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Newslinks for 12/3/2002

Haitian national pleads innocent to airport weapons violation
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Riguens Andre of Jonesboro, Georgia, was released on 50-thousand dollars bond. He was ordered to stay away from guns and airports.

"Andre is a Haitian national who is a legal U-S resident. He was trying to catch a flight to Haiti two weeks ago, and said he needed the gun plus 50 extra bullets for protection once he got there."

"Prosecutors wanted higher bond because of what they called the inherent danger of trying to carry a weapon on to a plane." ...

Why the Pentagon will watch where you shop
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"...this past fall, Germany attempted to launch the world's largest computer dragnet after it was discovered that the principal 9/11 hijackers had lived in Germany while plotting their attacks.

"Some 4,000 German companies were asked by the police to dump their electronic files into the government's database. ...

"Only 212 of the 4,000 companies reportedly complied with the request to give up their records, due to privacy concerns." ...

I'm From Missouri, Snow Me!
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"If I were to point a gun at someone and shoot them dead in a case of mistaken identity I would serve time, and deservedly so. If a police officer shoots someone under the same circumstances they get suspended pending an investigation and then after the investigation that always seems to clear the officer of any wrongdoing they are back out on the streets packing a gun and protecting us with the same incompetence that they had in the first place. Show Me, where is the accountability?" ...

Australia: More inquiries into Launceston tragedy
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Launceston police are continuing their investigations into a murder-suicide early yesterday morning.

"Detective Inspector, Glen Ball, of Launceston CIB says investigations into the gun used to kill a man and a woman in their early 20's are continuing.

"Inspector Ball said after further interviews with family members and associates of the couple the coroner will conduct an examination of the deaths." ...

Kerry plans presidential bid in 2004
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"I think there is deep anxiety in the American people about security ... job security, income security, retirement security, health security, education security, physical, personal security and of course, national security." ...

New Zealand: Former Policeman Gives Evidence
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"A highly decorated former police officer has given defence evidence at the High Court trial of a constable accused of murder. ...

"He said that in a situation such as that which Abbott found himself in, it would be reasonable to arm himself with a pistol.

"Mr Edwards said if the officer feared for his own or anyone else's safety he'd expect him to shoot the offender."
Would he have said the same if it was an ordinary citizen defending his or her life?

Australia: 'This is the woman I have to quieten'
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"However, Mr Key, 29, could not afford to buy the weapon – priced between $800 and $1500 – and the deal did not go ahead, the court heard.

"Mrs Matthews, 37, was found stabbed to death in her West Lakes Shore home by her three sons on July 12, last year."
Not being able to get his hands on a gun sure didn't stop this guy from murdering his victim.

Missile shields urged for airliners
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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... "It is not clear exactly how many missile systems are available around the world or if any are a threat in the United States."

" 'There are thousands of these surface-to-air missiles around the world,' said Sen. Richard C. Shelby, Alabama Republican, who appeared with Mr. Graham on 'Fox News Sunday.' "

" 'You can buy them and you can transport them. A lot of them are not as accurate as others. But sooner or later that's going to be one of the methods for the terrorists to hit,' he said." ...
People in high places are discussing the possibility of surface-to-air missile systems being used against American aircraft... but we're supposed to buy into the notion that handgun bans will keep people from getting handguns?

Violence Against Police Hits 4-Year High
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The Sept. 11 terrorist attacks produced the single deadliest day in the history of U.S. law enforcement--72 officers killed--yet almost as many died in nonterrorist incidents during 2001 as violence against police rose to a four-year high.

"The collapse of the World Trade Center in New York after the twin towers were struck by hijacked airliners accounted for 71 of last year's 142 law enforcement killings, the FBI reported Monday." ...

Bambi's Mother in the Cross Hairs
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The 1st of two amazing pro hunting NY Times pieces to run today. I am in shock!!!
Site username: Newslinks
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"Very few people like the idea of shooting Bambi's mother [in New York City, anyway]. But there may be no better way to slow the rapid expansion of deer populations that are devastating ecosystems in many areas of the country." ...

