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Newslinks for 12/4/2002

Canada: No guns for our airline pilots
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Transport Minister David Collenette yesterday doused any possibility of arming Canadian airline pilots and said he is concerned about U.S. pilots flying into Canada carrying guns.

Under a law that came into force last month, American pilots will be allowed to carry firearms in the cockpit on a voluntary basis...

But Mr. Collenette says that there are "cultural differences" between the U.S. and Canada over guns and says he stands "totally opposed" to putting pistols in pilots' hands." ...

OH: Threat of veto hangs over gun bill
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"The Ohio Senate appears poised for a lame-duck session vote this week on a controversial bill allowing law-abiding Ohioans to carry concealed handguns...

"The FOP, Ohio Highway Patrol, and the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police oppose it.

"FOP spokesman Mike Taylor: 'We’ve said all along that we don’t oppose the concept of concealed carry, but we believe it should be reasonable and responsible.' " ...
Word has it that the NRA and FOP have "come to an agreement on compromises that would work for both sides."

UK: Two set to appear on gun charges
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Two men were today due in court in connection with a sniper attack on four people in Wolverhampton.

"The men, aged 20 and 27, were arrested yesterday and jointly charged with possession of a firearm with intent, two charges of wounding and two of assault.

"A woman was blinded in one eye in the weekend shootings, and three others suffered injuries." ...

Japan: Armed man holding hostage in Shizuoka
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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From the land where private ownership of firearms is virtually banned...
"An armed man took a local construction company president and three others hostage here on Tuesday and is still holding one of them despite police requests to give himself up." ...

UK: British paranoia strikes again
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Another who is lucky not to have had a gun pulled on him is Prince Harry after the disclosure that his school chaplain has a hoard of 100 weapons lying round his house.

"The Rev Dave Cooper, a Falklands War veteran and leader of the school’s cadet force, is under investigation by military police after sniper rifles, machine guns, pistols and a shotgun were found in his house." ...

Canada: Inuit want out of gun registration law
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Inuit in Nunavut are seeking an exemption to the gun registration law, saying it violates the territory's land claims agreement.

"Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI), the territory's land claims organization, says the 1993 agreement states that the Inuit don't have to pay to exercise their traditional right to hunt, trap and fish on their land.

"NTI launched a lawsuit against the federal government two years ago, but the case hasn't yet gone to court." ...

UK: Traders warned over fake guns
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Shopkeepers are being warned not sell replica weapons to young people.

"The initiative is part of the Met's Operation Trident's latest drive to stamp out gun crime.

"A meeting was held yesterday between the Lambeth Trident independent advisory group, which monitors police activities to combat black-on-black drug-related shootings, and local traders.

"Shopkeepers were told they had a vital role to play in stamping out gun crime by not selling replica guns to young people." ...

PA: Ex-Forks officer cops plea, gets probation
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Aggravated assault and other serious charges were dropped Monday against a former Forks Township police officer accused of pointing a loaded gun at a man during a fight between the officer and his wife.

"The officer, 27-year-old Robert Marich, pleaded guilty Monday to disorderly conduct and was sentenced to a year of probation by Northampton County Judge F.P. Kimberly McFadden." ...

Canada: Anger eyed in shooting
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Anger fuelled a Crossfield man who chased after two joyriders before shooting one through the neck at point-blank range, a murder trial heard yesterday.

"Crown prosecutor Maureen McConaghy, in her opening address to a Calgary jury, said David Colville smashed out the window to Theodore Gabriel's car before killing him." ...

Most of us have nothing to hide; so why look?
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"People who express concern that increased security measures go too far in abridging freedoms we have taken for granted are not trying to protect terrorists. They are trying to protect the innocent.

"Is it really important to dig into the background of the bus driver, beyond a routine computer check that reveals he's never been arrested for hijacking his bus or blowing up buildings? Your answer to that question may reveal how much freedom you're willing to give up ..."

WA: Jeweler increases arms after robberies
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"After his last tangle with a robber, Chuck Hohner decided he needed more than a 12-gauge shotgun behind the counter.

