidding, because everybody knows each other,' he says. 'And then when it became clear it was in earnest, people were quiet and let it happen.'" [emphasis added] ...

Submitter's Note: Some in the comments are not taking this lying down.

OH: Ohio House concurs with Senate amendments to HB9; Act heads to Gov. Taft (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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... "On Friday, December 15, the Associated Press put out a wire service report entitled 'Public records bill clears Legislature'. ..."

"Was it possible that the Associated Press had mistaken Senate action on the bill to mean that it had 'cleared the Legislature'? Indeed, had the word 'Legislature' been replaced by 'Senate', the AP story would have been true. But as written, the headline and opening paragraph were completely, 100% wrong." ...

"It can now be reported that HB9 truly HAS 'cleared the Ohio Legislature', a full five days after the Associated Press erroneously claimed that it did. A vote of 52 yeas, 39 nays was cast at 2:20 p.m. Tuesday December 19." ...

DE: Boys charged with bringing guns to 2 NCCo schools
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two boys were charged today in unrelated cases with bringing guns to school."

"Neither of the guns involved fire bullets. One was a pellet gun and the other was a starter pistol."

"Wilmington police charged a 12-year-old Kuumba Academy student with possession of a weapon in a Safe School Zone."

"... school administrators from the charter school ... contacted police this morning when they found the student with 'some type of firearm.' ... the firearm was a pellet gun." ...

"Shue-Medill Middle School officials found what appeared to be a handgun in a 14-year-old student�s bag about 7:40 a.m. ..."

"... the device -- later determined to be a starter pistol -- was confiscated and placed in a secure location." ...

NJ: Turns out gun law isn't bulletproof
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Jersey City's one-gun-a-month ordinance has been shot down."

"Hudson County Superior Court Judge Maurice Gallipoli, calling the law 'arbitrary and capricious,' ruled last week the five-month-old city ordinance violated New Jersey's equal treatment principle, since gun dealers and buyers in Jersey City would be treated differently than elsewhere in the state." ...

IL: Cook County IL Bans More Firearms (
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Amendment to the Cook County IL Deadly Weapons Dealer Control Ordinance

NE: City weapons law to follow state
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The City Council directed the city staff to amend a city ordinance and allow citizens to carry concealed handguns under the Nebraska Conceal Carry Handgun Act."

"During the meeting Monday, the council voted 5-3, with councilmen Joe Jarecke, John Lohr and Chuck Whitney in opposition, to amend the current city ordinance by removing the words 'pistol' and 'revolver.'" ...

"The act, LB 454, ... will allow people to carry concealed handguns in Nebraska beginning Jan. 1, 2007. They would first have to qualify for a concealed-carry permit, which includes passing a background check and completing a firearms training and safety course approved by the Nebraska State Patrol." ...

OH: Columbus Council Prez To Step Down (PRO)
Submitted by: Peoples Rights Organization

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Matt Habash has been on Columbus City Council for 14 years, and president of Council since 1999 when then council prez Michael Coleman was elected governor of Ohio's largest city.

Today, the council leader best known to Central Ohio residents as the politician who was more interested in photo-ops than discussing the merits (or lack thereof) of Columbus' ill-advised ban on competition and collector rifles.

Submitter's Note: Mr. Mentel, the man who started it all (Ohio Pre-Emption, NRA pull out) in Columbus, Ohio ascends to the City Council Presidency.

OH: Senator Explains Need for CCW Reform (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While much of the media throughout the state of Ohio is still reporting on the utter shock of unnecessary legislation that was brutally forced into law by evil gun lobbyists after a mere fifteen months of intense deliberation and numerous committee and floor debates, Senator John Carey (R - 17th District) has published an article in The Chillicothe Gazette to help explain the rationale behind the Legislature�s actions:" ...

"In his introduction, Senator Carey eloquently summarizes the big picture for everyone. We have spent months discussing the important details of HB347. This should not preclude us from remembering now and then what we are really fighting for: the fact that our right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed� ..." ...

