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Newslinks for 12/31/2010

Media disinformation on guns continues in Texas open carry hit piece
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "So which is it, Ms. Stewart? Do you habitually frequent establishments populated by brazen armed lawbreakers, where the proprietors and customers are oblivious to Texas law and violate it openly, and with impunity? Or is your hoplophobia, your 'queasiness' at the mere thought of armed citizens so deeply rooted that you’ve become delusional, unable to distinguish your 'spellbound' hallucinations from reality?"

"Or maybe you’re just…uh…making it all up..." ...

Enemies of gun rights can't hide their hostility to Constitution
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"St. Louis gun rights advocates no doubt remember last summer when just across the river, anti-gun Congressman (now ex-)Congressman Phil Hare said he 'doesn't worry about' the Constitution, or whether legislation he supports would run afoul of it. Similarly, when rabidly anti-gun Speaker (now ex-)Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was asked about the Constitutionality of the massive health care 'reform' law, her response was 'Are you serious? Are you serious?' asked with a combination of incredulity and disdain."

"Now, we're seeing this rejection of the Constitution yet again, this time from a South Carolina state legislator ..." ...

Does Ohio Supreme Court ruling send signal about Seattle parks gun ban case?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Seattle’s anti-gun administration may have gotten a strong signal about the city’s chances of winning a court battle to skirt Washington State’s 1983 preemption act, courtesy of yesterday’s ruling by the Ohio Supreme Court that upholds the Buckeye State’s 2006 preemption statute." ...

More From NSSF On Proposed ATF Long Gun Reporting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An editorial in today’s Washington Post discussed the recent decision by ATF to require federally licensed firearms retailers along the Southwest border to report multiple sales, or other dispositions, of most semi-automatic rifles. Specifically this would impact .22 caliber or larger semi-automatic rifles that are capable of accepting a detachable magazine and are purchased by the same individual within five consecutive business days."

"Though the Post supports this ill-advised proposal, it did acknowledge the legitimacy surrounding one of industry’s objections:" ...

The Truth About YouTube Gun Sales Videos
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Scanning the ‘net, I came across this video hawking a heavily modified Remington. $1700. Which is about what it’s worth. Actually, it’s worth exactly what someone will pay for it. Just for S&Gs, I sent the link to one of my gun gurus for analysis. I’ve posted his no-holds barred analysis of murpheysmuskets‘ firearm after the jump. Bottom line: used cars and pre-owned guns, same deal. Unless you are an expert, get a guru or smith to go over it before you buy. Preferably in person." ...

Question of the Day: Who Cares About A Gun’s Accuracy?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Quick! Name a gun that’s less accurate than you are. Yes, that’s a trick question. But let’s face it: most modern handguns are far more accurate than their shooter’s ability to capitalize on the gun’s accuracy relative to another similar weapon. In other words, it’s all about operator skill rather than mechanical design. Shhhh. Don’t tell that to the manufacturers, who are more than happy to play up their weapon’s accuracy in search of street cred and sales. For example, the return of the SIG SAUER P210, now with added legendarynessosityhooditude ..." ...

To Private Gun Sellers: Don’t Ask, Don’t Sell
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"We never knew it could be so easy. We imagine that if most Americans understood how easy it is, they would be outraged and they would want this system to be changed." ...

OH: Ohio court gun ruling chips away at 98-year old Home Rule law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The 5-2 ruling Wednesday by the Ohio Supreme Court affirmed the constitutionality of Ohio's firearms statutes and put another dent in the armor of Ohio's 98-year old Home Rule law, which cities have used for decades to take state law a step further when it suited their local needs."

"Applauding the ruling, outgoing Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray said ... 'This is an important victory for every gun owner in Ohio. Before 2006, Ohioans faced a confusing patchwork of local ordinances with different restrictions on gun ownership and possession. ...'" ...

Larry Kelly [Mag-Na-Port inventor and founder, passes]
Submitted by: Jeff Pittman, MSFOA

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"Kelly Larry Age 75, December 21, 2010 of Chesterfield, MI and Libby, MT. Beloved husband of Barbara A. (Kreft) of 57 years ... Inventor and founder of Mag-Na-Port International, Inc., world renowned handgun hunter; first ever to take the Africa Big 5 with a handgun ..."