"The owner of Jewelry by Hohner now carries a .357-caliber Magnum revolver in a holster on his right hip. It's his latest effort to protect his business at 945 N. Central Ave. after an escalating series of attacks by criminals." ...

TX: Weapon-toting neighbors declare war on local thugs
Submitted by: Thompson

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"A band of residents of an East End neighborhood, fed up with cowering on their porches, has decided to respond to street gangs with a two-by-four to the head -- and maybe worse."

"The loose collaboration that includes dads, military veterans and young men who spurned gangs has gone on the offensive, patrolling for gang members and attacking at least one when they believed they had caught him committing a crime." ...

"Mr. Black definitely has some young people he doesn't like, and the feeling is definitely mutual," McClelland said. "But citizens still can't arm themselves to enforce the law."
This story is an amazing insight into why law enforcement fails, and how they rationalize tolerating an acceptable level of crime since it is not as bad as somewhere else. I'll bet when it comes to their home or family that level is non-existent.

Saudi Arabia: Armed robbery in Jeddah
Submitted by: Nicki Fellenzer

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"Three armed robbers broke into several apartments in a residential building in eastern Al-Thagher District and took away gold and jewelry worth SR200,000 on Sunday night, Okaz newspaper reported yesterday. The paper said the gang robbed the houses while the residents were away performing night prayers. One resident said he saw the gun-wielding gang who robbed his house escaping in a pickup van." ...

OH: Substitute HB274 Approved by Ohio Senate Committee
Submitted by: Ohioans for Concealed Carry PAC

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The Ohio Senate Judiciary Committee (Civil Justice) has released proposed language for a substitute CCW bill, and it appears Committee Chairman Jeff Jacobson has achieved his goal of drafting a bill both the National Rifle Association and the Fraternal Order of Police labor union could accept. In its Tuesday, Dec. 3 meeting, the committee introduced Substitute HB274 and adopted it." ...

FBI struggles to update its mission
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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WASHINGTON - "The FBI's new orders sounded simple: At a time of national crisis, re-focus on counterterrorism activities rather than the bread-and-butter crime-busting it has done for years."

"That has proved easier said than done, and with patience running short on Capitol Hill and in the Bush Administration, the FBI finds itself fighting for credibility in the nation's capital as the bureau struggles to turn its mission toward combating terror."

"Congressional critics say the agency, beset by turf wars and a clannish mentality, is not moving fast enough."

"FBI supporters reply that it takes time to undertake such a substantial shift. They point to several steps embattled Director Robert Mueller has taken to help speed the adjustment to fight terrorism activities." ...


Perhaps they can find the traitor(s) who said "defenders of the US Constitution" are terrorist suspects and ship him/them off to China, where their ideologies would fit in quite nicely.

America: A Love Affair
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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We have our own idiosyncrasies that mark us as Americans. ... We are restless, inquisitive, competitive, overly materialistic, loyal, sentimental, charitable, forgiving, generous, prone to excess, ostentatious, even garish and boorish. But these things have brought us to the forefront of the theoretical and practical sciences, the arts, performing arts, sports, social sciences, architecture, engineering and just about every field of endeavor with the singular exception of philosophy.

CA: Woman can't get through to 911, can't get through to operator
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"A Police Department operator is facing disciplinary action for allegedly failing to help a panicked caller who thought she was being threatened by a man with a gun in a road rage incident."

"Margie Strike said she was driving when she was threatened by a man in another vehicle. She failed in 911 emergency call attempts from her cellular telephone so she called police. Strike said the police operator didn't listen to her and was rude." ...

Canada Sees 43,000-Pct Overrun on Gun Control Cost
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"Canadian taxpayers could end up paying $860 million (Canadian) for a gun registration program that was slated to cost $2 million, a 43,000-percent cost overrun, Canada's government watchdog charged on Tuesday."

"Opposition politicians howled that the Liberal government -- which seeks to distinguish Canada from the United States and its 'gun culture' -- had engaged in a deliberate cover-up of the costs to try to defuse resistance to the 1995 legislation." ...

