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Newslinks for 2/11/2008

NY: Intended victim fires gun, routs holdup man
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A state Division of Parole employee scared off a would-be robber late Thursday by firing two shots from his own gun outside the HSBC branch bank at 3109 Bailey Ave., Buffalo police said.

OH: Mayor Says No To Urban Training
Submitted by: clell

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A company of Marine Corps Reservists received a cold send-off from downtown Toledo yesterday by order of Mayor Carty Finkbeiner.

The 200 members of Company A, 1st Battalion, 24th Marines, based in Grand Rapids, Mich., planned to spend their weekend engaged in urban patrol exercises on the streets of downtown as well as inside the mostly vacant Madison Building, 607 Madison Ave.

Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." - Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

Libertarian Wolfe made her famous observation above in the mid-nineties. Now here we are more than ten years later, even more isolated and politically disenfranchised, and we must ask the question: how far do we have to go to get past "awkward?"

History never exactly repeats itself and thus is an imperfect guide. Studying history "we see through a glass, darkly." Still, there are patterns in history that deserve our close attention, so we may better understand how to act in the present and to enable us to better predict the future.

TX: Armed Shopper Thwarts Mall Parking Lot Robbery
Submitted by: Tom Glass

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A Texan with a concealed carry permit killed one of two men who attempted to rob him in the Houston-based Gulfgate mall parking lot, and apparently captured the other.

WI: Bloggers attack feds after agent forgets gun in airport; 'Officer made a willful illegal transfer of a firearm to a prohibited person or persons'
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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Bloggers are raising their voices in unison calling for punishment for a federal agent who left her gun in a restroom inside the secured area at Milwaukee's airport.

"Using the agency's own standards, this agent should be headed to the slam," wrote straightarrow on the blog managed by Ryan Horsley at Red's Trading Post in Idaho.

"Because it was left in a TSA secured area for anyone to pick up, anyone who found it was a prohibited person due to location," he said.

The incident has gotten only nominal publicity, with mostly local reporters carrying the story. According to the Associated Press, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent, who was not identified by authorities, left her gun in the restroom.

OH: When Protection Orders Don't Help
Submitted by: When Protection Orders Don't Help

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"Groves, 32, said he had stalked her in silence since she left him in June, finally confronting and assaulting her and a male friend at Griggs Reservoir in early August. Prosecutors declined to file charges, but she was granted the protection order because of the altercation. Mr. Groves continued to follow her, usually taking care to stay beyond the 500-foot limit set by a judge."

"Postmus, a social-work professor and director of the Center for Violence Against Women and Children, concluded that if the abuse is severe and long-lasting, a protection order might be ineffective and cause more problems for the victim."

Submitter's Note: AND NOWHERE in this story is there any reference to the basic right of self defense, nor how to get such training.


MA: Boston Cops Seek To Disarm Citizens
Submitted by: clell

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As Boston police prepare to go into some of the city's most dangerous neighborhoods, knock on doors of private houses, and ask if they can search for illegal guns without a warrant, officials are trying to pitch the idea of the plan as friendly cooperation to residents who still see it as a threatening intrusion.

A friendly looking logo - a drawing of a house surrounded by the sun - adorns the brochure police have drafted to explain and promote the initiative, "Safe Homes." Photos of officers playing baseball with children and chatting with teenagers dot the pamphlet. Twice, police have taken calls from listeners on a black radio station in Roxbury.

Australia: Homeowner shoots intruder
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Police say a man was shot while trying to break into a house at Enfield in Adelaide's inner northern subrubs early this morning. The elderly homeowner fired one shot from a shotgun hitting and injuring the intruder. Police say the incident happened as the intruder broke in through the back door of the Eversley Avenue house. The man is in hospital, but police say his injuries are not life-threatening.

Human Nature and the War System, "the great fundamental underlying passions and springs of action in men are the same today as they were when Cain slew Abel", [1914]
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"..."Though we have put on the garments of peace and honor, have been softened by Christianity, [Ed. note: Or, to put it factually; mankinds misunderstanding of Christianity], and have striven nearer to altruism in thought and act, the great fundamental underlying passions and springs of action in men are the same today as they were when Cain slew Abel. Human nature in the mass has changed little or none since the days of the Pharaohs." This was the declaration in his speech at the Navy League convention in Washington , April 10, 1913..."

"...Unhappily it is too true that there are still millions of men in every nation whose principles of peace and honor are only "garments" which they put on in good weather..."