Killing With Kindness?
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The second shocking pro hunting NY Times piece...
Site username: Newslinks
Site password: Newslinks
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"At age 74, Ken James offers no apologies for his lifelong passion — to hunt and kill a deer in the woods every fall. His hunts are bookmarks in the story of an outdoor life." ...

OH: Ohio Public Radio Covers HB274 Legislation
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry

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Ohio Public Radio has a 3.5minute audio clip with interviews from Sen. Jacobson, The Governor's Office, Mike Taylor (FOP Union), Jeff Garvas (Ohioans For Concealed Carry), and John Gilcrest, a liar... err lawyer for the Ohio Chiefs Of Police (listen to his claim about other states with CCW laws resulting in "gun violence")

Tuesday is the FIRST day of hearings on HB274. Lawmakers need to hear from you constantly. See our main page for details even if you don't live in Ohio.

OH: Associated Press Coverage On Tuesday's Concealed Carry Hearings
Submitted by: Ohioans For Concealed Carry

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This is a good article from the Associated Press about Concealed Carry hearings in Ohio Tuesday through Thursday.

OFCC was quoted in this and they even plugged our website at the very bottom!

Does a Foreign Court Have the Power to Censor American Websites??
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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NOTE: The website address for this report is too long for our Newslinks system. Click Here for the full story.
"Yahoo! Inc. asked an appeals court to uphold a lower court's ruling that said the second-biggest Internet auction service doesn't have to obey a French court order to remove Nazi symbols from its Web site."

"Yahoo, which went to court in the U.S. to keep two French civil rights groups from enforcing the French order, told the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals it faces daily fines of 100,000 francs ($15,198)." ...
Ignore the "Nazi symbols" red herring and look at the bigger picture. This legal case has far reaching implications for liberty advocates. If the backwards socialist French government can dictate what an American-based company can or cannot put on its website, imagine what could happen when some society of fools makes it illegal to show pictures of firearms, to advocate enforcement of the right of the people to keep and bear arms... etc.

If these Marxists had their way, any anti-gun, anti-rights nation could issue similarly large fines against any American liberty advocacy organization -- like, for example -- for "offensive" site content.

While we certainly would not advocate Nazism (BATF does a good enough job at that), we say the French are wrong on this issue -- dead wrong -- and applaud the American judges who agree.

Japan: Angry ape goes on the rampage against defenseless sheeple
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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FULL TEXT PROVIDED...about how monkeys are superior to unarmed Japanese peasants...
NAGANO -- Fourteen women were injured Monday after a wild monkey went on the rampage in a residential area of Shimosuwa, Nagano Prefecture, authorities said.

Police and local health officials armed with tranquilizer guns and nets launched a hunt for the 1-meter tall Japanese macaque, but it remains at large.

"An extremely violent ape is roaming the town. Please avoid making eye contact when you spot it," said a warning issued through outdoor public address systems which have been installed across the town for emergency uses.

Police said the 14 victims -- from women in their teens to those in their 70s -- were tackled, scratched, or bitten by the monkey from around 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. One of the victims, a 72-year-old woman, was badly bitten around her right knee while hanging out laundry and was hospitalized. Another elderly woman broke her arm after she fell while being chased by the ape.

A Shimosuwa official said the strong macaque could be extremely agitated because it was chased out of its habitat after losing out in a fight with another male monkey over who would rule their domain. (Mainichi Shimbun, Dec. 2, 2002)
In many parts of America, turning this monkey loose would be a death warrant for the little critter. But in Japan, if the "authorities," with their guns, aren't able to get him... "don't make eye contact" is about their best chance, and even then they may be hospitalized.

