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Newslinks for 2/14/2008

CCRKBA Backs Coburn Effort to Legalize CCW in National Parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today is urging gun owners to back legislation sponsored by Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) that would enable private citizens to carry defensive sidearms in national parks."

"'This is responsible, sensible legislation,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan M. Gottlieb, 'and it is a genuine shame that the Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) has mounted a campaign to derail this important effort."

"'PEER issued an alarmist press release that mirrors hysteria currently being pandered by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence about Coburn's S. 2483,' Gottlieb noted. ..." ...

Concealed-carry laws save lives
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"I'm an Arizona resident, originally from Chicago, currently visiting friends in the area. Hearing about the Lane Bryant mass murder, I'm appalled Illinois has not yet passed a concealed-carry law to make their citizens safer."

"When I drive in from Arizona, my Concealed Weapons Permit is valid in every state I drive through up to Illinois. Before entering Illinois, I must unload, case and store my handgun away. Why is my life worth less in Illinois?"

"In the Lane Bryant incident, any one of those ladies, if armed, could have saved herself and perhaps others."

"Is being forced into a back room, bound, assaulted and shot in the back of the head superior to trusting the law-abiding citizen the right to carry a firearm for protection?" ...

Human ID Chips Get Under My Skin
Submitted by: Pastor Guest

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"While it's easy to reject the notion of placing little ID chips inside humans as an ominous Orwellian invasion of individual rights, I suspect it's inevitable that in my lifetime we will all have some kind of computerized implants. My problem is not with the technology ... My concern stems from my lack of trust in institutions and lack of belief that the technology will be forever restricted to beneficial, socially acceptable uses." ...

"I can think of countless initiatives that could be launched to make use of a sufficiently large group of chipped people ... outfitting firearms with a radio-frequency identification (RFID) reader and requiring gun owners to be chipped to fire their weapon (like existing thumbprint locks)." ...

Book Review: Ricochet: Confessions of a Gun Lobbyist
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Richard Feldman, former lobbyist for NRA and various firearms industry groups in the 1980's and 1990's, has created a fair stir with his book Ricochet: Confessions of a Gun Lobbyist. The book has the appearance of a turncoat insider dishing up hot gossip from the bowels of the gun lobby. But despite its cover – and despite some angry reviews – Feldman has not joined the anti-gun side. He has staked out a pro-gun, but anti-NRA position."

"Feldman's thesis is that the National Rifle Association’s High Command has cultivated 'a cynical, mercenary political cult' that it is 'obsessed with wielding power while relentlessly squeezing contributions from its members.' ..." ...

What is a Combat Handgun?
Submitted by: none

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... "Take my experience with the M1911A1 .45 pistol and the M9 Beretta. The thing I liked best about the M1911A1 was the fact that it was made out of forged steel; You could drop it, kick it, crawl on it, you could do anything to it short of melt it, and you wouldn’t affect it’s reliability. ..."

"Not everything on the M1911A1, however, was perfect. I thought the ejection port on the slide to be too narrow and I remember that 'stove piping' was a constant issue, where the spent casing would extract from the chamber, but would not eject clear of the slide. Now I don't know if this issue was the result of the small ejection port or some other issue, but it was something I noticed with the pistol. ..." ...

Robert Levy: Promises breached
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you think the District of Columbia's ban on all functional firearms in all homes is a reasonable regulation under the Second Amendment, you'll love the friend-of-the-court brief filed by the Bush administration in D.C. v. Heller, now before the Supreme Court."

"The Department of Justice's (DOJ) previously stated position is that the Second Amendment secures a right of individuals not restricted to militia service. But astonishingly, the Justice Department now recommends an elastic standard for determining whether a handgun ban is reasonable. According to the DOJ, the courts should consider the nature and functional adequacy of available alternatives. ..." ...

Gays, women want D.C. gun ban lifted
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gay gun owners who call themselves Pink Pistols say they will be safer if the Supreme Court strikes down Washington's strict handgun ban."

"They aren't alone. Jewish gun owners, women and disabled veterans, among others, also contend that they're vulnerable and need the protection that only firearms can provide."

"More than 65 groups have filed friend of the court briefs in the gun case, surpassing the attention paid to such hot-button issues as affirmative action and abortion." ...

Learning from the District's gun control failures
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The recent surge of firearm discussion has prompted me to weigh in on my positions regarding the issue."