OR: DA: fatal Lowell, Ore., shooting was self defense
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Lane County district attorney says a 62-year-old man acted in self defense when he fatally shot his stepson at the family's Lowell, Ore., home." ...

TX: Robbers vs. Clerk: Texas Shootout Caught on Videotape (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Waco, Texas store clerk sent armed robbers running when he pulled out a gun and fired shots, sparking a shootout caught on a surveillance camera. More from the Associated Press:" ...

AZ: New Self-Defense Weapons For Seniors
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The holiday season can hold many hazards for senior citizens, including crime and scams. But one that many don’t think about is falling in crowded malls or on slippery streets."

"Now there's a new way for seniors to stay safe, healthy and fit."

"It's called a cane fu class. ..." ...

MN: Minneapolis police shoot pit bull pair after attack
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Two pit bulls roaming free in north Minneapolis on Wednesday attacked a pedestrian and two police officers before the officers shot them, killing one. A police report said that they attacked a man about 9 p.m. near 33rd and Emerson Avenue N. The pedestrian got away, and the dogs ran off as police responded ..."

Submitter's Note: I am glad that The Only Ones were able to protect themselves.

IL: Bizarre Armed Robbery Caught on Tape (video story)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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KABA Note: The customer had to use the BGs gun because Illinoisians are still disarmed by law.

Indianapolis Star: "Young people might become violent criminals only because of easy access to deadly weapons"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. gun rights advocates are ascendent. While this summer’s Supreme Court ruling incorporating the Second Amendment didn’t settle the question ... the Tea Party-strengthened regulatory roll-back continues. Needless to say, this does not please the media gatekeepers. Once upon a time, this predominantly white college-educated liberal elite could say 'Shutupayouface' to gun rights readers, knowing their newspaper ... was the only game in town. With the advent of the internet, mainstream media mavens have to respect their readers' opinions. The resulting tension—between what the writers 'know' to be right and the groundswell of opinion against that presumption—makes for some unintentional hilarity ..." ...

Submitter's Note: And, of course, there is the DOJ's Urban Delinquency and Substance Abuse study which showed that teen boys with legally owned guns were less likely to be involved in street crime, gun crime or drug abuse than those who owned guns illegally and less than non-gun-owning teens.

OH: Ted Strickland's final legacy for Ohio’s gun owners is anti-gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite a Sportsmen for Strickland effort that pushed Ted Strickland over the top in the 2006 election for Governor, and another Sportsmen for Strickland effort in 2010 that attracted disenfranchised Republican gun owners and nearly boosted him over John Kasich in a year that should have given the GOP an easy win, and despite having earned 'A'-ratings and endorsements from the National Rifle Association and Buckeye Firearms Association, as well as an endorsement from Ohioans For Concealed Carry, out-going Governor Ted Strickland's lasting legacy to Ohio's gun owners is that of an anti-gun appointment to the Ohio Supreme Court (OSC). ..." ...

AK: Anti-Hunters Quietly Running for Anchorage Fish & Game Advisory Committee Elections
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Anchorage Fish & Game Advisory Committee will hold their elections for regular seats on January 4th at 7:00 pm at the Anchorage Baptist Temple Children’s Ministry Gym, located at 6575 E Northern Lights Blvd." ...

"Just like at Matt Valley, the word is that the Anti’s are trying to keep a low profile hoping we do not show up as in the past or hoping that we split our vote."

"They are planning a large turnout but want to keep it off the net till the last possible minute. Their goal is to be in place in order to stop Predator management in region 4 in March." ...

WI: Wisconsin’s Scott Walker: Still Silent on Constitutional Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite republicans taking control of Wisconsin’s legislature in the Nov. 2 mid-term elections, no commitment on Constitutional Carry (concealed carry with no permit system) has been forthcoming as of press time from either Governor-elect Scott Walker (R) or Wisconsin NRA lobbyist Jordan Austin." ...

MD: Woollard v. Sheridan - Mixed Ruling On Motion To Dismiss
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yesterday, the plaintiffs in the Maryland concealed carry case, Woollard et al v. Sheridan et al, got a win and a tie on Maryland's motion to dismiss the case. District Court Judge J. Frederick Motz denied the defense's motion to dismiss on Count I - Second Amendment grounds - and approved it on Count II - 14th Amendment Equal Protection grounds. However, he gave Alan Gura leave or permission to file an amended complaint to make up the deficiencies in the claim in Count II. I'd call that a tie." ...

