Do the math: Washington, with liberal gun laws, relatively safe
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Seattle and King County are once again recording very low homicide figures for 2010, leaving Seattle-centric gun prohibitionists with something of a problem as the year comes to an end, explaining why they would like the Evergreen States gun laws to be more reflective of places like Milwaukee or Chicago, where homicide rates are soaring." ... |
Renton road rage shooting: How stupid is that?
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"A road rage incident on I-405 in Renton that left a Maple Valley man in jail, detailed in this mornings on-line Seattle Post-Intelligencer, is the kind of anecdotal fodder anti-gunners will exploit, and gun rights advocates condemn." ... |
Josh Moon in Hot Water Over Registering Ammo Sales
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"Back on December 9, montgomeryadvertiser.com columnist Josh Moon responded to a spate of local gun violence. 'The one common thread tying them all together is guns . . . There is no question that guns are a problem. They do, in fact, kill people. This is where most would expect a diatribe on banning guns. However, while I wouldnt mind at all living in a world in which only the cops had firearms, thats a fantasy that will never come true. ...' Far be it for me to suggest that a pro-gun control media dude in the heart of Dixie should keep firearms off his editorial agenda. 'Cause if he did, we'd be denied a primo example of what happens when cultures collide . . ." ... |
Mayors bill taxpayers for security; would forbid them to defend themselves
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Chicago Mayor Richard Daley has a police security detail, courtesy of the taxpayers."
"New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has a police security detail, courtesy of the taxpayers."
"St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay has a police security detail, courtesy of the taxpayers."
"As, of course, do many other mayors (and other public officials), and the intent here is not to argue that this is necessarily inappropriate. ..."
What makes these mayors' taxpayer funded security so galling is the fact that they tend to do their very best to deny to those who are paying for their protection the right to an effective means of defending themselves. ..." ...
Why 1911's Kinda Suck and Kinda Don't
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"'The comparison between the GT-R and 911 is not appropriate for the 1911 [vs. polymer pistols],' TTAG commentator Dave Y writes. 'Rather a comparison to a Harley Davidson is more appropriate. Theyfre from the same era, are evolutionarily unchanged since inception. However, where the HD is never going to win a race with a modern motorcycle, a 1911 can and often does shoot as accurately or better than modern pistols.' David Yfs Harley analogy is very, very close to my thinking about 1911s. But not quite . . ." ... |
Quality: 1911 vs. Glock Vs. Taurus
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"The 1911 Sucks post sure stirred up some strong emotions. I cant speak for anyone but myself, but I had a great time debating the issues and I learned a lot. But there were also some other issues that were raised and not addressed to my satisfaction (being the sort of guy who likes facts and evidence). For instance: just how reliable are 1911s? How reliable are Glocks? And, from the comments, some people took exception to my characterization of Taurus as a brand with hit-or-miss quality, so what is the real deal with Taurus quality? How can those questions be answered? I thought of a way to get some baseline metrics on those issues. And since I was burning up vacation time from work, why not use it to be productive?" ... |
Ruger Selling Piston Driven Uppers from SR-556 AR Platform
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"Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE: RGR), announces the availability of three, AR-style upper receiver assemblies featuring the innovative two-stage, piston driven performance of the SR-556 family. These rugged and reliable SR-556 piston driven uppers run cleaner, cooler, and are easier to maintain than traditional gas driven systems, offering significantly improved reliability." ... |
Tough to find solution for 2nd Amendment debate
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"After studying the thorny topic of Second Amendment rights, I have come to one conclusion: neither you nor I have an answer that solves every problem and answers every question." ... -------
Submitter's Note: Well, I have an answer, although it may not be one that you like: The Second Amendment protects an individual right, and shall not be infringed means just what it says, period, stop. Any "adverse effects guns have in crimes" are more than offset by the positive effects they have, but even if this were not true, you may not limit my liberty because of the wrongdoing of others! |
Groups file brief supporting handgun ban
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"Several groups, including a university student government organization and a prominent gun-control lobby, this week filed a document in federal court asking a judge to uphold the current ban on handgun sales[sic] to people younger than 21." ... -------
Submitter's Note: The current ban only applies to FFL dealers, 18 year-olds and up are allowed to buy handguns, just not from dealers (therefore the law prohibits them from undergoing a 'Brady check'). |
Ruling in People v. Person: Parsing the Constitution
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... "In 'Justice Breyers Sharp Aim' (Op-Ed, Dec. 22), Pauline Maier offers an excellent critique of the assault on our Constitution by five conservative justices of the Supreme Court as they distort the meaning of the Second Amendment. As Ms. Maier notes, the Second Amendment affirms the right of 'people' to keep and bear arms in a well-regulated militia or the National Guard today." ... |
Are gun enthusiasts really in a militia?