"Let's Drive Big Brother Crazy"
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Ronald Deibert, a University of Toronto associate professor of political science, wants people to grab their cameras and hit the shopping malls Dec. 24 and participate in World Sousveillance Day."

"Surveillance means, 'to view from above.' Sousveillance means, 'to view from below.' " ...

Turkeys – Wild, Domestic and Human
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Are these stupid creatures the only ones that have been so domesticated that they have lost the ability to protect themselves and their young? Are they the only ones that have had the independence and cunning bred out of them? Are they the only ones that depend on their owners to feed and protect them? Are they the only ones that have become property rather than self-reliant individuals?"

"Regrettably, there are human turkeys who have become so used to being cared for that they are now unable to recognize enemies, much less to protect themselves and their young. There are human turkeys who have been treated as domestic animals for so long that they have come to think of themselves that way."
Excellent commentary. Perhaps from now on, we should refer to the "sheeple" as "domesticated turkeys."

D.C. Gun Law Under Fire
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A Second Amendment group is filing a lawsuit demanding that the nation's capital ease up its gun laws, which are considered the most restrictive in the nation."

"The Cato Institute, a public policy research group that bases its work on libertarian principles, is crafting a legal challenge to Washington, D.C.'s law, claiming that all Americans have the right to defend themselves." ...

South Africa: I have firearms licenses
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Gaye Derby-Lewis described on Monday as 'ridiculous' her arrest last week on charges of illegally possessing firearms and ammunition — claiming she had licences for everything."

"The 62-year-old wife of Clive Derby-Lewis — jailed for life for the 1993 murder of SA Communist Party leader Chris Hani — was arrested on Friday during countrywide police raids forming part of the probe into a recent spate of bombings blamed on the far-right." ...

Total Info System Totally Touchy
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Can a massive database of information on Americans really preempt terrorist attacks?"

"That's what industry experts are asking about the Pentagon's proposed Total Information Awareness System, which, according to the proposal (PDF), would aggregate on 'an unprecedented scale' credit card, medical, school and travel records." ...

Cell phones may lead to more road deaths
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The death toll from crashes caused by drivers talking on wireless phones appears to be rising significantly as the devices become a must-have accessory for many Americans."

"A study being released today by Harvard University's Center for Risk Analysis estimates a rate of 2,600 deaths a year in such crashes, compared with the same researchers' estimate of 1,000 deaths two years ago." ...

"The Harvard study estimated 570,000 injuries a year and 1.5-million crashes resulting in property damage can be blamed on wireless phone use."

ACLU membership surges in wake of Sept. 11 attacks
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"...since Sept. 11 and the government's expansive campaign of monitoring and detention, people are turning to the 82-year-old organization to help safeguard their liberties. Among them are conservatives who made the phrase 'card-carrying member of the ACLU' a political insult, but who now are signing up."


Most civil liberties activists agree that the ACLU does good work in certain instances. But when it comes to the Second Amendment, they are socialistic, government-worshipping liars. If you weren't aware of that FACT, consider reading any of the following:
The Hypocrisy of the ACLU
by Jeremy D. Blanks, Ph.D.

ACLU (Arms-Confiscating Lies Unmasked)
by David Codrea

Letter to the ACLU
by David Rostcheck

UK: Gun-toting robbers get no money
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"ROBBERS who fired shots into the air were foiled by quick-thinking security guards who hid behind their van.

"The attempted armed robbery took place as Securicor guards delivered cash to McDonald's, in St Clements Way, Greenhithe.

"Two men wearing balaclavas approached the guards and demanded money after one fired two shots into the air.

"But the robbers made off empty-handed in a white Suzuki Swift after the guards hid." ...

UK: "Gun and knife terror raid on store"
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Police are hunting two men who used a gun and a knife in a terrifying raid at an off-licence.

"The robbers took cash and cigarettes from Booze Busters, Westdale Lane, Carlton, at 3.20pm on Saturday.

