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Newslinks for 2/15/2008

Northern Ill. Univ. Shooting Another 'Gun Free Zone' Failure, Says CCRKBA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The tragic shooting at Northern Illinois University late Thursday is another failure of the 'gun free zone' mentality that has created a false sense of security on college campuses and other public venues across the country, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today."

"'Gun-free zones have given us nothing but body counts,' said CCRKBA Chairman Alan M. Gottlieb. 'This giant loophole in public safety is becoming a national disgrace and it is time to dramatically change our perspective on self-defense in this country.'" ...

Habit by Mike Vanderboegh
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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"'An army . . . ought to be able to shoot 'possible' before it lets the band play too loud.'" ...

"'Habit is a mighty ally.' Indeed. And tyrants, like street thugs, pass by the man who looks ready to take them on and pick on the unready, the weak and the obvious victim. 'They had trained intensively for a year,' Galvin says of the Minutemen. How much have you trained lately in the arts of a free citizen?"

"As Robert Heinlein warned, 'You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once.' ..."

Second Amendment Sisters Demands Recall of 'Defective' Gun Free Zones in Tennessee and California
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Second Amendment Sisters is appalled at the carnage that is resulting from the establishment of 'gun-free zones' across the country. We have sent out two previous demands for recalls this week, alone. Havoc is spreading so rapidly, that we do not have time to deal with these singly." ...

"While we understand that the people responsible for these gun-free zones were well intentioned, the result of their misunderstanding has been disastrous. Public safety has been severely adversely affected. It is time to acknowledge the abject failure of this experiment. The only guns that are kept out of a gun-free zone are those that belong to decent, honest citizens." ...

Ten Leading firearms featured at Show Show
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Once again, the hunting and shooting industry outdid itself showcasing 2008 products at the 30th National Shooting Sports Foundation’s Shot Show last week at the Las Vegas Convention Center."

"In the four days that I wandered among 1,950 exhibitors sprawled over the 750,000-square-foot show, I found it extremely difficult to limit my 'Best of Show' choices to just 10 in each of the three categories — firearms, optics and access­ories."

"Here are my top 10 in firearms, any of which I would like to see standing in my gun cabinet." ...

Stricter gun control needed to decrease school shootings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Feb. 11, there was yet another school shooting in a U.S. high school."

"It wasn't the first one of the year or even of the month, and it certainly won't be the last. According to a study by the National School Safety Center, we can expect hundreds more before the end of the year."

"Why, then, are people so resistant to the idea of gun control?" ...

Submitter's Note: Perhaps because people with a modicum of intelligence and the willingness to view facts with an open mind understand the counterproductivity of such policies?

Sarnoff: Reinstate weapons ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the widow and father of gunned-down Miami Police Det. James Walker stood at his side Thursday, Miami City Commissioner Marc Sarnoff called on Congress to bring back an assault weapons ban that ended four years ago."

"Walker, who was off duty in the early morning hours of Jan. 8, and on his way to visit his wife, was shot dead by an AK-47 as he sat behind the wheel of his car in an alley in the 1700 block of South Glades Drive in North Miami Beach."

"Andrew James Rolle, 20, was later arrested and charged with first-degree and attempted murder. Police believe he was trying to kill someone else in a dispute over a stolen gun." ...

Mr. Cheney, the Noted Gunslinger, Goes to Court
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The political power of the gun lobby was formidably displayed this month when a majority of the nation’s lawmakers — 55 Senators and 250 House members — signed on to a legal brief urging the Supreme Court to strike down the District of Columbia’s ban on handguns."

"The gun lobby scored an even bigger coup when Vice President Dick Cheney signed the same brief — a remarkable move that put him at odds with the administration's own position before the Supreme Court." ...

Gay rights and gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Though it's gotten very little attention in the gay press, an important case affecting the lives of gays and lesbians is now pending in the U.S. Supreme Court. The case challenges the constitutionality of the District of Columbia's unusually strict gun-control law ..."

