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Newslinks for 2/10/2002

Dependence on Government
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The shift from personal autonomy to dependence on government is perhaps the defining characteristic of modern American politics. In the span of barely one lifetime, a nation grounded in ideals of individual liberty has been transformed into one in which federal decisions control even such personal matters as what health care we buy..."

Interview With Jeff Snyder
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The fact that one should be allowed to defend himself simply excludes that government disarm him. We have talked of this, and much more, with Jeff Snyder, whose last book, Nation of Cowards (Accurate Press, 2001) is a strong case in defence of the individual right to keep and bear arms.

Interview by Carlo Stagnaro

NJ: Gun backers protest 'smart-gun' bill
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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So-called "smart gun" technology is supposed to make firearms safer, but a dozen protesters who gathered Wednesday on Cedar Lane said it would make it harder for law-abiding citizens to use guns in self-defense.

They demonstrated outside the office of Assemblywoman Loretta Weinberg (D-Teaneck) saying that her bill to require smart guns was actually a "rapists' protection bill," because it would deter women from carrying guns to protect themselves.

NC: Character witness requirement shelved for Wake gun permit
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The Wake County Sheriff's Office has discarded a long-standing policy requiring a person who wants a handgun permit to bring in a character witness when applying. The tradition, which dates back more than 30 years, has been eliminated as the permit process was delayed and more people sought permits following Sept. 11.

DC: students well-armed at school
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The number of assaults with deadly weapons in D.C. schools has doubled in the past four years, even though the system has spent $8 million on metal detectors, cameras and security officers trying to keep students safe."

TX: Rules address 'violence on job'
Submitted by: serinde

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"If you have a gun...leave it at home."

That's the "message" Denton County commissioners want to send to county employees and residents after adopting a "workplace violence policy." The guidelines, approved this week, make employees "responsible for recognizing and preventing violent situations" in county offices regardless of whether the "threat" comes from co-workers or people who walk in.

KABA NOTE: Having a gun is not a threat. Do they want employees to report people with screwdrivers in their pockets?

Federal Air Marshal turns up in Atlanta
Submitted by: serinde

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A Federal Air Marshal who passed through a "security checkpoint" at Dallas/Fort Worth Airport without being "properly screened" flew to Atlanta.

The "security breach" prompted the Federal Aviation Administration to temporarily shut down Terminal E so law enforcement officers could perform a "security sweep." Several flights were delayed.

"They did find out he was actually an air marshal and he was on a flight to Atlanta," FAA spokesman John Clabes said.

VA: Only the First Amendment in schoolrooms?
Submitted by: serinde

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1st article on page.

"The measure would require the state Board of Education to write guidelines for displaying the Ten Commandments in classrooms, along with the First Amendment, the Declaration of Independence and the Virginia Constitution."

--Apparently the 9 other amendments don't matter?

MI: Federal government may confiscate old cannon
Submitted by: Anonymous

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LUDINGTON, Mich. (AP) -- A vintage cannon that has become a landmark in Mason County could be confiscated by the U.S. Department of Defense.

The cannon's owner, Henry Marek, said he is surprised the government wants to remove the World War I weapon from his front yard, where it has been since 1947.

UK: The growing trend of car-jacking
Submitted by: Robert Waters

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"With an increasing number of car-jackings being reported, BBC News Online's Denise Winterman looks at the growth of a worrying crime trend."

Tom Mauser Named Join Together 'Hero of the Month'
Submitted by: Joe_Liberty

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"The women and men profiled as Join Together Heroes are true leaders of the gun violence prevention movement. Their stories, told in their own words, can inspire, motivate and encourage others to become involved."

SC: 'Surtax on guns would provide better control'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"It is unfair to tax every American to pay for this program because (according to the Census Bureau) the majority of Americans don't own any handguns. And criminals ultimately get their guns from law-abiding gun owners, either through well-meaning private sales or by theft. Any person who has had his home or car broken into and found later that a gun was taken has, by definition, supplied a criminal with a gun."

