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Newslinks for 2/18/2015

Sean Penn as ‘The Gunman’ reflects depth of Hollywood hypocrisy
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "It must be love, because Charlize got Sean to give up his guns. It’s probably easier on all concerned to give them to a sculptor than to leave them in your car for street criminals to steal. Besides, if you’re a guy who has 'Hitleresque bodyguards,' you don’t need an impossible-to-get-for-the-masses concealed carry permit. And who better to call guns 'cowardly killing machines' than a ... um ... wife beater with a baseball bat?" ...

Gear Review: DARA Holsters Custom Double Mag Carrier
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Springfield was nice enough to loan me a XD(M) 4.5 in 9mm for a long term test and evaluation. Up until just a few months ago, I’d rotated through the 4.5’s younger brother, a GLOCK 19, and a FNS depending on the day of the week, and the changing winds. But I wanted something bigger and with more capacity. Why? No reason, really, other than to say that I was carrying a gun with 19+1 of 147 gr. goodness. And because I shoot it much better than anything else. Also, when I remember to do it, I bring along a spare mag loaded to the top with another 19 rounds making my total loadout 39 rounds. But why stop there? . . ." ...

The Hunt for an Affordable Double Rifle: The Saga Continues
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As rare as the sighting of a decent Bongo in the Central African Republic, so goes finding a truly affordable side-by-side or double rifle. And when I talk about a double rifle, I’m not referring to the ones imported through Baikal in ’06 or .45/70. I’m referring to the classic cartridges. Whether it’s a European metric starting in 9.3 mm, or a classic big bore like .500NE. I know where my preferences lie . . ." ...

Gear Review: Replay XD Prime X Camera System
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I’ve watched over the last couple years as more and more competition shooters have started wearing and using 'action cameras' to record their runs in competitions. It’s a smart practice, since not only can you later dissect your every move and find ways to improve but you can throw that video up on YouTube and make your sponsors happy ... 3-gun is one of those sports where it’s a whole lot more fun and exciting watching from a first person view ... Everywhere you look in firearms the same thing is happening, from hunters recording their kills to average Joes filming their range sessions. Finding the perfect camera for every situation is tough, but Replay XD might have hit the nail on the head with the Prime X Camera System." ...

Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense In America = Astroturf
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It’s way too early to declare Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America’s TOD. But we’ve noticed a marked diminution of the gun control group’s media footprint. Oh sure, whenever there’s a firearms-related committee hearing, a disarmament Mom gets some obligatory airtime. But I reckon that’s less because they’re considered a force to be reckoned with and more that they’re the only organized group opposing 'common sense' gun rights bills in pro-gun states (e.g., campus carry in Texas). But how organized is Moms Demand Action for Guns Sense in America (MDA), really? Here’s their caption for the photo above . . ." ...

ATF Accepting Comment on M855 Ammo Ban Until March 15
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As you’ve probably heard by now, the diligent public servants at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives announced on Friday their intent to ban some common flavors of AR-15 ball ammo, ostensibly because of its “armor piercing” capability. This may or may not be a fait accompli, but gunnies have until March 15 to register comments with the ATF on the move. Instructions for how to do that can be found here. Pro tip: for maximum effectiveness, keep it simple, clear and cogent. As an example, here’s reader John D.’s missive:" ...

Obama acting like ‘dictator in chief,’ Gottlieb asserts
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With less than two years remaining in office, Barack Obama is acting like a 'dictator in chief' using his executive powers to create all kinds of problems, asserted Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, in a Monday interview with WND (formerly World Net Daily)."

"Gottlieb, who also founded the Second Amendment Foundation and serves as its executive vice president, was reacting to an announcement by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives that it wants to reclassify certain ammunition for the .223-caliber modern sporting rifle. That proposed rule change came last Friday and it has ignited a firestorm in the firearms community." ...

A Pincer Movement on Ammunition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As it wanes, the Obama administration grows bold, and even reckless, on matters that send a thrill up the leg of its most leftward supporters. Its new attack on so-called armor-piercing ammunition — which is, in reality, a very broad attack on ammunition across the board — is a dangerous and destructive example of the administration’s late-days slide into rule-by-decree." ...

Submitter's Note: As a certain Dutchman pointed out when commenting on this piece:
What gun-rights advocates fear — not without reason — is that this is the beginning of a pincer movement, with the ATF banning non-lead ammunition as a threat to armor-wearing police officers and the EPA banning lead ammunition as a toxin.

