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Newslinks for 12/8/2007

Brady Act and the Lautenberg Amendment is costing lives
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On November 15th I was interviewed by Eric Flack of Channel 5 news in Cincinnati. In the course of preparing for his biased news report, he asked me a tired clichéd question:"

"'Wouldn't it be worth it if it saves one life to extend background checks to all gun sales?'"

"The question was pertaining to forcing all gun sales to go through a Brady background check at the gun shows nationwide. I had to roll my eyes as the question was asked. Fact is that the Brady Act has gotten many innocent people killed." ...

The Second Amendment Is Not Outdated
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Re: 'Pulling the Trigger,' editorial, Nov. 30."

"I don't live near Harvard Yard, and I don’t know how civilized things are there. I have lived most of my life in Texas. I have been in and out of Law Enforcement, much of it as an unpaid reserve officer, for 30 years. ..."

"In communities that do not have police departments—where one or two sheriffs deputies have to cover 1,000 square miles—you dial 9-1-1 and wait, often times, for two or three hours. Things have often turned out okay because there has been a handgun in most glove boxes and very few pickup trucks ... without a loaded rifle or shotgun. People knew that, and the crime rate was very low."

"Please don't tell me that the Second Amendment is out of date." ...

Individuals have right to bear arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Password: newslinks1

"A well-regulated militia (the able-bodied male citizens in a state who are not members of the regular armed forces, but who are called to military service in cases of emergency) being necessary to the security of a free state, (the supreme public power within a sovereign political entity) the right of the people (a body of persons living in the same country under one national government, the mass of ordinary persons) to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

"Reading the Second Amendment with the definitions included, it is clear that this right is an individual right."

"The right to keep and bear arms is an inalienable right bestowed by our creator. The Second Amendment ensures that it may never be taken from us." ...

Prof wrong about right to bear arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Password: newslinks1

"PROFESSOR Erwin Chemerisnky's column ('No need to choose meaning of Second Amendment' in the Times Nov. 27), does little justice to the Second Amendment."

"He begins by stating that 'The language of the Second Amendment is a puzzle,' ...

"The dual nature of the amendment is no mystery. The first Congress sought to reassure two bodies of concerned Americans, one of which (e.g., George Mason) feared that Congress would neglect the militia system, the other of which (e.g., Sam Adams) feared it might disarm the people."

"The wording becomes utterly clear once we realize that, at the time, 'militia' meant the entire male citizenry, bearing their own arms, and 'well-regulated' meant 'orderly' ..." ...

Yet another Gun Free Zone tragedy
Submitted by: Dustin

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"My heart goes out to the families of the disarmed victims of the Westroads Omaha Nebraska Mall that were shot on December 5th by a madman. The experiment called a 'Gun Free Zone' is well past due to come to an end. It is a terrible experiment that continues to use human beings as the mice & the body count continues to mount as the experiment proves over & over again that 'Gun Free Zones' simply do not work."

"What does a Gun Free Zone really accomplish? Simply to disarm the law abiding citizens who choose to go into them. It is already illegal to shoot people, having a rule that criminals can't bring their guns into a gun free zone does not add any deterrent for them." ...

Natural Born Killers
Submitted by: david wolfe

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... "Have you ever noticed that shooters, who go on a killing rampage, never do so in a police station or at an NRA meeting or any place where the intended victims might be armed and could shoot back in self-defense? These people are cowards who want helpless victims, hell they don't even have the balls to shoot it out with the police, preferring to shoot themselves, before the police arrive." ...

Mall Shootings – Fact, Fiction, and Keeping a Cool Head
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Considering the press coverage of other murderous rampages in our nation in years past, it’s not surprising that someone suffering from depression would seek this kind of fame ... Before long, the rest of the world will only be too happy to point out America's 'love affair' with guns and violence, while patting themselves on the back for their faultless societies, and those who wish the Second Amendment would be repealed will be out in force. (But according to one report, Hawkins had a felony drug conviction in 2005. That alone should have barred him from the legal purchase of any type of firearm. So what happened? ... it's likely he did what anyone with criminal intent would do in such a situation – find an illegal source.)" ...

Omaha murders highlight timeliness and validity of armed Santa Claus Christmas card
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The horrid murders this week at the Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska underscore the truth underlying the message on a Christmas card sent out just about a week ago to a number of recipients, card-sending gun law expert John M. Snyder said here today."

