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Newslinks for 2/20/2008

John Longnecker: Guns On Campus: Northern Illinois U:Rule #1: Sue Everybody
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's time to forget about writing more gun bans, time to quit profiling (it's a stalling tactic for political reasons) and time to litigate. The first order of business for any damaged plaintiff is to sue everybody. This would be all colleges who ban weapons, including those who have seen their students murdered ..."

"This would include suing for administration interference with self-defense by way of policy in cases of both gun and non-gun killings such as knifings, beatings and missing persons."

"It could be found that a college has no duty to protect its student body ... but does a college have an obligation NOT to INTERFERE with adults who take their own reasonable and legal measures in self-defense? ..." ...

Dependency breeds suffering, death
Submitted by: AJ

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"There's a bold new political and cultural push on in America to make everyone dependent on government."

"You don't need guns to defend yourself and your family, just call 911."

"You don't need to prepare for disasters, just call 911." ...

"Having said that, let's try a little shock treatment."

"While you read the rest of this column, please listen to this audio of a 911 call placed by Brenda Orr of Doylestown, Penn., last month when the multiple sclerosis victim's bed became engulfed in fire."

"Remember, Brenda didn't have a choice about relying on government. You still do." ...

Submitter's Note: The lazy government employees in this case will not be charged with misconduct because the government is filled with misfits from top to bottom and see the world as, Us vs Them.

American Firearm Owners Can Save United States from Political Disaster, says Gun Law Expert
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"'American firearm owners can save the United States from an impending potential political disaster in November,' gun rights expert John M. Snyder said here today."

"He noted that the two Democrat candidates for President, Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Barrack Hussein Obama of Illinois, profess support for the Second Amendment but that the public record of 'each of these two characters demonstrates their actual opposition to the individual Second Amendment civil right of law-abiding American citizens to keep and bear arms. This is hypocrisy. They're like Tweedledum and Tweedledee in their lying to the American public.'" ...

Time to decide: Gun control or out of control?
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"In my right ear is a friend, a minister, railing against the easy availability of guns in our society. She is also agitated that the District's handgun ban may be overturned when the Supreme Court rules on the measure next month."

"In my left ear is a friend, a 40-ish D.C. resident, railing against the fact that I have yet to purchase a gun and learn how to use it for my protection. He is only half placated that I recently had a home security system installed after his insistence." ...

"As the daily body count rises from random acts of violence, the equally passionate arguments on both sides of the gun-control debate do little to stem the bloodletting." ...

Final Thoughts on Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Having read most of the blogs and subsequent comments concerning the latest gun-related tragedy ... I noticed the wildly disparate opinions regarding this incident and the purpose of the second amendment."

"While these incidents are tragic, there are many reasons ... for these types of crimes. I'll not attempt to analyze these reasons here, but I will say this...banning firearms for law-abiding citizens is not the answer. Unfortunately, incidents like these are the assumed risks of life in a free society."

"The right to bear arms is not only intended for protection of oneself and one's property, but the right to defend oneself from the tyranny of government. Are we to allow only the police and the criminals to carry guns?" ...

The Karabiner 98k "Mauser"
Submitted by: david wolfe

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"The Karabiner 98k 'Mauser' (often abbreviated 'K98k' or 'Kar98k') was adopted in the mid 1930s and would be the most common infantry rifle in service within the German Army during World War II. The design was based on developed from the Karabiner 98b, one of the carbines developed from the Model 1898 mentioned before. The K98k was first adopted by the Wehrmacht in 1935 to be their standard issue rifle, with many older versions being converted and shortened as well as the design itself entering production." ...

M1 carbine
Submitted by: david wolfe

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"For the purpose of a survival / defensive weapon there are much better weapons on the market than the little M1 carbine. The M1 is overpriced and under powered, one would be much better served by two Yugo SKS's or four .303 british bolt guns costing approximately the same as one of the little .30 carbines. But seeing how interest in this thing never seems to die, I will get into a little more detail here."

"The M1 carbine bolt mechanism is similar to the M1 Garand rifle, though the carbine has a different gas system and trigger mechanism design. The gas system is a lightweight tappet-and-slide gas system. Initially fed from a 15 round magazine, a 30 round magazine was introduced for the M2." ...

Action, Not Prayers
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It has been a particularly grim and bloody month on one of the world's great killing fields the United States of America."

"... Simmons was shot dead and Officer James Veenstra was badly wounded when they rushed into a home where a disturbed young man had killed three members of his family ..."

"... an eighth-grader fatally shot a classmate in the head, apparently because the boy was gay."

