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Newslinks for 12/25/2010

CA: Sacramento-area pilot punished for YouTube video
Submitted by: Anonymous

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An airline pilot is being disciplined by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for posting video on YouTube pointing out what he believes are serious flaws in airport security.
The 50-year-old pilot ... has worked for the airline for more than a decade and was deputized by the TSA to carry a gun in the cockpit. ...
Three days after he posted a series of six video clips ... four federal air marshals and two sheriff's deputies arrived at his house to confiscate his federally-issued firearm. ...
At the same time ... a deputy sheriff asked him to surrender his state-issued permit to carry a concealed weapon.
... the sheriff's department said the CCW permit would be reevaluated following the outcome of the federal investigation.

When Santa brings guns for kids
Submitted by: Mike Stollenwerk

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Christmas only days away, and shopping malls packed, many Americans are scrambling for last minute gift ideas for kids, especially those older children, nephews, and nieces on your list. Here’s one idea:

Give the gift of freedom and responsibility – a gun . . .


2nd Rights Amendment Attorney on Gun Rights
Submitted by: Chris Yandek

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As a gun’s rights advocate and referral attorney for the NRA, Mr. Flasterstein believes that gun rights are always going to be an issue in this country at both the local and federal level. As an expert and advocate for the Second Amendment, he believes that the fight for the Constitution and the Second Amendment all comes down to civil rights and the ability for someone to arm themselves if they want to.

“Every law abiding citizen if they choose to exercise their right, have the right to arm and keep arms and protect themselves if they want to, but it’s not going to stop…The Second Amendment, the fight for upholding our Constitution, the fight for gun rights is civil rights.”


NY: Amherst Bank Robbed, Shots Fired
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Amherst Police are questioning a man who opened fire at an alleged bank robber Friday morning. Police say a man walked into the Citizens Bank on Sheridan near Bailey around 9:15 am. The suspect had a handgun and displayed it, ordering all inside to put their hands up. He then proceeded to the teller area of the bank where he demanded cash from the tellers. He then began to exit the bank with an unknown amount of cash. Police say that's when a customer followed the suspect out of the building. As the robbery suspect ran off, the customer fired several shots. Police do not believe the suspect was hit by gunfire. Police say the customer who fired the shots had a permit for his pistol.

Senate ducks Traver ATF vote
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Had they done that—and had a vote occurred—it could have widened fractures in Democrat solidarity and further weakened the administration’s influence."

CO: Stabbing deemed self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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No criminal charges will be filed against the man who fatally stabbed 67-year-old Donnie Finley in his North Taft Hill Road driveway this fall.

Based on evidence, "it appears that Michael Rae's actions were a direct result of his fear of being shot and his mother being shot again by Donnie Finley," according to a news release from Larimer County District Attorney's Office.

Rae, 19, stabbed Finley multiple times in the head and neck Sept. 12 with a small pocket knife after Finley had shot Rae's mother, Carrie Rae, in the hand. The use of deadly force was warranted based on Colorado statute regarding self-defense, according to the news release.

IN: Diner owner shoots robber in self defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The owner of a diner reportedly used his gun to stop an pair of early-morning robbers.

Police say that at about 5AM, the owner of E.J.'s Diner arrived to open his Indianapolis, IN eatery when two men entered. One of the men reportedly walked up to the owner and demanded money, with his hand in his pocket in a threatening manner. Fearing for his life, the owner is said to have fired his .22 magnum handgun in self defense, striking the robber in the shoulder and causing both robbers to flee. Police are searching for the suspects, and no injuries to the diner owner were reported.

UK: More teens want shotgun licences
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The number of Lincolnshire teenagers being granted shotgun licences is on the up.

An investigation by the Echo shows the number of under-18s taking up shooting as a hobby has risen from just 12 in the 2008-9 financial year to 22 during 2009-10.

Although, in total, the number of licences issued fell to 380 during the 2009-10 financial year from 403 the previous year.

Helen Wilkie, firearms licensing manager for Lincolnshire Police, said full checks are made on anyone applying for a licence and their reason for wanting a shotgun.

She said: "Where the applicant is under 18 years of age, they are made fully aware of the law in relation to them not being permitted to purchase their own shotgun.

FL: Judge gave accused Orlando killer 'one more chance,' records show
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Meanwhile, a police report shows that the victim in Monday's fatal shooting, Andrew Jared Wright, 23, was armed and may have initiated the confrontation — a claim his family vehemently denied.

Police arrested Robert Williams, 22, on Monday on charges of first-degree murder and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon after investigators said he fatally shot Wright in the head.


Police said they later found a handgun beside Wright, and a second under his body. He was wearing body armor, police said.


A shootout followed, police said, resulting in Wright's death. Williams was arrested because police said he re-engaged Wright while he was leaving.

China: Restrictive Gun Controls Lead To Major Crackdown On Online Sales
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Chinese Police announced yesterday that a network of online gun sales had been busted.

The Chinese Government has enacted some of the most restrictive gun ownership laws in the world. Current private citizens are unable to buy, own or make guns.

In a major campaign police followed over 2000 leads to track down gun producers and online sellers.

Given the illegal status of gun ownership it is impossible to establish the exact extent of gun ownership in China, however in just three months police in 2007 confiscated 178,000 guns, 4.75 million bullets and an enormous 3,900 tons of illegal explosives.