"'The murder of eight people and the wounding of an additional five by a suicidal madman occurred in a so-called 'gun free zone,' the inanity of which should be evident to anyone who has eyes to see or ears to hear,' said Snyder. 'These zones just make it impossible for law-abiding citizens to defend themselves ...'"

"At the Westroads Mall, posted signs inform people with permits to carry concealed firearms that they cannot legally carry guns on the property." ...

MI: Homeowner shoots man after home break-in
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A 29-year-old Rochester Hills man learned the hard way that some homes are protected by scatterguns made by Browning, Remington or Winchester."

"Police said the man was shot after breaking into a home about 3:20 a.m. Monday at the Colony Condominium Complex on South Hall Road, east of Hayes."

"'We don't know why he was there,' said Clinton Township Police Capt. Richard Maierle. "We don't know why he picked that place." ...

PA: Penn State Students Dress as Virginia Tech Victims, Cause Outrage
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"It started with a picture on Facebook and has now created a firestorm of outrage."

"Two Penn State students, dressed as Virginia Tech shooting victims, at a Halloween party have enraged people from the Virginia Tech community, as well as the entire country."

"... Both are wearing Virginia Tech t-shirts and elaborate make-up. Both have bullet holes in their bodies." ...

"We talked with one of the students who wore the costume. He said the outfits were worn to a small party and meant to be private."

"'It's not that it was funny, it's that we are notorious and infamous in the state college, so we have to do things that push the envelope just for shock value,' he said." ...

IA: Huckabee charges toward the top in Iowa
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"John Stilley made sure that he arrived early for Mike Huckabee's appearance here the other morning."

"When the Republican presidential candidate started talking, the evangelical Christian hung on every word, wearing a small smile of satisfaction that never went away." ...

"He also opposes virtually every form of gun control, including waiting periods for gun purchases, saying that the Second Amendment is about letting Americans protect themselves against the potential of 'a new tyranny from our government.' He says he was the first governor to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon." ...

IA: Ask candidates why military guns OK'd for public, advocate urges
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Iowans should press presidential candidates for their views on assault weapons in light of Wednesday's shopping-mall massacre in Omaha, a national gun-control advocate said Thursday."

"Most Democratic candidates support reinstating a federal assault-weapons ban that expired in 2004."

"Most Republican candidates oppose reinstating the ban, saying it was ineffective."

"Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said Thursday that the 30-round ammunition clips Robert Hawkins reportedly used in Wednesday's shootings in Omaha would have been illegal to purchase under the assault-weapons ban." ...

Guns, Alcohol, and Laws
Submitted by: Ed Stone

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... "It's a good thing that the shooter was carrying his handgun, apparently in violation of Georgia law. I don’t think Ojeda returned to the bar with a gun because the bar was out of swizzle sticks. It makes you wonder: if he had not been shot, might Ojeda have killed several people in the bar, and become a national headline instead?" ...

"What is clear is that the current Georgia law, and that of other states that criminalize handgun possession for simply being in a place where alcohol is being served, make no sense. This incident in Norcross is one more example of how a gun-free zone makes people less safe, not more. If you live in Georgia, you might want to contact at ..."

PA: Rendell wrong on gun control
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"I'm writing in response to your editorial about Gov. Ed Rendell's recent testimony before the state House Judiciary Committee in support of four gun control measures. You said the measures make sense, yet you provided no evidence to support this position."

"The sad state of affairs in Washington, D.C., New York City and other cities, which severely restrict firearms ownership, provides strong evidence of the failure of gun control in this country." ...

Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, "arms and the necessary ammunition, to be used by the citizens of said Territory who may organize for defence", Jan. 26, 1866
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"...Mr. Burleigh, by unanimous consent, submitted the following preamble and resolution; which were read, considered, and agreed to, viz: ..."

"...Whereas several of the citizens of Dakota Territory have been either murdered or maimed..."

"...Mr. Burleigh also, by unanimous consent, submitted the following resolution; which was read, considered, and agreed to, viz:

"Resolved, That the Committee on the Militia be instructed to inquire into the expediency of placing in the hands of the governor of Dakota Territory two thousand stand of arms and the necessary ammunition, to be used by the citizens of said Territory who may organize for defence..."

Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, "often checked and chastised by the martial spirit of the neighboring citizens", Sept. 20, 1814
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"...has been closed without any check on the overbearing power of Great Britain on the ocean; and that it has left in her hands disposable armaments, with which forgetting the difficulties of a remote war against a free People, and yielding to the intoxication of success, with the example of a great victim to it before her eyes..."

"...In his other incursions on our Atlantic frontier, his progress, often checked and chastised by the martial spirit of the neighboring citizens, has had more effect in distressing individuals, and in dishonoring his arms, than in promoting any object of legitimate warfare..."

Oliver P. Morton to Edwin M. Stanton, "10.000 stand of good arms be furnished as early as possible for the use of our loyal citizens", June 25, 1862
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"...Another object is to circulate and foster news papers of extremely doubtful loyalty..."

"...The organization alluded to is confined to no particular locality . . . is in operation in every county in the State. Its members are bound by oaths and their meetings are guarded by armed men..."

"...As an important and necessary measure, allow me to recommend that at least 10.000 stand of good arms be furnished as early as possible for the use of our loyal citizens..."

"...I respectfully submit these matters for your early consideration, and trust my suggestions in regard to arms may meet with your approbation..."

"...O. P. Morton*..."

"* - Best known as War Governor of Indiana during the Civil War"

John Carroll Walsh and Hugh Simms to Abraham Lincoln, "one portion of the citizens of which had been deprived of their arms", Sept. 13, 1864
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" of their number was shot by Mr Day, upon which the exasperated soldiers set fire to and destroyed the buildings..."

"...the Government should recompense Mr Day, and all others who suffered by the raid we consider the proper and just course, as it cannot be desired that from the defenceless condition in which the entire border was permitted to remain the enemy was allowed to invade our State one portion of the citizens of which had been deprived of their arms and the other (with the exception of Mr Day and we believe one other in Frederick Co) refrained from the use of those they had been allowed the privilege of retaining, why there were not used Your Excellency can as well imagine as ourselves..."

Henry B. Carrington to Abraham Lincoln and Edwin M. Stanton, "every man in many counties is armed to the teeth", March 19, 1863
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"...The order has enjoined upon its members, thorough arming. The extent of this may be derived from the fact that in February and March alone nearly 30.000 arms, revolvers &c have entered Indiana, as derived from invoices of sales and undoubtedly thousands more have been brought from the East of which I have no knowledge. On the day the sale of arms was prohibited at Indianapolis, nearly 1000 revolvers were contracted for, and the trade could not supply the demand. Two small establishments at LaFayette had each 60 kegs of Powder, which at other times would last for years..."

"..within two hours after an alarm signal, about two hundred mounted men gathered armed with rifles, shot guns and revolvers..."

OH: Officer charged for strip search
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Cincinnati police officer who was reassigned and had his police powers suspended last summer was charged Friday for strip searching a woman."

"Terrance Dobbins, 38, of Clifton, was arrested around 2:15 p.m. Thursday at Cincinnati Police Headquarters ..."

"He was charged with two counts of conducting an unauthorized body cavity or strip search for incidents involving a woman on June 26 and June 27." ...

"Cincinnati police did not provide further details on what happened during Dobbins’ search of the woman."

"The charge is a first-degree misdemeanor, which carries a maximum penalty of six months in prison and $5,000 fine."

Submitter's Note: Ohio Revised Code, Section 2907.02 Rape ... (2) No person shall engage in sexual conduct with another when the offender purposely compels the other person to submit by force or threat of force.

AL: Former Athens Police officer charged with felony sexual abuse
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former Athens Police officer was charged Tuesday with felony sexual abuse involving an adult, a Huntsville Police spokesman said."

"Arthur 'Perry' Gooch, 35, of Athens was arrested on a warrant for first-degree sexual abuse ..."

"Johnson said the incident, which occurred in Huntsville, involved an adult and was investigated by Huntsville Police." ...

"According to the Alabama Criminal Code, a person commits first-degree sexual abuse – a Class C felony – when he subjects another adult to sexual contact by forcible compulsion or subjects another person to sexual contact who is incapable of consent ..."

"Gooch was employed by Athens Police from March 2003 until Nov. 9, when he resigned, records show."

NM: The Only Doughnuts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Those are some expensive doughnuts."

"No one begrudges a cop his or her doughnuts, but questions are being asked in Albuquerque about one recent case in which a pair of the city's finest dropped in for a box of Krispy Kremes in a police helicopter."

