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Newslinks for 12/31/2008

"We rationalized every new outrage."
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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It was at this point that I asked the question that had bothered me from the time my father had first told me about the Nazi's treatment of the Jews.

"Professor, the Krauts would have to shoot me on the train platform before they could stuff me and my family into a cattle car. Just what hell were you people thinking? Couldn't you see what had to be obvious, that these people were monsters? My G-d if just one of you disarmed a guard and put a round through his head, even if you didn't escape, at least you could die upright on your terms instead of theirs."

This was his answer.

"We could not bring ourselves to believe the reality of what we were seeing. We rationalized every new outrage. . ."

A Lucky Lady
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"At least they didn't totally insult women like the Illinois State Police did a few years back, advising them to tell rapists they had 'STDs,' use 'rat tail combs' against feral monsters, 'scream,' and my all-time-favorite: 'vomit.'

"Yes, they actually advised that. 'Fighting,' they caution, 'would probably be futile.'

"And, of course, 'Use of a firearm to protect yourself or property is not recommended.'

"Of course."

Exposed: The gun ban lobby's secret letter to college and university administrators
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Recently, a handful of people forwarded me a letter that was sent from the President of as well as Toby Hoover (Executive Director of the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence) and whose recipient is unknown because the address has been redacted. The content and context of the letter indicates that it was sent to a college in Ohio (more likely it was sent to ALL public colleges)."

"This letter warned of the gun lobby’s attempts to preempt public universities across the country, forcing their hands to allow concealed carry within their borders, and was laden with reasons why universities should oppose any legislation to allow this." ...

An Outstanding LTE by Russ Stewart on the 'Loophole'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... This is an outstanding letter explaining to the public just why the "gunshow loophole" is so dangerous. Threepers should use it as a template for their own LTEs to local papers." ...

"A week before Minnesota's firearm deer season I visited my 86-year-old father. ... He lamented his failing eyesight and then rose from his ancient recliner and went to the closet where he keeps his guns. He took out a battered old case and handed it me. 'I want you to have this.'"

"I knew what was inside. A Savage model 219 single-shot 30-30 rifle. My father bought it in 1944 ..."

"However, if some people had their way, my father would be a felon the next time he passed on a firearm to a family member ..." ...

ActionAirgun Expects Sharp Shooting in 2009
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"For avid outdoorsmen, shooting enthusiasts and action sport fans, the chilly winter months ahead just got a little hotter. Some call it global warming; others call it ActionAirgun."

"ActionAirgun, the world's first Internet-administered, global indoor shooting league, just wrapped up its Premier Season with a select group of shooters. The league is preparing for bigger, tougher and faster competition in 2009."

"Caleb Giddings, of Indiana, author of the popular blog 'Call Me Ahab' and host of the 'Gun Nuts Radio' podcast, came out on top of the competition. 'I had a lot of fun shooting this game. The courses were fun and challenging without being frustrating ..." Giddings wrote in a recent blog post." ...

Bury a gun and ammo for 15 years (and be assured everything still works when you dig it up)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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in 1986, Congress had banned civilians from owning newly manufactured machine guns. There was ever more strident talk of banning semi-automatic weapons or so called assault weapons. Many of us regarded a semi-automatic rifle as the foundation of a home defense battery. Many of us believed that more laws banning ever more types of guns were imminent. About that time I acquired a Ruger Ranch Rifle through a private sale. I decided to stash it away in a safe place just in case my worst fear was to materialize, another gun ban." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

Study: Murders by black teens rise, may grow worse
Submitted by: jghilty

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"While murders are down overall, murders by black teens have increased. And the trend might grow worse, according to a study by James Alan Fox, a professor at Northeastern University in Boston."

"The biggest increase is among teens 14 to 17. And the rise happened to coincide with an increase in murders using guns ..." ...

"So what's to blame? This is from a New York Times story on the study."

"The report primarily blames cutbacks in federal support for community policing and juvenile crime prevention, reduced support for after-school and other social programs, and a weakening of gun laws. Cuts in these areas have been felt most deeply in poor, black urban areas ..." [emphasis added] ...

KABA Note: What "weakening of gun laws"?!?

Life and death lessons: Other cities' success stories offer hope for Orlando
Submitted by: jghilty

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"After another record-breaking year for murders, the Orlando area is searching for ways to stop the killing."