"Currently at the heart of the issue is the District of Columbia vs. Heller case ..."

"That aside, D.C. can stand as a reminder of the risks of anti-gun legislation. Since the banning of handguns in D.C. in 1976, murder by firearm in the District, per capita, has ranked among the highest in the country on more than one occasion. Since 2003, police recovery of firearms has increased every year in the District."

"To believe that firearm bans will result in people not possessing them is dangerously naive. The reality is that firearm bans do not prevent criminals from owning guns ..." ...

Who is attacking the Second Amendment in the D.C. gun case, and what can you do about it?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"At some point in your day, you, like me, probably wonder 'Have I done all I can do to be a pain in the hind end of those who oppose my gun rights?' The answer, of course, is 'no.' Fortunately, it is easy to take some immediate and long term actions to irritate those opposed to your rights. Most steps are as simple as 'vendor selection' decisions you make daily."

"An interesting array of folks have spent considerable time and money arguing that the Second Amendment does not mean what it plainly says, and chances are you indirectly support these groups trying to strip you of your rights. Your support needs to stop – immediately. Here are simple steps you can take to make sure that these groups learn that nonsense has a price." ...

Find compromise in gun debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "I bring up the First Amendment in order to discuss the Second. The Supreme Court is pondering what is expected to be a landmark ruling on that amendment ..."

"... The key question is this: does the Second Amendment confer an individual the right to gun ownership, or does it refer only to the right of a state to raise a militia? ..."

"But in a very real sense ... I also think that's beside the point. Whether a right to individual gun ownership can be found in the Second Amendment or not, the perception of that right is so deeply ingrained that legal theory is ... superfluous. Do you really think ... it would be possible to ban firearms on a national scale? I think any attempt to do so would lead to uprisings we can scarcely imagine." ...

Maps of the State Amici in D.C. v. Heller
Submitted by: Brent Greer

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"Today thirty-one states, led by Texas, filed an amicus curiae brief in support of the respondent in the historic Second Amendment case of D.C. v. Heller. I'm pleased to say that my own state's attorney general, Oklahoma AG Drew Edmondson, a Democrat, is among the signatories." ...

Submitter's Note: A map of the United States showing the 31 pro-Heller state amici in the case to be argued before the Supreme Court next month.

Libertarian Party files friend-of-the-court brief in D.C. gun case
Submitted by: Caleb Bartlett

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"The Libertarian Party has filed an amicus curiae brief with the Supreme Court in the case District of Columbia v. Heller -- a case that will decide the future of gun rights in America for decades to come. The amicus brief was filed in support of Heller. 'As an organization dedicated to constitutional principles, the Libertarian Party has a compelling interest in the outcome of this historic case and therefore decided to file a brief to ensure our position on gun rights is documented,' says Libertarian Party Executive Director Shane Cory." ...

GA: GCO Files Amicus Brief at U.S. Supreme Court in Support of Heller
Submitted by: Mark McCullough

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"GeorgiaCarry.Org has filed an amicus curiae brief with the Supreme Court of the United States in support of respondent Dick Heller. ..." ...

"As the parties and other amici no doubt will argue, the Framers put into place a constitutional guarantee that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. It clearly was the intent of the drafters of the Fourteenth Amendment to ensure that this guarantee applied to all people and against the states as well as the federal government."

"This Court should apply the Second Amendment as it was intended, and eradicate any vestiges of Jim Crow in the District of Columbia’s firearms laws."

TN: Moore To The Point: The Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Second Amendment absolutely supersedes any State law or municipal ordinance that would restrict a person from carrying a firearm. ..."

"Luby's in Texas, McDonalds in California, Virginia Tech, an Amish school in Pennsylvania, a mall in Omaha, a church in Colorado, and several locations in between, post offices, factories, and other places of business--all turned into killing fields because they were declared for all the world to know that these locations are gun free zones in which law-abiding citizens may not legally carry their gun even if they are licensed by the State to carry, and these places advertise to that effect. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. No truer words have been spoken. ..." ...

CO: A nation less civilized?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "The position that the Supreme Court finds itself in, and will hear argument for on March 18, interests me. You see this matter is like an onion; there are many layers. What seems to be a simple question of the interpretation of the Second Amendment covers the issue of D.C.'s position in the nation and fundamental questions of democracy and diplomacy."