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Why do firearm fetishists always conveniently forget the first part of the Second Amendment ('A well regulated Militia')? ..." -------
Submitter's Note: US Code Title 10, Chapter 13, 311. Militia: composition and classes - "The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and ... under 45 years of age ..."
fetishism n 1. a condition in which the handling of an inanimate object or a specific part of the body other than the sexual organs is a source of sexual satisfaction 2. belief in or recourse to a fetish for magical purposes 3. excessive attention or attachment to something Hmm, nope, sorry, none of those apply to me. |
FL: Marine, wife attacked by teens after showing of "Little Fockers"
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"A group of unruly teenagers attacked a 27-year-old Marine and his wife who had asked them to be quiet during a Christmas night showing of Little Fockers.'" ...
"The couple was kicked and punched in the parking lot before a gun-brandishing witness told the crowd to step back just before deputies arrived." ... -------
Submitter's Note: No one got shot, but something tells me the "Little Fockers" weren't counting on the armed citizen. |
Did Justice Breyer Invent History to Justify His Personal Agenda?
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"An oft-quoted maxim attributed (dubiously) to Mark Twain instructs writers: 'Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.' Perhaps Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer has been reading the recently published diaries of Twain and has been inspired to weave a little yarn of his own a story strong on emotion but woefully light on facts." ... |
CA: Appeal Filed In Lawsuit Challenging San Diego Concealed Carry Weapons Policies
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"Acting quickly, on December 14, 2010, attorneys for the NRA, CRPA Foundation, and a number of San Diego residents filed a Notice of Appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals seeking to overturn a Southern District Court ruling from December 10, 2010 that upheld San Diego Sheriff William Gores restrictive policies on issuing permits to carry concealed firearms." ... |
Ask your congressman to join Rep. Rehberg effort to block BATFE power grab
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"St. Louis area gun owners should urge their congressional representatives to follow the leadership of Congressman Denny Rehberg (R-MT) in opposing the BATFE's attempt to bypass the legislative process (not to mention the Constitution) and require firearms dealers to report multiple rifle sales--a topic we've discussed ... Congressman Rehberg, knowing very well that illegal usurpation of the power to regulate guns in one part of the country affects gun owners all across the nation, has, along with 33 co-signers from both parties, sent a letter to the BATFE and to President Obama condemning this proposed new infringement on that which shall not be infringed." ... |
FL: Crist: 'It was a difficult time to govern'
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"He rode a wave of optimism into office four years ago, but Gov. Charlie Crist leaves behind a very different Florida when his term expires next week." ...
"One area where Crist remained consistent was support for gun owners' rights, notably vetoing a legislative raid on a concealed weapon application trust fund."
