Propaganda ‘journalism’ blames U.S. gun laws for Mexican violence
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David Codrea
Website: http://www.davidcodrea.com
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... "The 90% canard has been exposed so many times, and for so long, that a professional 'Authorized Journalist' using it again here can only be explained by a truth-be-damned agenda."
"As has the astounding corruption of both Mexican military and police forces, from whose ranks the narcoterrorist Los Zetas sprang, first as enforcers, and now as prime players in their own right."
"But we’re to believe it’s due to that 'wide gulf in gun laws.'" ... |
Biggest gun rights story of 2010 based in Bellevue, ignored by local press
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The biggest constitutional civil rights story of 2010, maybe of the decade, was based right here in Bellevue, yet as the on-line Seattle Post-Intelligencer is currently beginning its 'Top Stories' reviews, should we expect to see a single word about the Second Amendment Foundation’s landmark gun rights victory before the U.S. Supreme Court? Don’t hold your breath."
"Local news agencies have less than 72 hours to prove this column wrong." ... |
Welcome to The World of Personal Responsibility
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "I'd like to address a few points raised by the post Josh Moon in Hot Water Over Registering Ammo Sales to help new and non-gun owners understand the subject of firearms ownership a little better. After reading Josh Moon's take on gun control, QL says 'Hey, I should have the right to defend myself and shoot any SOB who breaks into my home and means to cause my family harm.' Some people might be offended by that remark. But let's look at this the other way around. How could this SOB have avoided being shot? By not violating the law. If the worst happens, it was his failure of 'personal responsibility.' Some would reject this perspective and say: 'If someone breaks in, you should call the police!'" ... |
Reflections on a Gun Culture Christmas
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Hope all y’all’s Christmases went well. Spent mine at home base, and was reminded how good it is to be among those people with solid core values who constitute what some call The Gun Culture. Christmas Eve was spent at a small dinner party with friends, among whom the armed far outnumbered the unarmed. Dress code was 'chilly weather casual,' and when the coats came off it was apparent that the hosting residence would be the worst possible target for home invaders." ... |
"Mexico has some of the toughest gun-control laws"
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"From the Washington Post: 'Mexico has some of the toughest gun-control laws in the world, a matter of pride for the nation’s citizens. Yet Mexico is awash in weapons.'"
"In 25 words, reporter William Booth has made the best argument against gun-control laws that could be made." ... |
New Zealand: Even guys toting guns need manners
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"Sitting down for dinner at any Texan diner, in my experience, often involves guns."
"I can't recall the exact number of times I have eaten a meal in the immediate company of a man, or men, with shooters on their hips in plain view. For me, I am always equal parts spellbound and queasy."
"Spellbound because there is something so fundamentally cowboy and western about it. Guns, freedom, country music and the Second Amendment. It is Texas after all. Yeeha!"
"Queasy because sitting in a public eatery chewing on a steak whilst surrounded by manly males packing pistols feels too much like entering a movie set. Or the twilight zone. All those rights and freedoms. It just feels wrong somehow. ..." ... -------
Submitter's Note: That pretty well sums it up: All those rights and freedoms make antis queasy. |
Three Self-Defense Lessons from NERF War (video available)
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"My seven-year-old daughter and I fought the onset of cabin fever yesterday with a couple of NERF guns. The Schnauzers were not well pleased, but I have no sympathy (the bitches’ barking constantly gave my position away). Lola and I had a blast. During the course of our battle, we learned some important lessons about gunfighting and defense against an armed aggressor. Of which I’ll share with you. Starting with ye olde fight or flight response . . ." ... |
Wilson Combat Introduces Six New 1911s
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"Wilson Combat is heading to the SHOT show with six new models. The first one’s above: the CQB Light-rail Lightweight. The weapon's available in 9mm, .38 Super, 10mm and (of course) .45. Wilson touts the pistol as 'a full size working gun in a compact weight class' that 'guarantees that you always have a weapon mounted light at hand.' Provided you don't remove it. The forged aluminum-framed pistol weighs 31.2 ounces unloaded. Yours for $2800 plus. No? Let's try again then . . ." ... |
Kahr Arms Reintroduces Baby Desert Eagle. Why?