"The good news is that cities across the nation have shown how to do it." ...


"In this city known for its decades-long struggles with crime, homicide dropped 20 percent this year to a 20-year low, according to department figures." ...

"When crime data showed that 50 percent of the city's homicide suspects had prior gun arrests, authorities began to focus on that group ..." ...

"... Richmond launched Project Exile, an intensive effort to prosecute people who commit gun crimes under federal law. Since then, locals have also launched efforts to control gangs, crack down on drug houses and improve relationships with state prosecutors." ...

KABA Note: Wait, you mean putting Bad Guys behind bars keeps them from committing crimes? Who 'da thunk it!

A different world without Bill of Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I thought it amazing that you recently published the letter about Bill of Rights Day. This nation is currently facing many problems, and I would suggest one simple, sweeping, answer to those problems: repeal the Bill of Rights."

"Let me start with one of my favorites: consider the Second Amendment. The NRA often argues that any laws restricting a citizen's right to bear arms are unconstitutional, and they are correct. So we remove that from the Constitution. Guns are made illegal. The federal government then can take control of all factories, shut down all gun shops, firing ranges, and conventions, and conduct house by house searches to seize all firearms. Crime would plummet." ...

Submitter's Note: Tim maybe you should check out "Kill All They Send ..." before making sweeping statements like "crime would plummet".

MO: Increasing education funds should come before increase in gun sales
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While many Missourians like me are worried about the deepening recession, some Missourians have other concerns. We worry about people losing their homes and jobs, and having to give up their pets. They also worry that the new president-elect , Barack Obama, is going to take away their Second Amendment rights to bear arms even though I've never ever heard one discussion of that subject. Consequently, while retail sales are slowing down, gun sales are increasing. Obviously some are profiting from these rumors."

"Actually, I don't have a horse in this race. If people want to own multiple assault weapons or teach their children how to kill deer and other animals, that's their business. ..." ...

PA: Can't find wrong that needs righted
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am forced to apologize to the reading public. With so many other concerns to write about, I tried to restrain myself from writing on the Meleanie Hain story but could do so no longer."

"With her lawsuit pending before the courts, I now am experiencing an outrage so great that only a dismissal of the case by the judge can quell it. I am appalled at people who create unusual or controversial situations and then try to profit from them. Hain's case is typical of this process."

"What damages did she incur? If you are wrongly accused of a crime, you cannot recoup your attorney costs! Since she chose not to use her concealed-weapons permit at the soccer game, what trauma did she suffer? ..." ...

Brady Campaign Sues to Stop New National Park Gun Rules
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence file a Federal lawsuit against the Interior Department today in an effort to stop the new rules allowing concealed carry license holders to carry their firearms for personal protection in National Parks."
"'“The Bush Administration’s last-minute gift to the gun lobby ...'"
"Hardly a 'last minute gift,' this life saving and common sense rule change was a result of years of efforts of law abiding citizens who were tired of their right to self defense being taken from them simply because they were in a national park. The Department of the Interior carefully considered the issue and did not 'rush' the rule change as was claimed by the Bradies." ...

Group sues to reinstate firearms ban
Submitted by: jghilty

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"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence sued the Bush administration Tuesday in hopes of stopping a new policy that would allow people to carry concealed, loaded guns in most national parks and wildlife refuges." ...

"The Brady Campaign sued the Interior Department and its secretary, Dirk Kempthorne ... in U.S. District Court. They want a federal judge to issue an immediate injunction ..." ...

"The lawsuit said members of the Brady Campaign will no longer visit national parks and refuges 'out of fear for their personal safety from those who will now be permitted to carry loaded and concealed weapons in such areas.'"

KABA Note: So the Bradys finally admit that they don't trust any permit holders.

Allowing loaded guns in national parks a reckless move
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With its days numbered, the Bush administration has made an unnecessary and dangerous change to a 25-year-old regulation that bans concealed, loaded firearms in America's national parks and wildlife refuges."

"This regulation, created by the Reagan administration, has done an outstanding job of making these special places among the safest in the nation. And it did so without imposing unreasonable restrictions on gun owners ..."

"But this 11th-hour rule change - slipped in by a lame-duck administration late on a Friday with Congress out of session - will let people with concealed weapons permits bring loaded firearms into national parks and wildlife refuges." ...