Canada: What Did Taxpayers Get For Their Billion Dollars?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Back in 1995, when Bill C-68, the Firearms Act, was being debated in the House of Commons, twenty Reform MPs took that opportunity to warn the government that it would cost a billion dollars to register all the guns in Canada. Then Justice Minister Allan Rock pooh-poohed our projections saying: ..."

Canada: Auditor General Blows A Big Hole In Government’s Credibility
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Today was the first day of harvest for Garry Breitkreuz’s nine-year fight against the Liberal’s problem-plagued gun registry.
“The Auditor General has done another huge service for Canadian taxpayers today and in the process she blew a big hole in the government’s credibility,” said Breitkreuz, the Official Opposition Critic for Firearms and Property Rights. “The Auditor General confirmed what we have been reporting for years: that the gun registry is going to cost more than a billion dollars. She even told us that the Liberals have also known this fact for two years and knowingly withheld this information from Parliament. I hope citizens hold the Liberals accountable for their cover-up.”

UK: Air gun rules to be tightened
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"County: New laws limiting the sale of air weapons are being drawn up, a Home Office spokesman confirmed today."

"Details of the new legislation are still under wraps but the Home Secretary told the House of Commons yesterday that the misuse of air guns would be targeted by new rules." ...

Canada: Auditor slams federal gun registry overspending
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The cost of a federal gun registry has ballooned well beyond the $2 million net projected when the program was initiated and could reach $1-billion, Auditor General Sheila Fraser found in her annual report. She says it's just one example of decision-makers being left in the dark on spending."

"In her latest report to Parliament, Fraser singles out the program as 'an inexcusable failure to provide complete information -- one that undermines Parliament's ability to make informed decisions.' " ...

PA: "Instant Pa. Background Gun Checks Paying Off"
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Pennsylvania's instant background checks for those buying guns -- or seeking a permit to carry one -- has had some surprising catches."

"Gun lobbyists expressed serious reservations about the instant check system when it was rolled out a few years ago. But the state police, who do the background checks using federal and state databases, have netted more than 500 people with a criminal past." ...

Enforcement will keep gun laws alive (letter)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The editorial cartoon in your Nov. 1 issue is not an accurate perception of people's beliefs."

"I am not an NRA member, nor do I own a gun. However, if the current gun laws were enforced with appropriate jail time and crimes committed with weapons given the harsh treatment they deserved, then we would start eliminating the handgun problem." ...

UK: Traders warned over fake guns
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Shopkeepers are being warned not sell replica weapons to young people."

"The initiative is part of the Met's Operation Trident's latest drive to stamp out gun crime."

"A meeting was held yesterday between the Lambeth Trident independent advisory group, which monitors police activities to combat black-on-black drug-related shootings, and local traders." ...

OH: Concealed weapons bill gets first hearing since April
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"A bill to allow Ohioans to carry hidden guns if they pass a background check and a safety course is getting another turn in the Ohio Senate."

"The Senate Civil Justice Committee has scheduled hearings for Tuesday through Thursday on Republican Rep. Jim Aslanides’ bill, which the House passed in March. The Senate began hearings in April." ...

AZ: Tombstone [border] militia will risk arrest
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The leader of Tombstone's fledgling citizens militia says the organization intends to conduct its operations on public lands, patrol routes leading to water stations and have volunteers apply for state-issued concealed weapons permits."

" 'We're stepping onto public lands, and I dare the government to come and arrest 50 people,' said Chris Simcox, owner of the Tombstone Tumbleweed, a weekly newspaper, and organizer of a citizens militia he now calls the Civil Homeland Defense." ...

DE: Judge Dismisses Municipal Lawsuit Against Firearms Manufacturers
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The judge hearing Wilmington, Delaware's lawsuit against the firearm industry today granted the industry's request for a summary judgment. In dismissing the suit, Judge Fred S. Silverman wrote in his decision, 'Handgun violence is a scourge. But as much as the court would support efforts to reduce the problem, the court will not twist a jury trial involving municipal costs into a wildly expensive
referendum on handgun control." ...