H/t to David Codrea who points out: "Considering it's Maryland, 'a win and a tie' is something."

House Republicans to Adhere to the Constitution; Horror and Consternation Ensue
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The House Republicans have vowed to closely follow the Constitution in writing legislation, which would tend to restrict what Congress can do. In a dialogue on MSNBC, Norah O'Donnell and the Washington Post's Ezra Klein were dubious."

"O'Donnell and Klein opined that the Republicans likely do not mean it when they embrace the Constitution. ..." ...

"The Second Amendment has caused some confusion for people like Ezra Klein because of a single word in it. 'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.'" ...

ATF Creates a New Category: "Criminal Friendly FFL"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This website has repeatedly attacked the idea that 'trace guns' are the same as 'crime guns.' The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (and Really Big Fires) encourages every U.S. law enforcement agency—and now our allies abroad—to run an ATF trace on every single gun they encounter, regardless of its source. ... The ATF lumps it in with all the other traced guns. The media can’t be bothered to make a distinction between traced guns and the ATF ain’t sayin’ nothing ’bout ‘dat. Their silence speaks volumes. Here’s another example of the ATF’s bias against gun dealers in high crime areas and generally. It’s from a presentation to foreign governments ..." ...

FL: Cop's Son Caught On Cam Punching Homeless Man (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A witness with a camera caught a homeless man being punched by a Sanford police lieutenant's son, who was never arrested or charged for the incident."

"In the amateur video, the homeless man is seen trying to break up a fight when the police officer's son, Justin Collison, sneaks up from behind and punches the man in the back of the head."

"However, Collison was not finished. He took a few steps and slammed another bar patron to the ground." ...

"But to this day, more than three weeks after the fight, Collison has not been been arrested or charged by the State Attorney's Office or the Sanford Police Department, where his father is a lieutenant." ...

Canada: Mountie faces gun, drug charges -- Internal investigation continues after Const. David Clarke suspended with pay
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Mountie earlier named in a lawsuit over a firearms raid appeared in court Tuesday charged with 15 offences, including drug dealing and illegal possession of handguns and an assault rifle." ...

"Clarke is named in a lawsuit by members of the Bader family, whose properties were raided during a firearms investigation in May 2008 that saw hundreds of guns seized. Five members of the family were charged with a host of gun offences, but the charges were later stayed." ...

"... Clarke and an RCMP firearms-enforcement officer who initiated the raids and is named in the suit have both started side businesses pursuing the law-enforcement market, the same clientele pursued by Travis Bader's [company]." [empasis added] ...

H/t to David Codrea who notes: "I wish I could say 'unbelievable.' I really, truly do."

OH: Ohio’s Statewide Muzzleloader Season Open January 8-11
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Ohio's popular muzzleloader deer season is set to open statewide January 8-11 according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife. Last year, hunters checked 24,078 white-tailed deer during the statewide hunt." ...

NY: We don't need more gun control
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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... "This is, of course, leading into the questions about what to do with a 12-year-old who shoots and kills his 12-year-old friend while the two are playing with his father's handgun."

"The most altruistic course of action is probably nothing. It was a tragic accident. ..."

"However, there is a dead child and because of that, we as a society governed by laws, demand someone held accountable." ...

KABA Note: How about "holding accountable" all the politicians, teachers and nanny-state bureaucrats who ensured that a 12 year old had no clue about gun safety?

FL: Grassroots news stories from this year
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Locally, Tea Party organizations in the area have energized grassroots participation by advocating for a return to our Constitutional framework and calling attention to what they see as the disparity between the vision of the founding fathers and the ever-growing and non-responsive government machine of today."

"Often controversial, although credited as one of the best at activating grassroots responses to issue-specific government initiatives, is the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Actions; who initiated alerts in some of the following top stories during 2010." ...

OH: Ohio Supreme Court denies cities gun-law authority
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Ohio Supreme Court has upheld a 2006 law that allows the state, rather than cities, to determine firearm restrictions."

"The decision means gun owners traveling among Ohio cities won't have to worry about variations in gun restrictions along the way, Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray said after Wednesday's ruling." ...

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