Submitter's Note: 11th hour? The rule change various activists have been pushing for literally for years? The rule change that had the standard comment period extended by over a month to allow people to weigh in after the Heller ruling?

Brady Campaign Sues Interior Department Over Rule Allowing Concealed Guns in Parks, Will Seek Court Injunction
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The Brady Campaign ... today filed suit in federal court asking that the court strike down a last-minute Bush Administration rule change allowing concealed, loaded firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges."

"The suit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, and seeks an injunction to block the rule, which is scheduled to go into effect on January 9, 2009."

"'The Bush Administration's last-minute gift to the gun lobby, allowing concealed semiautomatic weapons in national parks, jeopardizes the safety of park visitors in violation of federal law,' said Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke. 'We should not be making it easier for dangerous people to carry concealed firearms in our parks.'" ...

More on Mumbai - What We Think
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"1). On what to do - Some folks think we are advocating running into the fight screaming with a knife in one hand and a snubby in the other. I'm not sure where that comes from, as it has never been suggested and is quite silly when you think about it."

"Still, an aggressive counter attack at the outset of the incident seems to be a better option than hiding and hoping to go undetected once the bad guys have consolidated their forces. I do think that if you are unarmed (why would anyone do that today?), your options are very limited."

"Additionally, if you are not at the point of contact, going to the fight may not be smart as you don't have any more info other than shots have been fired." ...

FL: Pembroke Pines store clerk shoots armed robber
Submitted by: jghilty

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"A store manager behind the counter of a Pembroke Pines convenience store turned the tables on a pair of armed robbers Monday night when he pulled out a gun and shot them ..."

"... Joshua Hammond and Yacov Sims walked into the Stop-N-Go ... and ordered customers to the ground ..."

"... Hammond ... demanded money from the register while Sims, 18, stood by with a revolver in his hand."

"Hammond ... then told Shedahe Abdel, the store manager, to open the safe."

"When Sims walked up to Abdel and pointed his handgun at him, Abdel grabbed his own handgun from his waistband and shot Hammond in the leg."

"Abdel then fired several rounds at Sims, striking him once in the arm."

"Abdel was not injured." ...

California's Bad Santa exposes the complete and utter failure of gun control laws
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"News of a man dressing up in a Santa suit and murdering nine people in Los Angeles on Christmas Eve dominated cable news headlines for days after the event. News reports suggest Bruce Pardo took as many as four handguns and a homemade flame-thrower to the home of his ex-wife's parents, where at least 25 people were enjoying a Christmas Eve party. Pardo shot at partygoers and burned down the house, murdering at least nine people before committing suicide hours later."

"Damage from the flames has thus far prevented officials from determining how many of the victims were shot to death, but hasn't stopped the gun ban lobby from attempting to capitalize on the tragedy." ...

TX: More Details Released On Rural Central Texas Shooting (follow-up)
Submitted by: jac

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"The Milam County Sheriff’s Office released additional details Monday about the shooting death of a man wielding a baseball bat who had forced his way into his ex-wife's rural home."

"The shooting was reported around 2 a.m. Sunday ... deputies found Eddie Sexton III, 34, of Milano dead of a gunshot wound."

"Investigators said Monday it appears Sexton was shot once after forcing his way into his ex-wife's home and that after the shooting, Sexton's ex-wife called 911 and attempted to administer first aid." ...

"No charges have been filed, but in a press release Monday, the sheriff’s office said the results of its investigation will be forwarded to the Milam County District Attorney’s Office for presentation to a grand jury."

Stopping Holder
Submitted by: concerned american

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... "Now -- do I really think we can [block Holder's nomination]?"

"Probably not."

"So why try?"

"Two main reasons:"

"a) Once Holder's nomination is conformed by the Senate, the game is well and truly on."

"You do remember that the AG and his staff will

- help to write the new AWB legislation

- testify before Congress in support of same

- support the media blitz in favor of the 'new anti-violence measures'

- defend the constitutionality of same, citing language from Scalia's majority opinion in Heller, and

- be the boss of the ATF and FBI teams that will be enforcing the new AWB and other human rights violations by coming to kill you, your family, and your fellow defiant friends,

don't you?" ...