"A brief filed in the case, on which I offered some counsel, argues that the law is especially harmful to gay Americans. ..."

"The brief was filed on behalf of Pink Pistols and Gays and Lesbians for Individual Liberty. Pink Pistols is an international group formed a few years ago with the basic mission of advocating gun ownership and training in the proper use of firearms by gay people. GLIL is a libertarian gay group that consistently defends individual rights." ...

The Second Amendment’s Day in Court: D.C. Gun Case Will Affect All Americans
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Last March, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed, 2-1, that the District’s prohibition was not only unreasonable, it was clearly unconstitutional. Attorneys for the District of Columbia promptly appealed the decision. That is why on March 18, for the first time since 1939, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments on whether such a gun ban for law-abiding citizens is constitutional. Their verdict, expected later this year, will have profound implications for all Americans."

"The case has generated a flurry of unprecedented action in both the Executive and Legislative branches of government. On January 11, the Department of Justice (DOJ), filed an egregiously weak amicus — friend of the court — brief in the case. ..." ...

MI: 3 accused of attacking man
Submitted by: Michigan Gun Owners

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"Pittsfield Township police arrested three people accused of attacking a man in traffic after he earlier tried to intervene in a dispute." ...

"Two women, including the woman he tried to help, got out of the van and began hitting and stomping the victim while he was on the ground, Heller said."

"A passing motorist stopped his car, pulled a gun and demanded the trio stop beating the man, Heller said."

"Police responded to several calls reporting a man holding people at gunpoint. Officers determined the man with a gun had a legitimate concealed weapons permit and was trying to help, Heller said." ...

MI: Man killed in shootout with bouncers at Detroit club
Submitted by: Vested

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Police are investigating a fatal shooting that occurred this morning after a group of men were thrown out of Plan B nightclub at 205 W. Congress in downtown.

The men were causing a disturbance and were escorted out the rear of the club by three bouncers, said Detroit Police Sgt. Eren Stephens-Bell.

One of the men in the group shot a bouncer in the back, Stephens-Bell said. Two other bouncers then pulled their guns and shot the man dead who had shot their co-worker, Stephens-Bell said.

The wounded bouncer was taken to an area hospital were he is listed in temporary serious condition.

Police did not release the identities of those involved in the incident.

The bouncers had permits to carry a concealed weapon.

TX: WWII vet sends armed burglar suspect to hospital
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Police said one man is in the hospital after an elderly North Texas man took action into his own hands when confronted by two armed brothers inside his home Saturday night."

"Police said they believe the brothers went to 80-year-old James Pickett's home with the intent to rob him, and even possibly kill him. However, Pickett - a World War II veteran, former fighter and lifelong John Wayne devotee - wasn't about to let that happen." ...

"'He just come through that door stabbing and beating,' he said."

"However, Pickett said just before he went to answer the door, he had first placed a pistol into his pocket."

"'And he jumped and turned, and I shot him there,' he said." ...

PA: Victim: French Fries To Blame For SEPTA Station Gang Beating
Submitted by: jac

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"A teenager riding SEPTA home from school said Wednesday she was attacked by a group of teenage girls over french fries, and wanted to thank the good Samaritan she said stopped the beating." ...

"With no SEPTA help in sight ... the girl said the assault would have continued if it wasn't for an unarmed vigilante."

"'A lady who was sitting on the train near us decided enough was enough,' the girls said. 'She reached into her purse a little bit and moved her hand around as if she had a weapon. She screamed at the girls to back up, and the girls yielded.'" ...

Submitters note: Pretending to have a weapon stopped the attack. Note that this won't work in NYC or other cities where the miscreants know that lawabiding citizens can't carry guns.

Word Play
Submitted by: Brent Greer

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You be the judge . . .

