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Newslinks for 2/16/2018

Who is to Blame for School Shootings?
Submitted by: Robert Morse
Website: 5641 Spring Lane

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I’ll cut right to the point. We can stop murderers from killing our kids in school, but it isn’t easy. The politicians, particularly the Florida politicians, are against it.
The Florida politicians will propose more prohibitions, more ink on paper. That hasn’t stopped a single murderer yet. Ink on paper doesn’t keep blood off the floor, but ink on paper fools voters time after time.

Will it work this time too?

MI: Understanding Michigan's gun laws -- not as straightforward as you might think
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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One thing is clear: Michigan's gun laws are confusing.

There are guidelines with exceptions upon exceptions, laws about different types of guns, contradicting laws about where guns can & can't be carried, and there is even proposed legislation that, if passed, would officially allow people to legally carry concealed guns inside schools, churches and other pistol-free zones.

That's right: While it's not legal for someone to carry a concealed weapon inside a school in Michigan, the law does not prohibit a person who has a concealed pistol license to carry a weapon out in the open inside a school. That means if you have a license to carry a concealed pistol you may carry it on your hip into a school, but it has to be in plain sight.

WA: Mock trial teams argue assault case hinging on claim of self defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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High school students were tasked Thursday with convincing a jury whether a confrontation over loud music that led to a shooting and left a man in a coma was done in self-defense.

The scenario, though certainly plausible, is of course fictional.

Students presented the case of “Won’t Back Down,” a felony assault case in which the defendant claimed self-defense, as part of the annual Clark County Mock Trial Tournament.

Scalise: ‘Don’t Try to Promote Your Agenda in the Middle of a Tragedy’ – ‘One Magic Law’ Won’t Stop Shootings
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Thursday’s edition of the Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle,” House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) urged people “go pray for the families, care about these families, don’t try to promote your agenda in the middle of a tragedy.” He also dismissed “this idea that one magic law is going to stop” the next mass shooting.

AL: House Approves Church 'Stand Your Ground' Law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A deadly school shooting in neighboring Florida colored debate Thursday in the Alabama Legislature over "Stand Your Ground" legislation regarding the use of deadly force to defend someone in a church.

The proposed revision of the state's self-defense law says a person is presumed justified in the use of force if they reasonably believe someone is about to seriously harm a church member. The Houses of Representatives approved the bill on a 40-16 vote. It now moves to the Alabama Senate.

Repeal gun-free zones
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Killers continue targeting locations where guns are not allowed. Ninety-eight percent of public mass shootings in this country occur in gun-free zones — the Florida school being one of them.

No wonder that 81% of police officers support arming teachers and principals, so that the real first responders — the potential victims — can protect the children.

FPC Statement Regarding Douglas High School Shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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It is both heartbreaking and infuriating to see that, once again, opportunistic politicians and the craven gun control lobbyists who pay them would rather leverage this tragedy to push their dangerous agenda than to take meaningful steps to protect America’s students and teachers. But the crimson thread in attacks on our school campuses is not the methodology or motive of the killers, but the lack of truly effective security measures and an irrational reliance on mythical “gun-free zones” to keep armed violent criminals out.

WV: Former President Obama calls for gun safety laws after shooting
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Former President Barack Obama is calling for "common-sense gun safety laws" following Wednesday's school shooting in Florida.

Obama tweeted Thursday: "We are grieving with Parkland. But we are not powerless. Caring for our kids is our first job."

He tweeted, "And until we can honestly say that we're doing enough to keep them safe from harm, including long overdue, common-sense gun safety laws that most Americans want, then we have to change."

The Second Amendment is being turned into a suicide pact
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In 1791, when the Second Amendment was adopted, the state-of-the-art firearm was a flintlock musket firing paper cartridges loaded with gunpowder and a lead ball. Given the laborious loading procedures, a skilled soldier could fire at most two or three shots a minute. The smoothbore flintlock lacked both stopping power and accuracy; hence the need for lines of soldiers to fire from point-blank range at each other.

Marco Rubio: Profile of a classic gun lackey
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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We hold this truth to be self-evident: Political impotence in the wake of gun violence is a pre-existing condition.

We all know what happens after a mass shooting — thoughts ‘n’ prayers, TV footage of traumatized kids, it’s “too soon” to do anything — so this time let’s try something else. Let’s tell the tale through the prism of one hapless politician. Let’s make him a metaphor for our surrender to routine slaughter.

