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Newslinks for 2/16/2008

Dave Workman: Right to carry arms helps keep peace
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"WHEN the Detroit Free Press recently revealed that six years under a liberalized concealed-carry law in Michigan have not resulted in higher rates of violent crime, gun battles at traffic stops, more police slayings and other gloom-and-doom scenarios, the newspaper put the lie to all the rhetoric against passage of the statute in Michigan, and every other state where so-called 'right-to-carry' (RTC) laws have been adopted." ...

"The newspaper even quoted Woodhaven Police Chief Michael Martin with the Michigan Association of Chiefs of Police acknowledging that his group's expectations of increased violence were unfulfilled." ...

David Codrea: "Homegrown Terrorists"
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'If you encounter any of the following, call the Joint Terrorism Task Force,' read the flyer from the FBI’s Phoenix Division."

"'[T]he purpose of this information sheet is to assist uniformed patrol officers in identifying potential domestic terrorism.'"

"Well, after all, this was 2001. Then, 9/11 was freshly seared into the national consciousness. Who knows what nefarious activities were being plotted on American soil, exploiting our unmatched freedoms to imperil and destroy us?"

"So what would a cop on the street look out for?"

"'Defenders of the US Constitution against federal government and the UN (Super Patriots),' read the very first point in the very first category, 'Right Wing Extremists.'" ...

Va. Tech survivors speak out on Northern Illinois shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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pistols opened fire on students inside a classroom at Northern Illinois University yesterday." ...

"Now, victims and relatives of the Virginia Tech shootings say they wish to send condolences to the students at Northern Illinois University."

"News of last night's shooting brought back bad memories for Andrew Goddard, whose son Colin was wounded by the gunman at Virginia Tech last year."

"While Colin is back at school for his senior year and the family says they've moved on, Goddard says they know exactly what's going through the minds of the families involved in this latest shooting." ...

H/t to Nicki F.

A Worse Day Than Usual to Promote Guns in National Parks
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Interior Department was expected to announce today that it would begin re-evaluating regulations that currently prohibit visitors from carrying loaded weapons in America's national parks."

"The agency's plans were preempted, however, by yesterday's news that a gunman in Illinois had killed five students and wounded 16 others before killing himself."

"And so, out of respect for the dead and injured, who were killed by a handgun and a shotgun, the Interior Department has —what? Changed its mind? Thought better of its plans? No. It has merely postponed its announcement until next week." ...

In Praise of Fire Power
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I was thinking the other day about how much I love my guns. I have six of these iron peace keepers and they are my pride and joy, particularly my antique carbine which hangs on its own special hooks in the rear window of my truck. I like to clean them, oil them, fondle them repeatedly and put them away and then take them out. I like to rub saddle soap into holsters and gun cases. In the army I could disassemble and assemble my M-14 rifle faster than anyone in my platoon."

"... Those kids in the lecture hall at the University of Northern Illinois would have made short shrift of that killer if they could have risen from their seats and fired a joint volley at the gun toting nut case on the stage. ..." ...

How a top student turned into mass-killer in land of 270m guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Thursday, Stephen Kazmierczak, a 27-year-old former student at Northern Illinois University, went on suicidal gun rampage. It was just the latest in a series of such attacks on the premises of US educational institutions." ...

"Kazmierczak used a shotgun and three handguns during the attack on a class of geology students. Two of the weapons, a pump-action Remington shotgun and a Glock 9mm handgun, were bought legally less than a week ago, authorities said."

"The two others were also bought legally, but it was unclear when Kazmierczak picked them up. He had a valid permit required for all Illinois residents who buy or possess firearms." ...

Statement Of Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke On Northern Illinois University Shootings
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and families touched by yesterday’s gun violence at Northern Illinois University. At a time when the country confronts one mass shooting after another – six separate multiple murders across the country in just the last two weeks – the nation is faced with a critical choice:"

"Do we give up and say we can't do anything about these tragedies? Or do we take common-sense steps today to make it harder for dangerous people to get dangerous weapons?" ...

Will Supreme Court ruling end gun debate?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you're a hunter who uses a firearm, or anyone who owns any guns, you're about to learn just how far government can go to restrict or ban that practice."