Modern Rifleman’s Comments On ATF Framework Proposal (M855 Ban)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Regrettably, the ATF has taken it upon themselves to issue a regulatory ban on yet another popular type of ammunition. This time, the agency has targeted the popular 62 grain M855 round ... This marks the fourth time in the last two years that the ATF has attempted to abuse its regulatory capacity to attack peaceable and law-abiding shooters and collectors ... The proposal is linked below and I have included contact information for the ATF. My official comment is also posted below. I encourage everyone to write coherent, vulgarity-free, comments to submit for ATF consideration before the March 16 deadline. Please also take time to contact your legislators to inform them of this overstep." ...

NJ: 72-Yr-Old Man Facing 10 Years in Prison for an Unloaded 18th Century Antique Pistol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The anti-Second Amendment sentiment spreading across America like cancer is reaching the same all-time ridiculous lows that our fearmongeringgovernment indoctrination centers, er, schools have been aiming for."

"If there is one thing all of the police strikes have shown us lately, it's that not all arrests are 'absolutely necessary.'"

"They have literally admitted this. Makes sense when you consider that America has the largest prison population per capita far and away beyond any other country on the planet ..."

"But more and more, the American police state is just getting ridiculously out-of-control on a cartoonish, Monty Python/Saturday Night Live level. New Jersey ranks right at the top of this security theater circus." ...

Schumer vows to fight Cornyn reciprocity bill 'tooth and nail'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"To hear anti-gun New York Sen. Charles Schumer describe a national concealed carry reciprocity bill filed last week, the end of the world as he knows it is approaching, a quote in yesterday’s New York Daily News suggested."

"Said the perennial Empire State gun prohibitionist: 'This bill is a menace to New York and would allow potentially dangerous people from other states to carry concealed weapons in our grocery stores, movie theaters and stadiums, without even notifying the police.'"

"One shudders to think that a law-abiding citizen might dare to legally carry a sidearm for personal protection anywhere without first notifying the cops. ..." ...

Gun Grabbers Evoke Federalism to Block Concealed Carry Reciprocity
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "'The current patchwork of state and local laws is confusing for even the most conscientious and well-informed concealed carry permit holders,' explained [NRA-ILA's] Chris Cox ... 'This confusion often leads to law-abiding gun owners running afoul of the law when they exercise their right to self-protection while traveling or temporarily living away from home.'"

"The most prominent recent example of this is the case of Shaneen Allen, a single mother from Pennsylvania threatened with 10 years in jail for inadvertently bringing a concealed gun into New Jersey. ..."

"Cornyn said his legislation seeks to eliminate these 'gotcha moments,' but, naturally, the gun control crowd is warning of the apocalypse." ...

FL: Florida Moves Towards Campus Carry and Emergency Constitutional Carry. Wait, What?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Florida’s campus carry bill (SB 176) passed out of the state senate’s Republican-dominated Criminal Justice Committee yesterday, but not before an opponent said something stupid. 'Sen. Audrey Gibson, D-Jacksonville, argued that the proposal would allow ‘mini-militias’ to form on the state’s campuses',' reports. OMG! Mini-militias! Of course that wasn’t the dumbest thing said by Sunshine Staters seeking to maintain higher education institutions as gun-free zones. College faculty members spoke out in opposition to the measure, too . . ." ...

TX: Leader Of Anti-Gun Group May Have Lied During Texas Senate Testimony (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The leader of a pro-gun control group made several statements that were easily proven to be false during her testimony before the Texas Senate State Affairs Committee last Thursday, when she joined hundreds of other members of the public who came to the Texas Capitol to share their opinions about two bills under consideration by the committee, SB 11, the 'campus carry' bill, and SB 17, the 'open carry' bill. ..."

"Kelly Burke, the president of the Texas chapter of 'Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America,' a group underwritten by billionaire and former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg that advocates for stricter gun regulations, testified near the end of the day in opposition to both SB 11 and SB 17." ...

OR: County won't send resolution prohibiting greater gun restrictions
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Coos County commissioners on Tuesday voted against sending a resolution to state lawmakers saying the county would oppose any upcoming legislation proposed to expand the firearms purchase background check system."

"As of now, there is no such bill being considered."

"Commissioners John Sweet and Melissa Cribbins voted against the resolution, while Bob Main voted for it."

"For his part, Sweet said that while he wasn't opposed to questions raised by the large crowd that attended Tuesday's board of commissioners meeting for such legislation, he also wasn't clear as to what the majority of the county voters would want." ...

PA: Bethlehem Council members face criminal complaints if gun ordinance remains
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Members of Bethlehem City Council are being warned that private criminal complaints will be filed against them if they don’t vote in favor of doing away with 'unlawful' city firearms laws."

