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PA: Trooper Ordered to stand trial
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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A state trooper will face a trial in Lancaster County court for allegedly shooting at an unarmed 13-year-old as the teen-ager ran from the scene of a traffic accident along Route 30 in August.

District Justice Richard W. Musser forwarded two counts of aggravated assault and reckless endangerment filed against Charles E. Cox Jr.

CO: Court says Police can't always run ID checks
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Police in Colorado can legitimately ask passengers in cars stopped for traffic violations for identification, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled.

But without reasonable suspicion a crime has been committed, officers cannot take the IDs back to their patrol cars and run checks to see if the passengers are wanted, according to the unanimous ruling.

PA: Schweiker proposes $550M withdrawal from Rainy Day Fund
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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-- Following are the only 2 comments on topic in the article:

* In the debate, Democrat Edward G. Rendell, the former mayor of Philadelphia, said he would propose limiting gun purchases to one firearm per person per month.

* Democrat Robert P. Casey Jr. and Republican Mike Fisher both said they supported better enforcement of existing gun laws, not new laws.

'Trusted Traveler' ID Cards for Air Passengers
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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A U.S. Department of Transportation task force is moving forward with plans for a national transportation-worker identity card intended as a first step toward "trusted-traveler" cards for airline passengers.

IL: Emanuel hits, Kaszak defends House record
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Nothing sends a chill down the spine of an ambitious politician like being labeled soft on crime.
And in the highly combative race among Democrats in the primary for the 5th Congressional District seat, that's the label that Rahm Emanuel is working overtime to pin on Nancy Kaszak.

The question is: Does the label fit, or is Emanuel just a shrewd negative campaigner? Both candidates have similar anti-crime platforms, which lean heavily on toughening gun control laws.

FL: Riviera officer who police say shot into home is charged
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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A city patrolman has been charged by the state attorney with two counts of aggravated assault with a firearm and one count of shooting into a building.

Clayton Cooper, 30, is accused of firing his pistol six times into his ex-wife's home on Dec. 29 when she refused to let him in.

VPC Releases 'John Ashcroft: Year One'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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A new report from the Violence Policy Center (VPC), "John Ashcroft: Year One," released for the one-year anniversary of John Ashcroft's appointment as Attorney General, confirms what the VPC warned during debate over his nomination: "The Justice Department under John Ashcroft has become an aggressive gun-lobby policy machine."

UK: People who don't stand idly by
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Most of us at some point in our lives will witness a volatile confrontation - but are certain people more likely to get involved than others? Sometimes it's the most unlikely people who put their necks on the line.

Are YOU Ready?
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Print and distribute.

Gun-rights backers push for reciprocity among states
Submitted by: Doug Huffman

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"It's part of a larger campaign of essentially letting everybody carry every gun they want, anywhere they want, and getting rid of all restrictions," said Luis Tolley, director of state legislation for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

"They'll do anything to take away police discretion and force police to issue permits, and once they get that, they then chip away at all limits, including reciprocity, as their strategy," Mr. Tolley said.

KABA NOTE: Just for once, they got something right! Congradulations!

Second American Revolution?
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"They're fighting mad and they have a right to be. For anyone who isn't mentally incapacitated by ABC-CBS-NBC news, or CNN, you should know that Americans are not a free people and we do not live in a free nation. Government has separated from the people and become Planet Washington D.C.

You should also know who is at fault besides the government ... YOU." - by Dorothy Anne Seese

Ready, Aim, Cloud The Issue
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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An irresponsible report on "terrorism" from the Brady Center - By Michael Long:

Handgun Control, Inc. --now known as the benign-sounding "Brady Campaign"-- joined the effort with the December release of a report claiming to illustrate how terrorists use our "weak" gun laws to "amass" caches of firearms.

Soldiers to 'defend U.S. borders'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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The establishment of a U.S. military command tasked with homeland defense will lead to a bureaucratic clash between the military and other U.S. agencies involved in domestic security matters. Eager to expand its own budget, the military may try to assume responsibilities for missions already covered by other agencies such as the U.S. Border Patrol, which is funded by the Justice Department...

In order to overcome the territorial disputes, efforts at integration may occur. Ultimately, the U.S. military may attempt to absorb other security branches.