OH: Police Union ready to drop opposition to Concealed Weapons bill
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The state's largest police union is ready to drop its opposition to a bill to allow Ohioans to carry hidden guns, if changes the Senate is considering remain in the final version."

"The signal from the Fraternal Order of Police marked the first time the group has not opposed the idea since 1995." ...

Report: Anti-terror powers curtail rights
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Actions taken by the administration of President George W. Bush and Congress since Sept. 11 in the effort to combat terrorism effectively erode individual freedoms while exceeding the historical powers assumed by past presidents in times of national emergency, according to a new report from a New York think tank." ...

Israelis Flock to Buy Guns, Pack Heat at Services
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Unemployment and inflation are skyrocketing in Israel, but fear and paranoia are also soaring, and so business is booming for gun dealers and security companies. Israeli society is becoming so militarized that hosts of weddings and bar mitzvahs sometimes can't attract guests unless they reveal the number of armed guards that will be on hand and even what firm they're from." ...

Supreme Court agrees to rule on anti-sodomy laws
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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WASHINGTON — "The Supreme Court took up a potential landmark case for the gay-rights movement yesterday, agreeing to decide whether the Constitution permits states to enforce anti-sodomy laws exclusively against same-sex couples."

"Until now, the court has been wary of saying that discrimination against gays and lesbians violates the 14th Amendment's guarantee of 'equal protection of the laws.' If such discrimination is forbidden, it could affect state laws on adoptions, foster care, marriage and employment." ...


Should the government have the authority to tell you what consenting adults can and cannot do in the privacy of their own homes?

ME: Agent euthanizes 7 dogs with .45 caliber handgun
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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JONESBORO — A Washington County sheriff’s deputy is calling for Maine to better equip the state’s animal welfare program after a humane agent was forced to use a handgun to shoot seven dogs following the death of their owner. Sgt. Donnie Smith said the dogs were attacking each other and had to be euthanized, but that district Humane Agent Steve Ewer was left with no options after an East Machias veterinarian was unable to enter their 40-by-40-foot pen and administer a lethal injection. The dogs turned on each other after having a negative reaction to a sedative that was supposed to calm them so that Dr. David Cobb could inject them, Smith said. With Cobb unable to enter the pen and no access to a tranquilizer gun, Ewer shot the dogs with a .45-caliber handgun, the deputy said. “It took a good half hour and Steve was visibly shaken and leaning up against a tree,” Smith said Tuesday.

Airports' Thanksgiving seizures: 15,982 knives and a brick
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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WASHINGTON (AP) — "Some passengers still haven't gotten the word about what they can and can't take on planes. Seized at airports during the Thanksgiving crush: 15,982 pocket knives, 98 boxcutters, six guns and a brick." ...

"Between Tuesday and Sunday, six people who tried to carry guns onto planes were arrested: two at Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport and one each at New York's LaGuardia Airport, Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Airport, Salt Lake City International Airport and Dulles International Airport outside Washington."

" 'We find the gun, we turn the passenger over to law enforcement at the checkpoint,' said Johnson. Charges vary, but most often they're a variation on possession of a prohibited weapon, Johnson said."

" 'You're not allowed to have a gun at the airport without a permit,' he said." ...

IL: Adults with guns banned from school
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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MERRILLVILLE -- "School Board members Tuesday unanimously supported a new policy prohibiting adults from carrying weapons on school grounds."

"The proposal was discussed last month and formally adopted by a 4-0 vote Tuesday. Board member Ron Mayersky was absent."

"Superintendent Tony Lux said the policy creates an expectation for adults that matches the zero tolerance policy students abide by." ...
And gives strength to any psycho who wants to go to the school to harm innocent children.

WI: Unprecedented Directive Angers Milwaukee Police Chief
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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MILWAUKEE -- "The Fire and Police Commission Tuesday ordered Milwaukee Police Chief Arthur Jones to come up with a plan to take illegal guns off the street and ultimately reduce the number of murders in Milwaukee."

"The commission gave the chief 30 days to submit his plan in writing. Jones said he plans to respond."

"This is the first time a police chief has been given such a directive telling him how to do his job."

