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Newslinks for 12/25/2002

Canada: Year of the killer pretzel
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Jan. 18: Ninety per cent of Toronto police vote "no confidence" in Chief Julian Fantino, raising allegations of "authority profiling." Meanwhile, Fantino says people who turn in illegal guns will get free Raptors tickets, and people who don't will be forced to attend the opera or ballet." ...

"Dec. 5: The Liberals' new gun control plan: Give everyone who registers a gun a million dollars. In the end, it'll be cheaper." ...

Jesus: An Historical Figure, Too
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Another holiday season is upon us and, I can just see the lawsuits materializing against various towns, cities and municipalities over an improper display of a nativity scene. Of course, they will be driven by various civil liberties organizations such as People for the American Way and the American Civil Liberties Union (both of them misnomers at all levels). The grounds for these lawsuits will be that they represent an unconstitutional endorsement of religion by government."

LA: Lock and load: Louisiana puts $4 bounty on nutrias
Submitted by: J W Parsons

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"Nutria, a non-native species that has overrun Gulf of Mexico wetlands since the value of their fur plummeted in the early 1980s, devour plants that keep the soil from washing away."

" 'The nutria run away, but they're not that quick,' said Loupe, who picks off the pests with his .22 rifle. 'Sometimes you see two, three, four on a hill, and you get all of them. There's none that gets away.' "

"Louisiana has tried just about everything to get rid of the rodents. Nutria cuisine didn't catch on, and nutria fur coats fell out of favor. Sheriff's deputies still shoot them for target practice, and recreational nutria hunting had its debut last year."

AK: State stops bar's bikini show
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"On Sunday, after being closed completely for two days, Coomler was feeling as if the borough code compliance officials and the state's alcohol enforcement arm had conspired against the bar. The ABC officer was accompanied by an Alaska State Trooper during Friday's visit to the bar, according to Coomler."

" 'This was their way to get out here and shut the show down,' Coomler said."

NJ: New Jersey Court Declares State's Civil Forfeiture Funding Scheme Unconstitutional
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"New Jersey's method of financing police and prosecutors through civil forfeiture is unconstitutional, Superior Court Judge G. Thomas Bowen of Salem County ruled in a December 11 opinion. Under New Jersey's civil forfeiture law (N.J.S.A 2C:64-6a) prosecutors and police had been entitled to keep the money and property confiscated from individuals through the state's civil forfeiture law, thus giving them a direct financial stake in the outcome of forfeiture efforts."

CO: (former Police Chief) Zavaras: Cops had spy policy
Submitted by: Alan Glenski

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"In a surprise statement that contradicts past assertions by city officials, mayoral candidate Ari Zavaras said Sunday that there had been a policy in place preventing the abuse of intelligence gathering while he was chief of police."

"Still, Zavaras, a former chief and manager of safety, blasted those who criticize the department's compilation of more than 3,500 spy files on individuals and organizations whose only 'crime' was the practice of free speech."

IN: Police want firearms with more power
Submitted by: Orange Fuzzy

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"Officers carried .40-caliber handguns -- while accused gunman Anthony Keith Brown, 25, carried a much more lethal SKS assault rifle..." ...

" 'His first initial burst was probably anywhere from 25 to 30 rounds,' said Miller..."

Could a proposed SKS ban be coming soon?

MO: 2 Armed Robbers Killed By Clerk In K.C.
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Police in Kansas City say two armed robbers were killed in a shootout with a convenience store clerk Monday night."

Practice Home Firearms Safety
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"We urge all who will become new owners of firearms and those who already own guns to practice home firearms safety. Learn how to handle and store firearms safely for the protection of your family and friends. Hunters and sport shooters know the importance of safety while in the field with a gun. But firearms in the home need to be treated with the same respect as when in the field."

TX: Raid suit targets SWAT team conduct
Submitted by: serinde

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"Months before the city's SWAT team stormed the home of true-crime writer Barbara Davis in a search that turned deadly, tactical officers were involved in a series of unusual incidents, including one in which its commander rappelled a wall while naked."