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"Back in June, Kahr Arms bought Magnum Research, makers of the famed and feared (often for its failure to fire) Desert Eagle ... Before cashing in their chips, Magnum’s mavens had milked the Eagle for all it was worth. (Which is just as bad as it sounds.) They’d expanded the Desert Eagle’s caliber options from .50 to .44 and .357 (or all three) and hatched a flock of eaglets ... Not to mention the Big Frame Revolver or Mountain Eagle rifle (five calibers) and Magnum Lite MLR-1722 rifle (five calibers), which have had some issues. By the time Kahr took over, the Eagle brand had been extended towards extinction. In fact, Magnum had stopped importing the Baby Desert Eagle from Israel. And now . . . it’s back!" ... |
Boyz to Men, Back to Boyz: Run and Gun Just for Fun? (video available)
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"There is nothing wrong with civilians training for battle, even if they’re more likely to encounter a wombat than combat. And if there’s a bit of fantasy role playing involved, why not? The word 'fun' may be 'Voldemort' to gun control advocates, they may see men mucking about with guns as infantile and dangerously delusional, but at least these guys aren't engaging in sex games with loaded weapons ... But seriously folks, hats off to UStacticalmedic36 and his BFF for getting away from the Xbox for a little firearm fresh air. ..." |
New Ruger Gunsite Scout Rifle (video available)
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"Sturm, Ruger & Co reckon their new Gunsite Scout Rifle is a credible rendition of Col. Jeff Cooper’s 'fighting carbine' Scout Rifle. Guns & Ammo mag described the Col.'s concept back in May '09: 'Three kilograms maximum weight, one meter maximum length, a forward-mounted telescope, and chambered in .308 Winchester.' Cooper wanted a rifle that could go anywhere and do anything, from self-defense to an entire day's hunting, taking game up to 500 pounds (so much for travelling light). In a country where gun owners can afford multiple quality rifles for multiple tasks (especially defense), the Scout Rifle never really caught on. So why is Ruger teaming up with Cooper’s Gunsite inheritors to bring it on back?" ... |
CSGV renews push for 'microstamping'
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... "Microstamping is quite popular with just about anyone who likes to edit the 'not' out of shall not be infringed, including the Brady Campaign and Mayors Against Illegal Guns (who have set up a separate website devoted entirely to getting such a law passed in New York)--although there's no word on whether the MAIG members currently in jail or facing trial are on board with the idea. One group, interestingly, not so enthusiastic about the idea are the police chiefs of the only state to have so far passed such a law. ..." ... |
IN: Target those lax laws on gun sales
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"The man who loves to sell guns says it's Indiana law we ought to hate, and he has a point."
"That would not be to exonerate Don Davis for making it to the number three spot in the nation for sales of firearms that are later used in crimes -- no fewer than 1,910 guns in the past four years."
"But there's no question state law bears some blame for the heavy role Don's Guns plays in so-called straw purchases -- made by customers with clean records who resell them on the street. In Indiana, there's no limit on the number of guns anyone can buy at a time." ... |
CA: Armed Robbery Spree Ends in Fresno
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Police say the same group of young men is behind five armed robberies in the city of Fresno in the past month."
"Their crime spree ended, after one of them was shot in the process."
"18-year-old Wesley Sarden was shot by the co-owner of the Play 'n' Trade, who happens to be a woman." ... -------
H/t to Transsylvania Phoenix who notes: "Yep, guns in the hands of civilians are extremely dangerous and ineffective. Police are so much more effective in fighting crime and protecting the population...just ask the Brady Bunch or any lieberal in the mainstream media ;)" |
FL: Concealed carry enables robbery victim to stop 3 violent attackers
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"A man reportedly used his lawfully carried handgun to stop a trio of robbers."
"Police say that attached approached and attempted to rob a man outside the Longhorn Steakhouse ... Acting in self defense, the robbery victim reportedly drew and fired his handgun, striking one of the robbers and causing the other two robbers to flee ..." ... |
Police fatalities jump 37 percent in 2010
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"Two officers in a remote Alaska town were ambushed as they chatted on a street. Two California deputies were killed by an arson suspect with a high-powered rifle as they tried to serve him a warrant. Two other officers doing anti-drug work were gunned down by men along a busy Arkansas highway."
"... Deaths in the line of duty jumped 37 percent to about 160 from 117 the year before, according to numbers as of Dec. 28 compiled by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, a nonprofit that tracks police deaths." ...
"Craig Floyd, director of the Washington-based fund, said the rise in fatalities could be an aftershock of the nation's economic troubles as officers in some communities cope with slashed budgets." ... -------
KABA Note: A 20% increase in shooting deaths and a 43% jump in traffic fatalities, but what does the article lead with? |
Gun Dealers Could Soon Be Required to Report Rifle Sales
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"A new proposal by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has been announced and is going before the White House for approval."