"Following an appeal filed in Washington D. C. by a security officer, Dick Heller, whose application for a permit to keep a handgun in his home was denied, a district judge ruled against Heller, but an appeals court then overturned the decision, opening the door for what will be a landmark case and decision by the Supreme Court, purportedly due to be heard sometime in March."

"The District has some of the nation's most restrictive firearms laws, banning private handgun ownership ..." ...

Arguing Over Argument Time in D.C. Gun Case
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The lawyer who filed a brief for members of Congress and Vice President Dick Cheney in the pending Second Amendment gun rights case at the Supreme Court yesterday initiated, and then withdrew, an effort to seek time to join other parties at the podium when the case is argued March 18."

"If the request for argument time had gone forward, it would have been a highly visible rebuke of Solicitor General Paul Clement, who has requested 15 minutes of time of his own in the case D.C. v. Heller. With Cheney's participation in the amicus curiae brief, it would have meant that two lawyers would be advancing two different positions on behalf of the executive branch — something the justices themselves might have frowned on." ...

Disarming the Most Vulnerable
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Second Amendment Sisters, through Southeastern Legal Foundation, Inc. ... has filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court hearing of Washington, D.C. v. Heller."

"'Advocating on behalf of women, the elderly and the physically disabled, the amici herein argue the actions of the District of Columbia have harmed the members of society most physically vulnerable to criminal attack.'"

"'When the government strips the individual right from these groups' members, evidence shows that they, more than others, are vulnerable to predators because they are perceived to be weak.'" ...

"To read the entire brief go to our website" ...

Ron Paul: Second Amendment Battle in DC
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a United States Congressman, I take my oath to uphold all of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights very seriously. Unfortunately, too many in Washington DC believe they can pick-and-choose which provisions of the constitution they can uphold. For example, many politicians, judges, and bureaucrats believe they have the power to disregard our right to own guns, even though the second amendment explicitly guarantees the people's right to 'keep and bear arms.'"

"Like the Founding Fathers, I believe that the right to keep and bear arms is fundamental to a free society. Where law-abiding citizens are most freely allowed to defend themselves, communities are safer, while crime rises when law-abiding people's access to firearms is restricted. ..." ...

Stop School Shootings: Permit School Personnel to Carry Guns!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here we go again. Another school massacre in Illinois. Six people are dead and 20 others are wounded. Leftists are wringing their hands about what to do and 'what to do' is rather simple: permit teachers and staff to carry guns! With that change I think the school shootings would disappear. ... An armed school staff would be quick, inexpensive, and would not require any government involvement."

"Guns are not the problem. People are, so permit good people with guns to protect other good people (students) without guns. The bad guys would not know what professor and staff might be armed. When a shooting starts, the good guy could drop the bad guy and save numerous lives. What sane person could disagree?" ...

Just One Gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Dekalb, Illinois a gunman kills five in a lecture hall before he takes his own life. Last week there was a shooting at school in Louisiana. Last year it happened on the campus of Virginia Tech, where 23 were killed."

"George Bush had a press conference this morning, February 15th, 2008. After a few brief remarks on the shooting in Illinois, he moves right to his diatribe on the War on Terror ..." ...

"Mr. President, law abiding citizens are not allowed to carry weapons on college campuses. ... The only problem is that suicidal maniacs do not worry themeselves about such details. They will not be around to suffer the consequences."

"Just one student or teacher with just one gun could have changed the outcome in Dekalb. ..." ...

Obama Supports Individual Gun Rights
Submitted by: Paul Shoemaker

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"Barack Obama said Friday that the country must do 'whatever it takes' to eradicate gun violence following a campus shooting in his home state, but he believes in an individual's right to bear arms." ...

"The senator, a former constitutional law instructor, said some scholars argue the Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees gun ownerships only to militias, but he believes it grants individual gun rights."

"'I think there is an individual right to bear arms, but it's subject to commonsense regulation' like background checks ..."

"He said he would support federal legislation based on a California law that would facilitate immediate tracing of bullets used in a crime. He said ... he thinks it's the type of law that gun owners and crime victims can get behind." ...