"The chief angrily defended himself, and the meeting turned into an ugly showdown." ...

"[The National Association for the Advancement of Anybody Who Isn't White] said the chief is being retaliated against for filing his federal complaint against the mayor and the city." ...

UK: Two men exchange gun fire in busy street
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A 21-YEAR-OLD man was blasted in the leg in a rush-hour 'shootout'.

"Terrified eyewitnesses watched in horror as two men were said to have exchanged fire in a busy street.

"The injured man fled for his life to a nearby house.

"One shocked witness said: 'We saw two men, one chasing the other, both shooting at each other.

" 'They were almost parallel with each other. It was almost surreal, they did not seem to be hitting each other. We were so close. It was so frightening.'

"The incident happened in Southampton Way, on the corner of Diamond Street, Peckham, at around 4pm last Wednesday.

"The 21-year-old was rushed to hospital but later released.

"Detectives from Operation Trident believe an argument between a group of black men in the street led to a firearm being discharged." ...

Canada: Minister of Justice Accepts Auditor General's Recommendations
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The Honourable Martin Cauchon, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, today announced that he has taken immediate measures to address all recommendations resulting from the Auditor General's recent audit of the Canadian Firearms Program." ...

"The Minister pledged the Government's commitment to provide further information to Parliament and to Canadians about the costs of the program. To support this commitment, the Minister announced that he has ordered the costs of the program to be compiled in the manner requested by the Auditor General. As part of this process, the accounting firm KPMG has been contracted to confirm the program's financial statements to date. This will provide a consistent basis for reporting all expenditures and revenues of the Firearms Program from 1995 through 2002. This work will be completed by the end of January." ...

"Over the first seven years of operation, the Canadian Firearms Centre incurred $688 million in program costs. This includes expenditures up to March, 2002. Projected costs for this year are $113.5 million, bring total costs of the program since its inception to about $800 million." ...

CA: LAPD chief seeks federal help in dealing with street gangs
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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LOS ANGELES – "Saying this city's street gangs have become more dangerous than the New York City mafia, Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton called on the federal government Tuesday to help combat a gang culture that has put Los Angeles on track to be the nation's 2002 murder capital."

"Standing with Mayor James Hahn and the family of a recently slain 14-year-old, Bratton said the city's gangs have become a threat to the entire nation, sending their members – and their drug trade – into dozens of American cities." ...
Deputize the citizenry. We know lots of true patriots who live in and around Lost Angeles who'd gladly participate to some extent -- at least in their local communities.

Canada: "Natives given free bullets"
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Gun licences not required: Disproportionately high number of aboriginals involved in homicides"

OTTAWA - "The federal government is handing out free ammunition on First Nation reserves even though the aboriginal rate of involvement in homicide is seven times higher than the national average, documents show."

"Indian Affairs records show the department distributed more than 4,000 rounds of rifle and shotgun ammunition to four First Nation reserves in northern British Columbia and Alberta this year and more than 3,000 rounds of ammunition the previous year to bands in Manitoba." ...


One dedicated shooter can go through that much ammo in a month, easily. This is an anti-gun hit piece written for shock value and catering to gun-ignorant people who actually think 3,000 rounds of ammo is a big deal. In truth, smart gun owners who can afford it have at least that much ammo -- for every major rifle and pistol caliber they own.

MN: Local firm manufactures quieter shotgun
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Hastings Division of Yellow Brick Enterprises in Clay Center is producing a new shotgun extension system that can reduce noise by 50 percent when used with the right ammunition.

"Known as the 'Metro' extension, the system was developed by outdoor writer L.P.Brenzy more than 10 years ago.

"The Hastings Metro extension is installed by threading the existing choke out of a shotgun and installing the extension into the existing choke system. Once the extension is fitted tight, the original choke tube is installed in the muzzle and the system is complete.

"The system virtually reduces muzzle blast and flash because of the complete powder burn. It also greatly reduces recoil.

"These characteristics make the system desirable for beginning shooters who don't want the noise and don't want to develop a flinch in anticipation of the recoil." ...