"At the taxpayers' expense of course."

"Eyewitnesses said a Kiowa OH-58 chopper owned by the Albuquerque Police Department ... came swooping in ... then alighted in a nearby lot while a passenger went in for a box of doughnuts. Mission accomplished, the chopper buzzed off ..."

"Naturally the local PD will be cracking down on this flagrant abuse of police property ... Um, well, not really." ...

FL: Gun lobbyists protect rights of citizens
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Re the Nov. 21 letter, "Why handguns?": The writer stated that the framers of the Constitution did not have in mind the possession of guns for personal use. Quite the contrary: Quotes from most of our Founding Fathers indicate their belief that personal gun ownership was paramount. This is why they made it the Second Amendment.

The letter also mentioned lobbyists. This is not the tobacco or liquor lobby representing private enterprise, but the lobby representing citizens and their rights to possess guns.

In the same paper, I read how a store owner chased armed robbers away with his own gun. Perhaps if one of those students at Virginia Tech had been allowed to have a gun, the slaughter there could have been abated.

Brad Landy

Delray Beach

GA: Coweta ruling bodes ill for ban on guns in parks
Submitted by: Pastor Guest

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"Athens-Clarke County may have to repeal a law banning guns in parks after the Georgia Court of Appeals struck down a similar law in Coweta County."

"The appeals court reversed a June Coweta County Superior Court decision against gun rights group The group, which claims several hundred members across the state, argued that state law prohibits cities and counties from restricting where gun owners can carry weapons." ...

NY: Art of the Gun
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Growing up in East Syracuse, Mark Soltau remembers hunting and fishing as a youngster."

"'It used to be all country here . . . we'd throw our ice-fishing poles in the back of the car and that's what we'd do for the weekend,' he said."

"And then came the time, when he was 14, that he went rabbit hunting up the street. Upon returning, he accidentally dropped his shotgun on the ground, cracking the wooden stock. He was crushed."

"'And then my dad, who was a carpenter, said, 'Well . . . we'll just make one. Just do it,' Soltau remembered. ..." ...

OR: Dorris, Butte Valley indeed full of history
Submitted by: James A. Farmer

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"I enjoyed 'A reluctant historian' Dec. 3 online, which alluded to 'Butte Valley and Dorris being regions packed with memories.'"

"I have fond memories of Dorris, in Eastern Siskiyou County. My fondest was the huge gun collection once owned by the late Hermann Johns of Dorris. It also included antiques and other artifacts in a large log cabin museum. ..."

"John's arms collection resonated back to the 19th century frontier era (1850-1890) including the Civil War (1861-1865), and included small arms of World Wars I and II. It taught us about an era of self-reliance, free thinking, individualism, Americanism, the original 13 colonies, and the pioneer spirit."

"The hog-leg Colt, double-barrel shotgun and rifle defined a person’s character. ..." ...

OH: Northern Ohio hunters stabbed during gun week
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Sandusky Register reported last week that two deer hunters were brutally attacked during the 2007 deer gun season in a Berlin Township field when a drifter stabbed them repeatedly with a knife." ...

"The potential for incidences like this, plus last year's Ohio State Highway Patrol alert asking hunters to be on the look out for an escaped fugitive, was much of the motivation behind ... asking the Ohio Division of Wildlife to honor our concealed handgun licenses (CHLs) by permitting concealed carry for hunters. The Division did change the hunting regulations to allow concealed carry while hunting this hunting season, provided the concealed firearm is not used to take game but is for self-defense purposes." ...

Israel: Is the IDF disarming the residents of YESHA?
Submitted by: none

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"The IDF is conducting a large scale operation to confiscate weapons from the Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria ... The purpose of the operation is described as 'putting the settlers' gun permits in order.'"

"The security coordinators of the communities in Samaria have been summoned to a meeting with IDF officers Thursday, and community leaders are convinced that the IDF intends to collect many of the weapons in the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria." ...

"'With this letter,' Eldad concluded, 'I wish to inform you that the settlers of Judea and Samaria will hold you [Ehud Barak] personally responsible for any casualties ... unless you immediately put an end to the process of collecting the settlers' weapons.'"

KABA Note: Once again, registration leads to confiscation.

I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion. —THOMAS JEFFERSON

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