"But attorneys in the lawsuit brought by Barbara Davis ... say they have uncovered a pattern of incidents that raises questions about whether the SWAT team was properly trained and supervised."

TX: Ex-drug officer pleads guilty
Submitted by: serinde

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"The former head of the North Central Texas Narcotics Task Force has pleaded guilty to theft in U.S. District Court, the latest in a string of narcotics officers statewide who have been charged with crimes."

"Also last week, the Texas chapter of the [ACLU] issued a report critical of narcotics task forces within the state."

"The ACLU calls the task forces 'failed, 15-year experiments' and said 'these task forces create a lot of grief and few solutions to local problems.' "

CA: Raids aim to curtail illegal gun ownership
Submitted by: Brian Puckett, President COA

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"It was all part of a new California program -- the nation's first -- wherein state agents try to identify some of the estimated 170,000 firearms registered to owners who later run afoul of the law and are no longer allowed to possess weapons."

"Even the National Rifle Association supported the bill when it was debated in the Legislature last year, but a lawyer for the organization now questions whether the law is being enforced too broadly. Among his concerns: Gun owners can lose their weapons if they have temporary restraining orders imposed on them by the courts in domestic violence cases -- even if they're not convicted."

Citizens Of America and have been warning about the current NRA management's endorsement of UNCONSTITUTIONAL GUN LAWS. This story is one example of the results. The worst example is Project Exile, which you can read about here.

Be sure to read the QUOTES from the NRA management.

When will the NRA be led by true supporters of the 2nd Amendment?
-- BP

MN: Clerk fatally shot at family store was filling in for his brother
Submitted by: Shawn Smith

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"The lone clerk working at Sabreen's grocery store in South St. Paul shortly before closing time Sunday was there as a favor to his brother when two masked intruders shot him in the head."

Consider the difference in this case and those whose lives were saved by guns in similar situations today in Modesto, CA and Kansas City, MO.

SD: Rash of suicides sparks community response
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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" 'We were thinking, you know, 'Everybody considers Pierre the suicide capital of the world. ... There's got to be something that somebody can do,' said Nick Johnson, who now lives in Minneapolis and will begin studying civil engineering at the University of Minnesota in the spring."

"That was the genesis for Locks for Life. In March 1999, Johnson and Craig Schochenmaier began raising money to buy gun locks which would be distributed free to anyone who wanted them."

LA: Murder Reawakens La. Serial Killer Fears
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Women who had let down their guard were on edge again Tuesday after the Baton Rouge serial killer struck again for the first time since the summer."

"Eva LeBlanc, a 43-year-old woman out shopping, said she had stopped keeping a gun in her car recently. But 'I'll go back to carrying it.' "

NY: Pataki grants clemency to woman who killed boyfriend
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Gov. Pataki granted clemency Tuesday to four inmates, including 55-year-old Linda White, who has been imprisoned since 1990 for shooting her abusive boyfriend to death."

Germany: Police followed robber's footprints in the snow
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Police in Hamburg say they caught an armed robber by following his footprints in the snow."

"The masked man used a gun to take about £400 from a petrol station in the city's Langenhorn district."

"A witness pointed police in the direction the robber had escaped and officers followed footprints in the snow to a nearby house."

FBI lookout for hidden bombs
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"THE US Federal Bureau of Investigation has called for heightened vigilance, urging law enforcement officials to be on the lookout for bombs hidden in shoes and bulky clothing." ...

" 'This is not an alert that went out. It was basically a reminder to law enforcement agencies that this incident took place last year,' said FBI spokesman Bill Carter."

NJ: 'Smart gun' reactions mixed
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In South Jersey, opinions on the law were starkly divided, with supporters calling it a step in the right direction and opponents labeling it ineffective and ill- conceived.

" 'I think it's a great idea. Most of the people who get killed are in their own homes with their own guns,' said 38- year-old Terance Kimble of Clementon."

"Some of the biggest questions presented by McGreevey's law are when the technology would be ready and how effective or safe it would be."