MN: Among DFLers, gun issue exposes rift in gov race
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Democrats vying for Minnesota governor are approaching the issue of gun laws in different ways, a split important to both their endorsement contest and the general election campaign that comes later.

The mass shooting at a Florida high school Wednesday laid bare what has been a simmering divide as candidates combined their condolences with calls to action.

CA: The United States’s Sacred Gun Problem
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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LESS THAN TWO WEEKS after the Sutherland Springs First Baptist Church shooting, Texas State Representative Jason Villalba went on NPR’s Morning Edition to talk about his plan to “bring together the smartest people in Texas” on the issue of gun control. Villalba said he thought it was high time to have a serious discussion about “the root causes of gun violence in America and in Texas [and] what kinds of solutions we might craft to address this situation.”

Among these solutions, Villalba said, was “the expansion of gun rights, perhaps.” He also said that “imbued in the DNA of every Texan is the right to keep and bear arms,” adding that he was armed at that very moment.

Not gun control, not mental health: the mass shooting problem goes far deeper than we think
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Did you know that at this moment in US History, we have more gun regulation than at any point previously with the sole exception of the Assault Weapons Ban during the Clinton years (a ban that, by the way, had no actual impact on gun violence lethality)?

Did you know that, prior to the Gun Control Act of 1968, you could order a fully automatic rifle out of a catalog?

We didn't have the violence we have now. We didn't have the carnage we have now.

OH: Husband of Gabby Giffords: ‘We can’t be stupid’ about Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Former astronaut Mike Kelly and his wife, former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, spoke at Youngstown State Thursday night. While Giffords wasn’t available for interviews, Kelly was able to share his thoughts on gun control in light of Wednesday’s school shooting in Florida.

No, It’s Not Cowardly to Be Conservative on Gun Rights
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Every single time America is rocked by a mass shooting, the insults come raining down: Conservatives and Republican politicians who oppose new gun-control laws aren’t just wrong, they’re cowards. The insult is echoed in Congress, on television, and countless times on social media. It’s as if each of these people actually believes that members of Congress and conservative activists know what’s right, but are afraid to act.

IL: The AR-15, a symbol of America's political gulf, is easy to use and obtain
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The AR-15, the military-style rifle that a gunman used to kill 17 people at a south Florida high school Wednesday, is at once a ferociously powerful weapon, a symbol of freedom and individualism, and an object of despairing worry about the future of democracy.

It is, depending on which political and social camp you belong to, "America's rifle," a way to "Control Your Destiny" or a killing machine that has no legitimate place in civilian life.

FL: Another time to wonder why assault weapons are legal
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When three masked intruders broke into the back door of a home in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, the person living there, Zach Peters, 23, picked up an AR-15 semi-automatic assault rifle and killed them all.

The three would-be burglars turned out to be teenagers without criminal records or firearms, and the shooting was ruled legally justifiable under Oklahoma’s castle doctrine law.

LA: Schools in Ouachita Parish prepare for an active shooter
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When one group of students from West Monroe High School aren't in the books, they're learning self-defense. They said they want to be prepared to protect themselves any way they can, because you just never know when you'll need to fight to stay alive, even at school.

"My dad, he's like you're going to have to fight for yourself and defend yourself," said John-Marc Vargas, a West Monroe High School student.

WY: 'Stand your ground' bill moves forward in Wyoming Legislature; House advances it with overwhelming support
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A so-called “stand your ground” bill moved forward in the Wyoming Legislature on Thursday with overwhelming support. Wyoming is currently the only state that requires individuals to retreat when attacked in public.

“This bill simply says, ‘Anywhere you’re legally allowed to be, you do not have to retreat if you’re in fear for your very life,’” said Rep. Tim Salazar, R-Dubois, the measure’s sponsor.

AL: Self-defense bill for churches moves to Alabama State Senate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A ‘stand your ground’ bill for church-goers passed the Alabama House and now heads to the State Senate.

The bill was debated for about three hours before a 40 to 16 vote occurred.

The bill would allow for the ‘stand your ground’ law to apply to church members and employees in using force at a church.

The maintenance of the right to bear arms is a most essential one to every free people and should not be whittled down by technical constructions. [State vs. Kerner, 181 N.C. 574, 107 S.E. 222, at 224 (1921)]

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