An English American, "The Sword alone, must now decide the Contest--I mean, unless we have a full Restoration of all our violated Rights", May 1, 1775
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"...But, if a Soldier, instead of acting for the Benefit of the People where he is stationed, taking Directions from them, and defending them in their Rights and Privileges, acts against them, is supported by, and takes Directions from their Enemies and Oppressors, and invades or endangers their Rights and Liberties,--Then the Business of a Soldiers changes its Nature, his Employment is no longer honourable, or just--He is to be considered as a dangerous Engine of Oppression and Violence, a common Pest and Disturber, neither fit to be supported nor permitted in any Society who have the least Pretensions to Spirit, or common Prudence..."

"...The Sword alone, must now decide the Contest..."

OH: Mayor kicks Marines out of Toledo
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Mayor Carty Finkbeiner on Friday ordered some 200 members of Company A, 1st Battalion, 24th Marines from Grand Rapids, Michigan, out of Toledo just before the unit was supposed to start a weekend of urban warfare training downtown.
The mayor’s spokesperson, Brian Schwartz said, “The mayor asked them to leave because they frighten people. He did not want them practicing and drilling in a highly visible area."
Toledo police said they knew about the training and had approved the unit’s use of the Madison Building and the Promenade Park area. The training was scheduled to start Friday afternoon and last until Sunday. Police said the unit’s presence would have a minimal impact on the city.
COMMENT: Not a police state yet.


OH: Wife filed restraining order
Submitted by: R.S.G.

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"I'm afraid he'll hurt me or my son when he's mad," Christi Layne wrote in her petition in January, for a domestic violence civil protection order against her husband, the late William Michael (Mike) Layne.

Thursday morning, nearly seven weeks later, police say Layne entered Notre Dame Elementary School, where Christi Layne is a teacher, and - as her horrified fifth-grade students looked on - fired several shots at her with a pistol. One bullet glanced off her left cheek. The others missed. Layne then stabbed his estranged wife 14 times.

Submitter's Note: Another piece of paper that didn't stop bullets. Also, the shooting occurred in a Victim Disarmament Zone.

Cheney Breaks with Bush on 2nd Amendment
Submitted by: Paul Shoemaker

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Cheney joined 55 senators and 250 House members in asking the court to find that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess firearms and to uphold a lower court's ruling that the D.C. ban violates that right. That position is at odds with the one put forward by the administration, which angered gun rights advocates when it suggested that the justices return the case to lower courts for further review. [....]

Lawyers said it may be unprecedented for a vice president to take a position in a case before the high court that is at odds with one the Justice Department puts forward as the administration's official position.

The Shay's Insurrection, "These the Legislature could not infringe, without bringing upon themselves the detestation of mankind, and the frowns of Heaven", Jan. 12, 1787
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"...A patient and candid attention was paid to the business of the Session, and every relief given, consistent with the existence of government, and the principles of equal justice. These the Legislature could not infringe, without bringing upon themselves the detestation of mankind, and the frowns of Heaven..."

"...individuals, as they regard their own happiness and freedom, will, from necessity, combine for defence, and meet force with force: or voluntarily and ingloriously relinquish the blessings, without which life would cease to be desirable; and which, by the laws of God and Nature ought never to be tamely surrendered..."


NY: NYS Has Nation’s 6th Strongest Gun Laws
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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New York State has the nation’s sixth strongest gun laws and has made good progress in passing laws to keep criminals and other dangerous people from easily obtaining guns, a new national study shows. In a scorecard of gun laws for all 50 states, recently released by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, New York earned 51 points of of total of 100.

NC: Limits sought on gun firing
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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As more homes go up in Lincoln County, elected officials are considering a rule that would limit shooting within 500 feet of a residence. The ordinance, proposed last week by county commissioner Marie Moore, would outlaw shooting within 500 feet of a dwelling. It gives 10 exceptions, including shooting in self-defense, by law enforcement, for legal hunting, at dangerous animals, at shooting ranges, for ceremonies and holiday events and on the shooter's own property. "I don't think it's unreasonable to ask people not to shoot a gun within 500 feet of an occupied dwelling," Moore said.

TN: Hodge: Coding bullets? Bills have their flaws
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Most politicians learned a few years ago that talking gun control is a political loser. So, to fill the vacuum they're talking bullet control. Sen. Reginald Tate (D-Memphis) and Rep. Larry J. Miller (D-Memphis) have introduced legislation that would require all handgun and assault weapon ammunition sold in Tennessee after Jan. 1, 2009, to be coded. The idea, they spell out in their identical bills, is coded bullets would help police solve homicides committed with handguns/assault weapons.