"... at Northern Illinois University, a graduate student walked into a lecture hall, shot five students to death and wounded 16 other people before committing suicide."

"There have been three other campus shootings since Feb. 8 ..." ...

"All these wrenchingly tragic crimes are linked by a common factor the ubiquity of guns in America. ..." ...

AL: More guns won't aid campus safety
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Whenever there's a shooting on a college campus, you can count on two reactions."

"One will be a call to put new restrictions on gun sales. The other will be a proposal to let college students and professors arm themselves."

"Both proposals popped up after last week's rampage by a suicidal gunman at Northern Illinois University."

"Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign, called for unspecified but 'common-sense steps ... '" ...

"State Sen. Hank Erwin ... said the Illinois shootings make it more likely that his bills to let professors and some students carry guns on Alabama college campuses will get support in the Legislature."

"The thing is, he's probably right. And that's a chilling thought." ...

Bush administration lands on wrong side of gun rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you think the District of Columbia's ban on all functional firearms in all homes is a reasonable regulation under the Second Amendment, you'll love the friend-of-the-court brief filed by the Bush administration in D.C. v. Heller, now before the Supreme Court."

"The Department of Justice's (DOJ) previously stated position is that the Second Amendment secures a right of individuals not restricted to militia service. But astonishingly, the Justice Department now recommends an elastic standard for determining whether a handgun ban is reasonable. According to the DOJ, the courts should consider the nature and functional adequacy of available alternatives. That may sound sensible at first blush, but it could be fatal to the Heller litigation." ...

A second chance for the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It's election season, meaning candidates across the political spectrum will rediscover their love of shotguns and regale us with tender tales of hunting varmints."

"What this pandering actually tells us is that the acrimonious issue of gun ownership is settling in on the side of the Constitution. Though citizens hold varied opinions on how to govern possession, a majority believe that gun ownership is an individual right." ...

"Now, one of the most significant cases regarding the Second Amendment will give the Supreme Court a chance to settle the question of whether owning a gun is an individual right or intended only for those serving in a militia." ...

Supreme Court Dared to Uphold Handgun Ban by Man Who Has None
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Robert Levy, the man paying for a U.S. Supreme Court challenge to the District of Columbia's handgun ban, has built his own financial-data business and enrolled in law school as a 50-year-old."

"The one thing he has never done is own a gun."

"'Here in Bay Colony, it's not quite the high-risk crime area that might require a gun,' he said during lunch by the pool at his Naples, Florida, club."

"Levy, 66, is a driving force behind a case that may confer a constitutional right for individuals to own a firearm. The libertarian scholar helped put the lawsuit together -- over the objections of the National Rifle Association -- and now is before the nation's highest court in the only case he has ever filed as a lawyer." ...

Had enough gun violence?
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Let's get this out of the way. I am a gun owner and a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment. What I do not support is extending the rights embedded in the Second Amendment to terrorists, criminals, and children."

"In the wake of a horrific campus shooting at Northern Illinois University, where 21 students were shot, we're reminded again that national gun laws must be strengthened."

"Sadly, gun laws have only been weakened since the massacres at Columbine High School and Virginia Tech. To be sure, these headline-grabbing mass shootings may not have been preventable. But beyond the headlines, consider this news: 83 Americans die each and every day from gun violence. And much of that violence is very preventable." ...

KABA Note: Since 56% of those 83 are suicides then yes, much of the 'gun violence' is very preventable.

IN: Availability of guns warrants closer look
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Our hearts ache in sympathy as Northern Illinois University mourns and parents prepare to bury five children slaughtered as they sat in a classroom."

"While we wonder why a disturbed man clad in black would commit such an act of carnage, we also ask why a civilized country such as ours makes it so easy for people to lay their hands on guns." ...

""Tragedies such as these inevitably provoke debate on the authority of the Second Amendment versus the need for stronger gun control laws. We don't want to see the Second Amendment diluted any more than we want to see guns in the hands of people who would use them for mass murders or criminal activity." ...

The second tragedy of DeKalb
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Virginia Tech. Northern Illinois University."

"Workplaces. Going postal. Lori Dan."

"Publicized shootings have become so common that Americans fail to realize exactly how anomalous they are. Lack of perspective is the third tragedy of mass gun violence."

"The second tragedy lies in the way we refuse to learn from our past fiascos. As the clich posits, one form of insanity is repeating the same behavior over and over again yet expecting different results. Yet Americans do exactly that after every major shooting: We lack the social and political resolve to enact an aggressive gun control agenda." ...