Clinton, Obama React to NIU Shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Democratic presidential rivals Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton are both calling on the nation to take a stand on gun violence after Thursday's shooting rampage at Northern Illinois University."

"Obama says he respects the Second Amendment, but that there's no reason local governments can't initiate gun safety laws to deal with violence in their communities."

"Campaigning in Ohio, Clinton says the government has to do everything it can in taking 'reasonable steps' to keep children safe. She says while the nation can respect the Second Amendment right to bear arms, authorities still have to keep guns out of the hands of 'criminals, terrorists, gang members and people with mental health problems.'" ...

David Codrea: Endangering Lives One Bullet at a Time
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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The 2008 Legislative session has begun, and the Ammunition Accountability Act is being introduced across the country.
This is like watching cancer metastasize.

If you live in a red state and haven't done anything to fight this, what in tarnation are you waiting for?

ID: Gun bill pulled from committee
Submitted by: ChareltonHest

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"Even after unloading a controversial attempt to allow firearms on all Idaho’s college campuses, a bill forbidding local governments from banning guns misfired Wednesday."

"'Sometimes principle and political compromises, which are both parts of the process, collide,' said Senate State Affairs Committee Chairman Sen. Curt McKenzie, R-Nampa."

"After a public hearing, comments from the nine-member committee made it clear the bill needed work. McKenzie, the primary sponsor, withdrew the bill before it was put to a vote."

"Even before taking public testimony, McKenzie told the committee he was dropping colleges and universities from the bill. He agreed to the change at the urging of Gov. Butch Otter and university and college presidents." ...

ID: Legislative briefs (another view)
Submitted by: ChareltonHest

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"State lawmakers have agreed to rework legislation that would have restricted cities and counties from passing local rules regulating firearms in public places."

"The bill has already undergone a major makeover since being introduced last week."

"Sen. Curt McKenzie, R-Boise, acknowledged Wednesday he agreed to drop a provision stripping the authority college presidents have in keeping universities and community college campuses free of concealed weapons. McKenzie said he agreed to the changes after getting pressure from Gov. ... Otter and university administrators."

"'I can confirm that McKenzie and the governor did talk and the governor did raise some concerns about that,' ..." ...

Submitter note: "Most pro-gun state in the US"?

WY: Bill targets intruders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some Wyoming legislators want to change state law to specify that homeowners couldn't be prosecuted or sued in civil court if they kill anyone who enters their home illegally."

"Supporters say the proposed 'castle doctrine' bill is necessary to specify that Wyoming residents have no duty to retreat from criminals in their own homes. They say the principle goes back to the English common law saying that, 'A man's home is his castle.'"

"The National Rifle Association has made passing such bills a priority across the country. The NRA reports that similar laws already have been enacted in 20 states and are pending in five more, including Wyoming." ...

Obadiah H. Platt to Abraham Lincoln, "They had arms, and were able to furnish arms to their friends", Aug. 31, 1864
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"...The disloyal were protected in their families & property, in pursuance of the conciliation policy. After the Union forces, passed away, those who were secreted returned to their homes. They had arms, and were able to furnish arms to their friends. Then commenced the systematic persecution of every person suspected of loyalty -- they were robbed, by disguised rebels, their cattle & horses stolen, waylaid & robbed of their money, their crops destroyed & often they were shot down in the road by a hidden assassin..."

"...The class of indifferent men seeing the way loyal men were treated, and the protection extended to the disloyal, followed the path of interest, & became professed traitors and many of them armed rebels..."

Gov. Stephen S. Harding to William H. Seward, "each man as he ran held his loaded gun . . . the "scene" called together at least a thousand armed men", March 11, 1863
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"...Day before yesterday, there was a great commotion in the city caused by a report, that Brigham Young and his two counsellors were to be arrested, for violations of the act of Congress, against Polygamy.-- A signal was raised over the top of the Harem, and it was in effect, like a fire bell, with this difference, that instead of rushing into the streets with fire buckets, -- each man as he ran held his loaded gun-- There had been no such writs to my knowledge at that time; but the "scene" called together at least a thousand armed men, of all nationalities-- Since then, I believe, that a writ was issued by Judge Kinny, against Brigham for the above named offence..."