"The first man pointed a gun at store manageress Karen Cotterill. The second threatened her with a knife and demanded cash. They ran off towards Mapperley Plains. It was the third time in two months the store has been raided." ...

OK: Norman considers new pistols
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Lt. Kent Ritchie, a firearms instructor and night shift patrol supervisor, said he's close to ending a two-year firearms study that could result in new weapons for the entire department.

"Since 1990, the department has issued a Smith & Wesson 9 mm pistol or allowed officers to carry a semiautomatic weapon of their own. Other officers still carry a revolver issued more than 10 years ago." ...

UK: Owners hold key to safe [air]gun use
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Express & Star found out just how easy it is to get hold of one of these air guns - but we chose to go to a reputable gun shop, which also gave us valuable advice."

"Campaigners backing stricter controls on these weapons report that the guns can be bought on seaside piers, at market stalls and even from tobacconists where such advice would not be available." ...

Auto deaths top killer of kids
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The No. 1 killer of children and teens isn't drugs, smoking, suicides or gun violence.

"It's sitting in your driveway...

"Black and hispanic children are more likely to be killed in traffic accidents than whites, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Black children aged 5 to 12 are nearly three times more likely to be killed in traffic accidents than white children. Hispanic children are twice as likely to be killed." ...

Armed Citizen Corps Member Receives D.A. Praise
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Dear Mr. White,"

"Please accept this letter of commendation and appreciation on behalf of the citizens of this county for your actions on September 19th. Your willingness to intervene was an act of selflessness and courage. You were not only exceptionally alert and clear thinking, but your decisive action was extraordinary. Because of your command and intimidating presence, a young man who was armed with a loaded firearm..." ...

Jamaica: Police say they'll renew gun purchasers' permits
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Persons holding firearm purchasers' permits that may expire before new gun shipments arrive in the island are being assured by the police that the permits will be renewed."

"The majority of divisional police superintendents contacted by the Observer last week said that they would not revoke the permits, given that the firearm applicants are unable to make purchases because of a shortage of stock now being experienced by firearm dealers." ...

UK: "[Air] Weapon is replica - but fear is real"
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Recognise this weapon? This is the £27.95 gun that has put the fear into ordinary shopkeepers, cashiers and school children across the West Midlands.

"Although it looks deadly real and can cause a very painful injury it fires no bullets for it is an air gun that fires steel ball-bearings.

"But as we reveal today air guns look only too real to those who have been threatened with them and are convincing enough to cause growing concern among police chiefs." ...

UK: Gun death inquest
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Notts coroner Dr Nigel Chapman has opened an inquest into the death of Terrisia Jacobs.

"Dr Chapman told a hearing at Nottingham Coroner's Court that the 33-year-old, from Courtleet Way in Bulwell, had died from a gun shot injury to the head.

"The inquest was opened and adjourned.

"Aston Bola, 33, of Beechdale Road, Beechdale, has appeared at Nottingham Crown Court accused of killing the mother-of-three on November 9." ...

Canada: Firearms registry used 1,500 times a day
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Police across Canada are checking records in the federal government's firearms registry an average of 1,500 times a day, Justice Minister Martin Cauchon says."

"Mr. Cauchon disclosed the figure in the Commons yesterday, after the Canadian Alliance charged the estimated $1 billion the firearms registration and licensing system is expected to cost by 2005 is a waste of taxpayers' money." ...

Nigeria: Drunk policeman kills teenager
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"TWO teenagers were shot in Lagos on Sunday morning by a Mobile Police constable, shortly after he allegedly emerged from a beer parlour.

"Sources said the policeman, Biodun Folorunso attached to MOPOL 22, allegedly shot one Stephen Essien, and a 13-year-old girl, Cecilia Popoola at the NYSC camp, Ipaja, venue of the yearly camp meeting of the Methodist Brigade killing the former in the process." ...

Australia: States stop gun ban
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"SPECIAL powers under the Constitution may be invoked to break a deadlock on banning hundreds of handgun models."