Armed Response? (letters)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Too many do violence in quest to be famous"

"I'm writing regarding the tragedy at Northern Illinois University, as well as all the previous school shootings. After yet another campus rampage, we find ourselves wondering, 'What can be done to prevent this from happening again ...'"

"One of the big problems I see with our culture today, and why were breeding so many fame-obsessed sociopaths is because of how we treat stars ..." ...

"Easy availability of guns to blame for tragedy"

"Again, the nation faces the slaughter of innocents at the hand of an ostensibly healthy, responsible citizen who acquired firearms without question. ..." ...

Lock and load?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Following the tragic shooting at Northern Illinois University, the last in a string of college shootings in recent years, questions of student safety are a topic of legitimate concern throughout the nation. Among the many proposals that have been discussed, by far the most controversial solution has been the idea of legalizing the carrying of firearms on university campuses. This proposition is seen by some as nothing more than an exercise in common sense ... However, proponents of gun control laws will argue that giving students a carte blanche privilege to carry concealed firearms would actually contribute to the frequency with which gun related violence erupts in our nation's colleges." ...

IL: Vulnerable schools need protection
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Thirty-nine students attend my American literature seminar this semester. Our classroom is the first one you see on the left, as you enter the unlocked humanities building."

"If a psychotic gunman were searching for a tight cluster of multiple bodies ... he would find my classroom door wide open. He could assume a position straddling the threshold and blocking the exit, so that he could fire at the trapped students at will ..."

"But if I were packing a loaded automatic pistol in a shoulder holster beneath my jacket, we might have half a chance."

"I am no Rambo. I am a middle-age English professor with no military background. But as an outdoorsman, I have a passing acquaintance with the use of firearms ..." ...

MA: Gun control problems
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a UMass student, it's hard to ignore the news stories that are circulating on not only this campus, but also on the national news recently. Thursday's Northern Illinois University shooting is the most recent in a number of college shootings that have garnered national attention."

"A few weeks ago, there was a shooting in Baton Rouge, La. And there were, of course, the Virginia Tech shootings last spring. A subject that perhaps hasn't made as much news as it should is the subject of gun control."

"Even after the Virginia Tech shooting, which was the most shocking and deadly mass shooting in American history, there wasn't as much talk about gun control as one would expect." ...

Five questions about shootings at universities
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Question 2: Which of these three options is more likely to prevent further murderous rampages: ... c) enabling specially trained students and faculty to carry concealed weapons on campus?" ...

"Of course, there is virtually no chance that the uniformly left-thinking individuals who run our universities will ever consider this option. To do so would mean abandoning what is essentially a religious-like conviction that guns are immoral rather than the people who use them immorally."

"Question 3: Why are 'shooter' and 'gunman' used instead of 'killer' or 'murderer'?"

"If a murderer used a knife to murder five students, no news headlines would read, 'Knifeman Kills Five.' So why always 'shooter' and 'gunman'?" ...

NH: A bad idea
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Letter from the editor:"

"He's an avid hunter, supports the NRA, believes in the importance of the second amendment... and still feels that allowing guns on college campuses is a bad idea. No, ladies and gentlemen, I'm not making this up. He does exist, and he even has a letter published in the very paper you're holding. His name is Paul H. Dean, and he's the Deputy Chief of Police and Emergency Operations Coordinator for the UNHPD."

"I caught up with Deputy Dean on the phone Monday evening ... Having been inundated with letters about how much safer our school would be if only we were allowed to have guns on campus, I asked for his take on the issue." ...

SD: More guns make campus less safe
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Another month, another campus shooting."

"Or so it seems, now that our state Legislature considered the issue of allowing firearms on college campuses in South Dakota."

"Earlier this week, at least six people died at Northern Illinois University ... Add that to a handful of other recent college shootings, plus the horrific loss of life at Virginia Tech last year, and the idea of letting students defend themselves against deranged gunmen by carrying weapons on campus seems to almost make sense."

"Almost, but not quite."

"While we sympathize with the desire for safety and security that Rep. Tom Brunner ... and Sen. Dennis Schmidt ... think they are providing for college students, we contend that HB1261 would make college campuses less safe, not more." ...

Clinton plays up duck hunting experience before Wisconsin contest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hillary Clinton may be aiming to win primary contests in Wisconsin and Hawaii this Tuesday, but on the campaign trail in recent days, it was her duck hunting experience that she wanted voters to pay attention to."