"Police say they have no motive for the rapid-fire assault, carried out by the gunman who fired indiscriminately into the crowd with a shotgun and two handguns as students dove to the floor and ran toward the exit." -- from

"The gunman fatally shot four women and a man in a "brief, rapid-fire assault" that sent terrified students running for cover, university President John Peters said." --
from the Associated Press.

Media is crediting the quote to the Northern Illinois University president. I would suggest we watch and listen closely in the coming days. This phrase will be used a lot by the MSM to inflame the public.

IL: 6 dead in N. Illinois U. hall shooting
Submitted by: Mitch

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"A former student dressed in black walked onto the stage of a lecture hall at Northern Illinois University and opened fire on a packed science class Thursday, killing five students, wounding 16 and setting off a panicked stampede before committing suicide."

"Police say they have no motive for the rapid-fire assault, carried out by the gunman who fired indiscriminately into the crowd with a shotgun and two handguns as students dove to the floor and ran toward the exit. ..." ...

"... The school Web site announced a possible gunman on campus within 20 minutes of the shots and locked down the campus, part of a new security plan ..."

"'This is a tragedy, but from all indications we did everything we could when we found out,' [University President John] Peters said." ...

ID: Will we have guns on campus?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Feb. 6 a new piece of state legislation was introduced which would further our Second Amendment right. Senate bill 1381 would allow individuals with a concealed weapons permit to carry a gun on campus."

"Utah is currently the only state in which the state board of education is not allowed to set rules or provisions which would be contrary to the rules set forth by state legislation concerning firearm regulation. Idaho is about to be the next."

"We live in a time where there is always that threat of having another Columbine, Virginia Tech or something equally horrifying, and due to university policies we don't have the ability to defend ourselves." ...

ID: Guns on campus
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As Idaho lawmakers consider allowing students with concealed firearms permits to bring their guns to campus, it seems wise to examine the stated rationales for such a drastic change in public policy."

"Proponents of the measure argue that students should be able to defend themselves in case of violent incidents such as the school shootings at Columbine, Red Lake and, more recently, Virginia Tech. This argument, while intuitively and morally appealing, flies in the face of realistic threat assessment." ...

"Once bullets start flying, there is no control over their trajectories so that misaims, ricochets and wall penetrations can put more people in mortal danger. ..." ...

Statement by Mayor Bloomberg on the Felony Indictment of Larry Mickalis
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"On May 15, 2006, the City of New York filed a lawsuit in the Federal District Court for the Eastern District of New York alleging that 15 gun dealers, including the Mickalis Pawn Shop in Summerville, South Carolina, sold firearms in violation of federal law. ... Yesterday, Larry Mickalis was indicted by a grand jury in the Federal District Court for South Carolina for knowingly selling a firearm and ammunition to a felon. The maximum penalties for this crime are imprisonment for ten years and a $250,000 fine. Mayor Bloomberg said:"

"I want to commend federal officials in South Carolina who conducted the investigation that led to this indictment. ..."

Mayor Bloomberg and the NRA
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Mayor Bloomberg, who is leading a national crusade against illegal guns, said Wednesday he's a member of the National Rifle Association - well, sort of."

"'They gave me a gift membership to the NRA. You can't make this up. It arrived four weeks ago,' Bloomberg told a group of mayors and police gathered at a gun summit in Baltimore Wednesday."

"'I'm just waiting for them to survey their membership,' said Bloomberg, who vowed to give his powerful rivals an earful on gun violence." ...

New Database Will Track Guns Used in Crimes
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"New York City is building a new database to track guns used in crimes, and it intends to share the information with police departments up and down the East Coast in an effort to crack down on illegal gun trafficking."

"The regional database would contain gun trace data recently released by the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, as well as ballistics information about guns used in crimes and intelligence gathered during investigations of gun offenders." ...

Sharing by city, N.Y. on guns
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The mayors of Baltimore and New York announced yesterday that the two cities will start sharing information about illegal weapons they seize, creating a database that gets around a congressionally imposed restriction on information local departments can obtain about guns seized outside their borders."

