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Newslinks for 2/15/2018

More Self-Defense Gun Stories
Submitted by: Robert Morse

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Responsible gun owners defended innocent strangers, but you didn't see it on the news. Instructor Ben Branam joins host Rob Morse to talk about three recent examples.

First Story- You’re walking down the street. You hear a woman scream. You see a man attacking the woman who delivers your mail. The attacker has the mail carrier down on the ground and he is pulling at her clothes.
Second Story- You’re having breakfast at a restaurant. You look up as two men enter in hurry. They're wearing hoodies..and have guns drawn.
Third story- You look out of your car to see a man on top of a police officer him hitting him.

What would you do in these situations? What should you do? Text and podcast available at the link. (17 minutes)


MI: State accused of making gun owners 'cash cows' as permit revenues rise
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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The Michigan State Police collected about $7.7 million in concealed pistol license fees over a year, according to the latest figures in a report released by the agency.

That's about $1.6 million more than the $6.1 million annual average over 5 years, according to MSP figures.

About $1.9 million of the funds went to the MSP Concealed Pistol License Unit, & about $5.8 million fund support systems utilized by the CPL unit, the report states.

The leader of a gun rights group said the fees are too expensive when compared to other states, and he thinks the MSP should have to disclose exactly what the revenue is spent on.

"They're using CPL holders as cash cows," Tom Lambert, president of the nonprofit Michigan Open Carry Inc., said.

KS: ‘I’m going to kill you.’ Ex attacks KCK woman, dies in self-defense shooting, she says
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Kansas City, Kan., woman said she never wanted her ex-fiancé, who she said broke into her home, shoved her and threatened to kill her over the weekend, to die.

Misty Bartlett, 43, was home with a friend and her 8-year-old son about 11 p.m. Saturday watching a movie when a fist pounding on their sliding glass door startled them.

Her ex-fiancé, Jarrod O’Donnell, 48, shattered the glass and attacked her, Bartlett said. The friend in the home eventually shot and killed O’Donnell, an act that Bartlett said was in self-defense.

FL: Florida School Shooting: Time to Arm Teachers for Self-Defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The heinous attack on Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School demonstrates anew the necessity of arming teachers so they can defend students from determined criminals who come to campus to do harm.

School resource officers are appreciated and are part of security, but they are only a part.

WV: Defense League: School’s making best arguments for campus carry in spite of opposition
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The West Virginia Citizen’s Defense League is tuning the opposition out on the controversial campus carry bill making it’s way through the House of Delegates.

“The doom and gloom, blood running through the streets fantasy that they concoct in opposition to people exercising their ability to defend themselves never come true,” Keith Morgan said Wednesday on “Talkline” with Hoppy Kercheval. “It just doesn’t happen.”

FL: Man shot in Indian River break-in charged with attempted murder, held on $1.25M bail
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A teenager shot after he kicked down the door of a home in the Florida Ridge neighborhood Feb. 1 told his shooter it was the "wrong house," according to the Sheriff's Office.

Howard Nelson Bartee III, 19, of the 800 block of Eighth Court Southwest, was charged Wednesday with attempted murder and armed burglary.

How my trip to the shooting range changed how I think about gun owners
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I did not go to a shooting range expecting to learn anything other than how to shoot a gun. It was just something new and interesting that I wanted to try. For most of my life I had been inundated with information, misinformation and political messaging surrounding guns and those who own them. It was another on a long list of topics that I was expected to have an opinion on without having any first-hand knowledge. Having grown up in a predominantly liberal environment, I was taught to associate guns with mass shootings, hicks and the ominous National Rifle Association.

KY: Outraged moms rally against guns in Kentucky schools: 'It doesn't have to be like this'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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More than 100 people, including many mothers, rallied Wednesday at the Capitol to denounce three bills that would relax Kentucky's gun restrictions, particularly at public schools and universities.

Volunteers for the Kentucky chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, a grassroots movement dedicated to preventing gun violence, said they believe the bills pose a danger to Kentuckians of all ages.

20 years in, shootings have changed schools in unexpected ways
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Americans have been living with the reality of school shootings for 20 years.

In that time, educators have hardened schools' defenses with bulletproof entrances, active shooter training, security consultants and a host of sometimes creative, sometimes desperate safety solutions: from teacher-invented door-jamming devices to front-office iris scanners to $120 “ballistic panels” for children’s backpacks.

Geraldo Rivera Surprises With This Emotional Plea For Gun Control To Sean Hannity
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Geraldo Rivera let his emotions take over during his appearance on Hannity late on Wednesday. The Fox News contributor had already shown some strong opinions about the shooting in Florida earlier on Twitter, but his feelings alongside guests Larry Elder, David Clarke, and host Sean Hannity took a different direction than you’d normally expect from Fox News.

MD: Maryland Medical Marijuana Users Can’t Get A Gun Permit, But Senate Bill Could Change That
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Jokingly calling it the “libertarian bill of the year,” Maryland senators heard testimony this week on a bill that would allow medical marijuana patients in the state to get permits to possess and carry handguns, which they are currently not allowed to do.