OH: House Sends Journalist Loophole Reform To Governor (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today the Ohio House of Representatives took up Substitute House Bill 9 and considered amendments made by the Ohio Senate. As you may recall, Representative Tom Brinkman amended HB9 on the House Floor to create an opt-out system that would allow concealed handgun licensees to deny journalists access to their private information. You may have read on our website that the Ohio Senate modified this opt-out system with a compromise." ...

"However, if a journalist wishes to use the information as it was originally intended, they may still research whether or not a specific individual has been issued a license to carry a handgun for self-defense." ...

CA: Shocking Details Emerge About Slaying Of Deputy's Wife
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Prosecutors said in court Tuesday that a woman allegedly shot to death by her San Diego sheriff's deputy told him to shoot her just before the weapon fired."

"Prosecutors believe that Lowell Bruce, 40, fatally shot his wife of 11 years, Kristen Marie Maxwell-Bruce, 38, last Thursday night ..." ...

"'The defendant returned home from work ... thereafter began to argue with his wife in their bedroom ...' ..."

"'The argument escalated and at some point, the defendant retrieved his service pistol from his duty belt ... He pointed it at the victim, and we believe she said something to the effect of, 'Just go ahead and shoot.' And the defendant shot her once in the face with the .40-caliber revolver.'" ...

MN: Pellet guns pose problems for schools
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Popular new pellet guns that look remarkably like lethal weapons have gotten at least one teenager killed in Florida and caused scares at schools around the country in recent months." ...

"Toy guns � airsoft guns included � are required under federal law to have a bright orange tip to distinguish them from real weapons. But some people remove or blacken the tips."

"'These replica firearms pose a problem not only for law enforcement, but I think the community as a whole,' Chief Sheriff�s Deputy Steven Harriett said Tuesday. "It's certainly a very difficult situation for a law enforcement officer ... when these manufacturers make them so realistic.'" ...

UK: Jail for soldier who became heroin addict and stole gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A soldier who turned to drugs after suffering flashbacks of his service in Iraq was jailed yesterday for stealing a gun from his barracks and threatening a dealer in a row over 20 [pounds]."

"Danny McKee, 29, suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after risking his life daily while searching potential suicide bombers. The former public schoolboy, who had an immaculate record before he went to Iraq, turned to heroin, a court was told."

"He was jailed for three years for stealing a Browning 9mm pistol from the armoury at the Royal Marine Barracks at Chivenor, North Devon, in June and using it to threaten a drug dealer." ...

NY: Suffolk County to pony up for illegal guns
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Suffolk County is ponying up to get illegal guns off the street."

"The Suffolk Gun Amnesty program is timed to give people cash for Christmas if they turn in an illegal weapon."

Officials say $50 will be offered for most rifles and shotguns, though assault weapons will net participants $300."

"Organizers say anyone wishing to turn in a firearm should drive to their local police precinct with the unloaded weapon in the trunk of their vehicle." ...

IA: We Print All Names (of people we don't agree with)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Jeff Martin sets up his defense of, again, printing the names of lawful concealed weapons permit holders by revisiting a previous time in which he did the exact same thing. ... He claims:"

"'Every day, it seems, Jim or Jayne or I take a call from someone who wants something kept out of the newspaper. It's usually a name... Each time, we listen. Each time, we refuse...'" ...

"First, let's get the reason behind this 'news' out of the way: It's a way for those who are against the Second Amendment to know who to shun, who to refuse to hire ..."

"Well they don't exactly print 'every name'. His paper may print the names of breeders, but they don't print the names of people who terminate babies. Isn't that also news? ..." ...

OH: Lawmakers grapple with will of the people after Legislature overrode Taft's veto for gun laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last week, the hot-button topic at the Statehouse was not minimum wage or gun control. It was the people's will."

"Gov. Bob Taft issued the most significant veto of his tenure in an effort to protect local gun laws, and a university poll showed 56 percent of voters were on his side. Then the Legislature overrode his veto." ...

"Senate President Bill Harris defended the Legislature against its critics. ..."

"'Maybe people will say only the Second Amendment supporters called ... but I can assure you that the calls I got were to override the governor,' he said."

"He said if the university's question had been differently phrased - to, say, focus on the bill's effort to bring consistency to Ohio's patchwork of gun laws - the result would have been different." ...