"Washington, D.C., is the nation’s capital, also seen by many in the world as the global focus for democracy and freedom. The people of D.C. voted for a handgun ban, enacted back in 1976, and surely the will of the people is paramount in any democracy." ...

Submitter's Note: So the segregation of the '50's was fine because "surely the will of the people is paramount in any democracy"?

Firearms solve problems
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In response to Andrea Laidman's article ('The unwell, unregulated militia,' Feb. 11) Ms. Laidman writes that officials in Washington, D.C. worry about lifting the city's handgun ban and 'respond that lifting the ban will only make violence worse.' However, she does not stop to ask an even more obvious question: Is it possible that Washington's harsh and restrictive gun laws caused the high level of violence in the first place?"

"The facts seem to indicate yes. England has much more restrictive laws than America and a higher rate of violent crime than the United States (in 1996, a 25 percent higher rate of robbery in England ...) ..." ...

NV: When a scary experience hits home, some seek security by purchasing their first handgun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In this expanding, population-busting, rapidly urbanizing valley, Southern Nevadans do all sorts of things to avoid becoming crime victims, from installing home alarm systems to signing up for self-defense classes."

"Sometimes, they do something that surprises even them: buying a gun."

"Teasing out how many of Southern Nevada's gun owners are new owners is difficult. So is figuring out how many guns are purchased strictly for self-protection as opposed to recreational uses."

"However, the number of handguns in Southern Nevada has grown in recent years. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department records indicate that there were 46,522 handguns registered here in 2007, up from 40,821 in 2006 and 32,538 in 2005." ...

SD: Students' Association reacts to gun bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Feb. 12, the Students' Association passed Resolution 07-16 with only three nays, joining the SDSU Academic Senate, SDSU American Association of University Professors and the SDSU Career Service Advisory Council in opposition to the bill that would allow students to carry firearms on public university campuses."

"The Senate State Affairs committee voted 7-1 ... effectively killing the bill ..."

"'We're not opposing anyone's rights to possess firearms. We just don't think you need your gun in class or in the dorms,' said Sam Nelson, SA state and local chair and main proponent of the resolution. 'We'd like to see you keep your gun in a storage facility. If students want that, we're willing to work with the university to get that.'" ...

McCain v. Bloomberg
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Those who reckon that Senator McCain is so similar to Mayor Bloomberg that there'd be no logic to an independent presidential run by Mr. Bloomberg will want to have a look at Mr. McCain's remarks prepared for delivery last week to the American Conservative Union's annual CPAC conference. Said Mr. McCain, 'I have defended my position on protecting our Second Amendment rights, including my votes against waiting periods, bans on the so-called 'assault weapons,' and illegitimate lawsuits targeting gun manufacturers.'"

"The very lawsuits that Mr. McCain dismisses as 'illegitimate' include one pursued by Mayor Bloomberg's city law department together with the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. ..." ...

Gun Control Advocates Introduce 'Microstamping' Bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gun control group is hailing Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.) for introducing legislation that would require gun microstamping in all fifty states."

"The National Crime Gun Identification Act, introduced in both the House and Senate on Feb. 7, 'will help law enforcement track down armed criminals and solve gun murders,' the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence said."

"The National Rifle Association calls such legislation 'incremental gun control.'"

"Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign, said microstamping will help police trace guns that are used in crimes. It's 'the common sense thing to do,' Helmke said in a news release on Monday." ...

Bloomberg, Other Mayors to Launch Illegal Gun Database
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In a new tactic against urban crime, the mayors of several East Coast cities, including New York, plan to launch a database that will allow them to share information on known gun offenders."

"The database, expected to be operational later this year, will pool data from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives with information collected by local agencies, including ballistics information and intelligence gathered from debriefings of gun offenders."

"New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon and other urban leaders said Wednesday that the first-of-its-kind database will make it more difficult for illegal gun dealers to do business throughout the Interstate 95 corridor." ...

AZ: Unbelievable - Attempt at Ammunition Ban in Arizona!
Submitted by: Dustin

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"If it were not right this very moment still available on the Arizona Legislature website I would not believe it. Liberal gun grabbing Democrats have sponsored HB 2833 - legislation that would require all ammunition sold in Arizona as of Jan 1 2009 to have unique serial numbers on both the bullet & the INSIDE of each cartridge casing of every single cartridge of all calibers of handgun and so-called 'assault weapon' ammunition plus it also stipulates that it applies to all calibers of ammunition (I'm not sure why they even bothered mentioning handguns & assault weapons since they then used a blanket to have the bill apply to all calibers of ammunition). Arizona Citizens would be required to dispose of all existing ammunition ... by Jan 1 2011." ...

