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Newslinks for 12/4/2010

Dialog on campus guns helps clear up perceptions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Yes, it’s still a ways off from 'shall not be infringed,' but look at how well Mr. Burch has engaged Dr. Holda with just a few emails: He’s gone from outright public opposition to speculating on implementation details, with the added bonus that he’s going to put more advance thought into future public statements on the issue. Plus he's seen first-hand the results of relying on Violence Policy Center claims as authoritative." ...

Dear Diary: 30 Days to Conceal Carry, Day 6
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Road Trip. Yep. Those immortal words, famously uttered in Animal House bring up all sorts of interesting challenges when applied to situations including guns. This weekend, my daughter comes in for a visit. That’s a Major Big Deal around the Kozak hacienda. I love my kid, and treasure the time I get to spend with her. She’s 12-going-on-22, and is remarkably mature for her age. But she’s still 12. And I’m divorced. Even though my ex is also a shooter, I have to keep in mind the potential for blowback on any decision I make that touches on the safety of our child. And then there’s the 180-mile journey (each way) I have to make to pick her up and drop her off – even though I fly her in. Let me explain…" ...

CT: Gun Buy-Back Program Returns For Second Year (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For the second consecutive year, Hartford organizations are joining forces to sponsor a gun buy-back program."

"The gun buy-back program will provide gift cards to people who turn in operable firearms." ...

PA: No need to widen 'Castle Doctrine'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "But outside the home or workplace, out on the street or in the countryside, the law requires people to try to get away before pulling out Smith and teaching some thug a Wesson. If you can't get away or are in immediate danger, you can use your weapon in self-defense."

"A bill proposed by state Rep. Scott Perry, R-Carroll Township, and passed by the Legislature would expand the castle walls to anywhere a person feels threatened. It removes the 'duty to retreat' provision."

"When it reached his desk last week, Gov. Rendell exercised his own sort of castle doctrine and shot it down, saying it was a threat to society and an attempt to solve an almost nonexistent problem." ...

More Christmas Gift Reading: "Cornered Cat"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve already paid for a dozen copies of this one as Christmas gifts, if that tells you anything."

"Kathy Jackson, famous for her website geared to women who arm themselves to protect their families, has now collected her wisdom and sharp perspective in book form."

"The title comes from Kathy’s approach. She sees herself as a pussycat, not some female Rambo. But if she or her offspring are threatened, she explains why the cuddly feline becomes a cornered cat, swiftly and unexpectedly applying fang and claw until the threat is no longer a threat. Sounds like a good approach to me." ...

Federal Suits Against California AB962 Dismissed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Today, U.S. District Court Judge Morrison England dismissed both suits brought against the State of California challenging their restrictions on handgun ammunition that go into effect on February 1, [2011]. In both suits, he ruled that the claims failed on ripeness grounds. ..." ...

"AB 962, the Anti-Gang Neighborhood Protection Act of 2009, is a California law that bans anything other than face-to-face transactions in handgun ammunition starting on February 1st." ...

H/t to David Codrea who says: "Not Ripe? Keep acting like 'shall not be infringed' is subordinate to legalistic incantations and chicanery, and that may change..."

OH: Dispatch: Maneuver in Ohio House might get lame-duck votes on 2 gun bills
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Columbus Dispatch is reporting on State Rep. Danny Bubp's effort to get floor votes on two pro-gun bills early next week."

"From the article:"
"A quiet end to the legislative lame-duck session could be interrupted next week if a GOP lawmaker is successful in forcing the House to vote on a pair of controversial gun bills." ...

Guns on a train
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Yeah, I know--kinda lacks the pizzazz of 'Snakes on a Plane,' but does have the advantage of being real (or will in less than two weeks). From USA Today:" ...

Amtrak Prepares For Guns In Checked Bags
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Railroad passengers on Amtrak should soon be able to once again transport firearms in checked baggage."

"The change is slated to begin on Dec. 15, the effective date of the amendment by Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Miss., that forced Amtrak to accommodate gun owners. The new service will only be available between stations where checked baggage service is currently available." ...

Gun prohibitionist hysteria derailed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Perhaps there is nothing quite so satisfying as seeing someone else 'call B.S.' on the gun prohibition crowd, and it happened today courtesy of KOMO’s never-meek Ken Schram, a guy with whom I often disagree, but he's still a pal." ...

Does Obama’s nominee for head of Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives oppose the Second Amendment?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Things had been looking up for gun-rights activists. In 2008, the Supreme Court ruled in D.C. v. Heller that Washington's handgun laws were unconstitutional. In the summer of 2010, in McDonald v Chicago, the court expanded that ruling to apply to handgun laws in all 50 states."

"Even President Obama seemed relatively open to Second Amendment rights, saying on the campaign trail: 'I believe there is a Second Amendment right. I think it is an individual right. I think people have the right to lawfully bear arms.'"

"Now, it seems that when it comes to Obama and guns, he was for them before he was against them." ...

NV: Metro Officer Arrested for DUI
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Police are not releasing the officer's mugshot because he works in a sensitive role at Metro and cannot have his picture shown."

CO: Toy robot detours traffic near Coors Field
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A robot met its end near Coors Field tonight when the Denver Police Department Bomb Squad detonated the 'suspicious object,' bringing to an end the hours-long standoff between police and the approximately eight-inch tall figurine." ...

H/t to David Codrea.
Submitter's Note: *snicker*

OK: Head of corrupt Tulsa Police Department opposes open carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Last spring, the Oklahoma State Troopers Association was nominated (by me) to become members of national gun rights writer David Codrea's 'Only Ones' club when they opposed the Oklahoma open carry bill waiting to be signed by then-governor Brad Henry. Now, Tulsa police chief Chuck Jordan has begun banging on the 'Only Ones' clubhouse door, seeking entry."

"Chief Jordan stated in a public safety forum last week he hopes the Oklahoma legislature does not attempt to pass open carry again. Why not, Chief Jordan?" ...

WA: Guns, grinches and gridiron
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A few quick hits on a trio of topics to wrap the week up."

"I frequently hear from rabid NRA types about how some common sense gun law is obliterating their Second Amendment rights."

"This week it was the rabid anti-gun folks going over the edge."

"They're complaining about a new law that allows people to bring a gun with them while traveling on Amtrak."

"The weapons have to be unloaded, packed in a hard-sided case and be checked in with baggage."

"There is nothing wrong with that and the anti-gun crowd should just put a cork in their whine." ...

WA: Grenade search futile
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Dorothy Carter’s letter (Nov. 28) begs my response as a Second Amendment supporter."

"First, I went to several sporting goods stores and found an amazing lack of hand grenades, rocket launchers, machine guns and other weapons of mass destruction. It turns out that Cabela's, the White Elephant and the General Store don't sell these items because a federal firearms license is required to buy or sell automatic weapons, machine guns, etc., even at a gun show. Not everyone can buy them." ...

NJ: Disillusioned by mainstream press
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This is very hard for me to write; however, sadly, it is becoming increasingly clear and very true that when it comes to the Bill Of Rights, mainstream journalists have shown and proven that they have no love or respect toward them. The only time that they will defend civil liberties, is when the group or individual agrees with them politically or philosophically." ...

"-- It is the mainstream press that has shown hostility toward Second Amendment cases which defend the right of a citizen to own firearms." ...

A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money. — G. GORDON LIDDY

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