"Federal law gives cities only limited access to the national database that tracks guns used in crimes. The mayors hope that other cities along the Interstate 95 corridor will sign on, and by sharing the information they will be able to spot trends in regional gun trafficking that they say are invisible to them under current system." ...

IA: Sheriffs don't want to give up control of concealed gun permits
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"There was an outcry at the statehouse Wednesday from county sheriffs objecting to a bill they say would make it harder for them to deny permits to carry concealed weapons."

"The bill changes Iowa law to say the sheriff shall issue a permit except for a limited list of reasons, including felony convictions and drug addiction. If a permit's denied a written explanation would be required."

"Representative Clel Baudler ... says there needs to be more consistency statewide in issuing the permits. Dubuque county Sheriff Kenneth Runde said that won't work. He said if he knows someone in his community has assaulted his wife but never been convicted, he wants to be able to deny a permit." ...

KABA Note: Because 'innocent until proven guilty' is just fancy-pants city-lawyer talk, right Sheriff?

NY: NY lawmaker drops licensing from antique gun regulation plan
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A New York lawmaker is dropping a plan that would have required museums, historical societies and living history re-enactors to obtain licenses to own antique guns and muzzleloading weapons.

Democratic Assemblyman Michael Gianaris of Queens says he decided to drop the licensing provision after hearing concerns from museums and re-enactment groups that such a requirement could have crippling economic consequences.

Gianaris' new plan still requires purchasers of antique firearms to undergo a background check the same as they would for handguns. But his new proposal includes an exemption for museums, historical societies, historic sites, and groups conducting re-enactment, living history, educational or interpretive events.

CO: Gun lock debate firing again at Capitol
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In the wake of Columbine, state lawmakers rejected a proposal requiring gun owners to safely store their weapons to keep them out of the hands of children. Eight years later, they're considering a scaled-down version that doesn't say how people have to store their firearms but would still hold them accountable if a child ends up bringing the gun to school or hurting or killing someone."

"The proposal, which a House committee heard last week, would also require gun dealers to provide a written warning that adults must keep their guns out of the hands of children or risk being charged with a misdemeanor and being fined between $50 and $1,000. ..." ...

MO: Discussing Conceal and Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"After the recent shootings in Kirkwood, Missouri lawmakers are discussing the state's conceal and carry laws."

"House Speaker Pro Tem Republican Bryan Pratt said Missouri has gone a long way in the past two years to protect Missourians second amendment rights."

"Pratt says both Republicans and Democrats have worked to protect those rights so that Missourians can protect themselves." ...

"Democratic Senator Yvonne Wilson said she would like to see the conceal and carry laws repealed in wake of the shooting."

"Wilson has yet to file legislation concerning conceal and carry laws."

Submitter's Note: So what does conceal and carry have to do with a multiple homicide in a Victim Disarmament Zone?

UT: New Bill To Allow Police Misconduct Be Hidden From Public
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A new bill proposed at the legislature would allow for police to withhold misconduct reports from the public. Supporters of the bill believe that police misconduct should be kept secret from the public so to not discredit police testimony. Others say that a forthright police unit is essential to the community."

"In September, Jared Massey was zapped with a taser by Trooper John Gardner. A video of the incident was recorded from Gardner’s patrol car. Gardner can be seen shocking Massey until he hits the ground while Massey’s wife screams from the side of their SUV."

"More than a million people watched the video on 'YouTube.' ... The footage may have never been seen had Massey not made a records request to obtain the tape." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

William Alexander, "The People of the Country are not to hunt or fire in the neighborhood of the Camp; Whoever finds delinquents in this case will bring the Persons and Their Arms to Head-Quarters", Dec. 24, 1778
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"...No firing or discharging of pieces, on any pretence whatever is to be suffered except at particular hours, which will be made known to the Army.