"The goal is to curb the violence across the border in Mexico, by trying to keep automatic weapons from being purchased here and taken southbound."
"But some authorities say the feds have the wrong idea about what is really going on." ... |
FL: Exploding Bullets [sic] - Not Hairspray - Caused Bomb Scare at Miami Airport: TSA
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"The FBI has identified the man who was arrested Tuesday after TSA officials said his luggage contained volatile ammunition parts, which caused his bag to explode just before it was about to be loaded on a plane."
"Orville Braham, 37, had 500 to 700 bullet primers in his luggage. Primers are considered the 'spark plugs' of a bullet and ignites the gun powder, projecting it toward the intended target." ... -------
Submitter's Comment: Idiotic headline -- "exploding bullets"??? Also: "volatile gun parts"!! Ignorance breeds hate and fear. Maybe the media wouldn't be so anti-gun if their practitioners knew more about firearms and didn't ascribe supernatural powers to them. |
OH: Ohio Supreme Court Strikes Down Cleveland Gun Laws
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"This summer, the U.S. Supreme Court 'incorporated' the Second Amendment. The McDonald decision means that the states may not abridge Americans’ constitutional right to bear arms. ... It's the same point that the Ohio Supreme Court has just made relative to municipal gun laws. By a 5 – 2 ruling, the Court struck down Cleveland’s gun laws for violating the state constitution. Most notable for their forthcoming disappearance from the municipal codes: handgun registration and the ban on assault rifles. Sorry, modern home defense sporting assault rifles. Cleveland’s spanked law director immediately predicted fire and famine and a plague of frogs. Well, almost . . ." ... |
OH: State Supreme Court Upholds 2006 Gun Ruling (another view)
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"The Ohio Supreme Court upheld a 2006 state law that lifted cities' assault-weapons bans and most other local gun restrictions."
"Cleveland had challenged the state on grounds that the law intruded on the constitutionally guaranteed right to home rule. The state's highest court ruled 5-2 Wednesday that the law is constitutional and did not infringe on home rule powers." ... |
OH: Ohio Supreme Court sides with gun owners, upholds Ohio's preemption law
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"The Ohio Supreme Court has, in a 5-2 opinion, once again ruled that Ohio's "preemption" law is valid. In a case brought by the City of Cleveland against the State of Ohio, the court held that R.C. 9.68 is valid in all respects, including, but not limited to, the mandatory attorney fee provision against any city that attempts to violate a citizen's right to self-defense." ... |
NRA: Obama Whittling Away Constitutional Rights
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"For months now, Mexican President Felipe Calderon has used our gun laws as a scapegoat for the violence caused by the drug cartels in his country. Once again, it seems our own president is joining in the chorus of blame."
"Early in the Obama administration, Attorney General Eric Holder called for a new ban on semi-automatic rifles, only to be rebuffed by 65 members of his own party. Knowing that he can't push an anti-gun agenda through Congress, Obama now wants to use the power of the executive branch to issue a new 'emergency requirement' for thousands of federally licensed firearms dealers." ... |
IA: Gun law changes coming
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"Beginning Monday, the state will change its policy for obtaining permits to carry guns, taking the discretion out of the hands of Iowa's sheriffs and making it far easier to obtain the permit." ... |
MS: Preserving Second Amendment Rights
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"With deer season in full swing, many Mississippians will participate in a time honored tradition of hunting."
"This time outdoors allows our people to develop important life skills at an early age and gain a love of nature, which can last a lifetime. As a sportsman, I know the benefits of hunting firsthand, and as a member of Congress, I remain committed to preserving our Second Amendment rights."
"Our children and grandchildren should be able to enjoy the same experiences with firearms we have had all of our lives. ..." ... |
SC: SC Senator Wants Guns Regulated By State -- Similar Bill Died In Previous Session
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Many South Carolina gun owners will be closely watching a bill that will come before the state Legislature in the new year."
"Sen. Lee Bright, of Spartanburg, filed a bill that would bring authority over gun rights and regulations to South Carolina rather than the federal government."
"The South Carolina Firearms Freedom Act would ensure that firearms manufactured in South Carolina, that stay in South Carolina, will not have to be federally regulated." ... |
NC: Lunchbox mix-up leads to charges for Sanford teen
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... "Ashley Smithwick, 17, of Sanford, was suspended from Southern Lee High School in October after school personnel found a small paring knife in her lunchbox." ...
"Smithwick said personnel found the knife while searching the belongings of several students, possibly looking for drugs."