"Prime Minister John Howard reacted angrily yesterday after three states - New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia -- opposed the move to ban the guns." ...

IN: Police shooting needs outside investigator
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The city police investigation that led Prosecutor Robert Gevers II to conclude no criminal charges should be filed against ...Al Glock in the shooting death of Eric Thomas appears to be on solid ground for now...

"Glock's efforts to interrupt shoplifting by Thomas... deserve commendation. He spotted a crime in progress and stopped it. The confrontation escalated into an intense fight for a gun that ended with Glock, an off-duty police officer, shooting Thomas in the store's parking lot." ...

CA: Lawmakers return to face another budget mess and more gun control
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"GUN CONTROL: Gun control advocates hope lawmakers will enact a ballistic 'fingerprint' bill that would match fired bullets to firearms sold in the state."

"They also hope to clamp tighter controls on massive .50-caliber rifles that critics fear could be used by terrorists and to require more safety features on guns to prevent accidental shootings." ...

UK: "Elite sky marshals to guard high-risk flights"
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"COUNTER-TERRORISM chiefs are secretly recruiting elite sky marshals to protect flights in and out of Britain.

"The hand-picked team will be drawn from police forces and commanded by Scotland Yard's anti-terrorist squad, the Home Office and the Intelligence Services.

"All will be crack shots and unarmed combat experts and will be sent to America for specialist training." ...
Sent to America to train because most Brits cower in fear and break into outright panic attacks at the mere sight of a BB gun -- too ignorant to know the difference between that and a real firearm. So who in "Great" Britain could possibly train these "elite" "crack shots"?

Israel: Debt-burdened IMI agrees to consolidate
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Moves are afoot to restore the fortunes of Israel Military Industries (IMI), the state-owned defense manufacturer, after significant advances were made in talks between the company and the government. Accountant-General of the Finance Ministry Nir Gilad met with chairman of IMI board Arie Mizrachi before the weekend, and apparently a breakthrough was made in solving the current crisis, including the sale of selected plants." ...

UK: Youths injure gran in vicious street attack
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Christina Burton, 49, of Wickham Road, Brockley, was assaulted after she tried to stop the children pushing a wheelie bin into the path of oncoming cars on Adelaide Avenue, Brockley.

"When she intervened, the youngsters said they had a gun and a knife, then one kicked her.

"Mrs Burton turned around to walk away but was knocked to the ground breaking her arm and shoulder in three places." ...
The United Kingdom -- Raising children to know that self-defense is banned and all people are defenseless. Come see us. Bring the whole family.

UK: Terrifying diary of gun attacks
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The region is blighted by louts and nuts who wrongly use air guns - as shown by this blow-by-blow account of gun crime in the West Midlands and surrounding area.

"It ranges from violent robberies to loutish incidents between pupils - and, more alarmingly, the random sniper attack which took place in the city centre at the weekend." ...

At Justice, Freedom Not to Release Information
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Today, at the Justice Department, some laws are more equal than others."

"One 36-year-old U.S. law can be broken, it seems. Attorney General John D. Ashcroft, who is sworn to enforce all laws, has told federal employees that they can bend -- perhaps even break -- one law, and he will even defend their actions in court."

"That law is known as the Freedom of Information Act."
This is the same guy who testified in his congressional hearing that he would enforce all unConstitutional gun laws.

Trigger happy: Gun fanatics zero in on shooting's allure
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Andrew Greene climbed onto a motorbike in Cambodia, rode into the countryside and paid $20 to shoot 30 bullets from an AK-47. Another few bucks, the gun owner offered, and he could shoot a chicken."

"No thanks, Greene said. It wasn't killing he sought, just the novelty of spraying a few rounds from a big gun."

"What followed was keenly memorable: the weapon's violent kicks and shuddering noise, puffs of smoke, sparks jumping from the rock wall that deadened the bullets. A new smell, the smell of a fired gun, reached his nostrils." ...