Under existing law, Maryland State Police can deny anyone a permit to own or carry a gun on the grounds that they are a “habitual” user of the drug. But Senate Bill 602 would clarify that no one could be denied a permit to possess or carry a gun “solely on the basis that the person is authorized to use medical cannabis.”

MO: Missouri law lets domestic abusers have guns. Legislators are trying to change that
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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State Rep. Donna Lichtenegger knows the toll violence can take.

Growing up, she watched her mother get beaten. And the Jackson Republican has two scars of her own from when she was assaulted by a man in the middle of the night.

“No matter who you are, people should not hurt you,” Lichtenegger said.

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough unloads on the NRA after the Parkland school shooting: 'This madness must stop'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Mika Brzezinski started off Thursday's Morning Joe by recapping Wednesday's mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, in which a lone gunman killed 17 people. "Mika, here we are again," Joe Scarborough said, listing off some statistics: more than 33,000 people killed by guns in the U.S. each year, 1,607 mass shootings and 430 people shot in schools since the 2012 murders at Sandy Hook Elementary School, "where we said 'never again.'"

TX: Grand jury: shooting at restaurant self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Potter County grand jurors no-billed an employee of La Bella Pizza on Olsen on Wednesday, saying he acted in self-defense during a shooting that left one robber dead at the restaurant last month.

The grand jury also changed the charge of another alleged robber, Ruben Ryel Rios, from felony murder to aggravated robbery. Both are first-degree felonies, but Potter County District Attorney Randall Sims said his office felt “the facts better suit the aggravated robbery, which was the underlying offense for the felony murder” charge.

AR: NRA lying has begun on gun legislation
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The real fight is the effort by some Democratic legislators to clear up particularly bad drafting in the college gun bill. The law prohibits "storage" of a weapon in college dorms, but doesn't prevent people from walking into, through and around college dorm rooms with guns. How would you like to unpack for your freshman year and see the outline of a Glock beneath your roommate's Go Hogs nightshirt?

Why the AR-15 keeps appearing at America's deadliest mass shootings
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Las Vegas concert. An Orlando night club. An elementary school in Newtown, Conn. A Texas church. And now a high school in Parkland, Fla.

America's most popular weapon was there for all of them.

AR-15-style rifles have increasingly appeared in American mass shootings, including the deadliest high school shooting in the nation's modern history at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., Wednesday.

FL: Bay Area schools prepare students for active shooters
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Each year the number of mass shooting incidents across the country continues to rise. Active shooter training courses are now offered in offices and likely held at your child’s school.

Hillsborough County Public Schools is vigilant making sure everyone on campus knows how to think and react before a threat happens. The district’s 250 buildings are the first defense.

“All of our schools have secure campuses, we have gates, we have fencing, we have buzzers that would requires someone in the office to buzz someone in,” Spokesperson Tanya Arja said.

OH: The Ohio legislature has been busy: Here are 6 bills we’re watching
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Guns: Gun advocates are pushing for House Bill 228 — a so-called “stand your ground” bill that would change the law on the duty to retreat and the burden of proof in self-defense cases. Under current law, the defendant has to prove he acted in self-defense. It is one of about a dozen gun bills pending in the General Assembly.

IA: Man who shot assailant released in 'great test case' of Iowa's stand your ground law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An Iowa man accused of fatally shooting an attacker has been released and granted immunity under Iowa's new stand your ground law.

The court ruling filed Monday ordered the release of Kevin Duane Staley, 39, of Red Oak, who was scheduled to go on trial Tuesday. Staley acknowledged shooting Devin Alexander Davis, 27, of Villisca, on Oct. 11 near downtown Red Oak.

OK: Lawmaker Wants Oklahoma's "Stand Your Ground" Law to Cover Places of Worship
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An Oklahoma House committee signed off Wednesday on a proposed expansion of the state’s "stand your ground" law.

House Bill 2632 by Rep. Greg Babinec would add places of worship to the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act as locations where killing someone in self-defense cannot be prosecuted. Rep. David Perryman said by not defining what a place of worship is, the bill is a backdoor attempt at constitutional carry.

How Republicans Have Been Making Gun Laws Worse Under Trump
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Like many of his GOP colleagues, Rubio has repeatedly tweeted that his thoughts are with the latest mass-shooting victims, yet somehow it’s never the right time to dig in on the underlying causes. In the past year Democrats have introduced more than 30 pieces of legislation aimed at combatting gun violence, and only four have had GOP sponsors, according to the Washington Post.

Gun-rights hysteria doesn't sell in the Trump era
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In the fall of 2008, I went to a gun range I often visited and noticed an addition to the indoor décor: a photo of Barack Obama. But not an Obama I had seen before. This one had a Hitler mustache. The message was stark: Gun owners could expect no mercy from the Democratic nominee if he won the election.

Gentlemen may cry, 'peace, peace'—but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! Is life so precious, or peace so dear, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death! — Patrick Henry to the Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775.

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