SC: Officer who left gun in store bathroom 'may be disciplined'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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A Spartanburg police officer who accidentally left his gun in a convenience store bathroom last week, only to have it taken by a civilian, "could face disciplinary action." Police administrators...could issue anything from a "letter of reprimand" to a "three-day suspension," said Tony Fisher, director of the Public Safety Department.

KABA NOTE: Perhaps the state should tax police for the firearms they loose to pay for the new "gun crime prosecutors" instead of lawful citizens.

DC: Board pledges to 'make schools safer'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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While federal law requires that all principals report firearms, he said several did not because they were trying to keep their numbers "artificially low."

In an effort to increase security, the school system, which says it has a zero-tolerance policy on weapons, spent approximately $8 million during the past four years to install metal detectors, X-ray machines, cameras and security guards in schools.

-- What a waste of money! Arm the teachers and the crime will lower.

'No Child Left Behind': Federal Goals 2005
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Thank you Congress and Mr. Bush. All schools are now de facto federalized under UN mandates. Is it too late to get into your School Boards face and demand why the property-tax payers were sold out for federal funds [grants, handouts] used as blackmail to subvert their children? How many state legislatures and governors have remained silent all the while violating their Oaths of Office? When will enough people wake up and put a stop to this mendacity and usurpation?"

IRS and DoJ: Why Won't You Answer Our Questions?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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On Sunday, 2/10/02, a full-page ad by the We The People Foundation will appear in the main news (first) section of the nationwide edition of The New York Times, under the heading, "IRS and Department of Justice: Why Won't You Answer Our Questions?"

This is the first time we will have exposure in the nation's paper of record. The ad will take both our Petition for Redress and constitutional questions regarding the income tax system to center stage.

Women complain of groping, fondling during airport body searches
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"At least 32 female airline passengers have complained about being fondled and groped during random body searches at Sky Harbor International Airport and other airports across the nation. In many of the reported incidents, male gate agents appear to be targeting solitary female travelers for the supposedly random pat-downs..."

--I feel safer already.

UT: Military fields thousands to help keep Olympic 'peace'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"When the 2002 Winter Games open Friday, there will be more U.S. troops in the Salt Lake City area than in Afghanistan."

--But lawful citizens will be disarmed. To quote Robert Waters: "What's wrong with this picture?"

TX: Officer 'mistook' homeowner for intruder, shot her
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The widower and parents of Cathey Jo Howard-Kalimah, who was mistaken for an intruder and shot to death in her home last June by a McKinney police officer, have filed a federal lawsuit charging police with using excessive force and violating her constitutional rights."

--THAT is what I call "violence on the job". Will justice prevail in this case?

CT: 'Gun' on roof was only a camera
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Two women told police they saw a man on the roof with what one said "looked like a machine gun" -- and led police to lock down portions of the Capitol complex for more than six hours. Police conducted a massive search that included a helicopter and airplane, a SWAT team and at least two armored vehicles.

Ridge Says The Federal Government Might Need 'Reorganizing'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge said Thursday that the Bush administration might propose a "reorganization of the federal government" -- requiring congressional approval -- to "better fight the war on terrorism."

KABA NOTE: We are seeing history unfold before our eyes -- with the accurate predictions of people who knew what the government was leading up to over half a century ago.

SC: Gov. Hodges says he'll veto any bill allowing concealed weapons on school grounds
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Gov. Jim Hodges vowed Friday to "veto any legislation that allows concealed weapons into schools or onto school grounds."

The House bill, sponsored by Rep. Jake Knotts would allow people with a CWP to possess a firearm on school grounds, but not inside a school. The Senate bill, sponsored by Sen. Glenn Reese, allows permit-holders to carry weapons into schools.


Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property . . . Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them. — Thomas Paine, Thoughts on Defensive War (1775).

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