"The People of the Country are not to hunt or fire in the neighborhood of the Camp; Whoever finds delinquents in this case will bring the Persons and Their Arms to Head-Quarters.

"The whole Army to observe the strictest regularity and decency in their behaviour to the People of the Country. Officers are desired to use their utmost endeavours to detect and bring to punishment Marauders of every kind...."

James Miller to William H. Seward, "while rebels taken in arms are permitted to go on their parole of honor in some instances having their side arms restored", Aug. 01, 1861
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"...blood & treasure can not be thus thrown away. Our friends working in the entrenchments at Richmond for their loyalty to the govermt while rebels taken in arms are permitted to go on their parole of honor in some instances having their side arms restored our plans of battle conveyed to our enemies before being executed. I could go on and [enunate?] causes of complaint to a much greater extent but I forbear ... my heart sickens in contemplation of the outrages permitted by those who should be our protectors. This month will not have passed away before such an uprising of the people as the world never saw before will have taken place if urgent change does not take place in Washington in the administration of the Govermt..."

Return J. Meigs to Horace Maynard, "and other rights in subordination to the Constitution ought to have extended to them the means of doing so immediately", Jan. 21, 1863
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"...When you come to discuss the guaranty clause of the constitution, it may save you trouble to have a reference to some definition of Republican Governments. Mr Madison has three times defined it in the Federalist..."

"...Thus, the people of Tennessee is first bound to maintain a republican form of government because they were admitted as a republic; and it must be subordinate to the constitution of the U. S. because they engaged to be subordinate; and if they fail to maintain such a government then the U. S. are bound to maintain it for them..."

"..."the obligation to observe the common laws of war is the same which the law of nature imposes on all nations in transactions between state and state"..."

Space Station Crew Can Access Gun
Submitted by: Chas

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"Astronauts aboard the International Space Station apparently have access to a gun."

"Russian Cosmonauts carry a gun on their Soyuz space capsule, which is attached to the space station."

"Every spacecraft carries survival gear for crash landings, and the Russian Soyuz has a kit that includes the gun." ...

"Former NASA engineer Jim Oberg ... wrote about the gun on his Web site. He said the gun has no place in an environment where people are under such high stress." ...

"Oberg knows an astronaut bent on orbital manslaughter could simply throw any number of switches to do the job, but he said the crews would be safer if the gun was locked up or left on Earth." [emphasis added] ...

Sullivan ATF confirmation blocked
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"The confirmation of US Attorney Michael J. Sullivan as head of the [BATFE] was thrown into further doubt yesterday, when a Republican senator who is blocking the nomination renewed complaints that Sullivan has refused to loosen licensing rules for guns." ...

"Senator David Vitter of Louisiana said yesterday that he met with Sullivan late last year to discuss what Vitter described as burdensome regulations imposed on gun owners and dealers by the bureau ... Vitter asked Sullivan to address the concerns in writing."

"'I recently received his answers to those questions, and I was disappointed in his responses, so I am going to continue to hold this nominee,' Vitter said in a statement released to the Globe. ..."

Senator Vitter continues to keep a hold on ATF Director Nominee
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"Senator Vitter has announced that he will continue to keep a hold on Acting ATF Director Michael J. Sullivan's confirmation to Director." ...

"Vitter had initially placed a hold on his confirmation in mid December, this was shortly after Idaho Senators Craig and Crapo had placed their holds."

"What some fail to realize is, that this is about a government agency that has a long track record of abusive behavior that has resulted in being rebuked by Congress and has brought about a reform act in 2006 and 2007."

"So instead of appointing a director that would correct the abusive behavior 'Maximum Mike' Sullivan is appointed. ..." ...

NC: 7 Robeson Ex-Deputies Sentenced for Stealing Satellite Signals
Submitted by: jac

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"Seven former deputies in the Robeson County Sheriff's Office have been sentenced on various charges related to satellite piracy – or stealing television signals – as a part of Operation Tarnished Badge, an ongoing federal investigation."