"'She got pulled into it. She doesn't have to be a bad person to be searched,' Smithwick's father, Joe Smithwick, said."
"The lunchbox really belonged to Joe Smithwick, who packs a paring knife to slice his apple. He and his daughter have matching lunchboxes." ... -------
More rumors and few facts regarding the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry
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"It is getting stranger and stranger regarding the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry west of Rio Rico on December 14th."
"Agent Terry was part of a Border Patrol Tactical unit (BORTAC) pursuing bandits in Peck Canyon west of Rio Rico, Arizona."
"As noted by many, the federal stonewalling of information about the incident creates more doubt, suspicion and rumors."
"The fact that the 4 suspects caught by the Border Patrol haven’t been named or charged after 2 weeks really raises some serious questions. Why is there no real information coming out from the feds?" ... -------
KABA Note: Another rumor is that the ATF is encouraging snitches to run guns south, (to boost their Op GunRunner numbers) and that Agent Terry was killed by one of those guns. |
Former ATFE Agent Convicted
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Website: http://www.federaleagent86.blogspot.com/
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"A former special agent with the Cleveland office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) pleaded guilty Wednesday to stealing money seized at a suspected drug house."
"Barbara McQuade, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan, said that Steven Campbell, 32, was executing a federal search warrant Oct. 18 when he stole and hid about $46,785 in cash that had been recovered." ... |
Napolitano Plays Grinch with Pilot’s First and Second Amendment Rights
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"Anti-gun activist and Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano has now put her distaste for both the First and Second Amendments on full display."
"Napolitano’s victim over the Christmas break was Chris Liu, a commercial airline pilot based at San Francisco International Airport, who had been posting cell phone videos on YouTube that give first-hand accounts of what appear to be serious flaws in our nation’s airport security." ... |
TX: Police: Texas cop slain trying to protect child
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"A rookie police officer responding to a domestic violence call in suburban Dallas was shot to death trying to protect an 11-year-old girl from her mother's gun-wielding ex-boyfriend ..."
"... Arlington officer Jillian Michelle Smith, 24, was shot by Barnes Samuel Nettles on Tuesday night as she sought to shield the girl from the 38-year-old man ..." ...
"... Nettles had convictions for rape of a child, domestic violence, burglary, failure to register as a sex offender and possession of a firearm." ... |
"We're Fighting A War": Civilian Disarmament and the Martial Law Mindset
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"Denver resident Shawn Miller is accused of several acts of criminal violence. On one occasion, he and an associate beat a pedestrian, leaving the man with a broken knee and a permanent physical disability. In a second assault, Miller and another buddy beat a disabled Iraq war veteran so severely --using both fists and clubs -- that he briefly 'flat-lined' as EMTs treated him."
"The facts in those cases are not disputed, yet Miller has not been charged with a crime. However, he is being sued by Jason Anthony Graber, one of his victims. In light of Miller's documented history of criminal violence, the plaintiff's attorney has demanded that the assailant not be permitted to bring a firearm while being deposed." ... |
LA: Gun crimes focus on people, not firearms
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"Gun crimes are more about the weapon holder than the weapon itself."
"With limited regulation on firearm types, most arrests involving weapons are coupled with narcotics or related to individuals prohibited from firearm possession, said Wade Rasberry, resident agent in charge of the Shreveport Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives field office." ... |
CA: Re: Miguel Espinosa’s Dec. 28 letter, "NRA gun control"
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"If Americans had not owned guns during the Revolutionary War, the United States, as we know it, would be nonexistent."
"A history lesson: The tyrant, King George III, oppressed the American colonists inspiring a revolutionary war that set us free. Without the weapons these early colonists used for hunting and self-protection, it is unlikely we would have become a free nation at that time." ... |
NJ: Cheer gun owner's prison release
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"I was extremely pleased when I read that Gov. Chris Christie had commuted Brian Aitken’s seven-year prison sentence on weapons charges."
"I was one of the probably hundreds of citizens who e-mailed Christie’s office asking that he pardon Aitken. I also hope that Aitken has success in having his record expunged."
"This whole case was a total disgrace to New Jersey and to all honest, law-abiding citizens and gun owners." ... |
WA: Man accused of stabbing family members; father dies
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"Police have a man in custody after police say he stabbed his father to death and wounded his mother and niece early Tuesday morning."
"The case of domestic violence erupted in a quiet Whatcom County neighborhood near Bellingham at a house near Lahti Drive and Britton Road." ... -------
KABA Note: But I thought domestic abusers used guns, not knives. |