OH: Amended Substitute HB450 (Armed Services 18-21 gun rights restoration) on its way to Governor's desk for signature!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Buckeye Firearms Association leaders were on hand Wednesday as the Senate's Judiciary Committee on Criminal Justice passed Rep. Bruce Goodwin's House Bill 450, legislation that would restore gun rights to members of the armed services or the Ohio National Guard who are between the ages of 18 and 21, by a 7-2* vote."

"While the committee did not address any of the amendments Buckeye Firearms Association considered most important for gun owners**, several last minute amendments were adopted by the committee, including one that, if not for the efforts of Buckeye Firearms Association and the National Rifle Association, would have raised fees on concealed handgun license-holders 30% or more." ...

NJ: Strict NJ gun law still not amended
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To get mandatory prison time for possession of a firearm, an offender once had to commit a crime with the gun, like an armed robbery."

"Not anymore."

"Mere illegal possession now means time behind bars for all but a few — the result of a bill signed into law in January."

"The changes to the gun laws were folded into bills introduced last year to combat gang violence."

"The Home News Tribune wrote about the new gun law in July, focusing on the case of a 20-year-old Edison man, Ryan Narciso, who was facing three years of hard prison time after being found with a pellet gun during a traffic stop. He was sentenced before the new directive was issued and avoided prison time." [emphasis added] ...

Duty: "We did not want him carried out with just a sheet."
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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They had known each other only a few minutes, but they will be linked forever in what Marine brass say is one of the most extraordinary acts of courage and sacrifice in the Iraq war.

Cpl. Jonathan Yale, 21, grew up poor in rural Virginia. He had joined the Marine Corps to put structure in his life and to help support his mother and sister. He was within a few days of heading home.

Lance Cpl. Jordan Haerter, 19, was from a comfortably middle-class suburb on Long Island. As a boy, he had worn military garb, and he had felt the pull of adventure and patriotism. He had just arrived in Iraq.

On April 22, the two were assigned to guard the main gate to Joint Security Station Nasser in Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province. .


AZ: Phoenix officer won't allow neighbor to get stranded cat
Submitted by: HaMMeRHeaD

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... "Just as they were about to get the cat, Smith said, 'This guy comes barreling out of his house, flashed his gun and his badge, and started screaming and freaking out.'"

"Toman added, 'It's a little overkill'."

"ABC15 tried to speak with the officer to get his side of the story, but he said to call police."

"The Phoenix Police Department said their officer had a right to defend his property."

"They added that there was no way the officer could have known whether Smith and Toman [with Citizens for North Phoenix Strays] were intruders or not." ...

KABA Note: So when a homeowner sees a bunch of guys with guns invading his home the Phoenix PD will acknowlege his "right to defend his property" since 'there is no way to know whether they are intruders or not'?

CO: Pueblo police officer accidentally shoots wife while cleaning gun
Submitted by: jghilty

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"The Pueblo County sheriff's office says a woman was injured after being accidentally shot by her husband, an off-duty Pueblo police officer." ...

"The woman ... was treated for a gunshot wound to her torso."

"Authorities say a preliminary investigation showed Vaughn's husband, Pueblo police officer Stephen Vaughn, had just finished cleaning a pistol when it discharged."

"The two were in separate rooms at the time, and the round struck Robin Vaughn after traveling through a wall."

"The case is being investigated by the sheriff's office and will be sent to the district attorney's office for review."

KABA Note: The cynic in me is mentally translating "review" as "application of suitable layers of whitewash".

DC: D.C. Cops Caught Stealing from Toys for Tots on Christmas Eve
Submitted by: Larry

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"This year, the Grinch is wearing blue instead of green."

"On Christmas day, four Washington, D.C. police officers were caught on tape stealing from Toys for Tots, a charity organization that collects toys for poor children. ..."

"Yvonne Smith, the Washington, D.C. police department's outreach coordinator, pleaded with the media for less focus on the crooked officers."

"This 'starts off Christmas on a sour note, puts distance between the community and the police, and worst of all, tarnishes the image of the Department during a time when we are trying to build strong relationships to foster trust that ultimately helps us solve crimes,' she wrote in an e-mail to D.C.-area media." ...

FL: Wakulla County Sheriff's Office to Offer Basic Handgun Course
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The Wakulla County Sheriff’s Office Training Section is offering a Basic Handgun Course. This course is for anyone wanting to acquire the skills to safely, affectively own and legally use a handgun." ...