MA: A violent turn
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Violent crime was up nationally during the first six months of 2006, a trend that has been playing out locally all year long." ...

"[Mayor Lang] praised the city's police for their response to the violence, and said the only way to combat violence is for the community and Police Department to work together. He also called for longer prison sentences for people caught with illegal guns, and for military-style guns to be outlawed altogether."

"'You've got guns for hunting, target shooting, I have no problem with that. And people's rights to carry guns are protected under the Second Amendment,' he said. 'But to allow someone to have a military weapon makes no sense. What the hell is a civilian version of an M-16?'" ...

ME: Gun control laws mean nothing to criminals
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"'Expert: Enforce gun laws'? Expert what? Am I to believe 1.3 million people tried to buy a gun, and were prevented from getting one and committing a crime as a result? Where are the 1.3 million criminal charges for lying on the form? We've wasted millions of dollars and man-hours on this. If they tried to purchase a gun knowing they were prohibited, they committed a felony. Charge them, or be quiet."

"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, and the Maine Citizens Against Handgun Violence obfuscate violence. They crow about safety and crime prevention. Their entire focus is not on preventing violence, or safety. They seek to prevent guns, all of them." ...

NY: Bloomberg has his sights set squarely on the illegal gun trade
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"New York City is suing another dozen out-of-state gun shops that private investigators working for the city caught in sting operations, stings that suggest these shops would sell to just about anyone."

"The city's motivation is to strike back at the source of most illegal handguns used in robberies and murders in Gotham."

"Six dealers already have settled with the city as the result of an earlier round of suits. The settlement includes rigorous oversight of their books by a court-appointed administrator who will monitor how and with whom they do business." ...

Canada: B.C. trustee won't conceal her love of guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Vancouver school board trustee Sharon Gregson loves to shoot her Colt .45 handgun."

"She's posed with her prized weapon on the cover of a national magazine and even went to the United States to obtain a concealed handgun permit, which is good in 30 states."

"She thinks Canadians need to broaden their thinking about handgun ownership."

"'There is a thinking that guns can only be bad and related to crime, and that's not my experience as a legal gun owner, participating in a gun sport,' Ms. Gregson said, explaining why she decided to get a handgun permit in Utah." ...

UK: Bottle attack teen spared prison
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A teenager who used a bottle in a street attack was spared jail because of his age and previous good character."

"Christopher Wright, of Fletcher Way, Hemel Hempstead, had been drinking when he carried out the assault."

"The 19-year-old pleaded guilty to causing actual bodily harm when he appeared before magistrates in Hemel Hempstead on Monday."

"Andrew Saarkanay, prosecuting, said the victim suffered multiple superficial cuts to the right side of his head including one over his right eyebrow as a result of the assault in Hemel Hempstead High Street at 3am on June 10." ...

UK: Son killed father in bloody knife frenzy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A MAN suffering from schizophrenia told police he left his father to bleed to death after stabbing him in the back at his East Ham home, a court heard."

"Daniel Gobern, 22, flew into a rage and plunged a kitchen knife into Freddie Reid, of High Street South, nearly 40 times, a jury was told."

"The Old Bailey heard Gobern was furious after his father ran up parking and speeding tickets in a car registered under his son's name."

"In video-taped interviews shown to the jury, Gobern confessed to the stabbing but claimed he acted in self-defence."

"The court was told Gobern was covered in blood when he entered a doctor's surgery ... after stabbing his father." ...

Submitter's Note: But at least he didn't use a gun!

UK: Son killed his mother with Samurai sword
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A paranoid schizophrenic tried to decapitate his mother with a Samurai sword before hiding her body in the greenhouse of their home, a court heard yesterday."

"Tarron Waterman struck Teresa Botwright three times with the sword as she prepared his dinner in the kitchen of the home they shared in Station Road, Corton, near Lowestoft, last December."

"He then dragged her body to the greenhouse, piled rugs on top of it and placed a carving knife in her bloodied right hand, before leaving the scene." ...

The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full possession of them. — Zachariah Johnson, 3 Elliot, Debates at 646

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