MD: Mayors to talk about guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Mayors from as many as a dozen cities, including New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, will visit Baltimore today to discuss ways that cities can reduce crime by fighting the illegal gun trade."

"Combating illegal guns and arresting those who use them has become a defining theme of Mayor Sheila Dixon's administration in recent months, and the summit of city leaders, which will take place at City Hall, could solidify her credentials on the issue." ...

VA: License, registration and gun
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Anyone who doubts that Virginia lawmakers are spineless when it comes to gun advocates need look no further than SB 436. Three-quarters of the Senate voted to put guns ahead of the lives of law enforcement officers."

"Most adult Virginians, the ones who aren't felons or mentally ill, may buy a gun and walk around with it as long as it is visible. The law allows so-called open carry."

"If someone wants to carry that gun out of sight, then he must get a concealed-carry permit. ..."

"Things get sticky when Virginians get in their cars. A person who doesn't have a concealed-carry permit but wants her gun within reach must keep it plainly visible ..." ...

MD: Mayor Heads for Baltimore Guns Summit
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A day after voters cast ballots in presidential primaries in Maryland, Washington, D.C., and Virginia, Mayor Bloomberg is traveling to the region for a summit on gun violence."

"Mr. Bloomberg will appear at Baltimore City Hall with about 10 other mayors, including the mayor of Washington, D.C., Adrian Fenty, for a regional meeting of the coalition he co-founded with Mayor Thomas Menino of Boston in 2006, Mayors Against Illegal Guns."

"The mayor of Baltimore, Sheila Dixon, is hosting the summit." ...

GA: Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To Gold Dome watchers, there's little that tops the bemused thrill that comes from witnessing bitter feuds between factions of the same special-interest group."

"Last week, a clutch of lawmakers and lobbyists openly argued that Georgians should be able to pack heat in their chosen house of worship. At the same time, a different set of gun enthusiasts was pushing legislation that said businesses should not be able to tell employees they can't bring their shootin' irons to the company parking lot."

"This being Georgia, neither of these measures is widely considered wack-a-doo fringe legislation – in fact, both have already passed the House ..." ...

WV: Panel approves 'Castle Doctrine' proposal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"West Virginians could yet face a lawsuit for gunning down an intruder in their homes, but using deadly force to protect hearth and home would be a 'full and complete defense' in court under a Castle Doctrine bill approved Wednesday."

"Without any discussion, other than counsel’s brief explanation, the measure cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously."

"For two years, Sen. Shirley Love, D-Fayette, has pushed the idea at the behest of the National Rifle Association, which has succeeded in getting similar bills enacted in 20 other states, starting with Florida."

"While existing state law doesn't require that a homeowner retreat as much as possible ... it does leave open the door to civil suits by a wounded prowler." ...

PA: City has plans to crack down on gunfire
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In an effort to get guns off the streets of Allentown, Mayor Ed Pawlowski announced Tuesday he will seek to toughen the city's ordinance on discharging a firearm to include up to a 90-day jail sentence."

"In addition, Pawlowski said the city will buy gunshot-detection software to catch those people firing weapons."

"'We need to send a message that any kind of gunplay on the streets of Allentown is totally unacceptable,' he said. 'Violators will learn that there is a stiff price to pay for such lawlessness.'"

"Crime in Allentown was down almost 9 percent and violent crime was down 18 percent in 2007 over the previous year, but homicides increased, many the result of gun violence, Pawlowski said." ...

SD: Guns on campus bill may still have life
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rep. Tom Brunner, R-Newell, said Wednesday that he is reloading to take another shot at a controversial state regents policy that restricts firearms possession on South Dakota college campuses."

"The Senate State Affairs Committee on Monday rejected a bill ... that would have eliminated most existing restrictions on gun possession and storage on campuses. But Brunner said there is enough support on the Senate side to attempt a 'smoke-out' procedure to bring the bill to the Senate floor." ...

"HB1261 passed the house easily with a 63-3 vote. It fell in Senate State Affairs Committee by a 7-1 vote ..."