Ed.: I don't buy the fact that 93% of Americans own a gun.

Airsoft locks in rapid fire mode
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Airsoft weapons may supplant paintball equipment this year as the Christmas gift of choice among gun lovers, store owners say, as generational and economic changes shift consumers toward airsoft, which uses realistic-looking guns that shoot small plastic BBs long distances.

Sales figures at Airsoft Tactical on Ringgold Road have exploded over the last two years, and participation at tactical airsoft events has doubled, store owner Mike Johnson said. Because distributors can’t keep up with demand, he’s had to set up a system to share inventory with a friend who owns an airsoft store in Nashville.

Cases to Hold Stuff, Part 1: I'm attracted to gun cases and I don't even like guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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To keep your desk or room clean, the book Lighten Up! Free Yourself From Clutter espouses a simple but easily-overlooked tenet: "Everything has a place." The thinking goes that if there was a designated storage place for every piece of crap on your desk, and if you were disciplined enough to put things back, everything would be tidy.

I think that's the allure of something like a gun case.

MA: Daisy Red Ryder BB gun still a big draw during the holidays
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the opening minutes of the popular holiday film, "A Christmas Story," little Ralphie Parker is mesmerized by a BB gun in a store window. Not just any BB gun, but "the Holy Grail of Christmas gifts," the Red Ryder 200-shot range model air rifle.

That same hypnotic stare made Sarah and Tim Baldwin snicker on a Wednesday afternoon while Christmas shopping at Bass Pro Shops’ Bolingbrook, Ill., store. Their son, Mitchell, 9, was holding the latest Red Ryder, turning it over in his hands, stroking it, trying to free it from its plastic case.

"You like that gun?" his mom asked, grinning. Wide-eyed Mitchell gave her a slow, somber nod.

At Last, a Border Crackdown
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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To stem this deadly flow, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is seeking emergency authority to require gun dealers near the border to report multiple purchases of the high-firepower rifles favored by cartel gunmen.

The White House Office of Management and Budget, which must sign off on the A.T.F. plan, should promptly do so. The new reporting requirement, while not a solution, is an important step. It will make it easier to identify and prosecute gun traffickers and, potentially, deter multiple sales using straw purchasers.

Feds sneaking around Congress to regulate firearms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, or ATF, has a long history of excess and overreaching … and they're at it again.

Using exaggerated reports of gun smuggling from the U.S. into Mexico as their justification, the agency has filed for an emergency regulation requiring gun dealers to keep track of their customers and file special reports to ATF whenever a customer purchases more than one semi-automatic rifle within any 5-day period. Such special reporting is already required for multiple sales of handguns and has proven to be thoroughly useless as a law enforcement tool.

NV: 2 Las Vegas men plead guilty to conspiring to sell machine guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Two Las Vegas men pleaded guilty Thursday in federal court to conspiring with a U.S. Navy Seal and another man to unlawfully sell machine guns and other firearms and explosives in Las Vegas, Colorado, and elsewhere, Nevada U.S. Attorney Daniel Bogden said.

Andrew Kaufman, 36, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to sell machine guns and other firearms and explosives and to illegally transfer of a machine gun.

Omar Aguirre, 35, who had not previously been charged in the case, pleaded guilty to a criminal information charging conspiracy to sell machine guns and other firearms and explosives.

All I want for Christmas is a cap gun
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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For Christmas, we went shopping for cap guns. You know, the toy gun with the red rolls of paper caps that go bang-bang. Well, much to our surprise those toys that we played with have as kids have virtually disappeared from the shelves of retailers in central New York. Is this strange or what?

First point is that the super stores that had none did have BB guns, paint ball guns and video games of gun-toting murderers that were flying off the shelves.

Some even had .22-caliber rifles, shotguns, archery items and knives, but no cap guns could be found. I found a dollar-type store that had the rolls of caps — but no cap guns.

NC: One Dead after Barber Shop Shooting in Asheboro
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Police are investigating a shooting in an Asheboro barber shop that left one man dead on Christmas Eve.

Witnesses say that a man was asleep in one of the chairs in the Real Cuts barber shop, located at 801 MLK Jr. Drive, when two men came in on Friday morning. One of the men walked over to the man who was asleep in the chair and started beating him up. When the man awoke, he pulled out a gun and shot one of them in the stomach. The other man fled the scene, and so did the shooter, said witnesses.

‘Twas the night before Christmas
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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…and Washington State gun owners once again were reminded yesterday —courtesy of a story in the Oneida, N.Y. Observer Dispatch — why they do not wish to see the Evergreen State go the way of the Empire State when it comes to regulating their right to keep and bear arms.

This comes on the heels of an arrest in a Kent murder, reported yesterday by the Seattle Times, that involved a stolen police sidearm. More about that in a moment.

Chris Brown Visits Kid Zoom Pop-up Gallery
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Chris Brown enjoyed an evening of modern art last night (December 23).

Joined by a few friends, the R&B star visited the Kid Zoom Pop-Up Gallery at 72 Gansevoort St. in New York City.

At the event, Chris hit up Twitter to post a pic of himself standing next to a particular piece before tweeting: “U have the right to ‘bear arms.’”

The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery. — WINSTON CHURCHILL

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