"Gary Odum, 38, of Lumberton, got the longest jail term. He was convicted of conspiracy to misapply sheriff’s office funds and satellite piracy was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment and three years supervised release after that and ordered pay back $31,660."

"Ricky Britt, 42, of Fairmont, was convicted of conspiracy to commit satellite piracy and sentenced to six months divided between a halfway house and home confinement, then three years' supervised release. he was ordered to pay back $4,680 ..." ...

IN: "Inappropriate" police behavior caught on security cameras
Submitted by: none

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"Two Indiana police officers are out of a job. One was fired and the other quit after investigators deemed their behavior with a female visitor at the station 'inappropriate.'"

"At a police station in northern Indiana, security cameras caught the scene early Thanksgiving morning that began with a dark-haired woman wearing a white shirt, denim mini skirt and white boots entering the lobby of the police department." ...

Submitter's Note: For some reason they forgot that there are cameras in the building."

IN: Ex-sheriff pleads guilty to forgery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former southern Indiana sheriff accused of forging other officers' signatures and improperly keeping weapons turned over to his department faces three to 11 years in prison."

"Former Lawrence County Sheriff Kent Hawkins, 60, pleaded guilty Friday to one count each of forgery and official misconduct."

"He was accused of forging another officer's signature on a form for a federal gun program, which allows officers to buy their old guns at a reduced cost when they are issued new duty weapons. He was also charged with failing to deliver 72 guns, a snow plow, a camera and a gun boot to his successor, and for keeping 13 guns seized by other counties for personal use." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

AZ: Deputy gets speeding ticket: 96 in a 45
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Friday, February 8, 2008 at about 9:00 pm Jason K. Parker was observed ... by a Peoria Police Motorcycle officer at a high rate of speed. The motorcycle officer thought he lost the vehicle so he continued west on Grand Avenue and then observed the vehicle, a 2008 Chevrolet Corvette, west on Grand Avenue from Thunderbird Road as a high rate of speed. At this time the motorcycle officer was able to get a reading on the radar on his motorcycle of 96 mph in the posted 45 mph."

"The officer stopped the car at Grand and Primrose and contacted the driver who was identified as Parker. Parker was cited and released into to Hassayampa Justice Court for 28-701A, Speeding and 28-4135.l, No proof of insurance."

H/t to David Codrea.

NM: Moriarty Junior ROTC Ready to Fire Away
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"It's time to get up. It's time to get up this morning. Reveille sounded early for the Moriarty High Army Junior ROTC air-rifle team. The Pintos reported for duty at 0700— getting up at a time that is too much like Zero Dark Thirty for most teens— to garner their pellet-shooting rifles for practice last week."

"Moriarty's indoor, 10-meter range is in a portable to the west of the school's old gym and south of the commons. It can't quite be classified as a Quonset hut, but it'll do."

"'These guys are all motivated this year,' said retired Army Maj. Scott Thomas, the team's seventh-year coach. 'We go to Belen (for the Valencia County 4-H meet on Saturday) ... Then we're going to have one out here sometime.'" ...

MT: Loaded guns in Glacier National Park?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Glacier National Park, which receives more than 2 million visitors a year, would be a different place if visitors were allowed to carry loaded guns as they snapped photos along Going-to-the-Sun Road and hiked along the Highline Trail."

"But a change in the law banning loaded guns in America's national parks is under consideration ..." ...

"Will Hammerquist ... expressed concern about people carrying guns in crowded areas of Glacier National Park ... and out on backcountry trails deep in the Park's wilderness."

"Removing the firearms prohibition could threaten public safety and increase risks to the Park's wildlife ... Hammerquist said more bears could end up being shot if Park visitors had ready access to guns." ...

Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Nations and peoples who forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms. — Robert Heinlein

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