"Brunner said that committee vote surprised him, given the strong approval in the House and the many constituent contacts supporting the bill." ...

HI: Bill Pending Approval in Hawaii's House Judiciary Creates a De Facto Firearms Ban by Restricting Gun Ownership
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"This was presented as testimony on HB 2999 relating to firearms on February 12, 2008. This is the omnibus bill that second amendment supporters are most strongly opposed to. The bill has been held in committee and the House Judiciary has the intention to pass some amended version of it. To send comments on this bill, write to Rep. Tommy Waters, Chair and Rep. Blake K. Oshiro, Vice Chair of the House Judiciary Committee."

"I wish to voice my strong opposition to HB 2999. This bill directly affects me as a competitive sport shooter, NRA Certified Basic Pistol Instructor, and a pistol owner in the State of Hawaii." ...

NE: Gunlocks another unnecessary burden
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"... I have received a considerable number of phone calls and emails from constituents in my district regarding LB958 concerned that it would only create additional burdens on law-abiding gun owners. I would agree with their analysis and oppose the advancement of LB958.[.pdf]"

"One of the new regulations that this bill would put into place is a 48-hour reporting requirement for any lost or stolen firearms. ... This does not stop a criminal from obtaining a weapon illegally and using it to commit a crime on someone else. Instead, this regulation just puts another burden on the law-abiding citizen and turns them into a guilty party." ...

GA: How to lose guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"THE FREEDOM of citizens to move about is so taken for granted it wasn’t even included in the Bill of Rights. ..."

"Hence, the Georgia General Assembly should pass a law making freedom of movement absolute. If you want to drive a car somewhere, you shouldn’t need a license for either yourself or the vehicle. If the shortest distance between you and the place you want to go is across a neighbor’s lawn, you should have the right to do so and all trespass ordinances should be revoked."

"OK, we’re kidding. However, when it comes to the Second Amendment right to have a gun that's precisely the way some over-zealous adherents seem to be arguing." ...

IL: Loaded debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun control – Depending on which side you’re on, those two words are either a loaded moratorium curtailing your constitutional rights or a logical way to prevent accidents from happening and criminals from obtaining firearms."

"Regardless of your position, a grassroots effort to get Illinois counties to state their support for the Second Amendment has come to local soil."

"Members of the McHenry County Board on Tuesday will decide whether to approve a resolution stating their opposition to any legislation that would infringe upon the right to bear arms. Essentially an advisory statement, the proposal is meant to send a message to state legislators about the constituents' views on gun control laws ..." ...

Robert Smith to Elihu B. Washburne, "Arms, I am informed are being procured in large quantities", March 29, 1863
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"...Are these appointments to be made by Col Fry,[5] or Will the President supervise them? Col Fry is a good Officer-- Will he appoint Copperheads under the late law for Provost Marshals? I hope you as one of the Guardians of the rights of the loyal people, will look to this. I write to you because you are a live Working man-- Arms, I am informed are being procured in large quantities by the K. G. C;[6] & they are holding frequent meetings in Macoupin Montgomery Christian Shelby & others Counties, to prepare for a armed resistance to the draft when one shall be ordered-- Please let me hear from you..."

William G. Brownlow to W. R. Hurley, "that men were pouring in from the surroundings with guns, and swearing that the troops should leave", June 28, 1861
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"...One other company has gone to the Gap West of Jacksborough, in all seven, and leaving but two companies in this city. A portion of their men crossed over on the Kentucky side at Cumberland Gap to strike their tents and these were met by the native Kentucky Union men and ordered to leave..."

"...An express has just arrived here from the troops calling for the two companies left here, and their arms, and they have gone post haste. . . . as the Express-rider states that men were pouring in from the surroundings with guns, and swearing that the troops should leave, or they would die in the attempt to wipe them out. The people at Wheeler's Gap, as well as at Cumberland Gap, are very determined..."

William M. McPherson to Abraham Lincoln, "a majority of the people are loyal they have been robbed of all their arms", Dec. 25, 1862
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"...Third That whilst a majority of the people are loyal they have been robbed of all their arms and their young men forced into the Army as conscripts untill they are unable to defend themselves or help each other and this state of things can only be changed by driveing the Rebel Armies South of Arks. River and guaranteeing protection to these suffering people when the assertion of their loyalty would soon be verified

Fourth There are many who in the commencement fancied that their rights had been invaded by your election that are tired of the war & of suffering privations and destruction of their crops by the Confederates and would be glad to be at peace and back under the old flag..."