CA: California businesses face raft of new laws
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Businesses operating in California face the potential of having to comply with a number of new laws taking effect Jan. 1 -- or can find opportunities in other new measures signed into law." ...

"Among the new measures key to businesses are:

"SB 682, by Sen. Don Perata (D-Alameda), and AB 496, by Assemblyman Paul Koretz (D-West Hollywood), make California the first state in the nation to repeal the special immunity privileges granted to gun makers." ...

MN: Ventura leaving political ring after four wild years
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"In four stormy years as Minnesota's governor, the flamboyant former pro wrestler mixed serious-minded attempts at reform with often outrageous star turns as author, sports analyst, cameo actor and talk show guest." ...

"He gave a Playboy interview in which he called organized religion a 'sham and a crutch for weak-minded people.' In the same interview, he suggested that lives could have been saved in the Columbine massacre if someone at the school had had a concealed gun..."

IL: Officer shot in struggle with fellow officer
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Chicago police officer was wounded when her gun discharged during a struggle with another officer that police say was a domestic dispute."

"The officer is in fair condition in a Chicago hospital."

"Police say she was arguing with a lieutenant at his home when she drew her weapon and the two began to struggle. No charges have been filed and police say it doesn't appear the officer intended to shoot the lieutenant."

IL: Anthrax scare sparks evacuation in Chicago
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Three piles of the white, powdered substance were found at the west entrance to the Lincoln Park Zoo."

"Police closed the zoo and cordoned off a 5-block area in the Lincoln Park neighborhood. Traffic across the North Side was disrupted for about two hours at midday."

"The discovery was reminiscent of the suspicious packages containing anthrax found in the aftermath of Sept. 11."

UPI Exclusive: FBI is tracking Hatfill
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Fifteen months after a series of anthrax-laced letters killed five Americans, the FBI again intensified its acknowledged interest in bio-war expert Stephen Hatfill, conducting a search of a Maryland state park and openly tracking him around Washington streets, despite emerging concern over their methods."

"He said the agents had nearly run into his car at times as he drove on Washington's Beltway..."

A gift for my daughter
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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Harry Browne gives his child a gift that is as true now as it was in 1966, when it was first written:

"No one owes you anything."

Liberty: Do we want it?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"We have reached the stage foreseen by Tocqueville, in which "the supreme power... covers the surface of society with a net-work of small complicated rules, minute and uniform... it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to be nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd." And aside from a few grumblers like Fred Reed and G. Gordon Liddy, we are fine with it."

Big Brother at Your (Car) Door
Submitted by: Ted Vaughn

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"Upon request, the officer indicated the purpose of the checkpoint was sobriety & license checks which seemed inconsistent with the presence of U.S. Customs & INS law enforcement personnel."

"Upon request, the officer provided his name but failed to provide photo identification. The officer then requested my license. I requested to know why he wanted it. The officer indicated everyone was being asked for their license for identification purposes and to check for compliance with traffic laws."

Terrorism’s peril undiminished
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Ring Around Washington has since been shut down, the sources said. The Energy Department’s national laboratories 'learned a lot about how to operate' a distributed network of sensors, one official said, but not enough to keep it in place. Under some conditions, which The Washington Post will not describe, the neutron and gamma ray detectors failed to identify dangerous radiation signatures." ...

Smallpox plan will be costly
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Bush administration’s plan to vaccinate as many as 10.5 million medical personnel and emergency responders against smallpox will cost between $600 million and $1 billion and is likely to siphon money from other bioterrorism and public health efforts, local and state officials warn."

CA: Store owner kills robber
Submitted by: Tom Allison

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"A Modesto sports memorabilia store owner shot and killed a gunman trying to rob the shop Monday afternoon..." ...

In the end, more than freedom, they wanted security. They wanted a comfortable life, and they lost it all — security, comfort, and freedom. When the Athenians finally wanted not to give to society but for society to give to them, when the freedom they wished for most was freedom from responsibility then Athens ceased to be free and was never free again. — EDWARD GIBBON [On ancient Athens]

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