ME: Decline in hunters reshapes gun debate
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Once or twice a week this fall, high school freshman Davis Asherman dons a kid-size camouflage jacket, pulls a warm hat over his dyed-green hair, and heads out with his dad to hunt for ducks."

"Asherman, 15, is following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, but new statistics indicate that his children might not." ...

VA: Parents who teach kids gun safety do good work (letter)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Evidently, Carroll Jordan ['Mixing children and loaded firearms is courting tragedy,' Nov. 15] does not have any personal experience with firearms or children."

"From the time my boys could walk, I have taught them about firearms and safety. I have to give even more credit to my father, who taught me about guns. He taught me that I was not to touch a firearm without his saying I could." ...

Flight attendants also could be armed
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Airline flight attendants could be armed with more than smiles and pillows, depending on the results of a federal study that will look at tasers, stun guns or other non-lethal weapons in the cabin."

"Beneath the controversial provision that will allow airline pilots to carry guns in the cockpit, the new homeland security bill that President Bush signed calls for a report within six months on the pros and cons of weaponry for flight attendants." ...

AZ: Homeowner shoots, kills intruder
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Two bad guys break into a home at breakfast time; they get served hot lead.

Arizona is gun friendly. I like the forthright presentation of this event in the Phoenix news. They don't blame the gun. They don't turn the bad guys into the victims.

VA: Arlington, Va. Police "Voluntary" gun registration web site
Submitted by: Bob Culver

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You may be interested in visiting the cited web page.

As stated on the page:

"The Commonwealth of Virginia does not require gun registration. Arlington County provides this service for its citizens in an effort to keep a record..."

The Brady law and other laws contain language that attempts to restrict firearm owner lists. So, to get around that, they now invite voluntary listing. You don't suppose this will be used to return a stolen firearm to you do you?

Ex-JURORS CHARGING: ’83 Kahl Jury Rigged
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"Recent sworn affidavits show that a number of jurors who sent Yorie Kahl and a friend to prison for life had doubts about whether the two men were actually guilty of the crimes they were charged with committing." ...

Canada: Auditor-General targets gun registry
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Auditor-General Sheila Fraser has examined for the first time the massive cost overrun of the federal gun registry and will report her finding Tuesday.

"The amount spent on the controversial federal program established in 1995 — expected to reach $1-billion by 2004 — is more than 10 times its original price tag, critics complain.

"The cost to taxpayers ...has never been examined by the Auditor-General until now, despite early calls for an investigation from critics and users of the system." ...

CO: Off-duty FBI officer involved in shooting
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Colorado Springs Police say an off-duty FBI agent shot a Colorado Springs man Saturday night as he intervened in what was apparently a domestic dispute.

"Timothy Brooks, 36, was involved in what witnesses said was a heated argument with his wife in a parking lot on Austin Bluffs. The woman apparently got out of the car and ran away. Witnesses said Brooks drove after her and they believed the woman was about to be kidnapped or assaulted.

"Agent Robert Moen fired his gun into the car to prevent Brooks from leaving. One of the bullets struck Brooks in the neck. He was in fair condition Monday afternoon. The El Paso County District Attorney's office is investigating."

Dianne Feinstein - hypocrite extraordinaire
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Last year, when the FBI found Symbionese Liberation Army soldier Kathleen Soliah living as Sarah Jane Olson, a doctor's wife in Minnesota, this column suggested the authorities look into her role in a robbery and murder here in 1975. They did."

"The SLA was a murderous left-wing gang, one of several in the Bay Area. It was so bad during the 1970s that even Dianne Feinstein was packing a gun after the New World Liberation Front put her on a 'death warrant.'" ...

To suppose arms in the hands of citizens, to be used at individual discretion, except in private self-defense or by partial orders of a dissolution of the government. — John Adams, A Defense of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America (1787-1788).

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