Canada: Police shoot at woman, same bullet hits friend
Submitted by: Trapper

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"The father of the man who suffered a bullet wound to his face when an Ottawa police officer shot a woman at a highrise apartment building Monday said his son called police to the apartment because the woman was distraught and he was worried she would hurt herself."

"Jack Lindsey said his son, Steven, 27, was sitting in the bedroom of the 12th-floor apartment ... when police shot the woman."

"Mr. Lindsey said police told him that the woman charged at the officers with a knife before one of the officers shot her in the chest, near her armpit. The bullet went through the woman’s upper chest and armpit area, he said, and through the bedroom wall, where it hit his son just below his right eye." ...

Local, national gun sales peak in election's wake
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In his 19 years as a gun dealer in Chadron, Rich Slee has never seen as much business as he did in the week following the victory of Barack Obama in the election for U.S. President."

"And the demand for handguns and military style assault weapons generated by fears that the Obama administration will attempt to tighten gun laws has continued since the Nov. 4 election ..."

"'The day after the election I had people lined up at the door waiting for me,' said Slee ... 'Assault weapons were the big thing. I sold all the assault weapons I had in 48 hours after the election. I sold all my handgun inventory. I reordered, of course, but right now you can’t find any assault weapons from dealers to resupply.'" ...

Political, economic uncertainty triggers gun sales: Possible bans ? Some owners worry Obama will ban firearms.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun sales in the waning months of 2008 saw a dramatic spike in Utah, a trend gunowners say is propelled by the election of Barack Obama and a faltering economy."

"Nearly 9,000 more guns were sold this November compared to the same month last year ..."

"Gun shops are saying the same."

"'Mostly it's an election scare,' said Michael Martin ... 'Everyone was freaking out about the elections, and now it's not so much about them but about everyone else freaking out about the people who were freaking out ..."

"At Kearns' Impact Guns, assault weapons, such as AR-15s and AK-47s are out-of-stock after a post-election rush, but it's not only those types of weapons that are flying off the shelves." ...

Gun sales skyrocket as Obama’s inauguration nears
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Mike Massie got his first shotgun at the age of 10."

"Guns have been in Massie's life since he was 5 years old ... His children know how to handle weapons; he even purchased his nephew's first shotgun when the boy was just one month old."

"That's why [Massie] is worried about what will happen to gun-control laws when President-elect Barack Obama takes office ..."

"'I feel that I have the right to bear arms legally to defend myself, my family and my property,' Massie said. 'I don't believe that the government has the right to tell me I can't do it.'"

"Concern that new gun-control measures will follow Obama's election has fueled skyrocketing increases in gun sales and applications for permits to carry concealed weapons ..." ...

NY: Shops report run on guns
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Guns and ammunition have been flying off the shelves in area gun shops since Barack Obama won the presidential election."

"'There has been a huge increase in sales,' said Jim Losie, owner of Losie's Gun Shop in Oneonta, on Monday. 'Gun manufacturers can't keep up with supply and demand."

'A lot of manufacturers are totally out of guns,' Losie added. 'I have never seen anything like this in 29 years of business.'"

"Losie said his gun sales have increased 22 to 25 percent, and he is seeing people coming from a 100-mile radius to purchase firearms." ...

UK: Five fatal stabbings every week despite Labour's knife-crime 'crackdown'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Fatal stabbings have reached a record level in England and Wales this year, with five people a week being killed with a knife or sharp instrument, according to figures published today."

"The surge in fatalities comes despite a drive by the Government and police to reduce attacks involving knives, particularly in large urban areas."

"In London alone the number of knife fatalities this year has jumped to 86 - a rise of one quarter on the figure for 2007."

"Today’s figures from all except one of the police forces in England and Wales show that fatal stabbings have risen by almost a third since Labour came to power." ...

The right of a citizen to bear arms, in lawful defense of himself or the State, is absolute. He does not derive it from the State government. It is one of the high powers" delegated directly to the citizen, and `is excepted out of the general powers of government.' A law cannot be passed to infringe upon or impair it, because it is above the law, and independent of the lawmaking power." [Cockrum v. State, 24 Tex. 394, at 401-402 (1859)]

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