Giving Brady Gun Banners The Stage
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Recently, the anti-Second Amendment group, The Brady campaign to Prevent gun Violence, came out with another of their 'scorecards' where they rank states according to how bad or good gun laws there are — according to their anti-gun reckoning, of course. Upon its release, the MSM warmed up its anti-gun machine and began touting this 'scorecard' as if it were gospel. Headlines blared how 'good' a state was because it restricted guns or how 'bad' it was if it ranked as a state with fewer restrictions on guns according to Brady. Of course, all this assumes straight out that this Brady organization 'scorecard' is the correct view of guns, as if they are correct in their assessment. And their assessment is that guns are bad. Period." ...

IN: Guns blazin'
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"There are some issues, such as illegal immigration, that Democrats won’t even touch with a 10-foot pole. No issue proves to be as divisive for the party, however, as gun control. Indeed, the last serious debate over gun violence occurred more than 15 years ago with the passage of the Brady Bill. Occasionally, this long and shameful silence has been punctuated with incidents like the Virginia Tech tragedy, when legislators promise stricter gun regulations. Cosmetic changes are made, and yet, we often get reminders on how far we have to go."

"The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence just released its annual 'report card' rating states’ efforts to prevent criminals from obtaining guns. Not surprisingly, Indiana was ranked near the very bottom. ..." ...

OH: Goof-off cops walking beats
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The three remaining Cincinnati police officers demoted and suspended when two cops they supervised were caught goofing off now are walking beats themselves." ...

"Randy Webb was a lieutenant and Mikle Brown and Mark Hunley were sergeants in District 2, covering much of the eastern portion of the city."

"Two officers in that district ... were being punished last year by Police Chief Thomas Streicher ... Streicher ordered them to walk a beat in the Hyde Park area during the heat."

"Instead, the two stayed inside of a police substation watching TV, sleeping and playing video games." ...

"Streicher ordered four of their supervisors demoted and suspended without pay for 30 days and fired another ...

MD: Cop Assaults Kid, Steals Skateboard (video)
Submitted by: M Trcic

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Video link

Submitter's Note: Rivieri had no idea that someone with a cell phone camera recorded his encounter last summer with a 14-year-old skateboarder at the Inner Harbor. At least not until the very end of the video, when he's heard telling the person recording the incident "Is that camera on? I'd better not find out I'm on that camera."

MD: Inner Harbor incident hits Internet
Submitted by: M Trcic

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"A Baltimore police officer was suspended yesterday after a YouTube video surfaced on the Internet showing him berating and manhandling a teenage skateboarder at the Inner Harbor."

"On the video, the officer, Salvatore Rivieri, puts the boy in a headlock, pushes him to the ground, questions his upbringing, threatens to 'smack' him and repeatedly accuses the youngster of showing disrespect because the youth refers to the officer as 'man' and 'dude.'" ...

"Sterling Clifford, a spokesman for the Baltimore Police Department and the mayor's office, said authorities have begun an internal-affairs investigation." ...

"Clifford said Rivieri's suspension entails a transfer to administrative duties with pay." ...

LA: N.O. police show off new crime-fighting equipment
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin and Police Superintendent Warren Riley on Tuesday used the floor of the Superdome to display more than $1 million in new armament and other equipment, largely for use by the SWAT squad in emergency and riot situations, including a fully equipped mobile command post, two armored cars and modern assault rifles." ...

"The money will also pay for 600 bullet-proof vests."

"The 27- and 14-ton armored cars, costing about $380,000 and $270,000 respectively, will provide cover to officers in SWAT situations and help them safely evacuate citizens from dangerous situations, Riley said." ...

Submitter's note: Check the link and look at the photo of these two gun-grabbing clowns yukking it up with their new guns.

CA: LAPD can't police itself, audit charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Los Angeles Police Department investigators routinely fail to fully investigate citizens' complaints against allegedly abusive officers, often omitting or altering crucial information in ways that help exonerate the officers, according to a report to be released today."

"The 34-page report by the Police Commission's inspector general raises questions about the department's ability to police itself, adding to still-unresolved problems highlighted in previous reports."