"'He never failed to do the right thing when it came to the Second Amendment,' said lobbyist Marion Hammer of the Unified Sportsmen of Florida, the state's NRA affiliate. 'We always knew exactly where he stood.'" ... |
Mexico Pulls the Rug from Under ATF Long Gun Registry
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"The [ATF] wants to create an 'emergency' long gun registration to combat the flow of rifles from U.S. gun dealers to Mexican drug cartels. Huh? Setting aside the fact that theres no proof that this so-called 'iron river' of smuggled guns is anything more than a trickle, the drug wars in Mexico have been raging for at least four years. Whats the rush? Why has the ATF has truncated the public consultation period ..? As Ive posted previously, the ATF initiatives existence, timing and [supposed] urgency has more to do with politics than, well, anything. And heres the kicker: just as the ATF has declared an emergency the Mexican government is declaring victory. Check this from laht.com" ... |
ATF Nails One TN Straw Purchaser
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"This summer, the Office of Inspector General had the ATFs balls for breakfast. The federal watchdog took the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires) to task for Project Gunrrunners abject failure to nail 'the big fish' behind the so-called 'iron river' of smuggled guns heading south. Today, an ATF press release trumpeted their success in the case of one Edwing Ronal Morales, convicted for lying on his ATF Form 4473. Yes, well, back in September 2009, nashvillecitypaper.com reported the wider picture . . ." ... |
ATF Overreaches Again Threatens Rights
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"The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) has a long history of excess and overreaching and they're at it again. Using exaggerated reports of gun smuggling from the US into Mexico as their justification, the agency has filed for an Emergency Regulation requiring gun dealers to keep track of their customers and file special reports to ATF whenever a customer purchases more than one semi-automatic rifle within any 5-day period. Such special reporting is already required for multiple sales of handguns and has proven to be thoroughly useless as a law enforcement tool." ... |
Attorney General Holder fans flames of 'homegrown terrorism' suspicion
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"St. Louis gun rights advocates will no doubt remember the infamous Missouri Information Analysis Center's leaked memo implying that gun rights advocacy (among other things) is grounds for suspicion of 'right-wing terrorist' tendencies." ...
"Now, Attorney General Eric Holder's greatest terrorism concern is, according to ABC News . . . Americans." ... |
CA: Chris Liu: I am the YouTube airline pilot (video available)
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"The airline pilot who lost his federally-issued gun and badge for posting video on YouTube critical of airport security has chosen to go public with his identity."
"'My name is Chris Liu and I'm an airline pilot,' Liu said during an exclusive interview Monday with News10 at his home in Colfax."
"Liu's cell phone video tour of security at San Francisco International Airport led to a team of six federal agents and sheriff's deputies coming to his home on Dec. 2 to take his handgun and Federal Flight Deck Officer (FFDO) credentials."
"Liu's state-issued permit to carry a concealed weapon was also suspended by the Placer County sheriff." ... |
NE: 20 police surround, slam, arrest unarmed man
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"Twenty police officers surged into a mobile home neighborhood in Lincoln, Neb., and slammed an unarmed man to the ground because a neighbor reported he was shooting a crossbow, and the resulting melee left two officers hurt, the man's wife and 4-year-old tossed out of their home and the Internet forum pages aglow with the flames of argument over weapons rights." ... |
OH: Tuscarawas County Leads State in Weekend Deer-Gun Harvest Numbers
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"Hunters killed 21,064 deer on December 18-19, during the weekend of gun hunting, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Wildlife."
"The extra weekend of gun hunting was first offered in 2006 in response to hunters' request for additional weekend days to pursue white-tailed deer, the state's number one big game animal. In 2009, hunters took 19,900 deer during those two days." ... |
OH: Attorney General announces Third Quarter 2010 CHL statistics
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"Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray (D) has released the concealed handgun license (CHL) statistics for the third quarter of 2010. During the quarter ending September 2010, Ohio surpassed 200,000 outstanding concealed handgun licenses. The quarter ended with a record of approximately 208,350 Ohio residents licensed to carry concealed firearms. (See chart)"
"We are in our seventh year of concealed carry in Ohio and it is clear that the program is popular, successful and growing. ..." ... |
CA: Counting the cost of lost U.S. freedoms
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"How much eggnog did Mark Landsbaum consume before writing his column under the heading of 'How free should you feel?' [Commentary, Dec. 26]? ..."
"... Your land, something that was sacrosanct to our forefathers, can now be confiscated by the government from a person and given to a corporation if more taxes can be obtained this is not eminent domain. Try to buy a gun now compared with years past. The government, especially California, has all but buried the Second Amendment with all the fees, regulations and petty laws." ... |
PA: Salisbury High School Rifle Team Aims High
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Susan Koomar
Website: http://www.salisbury.patch.com
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"It is a recent afternoon and classes are over for the day at Salisbury High School. Sixteen-year-old Alexa Bartel lies prone on a khaki mat atop a cold concrete basement floor, her long legs and fluorescent pink sneakers spill over the edge of the mat."
"She brushes her long blond pony tail aside, adjusts the .22-caliber bolt-action rifle nestled in the crook of her left shoulder, sets her sight on the bull's-eye 50 feet away and slowly squeezes the trigger with her right index finger, the one with the fingernail painted a deep royal blue." ... |