John M. Schofield to Edward D. Townsend, "He proposed to tender to the District Commander the services of all the armed citizens of Kansas to aid in executing this policy", Sept. 22, 1863
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"...On the 26th. of August a mass meeting was held in the city of Leavenworth at which it was resolved that the people should meet at Paola on the 8th. of September, armed and supplied for a campaign of fifteen days, for the purpose of entering Missouri to search for their stolen property, and retaliate upon the people of Missouri for the outrages committed in Kansas..."

"...Mr Lane explained to me his views of the necessity, as he believed, of making a large portion of Western Missouri a desert waste, in order that Kansas might be secure against future invasion. He proposed to tender to the District Commander the services of all the armed citizens of Kansas to aid in executing this policy..."

Held up by gun-lobby radicals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"US ATTORNEY Michael Sullivan has taken an even-handed approach toward reducing the use of illegal firearms while still respecting the constitutional right to bear arms. But that's not good enough for some Republican US senators who have fallen under the sway of the gun lobby and are blocking his confirmation as head of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives."

"Senator David Vitter of Louisiana is leading the charge against Sullivan. Vitter believes that the ATF holds gun dealers and owners to unreasonable licensing standards. And he lacks confidence that Sullivan will address his concerns. '... So I am going to hold this nominee,' he said in a statement to the Globe. ..." ...

Submitter's Note: Unsurprising that the globe fails to mention the Congressional censure of the BATFE, their reputation as an out of control agency, and Sullivan's complicity as director.

NC: Former Deputy Sentenced to 34 Years; Threatens Prosecutors, Spits
Submitted by: jac

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"A former Robeson County sheriff's deputy threatened federal prosecutors and spit on an investigator Thursday after being sentenced to more than 34 years in prison on corruption charges."

"Vincent Sinclair, 45, received the maximum sentence on charges for his involvement in the kidnapping of two drug dealers in Virginia and the beating and $150,000 robbery of another suspected drug dealer." ...

"Sinclair is among nearly two dozen former law enforcement officers implicated in a three-year federal investigation into the Robeson County Sheriff's Office." ...

"Sinclair and his accomplices wore police badges during the raid, prosecutors said." ...

AR: No Shortage Of Complaints About Trooper
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A State Police trooper's record of complaints would appear to be sufficient to question whether he's fit for service."

"Trooper Tom Weindruch arrested and handcuffed Bill Lawson, a reporter and photographer, in December, an action for which the trooper was reassigned to non-enforcement duties pending the results of an investigation."

"... The citation was dismissed."

"Three days later, Lawson filed a complaint against the trooper who prompted the investigation. One might think that two months would be enough time to bring such an investigation to closure, but as yet that has not happened." ...

NV: Missing drugs and guns, heavy criticism, then resignation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To understand the sudden resignation of the state’s public safety director, look to Fallon, a small rural community east of Reno that is home to one of the department’s evidence vaults."

"Phil Galeoto is stepping down amid severe criticism within the Nevada Public Safety Department that he mishandled an investigation into the disappearance of large quantities of drugs and guns from the Fallon vault. The vault is used by several agencies under his control, including the Nevada Investigations Division and the Nevada Highway Patrol." ...

"'I have no reason to believe at this point that anybody has done anything criminal, but as a standard procedure, we’ve asked the attorney general’s office to also take a look at it,' he said." ...

H/t to David Codrea, who points out, reasonably enough:

"Yeah, 'large quantities of drugs and guns' are missing from a VAULT and it just has to be a clerical oopsie. Nothing to see here..."

KY: Kentucky Rifle Hosts NCAA Qualifier
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The Kentucky rifle team, coming off one of its top training sessions of the season, kicks off post-season competition by hosting one of the NCAA Qualifying rounds, on Saturday and Sunday at UK's Barker Hall."

"'This is the first time we have ever shot the qualifier at home,' Kentucky head coach Harry Mullins said. 'We are one of only about 13 or 14 schools in the country that are hosting the qualifier and the weekend will be very important to our team.'" ...

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