NJ: Police seize home arsenal (more info)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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FAIR HAVEN -- "Three dump trucks removed an arsenal of live ammunition and almost 500 weapons -- all of them apparently held legally -- which police found in a home after the fire department responded to a chimney fire and the homeowner threatened the fire chief with a rifle, authorities said yesterday."

The "tens of thousands" of rounds of live ammunition could have had a catastrophic effect if Sunday's fire had grown worse, a police official said.

"When Fire Chief John Feeny ordered Arthur L. Arford to leave his smoky home in a residential area of Colonial Court about 4 p.m. to make way for firefighters, Arford told Feeny the department had no right to force him off his property, said Detective Joseph McGovern."

"Arford, a 59-year-old budget analyst at Fort Monmouth, then grabbed an unloaded M-1 rifle that was leaning against his bookshelf and attempted to point it at the chief, McGovern said." ...

"Arford, a civilian Army employee, was arrested by Patrolman John Lehnert and charged with aggravated assault and possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose, police said. Arford was being held yesterday at the Monmouth County Jail on $10,000 bail." ...

"The State Police Bomb Unit was called to ensure that hand grenades found on the property were not live, which they were not, said McGovern. He said experts from the state police examined the cache of weapons -- bayonets, double-barrel shotguns, pump shotguns with pistol grips -- and did not find any that were illegal."

"As far as could be determined, Arford's permits for the weapons appeared to be in order and the guns were purchased legally..."

"...authorities will keep the weapons until the Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office determines what to do with them. If convicted of a felony, Arford could potentially lose the right to keep the weapons, police said." ...

WV: 90-year-old Red House man shoots intruder
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Though residents have the right to defend themselves in their own homes, Putnam County Sheriff’s Chief Deputy John Dailey warns them to be careful." [At 90, being "careful" means being armed.]

"The call for caution comes after the latest home invasion that took place in Red House Saturday evening. The burglary resulted in 90-year-old Odom Workman shooting intruder James W. Risner, 21, in the leg." [Chest is preferable -- twice.]

"The break-in is the second of its kind in the county within the past two weeks. On Nov. 22, World War II veteran James Johnson held Daniel Maynard, 25, of Hurricane at gunpoint until police arrived at his Teays Valley home." ...

And the Sarah Brady Anti-Senior-Citizen Fan Club would rather these innocent lose what's left of their possessions and get knocked around or just plain killed -- which is one of many reasons why we think anti-self-defense fanatics are psychotic nutcases and dangerous to a free society.

VT: City takes civil rights stand
Submitted by: P. Jones

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"The city of Burlington took a stand Monday against the USA Patriot Act, a federal law passed in October 2001 as an antidote to the attacks of Sept. 11."

"In a 10-2 vote, city councilors approved sending a strong message of opposition to the broad powers the federal act gives to law enforcement. The Patriot Act is too broad and will erode civil liberties, councilors said."

"The vote was met with applause from onlookers, some of whom spoke passionately against the federal law. Residents and councilors opposing the Patriot Act likened it to McCarthyism and the World War II internment of Japanese-American citizens." ...

Venezuela troops, workers face off
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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CARACAS, Venezuela, Dec 3 — "Venezuelan National Guard troops firing tear gas and shotgun pellets broke up a protest Tuesday by state oil company employees as a general strike raised fears of oil supply disruptions in the world’s No. 5 petroleum exporter."

"THE STRIKE, which began on Monday, was called by anti-government labor and business chiefs as part of a determined opposition campaign to pressure leftist President Hugo Chavez to hold an early referendum on his rule."

"Striking executives and staff of the state oil giant PDVSA, accompanied by supporters, had gathered outside the company’s offices in eastern Caracas to demonstrate against an alleged government campaign of threats and harassment against them." ...

UK: Police ready to give gun lessons
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Greater Manchester Police’s tactical firearms unit is to visit secondary schools to educate young people about the dangers of misusing such weapons, particularly in public places."

"In the last year, GMP’s firearms officers have been called to a growing number of incidents where young people have been in possession of an imitation firearms or bb-guns." ...

Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. — James Madison, The Federalist Papers, No. 46

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