A New Low for Anti-Self-defense Freaks
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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"How low can you go? That seems to be the question with regard to the people whose fondest wish is to have all the guns in the hands of criminals (with or without badges). Every time we look around they're carrying the dispute to a lower level. Now they're trying to equate those who wish to retain their constitutional right to be armed with Taliban and Al Qaida terrorist killers. They want people to think that it is committing treason to be for reaffirming our Second Amendment rights." - Ray Thomas

MI: Novi's plan to limit guns protested as a rights issue
Submitted by: Al Hambidge

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As a second Oakland County city prepares to restrict concealed weapons in "certain buildings," a state gun advocacy group claims the ordinances violate civil rights.

City officials in Ferndale and Novi argue "safety concerns outweigh state law," which *allows* residents to carry concealed weapons on the street with a permit.

France: After two decades France agrees to anti-hunting laws
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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After 23 years of procrastination and hair-splitting, the French government has finally agreed to implement a European law which protects wild birds from hunters for much of the year.

But French hunters' groups yesterday threatened to *ignore the government's decree* and continue shooting wild geese, ducks and other waterfowl when the season closes on Friday, a month earlier than usual.

Intricate Screening Of Fliers In Works
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Federal aviation authorities and technology companies will soon begin testing a vast air security screening system designed to instantly pull together every passenger's travel history and living arrangements, plus a wealth of other personal and demographic information.

The government's plan is to establish a computer network linking every reservation system in the United States to private and government databases.

Gov't Needs Voter Database and ID Cards says FL Secretary of State
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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States need to create voter databases and identification cards as part of comprehensive election reform, urged Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris, a pivotal figure in the 2000 presidential election dispute, Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference in suburban Washington.

"It will benefit this nation, and I believe it will identify ineligible voters without the risk of excluding legitimate voters," said Harris.

The Triumph of Ideological History
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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"Don Hickey, a historian at Wayne State College in Nebraksa, originally supported Bellesiles’ work, and had recommended publication of an early version of his research in The Journal of American History. Now he says 'it is a case of genuine, bona fide academic fraud.'"

Hillary's Presidential Maneuvers
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Sen. Hillary Clinton is working hard to melt her icy image and lay the groundwork for a presidential campaign, according to the New York Times.

"I think she is doing everything that someone who wants to be a national candidate has to do," political strategist Philip Friedman told the Times.

IL: O'Malley Surging While Daley Attacks Law-abiding Gun Owners
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Some good news. Internal polling shows O'Malley surging among informed voters. Note I say "informed" voters. Why is this important? Because they are the ones who actually go to the polls and vote in a primary. I don't care if Jim Ryan is 40 points ahead of the pack as long he is getting his points from those who are not going to bother to vote.

Stay the course, put your O'Malley signs up, stickers on, change your voicemail to include a plug for O'Malley and get like minded folks to VOTE.

Arrival of the American Garrison State
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The Pentagon is proposing the creation of a four-star command to oversee federal troops engaged in "homeland defense" activity on American soil. While CINC regional chiefs have long coordinated deployments overseas, none exist for North America. Soon, however, the circle will be complete, and the noose will be around our necks." --Paul Fallavollita

This is my country. I won't leave it!
Submitted by: Carma Lewis

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Rick Stanley: "Tone it down? That's how the government passed all the unconstitutional laws. We let them. No thanks."

"Well," he said, "That's all fine and good, but why don't you just kick back and enjoy your life? You have paid your dues. You go after them and they will have you killed! You understand?"

NRA Executive Warns of 'Fire Sale' of American Liberties
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, "social and political marketers" have tried to take advantage of the tragedy by pushing for "more government regulation, intrusion and expansion," according to Wayne LaPierre, executive vice-president of the National Rifle Association.

But LaPierre Friday urged an audience of conservatives to fight for their freedom, which he said is "the first bargaining chip of a scared people."

CA: CRPA Launches Statewide Public Gun Safety Campaign
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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The California Rifle & Pistol Association (CRPA) today launched a huge public service gun safety campaign. CRPA is distributing tens of thousands of the just released 2002 edition of its widely read annual booklet "Firearm Safety Guidelines and Summary of California Gun Laws" to its members, the general public, state legislators, law enforcement, and local officials. CRPA is making 100,000 of the booklets available free to local officials and media for public examination.

NRA Chief faults some security rules
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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Of the estimated 3,500 attendees at the Conservative Political Action Conference, most were very supportive of Bush's war on terror. The few grumbles about domestic policy were muted.

The real destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits. —PLUTARCH

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