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Newslinks for 12/26/2024

TX: San Antonio Homeowner Faces Assault Charges in Shooting of Alleged Trespasser, Spurs Self-Defense Debate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A San Antonio homeowner's decision to shoot an alleged trespasser has led to charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and ignited discussions on the nature of self-defense. Thirty-two-year-old Johnathon Vasquez was arrested after the incident that took place on his property last Saturday morning, as he reported to the police that he shot a woman who he claimed had refused to leave his yard and approached his home. This information was detailed in a report by FOX San Antonio.

OH: Authorities say victim in Akron slaying assaulted a man before he was shot; no charges filed
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A victim from Green was fatally shot Sunday during a confrontation in an Akron apartment, police said.

Shilo Valentino Smith, 24, was shot about 3:50 a.m. at an apartment in the 1900 block of South Garden Court, according to Akron police and the office of the Summit County medical examiner. Authorities said a 19-year-old man shot Smith. The man told officers he fired in self-defense, police said.

Charges have yet to be filed.

KY: Thieves target a Kentucky community; police say multiple guns were stolen out of vehicles
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Guns were stolen from cars in a Kentucky community overnight on Christmas Eve.

Edgewood police are now searching for suspects.

"What are these guns being used for? Why are they being stolen? Are they going to be used in crimes?" neighbor Jeanne Condrad asked after learning about what happened.

Neighbors in the Edgewood community were left with concerns after police say thieves broke into cars in the area and stole three guns.

Edgewood police say this happened around 3 a.m. on Christmas Eve. Cars on Kingston Drive and Village Drive were hit.

Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 2.0 Review: Pocket Pistol Perfection?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Smith & Wesson’s release of the new Bodyguard 2.0 in July was met with a ton of fanfare. A pocket pistol chambered in .380 ACP with a 12+1 capacity doesn’t leave a lot to dislike. I’ve been a fan of S&W handguns for years, so with great anticipation, I requested one to see if it lived up to the hype.

I may have been a bit skeptical at first (for reasons we’ll get into in a minute), but I’ve enjoyed shooting and carrying this little gun for the past couple of months. There are also a couple of things I wish were different.

WI: Motive distracts from real problem: too many guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I regard this pernicious and cowardly. There is nothing interesting or helpful about the motive for violence of this nature. Face it: In any given case the shooter was angry or depressed. They had been slighted or humiliated at the site of the murders, perhaps repeatedly. They were isolated or secretive.

To concentrate on motive is a tacit admission of impotence. It distracts us from the reality that guns are everywhere, easily accessed, and that the citizens of this putative democracy don't believe that they have the power to change that.

We do have that power. We must put pressure on legislators who oppose commonsense gun laws by all means available to us.

Poland: Children in Poland are being taught how to use guns over fears of a Russian invasion
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An EU nation has made it mandatory for schoolchildren to take part in firearms training. Poland has taken the dramatic step in response to fears of a potential attack from Russia. Children aged 13 and above are now taking lessons on how to assemble and operate weapons including assault rifles. The lessons take place under adult supervision, and the weapons use laser-based systems instead of live ammunition.

Anti-Second Amendment Lawfare And State Abuse Of Process
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Rules for thee, but not for me. This should be the official motto of the left. As most Americans take care to stay on the right side of the law, even when we disagree or have our civil rights violated, conservatives remain at a constant disadvantage as anti-Second Amendment leftists spend a great deal of their time trying to circumvent the law. This phenomenon is not exclusive to individual rights, however, as these groups have long since used lawfare against the firearm industry, unabashedly declaring that if they cannot have their way legally, they’ll simply bankrupt businesses through misuse of the judicial system.

Beyoncé’s finger-gun gesture sparks buzz at NFL halftime
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a true “only Beyoncé could pull this off” moment, she was joined on the field by Shaboozey and Post Malone, sending the energy through the roof.

To close the show, she climbed onto a scaffold, soared above the field, and dropped a surprise move that had everyone talking—a finger-gun gesture, punctuated by a massive “Bang” banner unfurling behind her.

Congress Passes Bill Mandating More Shooting Ranges on Public Land
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A sweeping bipartisan outdoor recreation package headed to the White House includes legislation that would increase the number of public shooting ranges in the country.

The Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences, or EXPLORE, Act, was introduced to Congress last November as H.R.6492 and was shepherded through the House Committee on Natural Resources by committee chair U.S. Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.). With bipartisan support-- the bill had 27 Dems and 24 Republican co-sponsors-- it cleared the House on a voice vote in April and the Senate by unanimous consent last week, sending it to President Biden for likely signature.

New: Laugo Alien Goes Carry-Sized with the Compact Remus 9mm
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Czechia-based Laugo Arms has answered those who loved the company's Alien series competition guns but wanted something more everyday carry-sized with a new pistol. Meet the Remus.

Laugo was perhaps the biggest head-turner at SHOT Show in 2020 when its Alien hit American shores. Teased going back to 2018, the unique-looking handgun, which bears a strong resemblance to the Xenomorph endoparasitoid extraterrestrial species in Ridley Scott’s "Alien" franchise, generated lots of buzz with its extremely low bore axis and innovative design.

It doesn't require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires to people's minds. — Samuel Adams American Patriot

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