"That’s in addition to a civil lawsuit that will be filed against the city if it does not promptly come into compliance with a new state law that requires local municipalities to revoke many of their firearms ordinances." ...

Submitter's Note: This "new" law has actually been in effect for more than 2 decades. What is new is that teeth have been added to it, which is why "local municipalities" have been falling over themselves to revoke their unlawful laws.

TN: Make gun-carry permits optional
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun-carry permits ought to be optional, state Rep. Rick Womick proposed through legislation."

"'That is what they call a constitutional carry bill,' said Womick, a Republican from Rutherford County's rural Rockvale community southwest of Murfreesboro. 'What this bill would do is allow you to carry a gun without a permit either concealed or or unconcealed. It's straight Second Amendment is what is.'"

"Womick's bill, however, worries citizens concerned about guns being too accessible." ...

Gun rights groups await judge's ruling on California's 'microstamping' law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"California's gun laws are among the nation's strictest, but a looming decision in a federal lawsuit could effectively ban handguns altogether in the Golden State, according to plaintiffs who want a judge to toss out a state law requiring all new handguns to be equipped with technology that 'stamps' each shell casing with a traceable mark. "

"The problem with the 'microstamping' law ... is that it relies on an unworkable technology, according to gun manufacturers and attorneys for the Second Amendment Foundation and Calguns ... If guns without the technology can't be sold in California, and gun manufacturers can't implement the technology, the law is, for practical purposes, a handgun ban that violates the Second Amendment ...." ...

Texas Judge Strikes a Mighty Blow for the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The fight to protect the Second Amendment from the clutches of the gun control crowd can feel much like the race between the tortoise and the hare ... Backed with huge budgets and armed with the moral elasticity to hijack any national tragedy to further their cause, gun control proponents employ flashy ads, emotional rhetoric and outright bullying to push their way to the forefront of the public debate. Meanwhile, Second Amendment supporters toil through the court system ... in the drive to dismantle decades of laws ..."

"One of those victories came last week, when a U.S. District Court judge in Texas found the federal interstate handgun transfer ban, established by the Gun Control Act of 1968 to be unconstitutional." ...

NY: No grand jury charges in officer's shooting of cabbie
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A special grand jury convened to investigate the shooting of an unarmed cabdriver by an off-duty Long Island police officer expired with no charges brought."

"Newsday reports it interviewed seven central figures or lawyers in the 2011 Huntington Station incident. It says all said they hadn't been asked to testify before the grand jury."

"It says a spokesman for Suffolk County District Attorney Thomas Spota confirmed its findings. Spokesman Robert Clifford acknowledged Spota allowed the grand jury to expire last year without key witnesses being called. He wouldn't say whether the grand jury called any witnesses." ...

CA: Jury convicts Marysville police officer for molesting Gridley teen
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A jury has convicted a Marysville reserve police officer for sexually molesting a Gridley teenager in the mid-2000s."

"The Butte County Superior Court jury found defendant Jared Michael Tomlinson, 30, guilty Monday of felony counts of sodomy, attempted sodomy and oral copulation In each of the counts, the victim was under 16."

"After about a day of deliberations, the panel of nine women and three men were unable to reach a verdict on felony counts of a lewd act upon a child and oral copulation of a person under 16. Judge Robert Glusman declared a mistrial on the counts."

"Another lewd act count was dismissed after the prosecution rested its case." ...

FL: Ex-deputy, accused of coercing sexual favors from immigrants, enters guilty plea
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"No one was looking forward to putting Jonathan Bleiweiss on trial, lawyers admitted Thursday."

"Prosecutors felt their case was crippled by reluctant victims and witnesses who could no longer be found. The defense was worried that Bleiweiss would be tried seven times, risking a life sentence each time."

"Bleiweiss, 34, the former Broward Sheriff's deputy accused of intimidating undocumented immigrants into performing sex acts with him, cut a deal sending him to prison for just five years, without having the stain of a sex-offender status following him the rest of his life." ...

IA: King addresses second amendment, ISIS during Fostoria stop
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Newly constructed Apex Indoor Shooting Range already has their first high profile visitor."

"U.S. Rep. Steve King stopped by the Fostoria facility Tuesday afternoon to offer his insights on the second amendment. He realizes how important firearms have been in the annals of U.S history."

"'When I walk through the Smithsonian Institution (I) can track the history of America just by the models of the firearms that were used to defend our freedom,' King said. 'When you look at that, you cannot understand the history of our country without understanding the history of the firearms that defended our country.'" ...

That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there. — GEORGE ORWELL

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