"The audit ... examined how 60 complaints filed against officers in recent years were handled by the officers' supervisors and investigators in the department's internal affairs group. In 29 of the cases ... it found some sort of flaw ..." ...

WA: Judge asked to rule in library filter case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit against the North Central Regional Library system could be decided in April if a federal judge agrees to forego the trial scheduled for June."

"The ACLU sued in fall 2006 on behalf of three NCW residents and the Seattle-based nonprofit Second Amendment Foundation, who say the library's Internet filter violates their First Amendment rights."

"Both sides in the case submitted motions for a summary judgment last week, asking a federal District Court judge to make a ruling without a trial. The lawyers will argue their side in a hearing April 15 in Richland." ...

NE: Nebraska's Concealed Carry Law Creates Confusion
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are new concerns about one of Nebraska's relatively young laws. Some say the state's concealed carry law is too confusing."

"Craig Schnieder teaches one of the required classes for people seeking a permit to carry a concealed weapon. He told the KETV Newswatch 7 I-Team that he has a problem with the law."

"Schnieder said historically, when concealed carry laws are first passed, they are very restrictive."

"'And as time goes on and they find that there's no problems, the restrictions are lessened and that's what needs to occur in Nebraska's law. ...' Schnieder said."

"One of Schnieder's problems with the law is a provision that allows for businesses and communities to set up their own 'Gun Free Zones'." ...

H/t to Joe's Crabby Shack.

NY: NRI who saved a New York psychologist now desparately needs a job
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"Six weeks ago, one time Manhattan cook Amarjit Singh saved psychologist Susan Barron's life by staving off a stabber, but today he is without a job, and desparately needs help." ...

"Singh was the first target of 38-year-old Lee Coleman, who went on a bloody rampage ..."

"... Coleman entered and stole several knives before slashing the cook across the face and chasing him into the street."

"Seconds later, Coleman ... turned the blades on Barron, 67, who was walking to church with her dog."

"... Singh made a split-second decision to rush back and confront Coleman as he plunged the knives into Barron’s head, neck and body."

"Off-duty transit cop Gregory Chin then shot and wounded Coleman after he refused to drop the knives." ...

Submitter's Note: Bringing fists to a knife fight.

NY: New York Psychologist Hacked to Death in Meat Cleaver Attack at Her Office
Submitted by: jac

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"A man hacked a psychologist to death with a meat cleaver at her Upper East Side office and seriously injured another therapist who tried to help her, police said."

"The search was on Wednesday for the man as police tried to determine whether he was a patient of Kathryn Faughey. She was stabbed to death Tuesday night in the office suite in a bustling neighborhood just blocks from a major hospital complex."

"Police recovered three knives from the scene, including the cleaver and a 9-inch knife also used in the attack. A suitcase on wheels filled with women's clothing and adult diapers was also found, along with another bag filled with eight smaller knives that were not believed to have been used in the attack." ...

Submitters note: It's good that he didn't use a gun. That would have been illegal in NYC.

NJ: Three found stabbed to death in Irvington
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"An Irvington man stabbed his girlfriend and her parents to death inside an apartment, then calmly walked into a Newark police precinct and confessed to the killings, authorities said."

"Rakeem GartrellRakeem Gartrell, 22, was being held on $1 million bail this afternoon in the slayings of Latoya Thomas, 22, and her parents, Leroy Cooper and Elsie Thomas, both of whom were in their 60s, authorities said. Authorities found their mutilated bodies after the suspect walked into a Newark police station just before noon today."

"'I just killed three people,' Gartrell said after walking into the city's Fifth Precinct, Newark Police spokesman Detective Todd McClendon said." ...

Submitter's Note: Three victims killed and no gun involved.

Netherlands: Dutch police find illegal weapons cache (video)
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This wednesday a Dutch SWAT team entered a building in Amsterdam-Buitenveldert where they discovered a large weapons cache containing pistols, machineguns, uzi's, 2 AK-47's, an RPG, 20 granades and lots of ammunition. The suspect, a 29 year old male with an American passport, was apprehanded.

The police thinks the weapons are meant for an extremely violent criminal organisation operating in the Netherlands, Great Brittain and Jamaica.

An enemy of liberty is no friend of mine. I do not owe respect to anyone who would enslave me by government force, nor is it wise for such a person to expect it. — Isaiah Amberay

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