Australia: Home owner shoots alleged intruder
Submitted by: Haddock

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A 52-YEAR-OLD man from Adelaide's northern suburbs has been charged after shooting a man who was allegedly trying to break into his home in the early hours of this morning.
Police said the incident occurred in Eversley Avenue at Enfield about 2.40am (CDT) when the homeowner confronted a man allegedly breaking into his home via the back door.

The alleged intruder was shot in the lower part of his body and is in Royal Adelaide Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

The homeowner was this morning charged with aggravated cause serious harm and firearms offences and has been bailed to appear in court at a later date.

CA: Man shoots alleged intruder in downtown condo
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A downtown Long Beach resident allegedly shot and killed an intruder Friday after he saw a man attempting to climb into his condo through a window, authorities said.

WV: Woman charged with child neglect in teen’s death
Submitted by: R.S.G.

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WELCH — A woman was arrested and charged Friday with child neglect resulting in death in connection with the Feb. 2 shooting death of a 17-year-old McDowell County juvenile.

Ellen Jean Lewis, 39, of Jenkinjones, was arrested and charged with three felony counts of child neglect creating risk for bodily injury and one felony count of child neglect resulting in death, Senior Trooper J.S. McCarty, of the West Virginia State Police Welch Detachment, said.

Submitter's Note: I guess you are responsible if someone doesn't handle firearms safely whether or not you knew. Something is not being told here.

DC: Ellis Washington Urges President Bush To Vacate Brief
Submitted by: clell

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If you think your Second Amendment rights are secure, think again. The Bush administration recently appears to be openly at odds with the Second Amendment on two counts. First, on Jan. 8, President Bush inconspicuously signed the Veterans Disarmament Act (H.R.2640) sponsored by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y. This anti-gun bill, created in the atmosphere of the Virginia Tech massacre (April 16, 2007), is designed to make the screening process much tougher for gun ownership; a law that is particularly burdensome for our veterans.

Penn vs., Baltimore, "20 Persons, with Guns, Swords, Pistols and Blunderbusses", Feb. 23, 1737
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"...1731. JAMES Hendricks having the consent of the Indians, went to settle on part of those Lands from whence Parnell, Williams, and Sumerford had been removed, but as he was going to view the Land, and fix on a place to build his House, his Gun accidentally went off and shot his Son..."

"...1735 July. Mr. Wright interrupted gathering his Harvest, by Cressap and 20 Men with Guns, Swords, Pistols and Blunderbusses..."

"...There came in to Cressap's Assistance, ten or twelve more of Cressap's Men, mostly armed..."

"...but now the Governor of Maryland had sent up Arms, Canon, &c. to Col. Rigby's to dispossess and confine all the Dutch People..."

A Countryman, "All are armed, but no man so vile that he does not feel the awful curse that will fall upon him who first takes a brother's life", Feb. 4, 1861
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"...The humiliation of our country is great, but let this emergency be rightly met, and our glory will also be greater. Old feudal laws, when men wore swords, forbade their use in palaces and other consecrated places. In this country the greatness of the emergency has consecrated even bar-rooms. Men used to brawl, abstain from blood. All are armed, but no man so vile that he does not feel the awful curse that will fall upon him who first takes a brother's life. Every day that men abstain renders a breach less probable. Still the responsibility of our rulers is great, and their consciences should be kept fully alive by the people they represent to the burthen that rests on them..."

Don't TSA me Bro
Submitted by: clell

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Ah, the Nazis. Modern America knows few epithets more vile. You can insult a man’s mother, wish rape on him, liken him to the hinder part of the alimentary canal. But don’t compare him to Germany’s totalitarians, even if he works for their contemporary counterparts, unless you want a fight – and a frisk from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA).
Darron Derrick was "very late" for his flight out of Tampa International Airport to Detroit. How late? "He checked in 38 minutes before the scheduled departure…"
Back when America was free, passengers who arrived 38 minutes prior to "scheduled departure" were early. But the TSA’s warrantless searches impede travel now, and we serfs are expected to revise our schedules accordingly. Our Rulers "recommend" we waste "at least two hours" in the airport; it’s our own fault if we flout their orders and miss our flight.

Submitter's Note: What ever you do, don't call a government employee a Nazi.
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Independence is the recognition of the fact that yours is the responsibility of judgement and nothing can help you escape it — that no substitute can do your thinking, as no pinch-hitter can live your life... — Ayn Rand in "Atlas Shrugged"

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