"According to the LA Times, Clinton first brought up her hunting experience in a campaign speech over the weekend. And on Monday, she offered more details of the time she succeeded in shooting a duck."

"'They wanted to embarrass me. So, OK, the pressure was on. So I shot, and I shot a banded duck,' she said in an appearance. 'And I was as surprised as they were.'" ...

Clinton Wants a Gun Summit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Another new wrinkle from Hillary Clinton today: she wants a presidential summit on gun control."

"That came up in the Q-and-A session of her stop in De Pere, after a woman asked about dealing with shootings such as the Northern Illinois University carnage."

"Clinton started with the line she rolled out a couple days ago about recognizing that there is 'no conflict' between letting lawful gunowners have weapons and keeping guns out of the hands of bad guys and the mentally ill."

"She went on to propose a solution to coming up with a solution for the problem ..."

"'I believe we really should have a summit where everybody comes together on all sides of this issue,' Clinton said. ..." ...

NY: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Urges Hunters and Shooters to Vote for Barclay for State Senate
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Despite assurances from both candidates that they will not allow downstate powers to infringe on gun control, gun owners have a clear choice in the race to fill the 48th Senate District seat."

"Earlier this year the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association endorsed Assemblyman Will Barclay for this race. The State Senate has a slim Republican pro-gun majority. In order to maintain pro-gun leadership in the Senate, and to prevent harassment of New York's hunters, shooters and sportsmen, we need Will Barclay in the Senate. A majority Democrat Senate will advance gun and ammunition bans, and strive to curtail or destroy hunting and the shooting sports in New York State." ...

SD: A little love from the NRA
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"All cash is crucial to a political campaign."

"But some donations are worth more than others."

"Take a check from the NRA. Apparently, that's what Sen. Tim Johnson will be doing soon."

"Word on the streets of a town called Politics is that the National Rifle Association is sending $2,500 - half the allowed maximum for the primary - to the incumbent Democrat." ...

"If it comes through as expected, the cash will be worth a lot more than $2,500, whether or not it leads to more contributions from the NRA."

"It'll make it pretty difficult for the Republican challenger - whoever that turns out to be - to wave the 'anti-gun Democrat' banner in the general."

KABA Note: Gun Owners of America gives Sen. Johnson of South Dakota a 'D' rating: "Leans Anti-Gun: usually against us."

IL: Illinois weapons law may not have blocked killer's gun purchase
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Illinois lawmakers moved swiftly after last year's massacre at Virginia Tech to make it harder for anyone with a history of mental illness to buy guns, fortifying what were already some of the nation's toughest weapons laws."

"But the new measure does not take effect until June. And whether it would have prevented last weeks bloodbath at Northern Illinois University is far from clear." ...

IL: Daley unveils annual gun control legislation
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Moved by the shooting deaths of five students at Northern Illinois University, Mayor Daley today unveiled his annual package of gun control legislation, even as a State Senate sponsor acknowledged that none of the bills could have prevented the tragedy." [emphasis added]

"Once again, Daley wants to ban semiautomatic assault weapons and .50-caliber military-grade rifles, use the State Police to license gun dealers and limit handgun purchases to one a month per person."

"He also wants to close the 'private sale loophole' that allows people to buy guns from each other without scrutiny." ...

OH: Castle Doctrine to receive second hearing in House
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Ohio's Castle Doctrine legislation, which has already received three hearings in the Senate, will receive a second hearing Thursday, February 21 in the Ohio House of Representatives.

The House Criminal Justice Committee, chaired by Rep. John White (R-38), will hear proponent testimony on Rep. Wachtmann's HB264 (Castle Doctrine).

The hearing will be held at 9:30a.m. in Statehouse Room 121.

Thank you for responding to our call to use our Write to Legislators website feature to contact your legislators. Please encourage your friends and family to do the same.

UT: Bill would allow open carry of firearms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If a bill proposed by Utah lawmakers passes, U students with concealed weapons permits won't have to cover up their guns when they go to class."

"Current U policy requires weapons carriers to keep their guns concealed, a position administrators argue is backed up by state law."

"House Bill 473 would amend the firearm code to ensure that permit holders are allowed to visibly carry firearms statewide, including the campuses of state universities and public schools. A committee of representatives in the Utah State Legislature unanimously passed the bill Monday. The measure will now move to the full House." ...

FL: Stripping gun laws would make park-goers defenseless
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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In response to the Feb. 13 editorial, I wish to state that my wife and I have been to numerous national parks. Licensed to carry a handgun, as I did every time we visited a national park, I am exercising my Second Amendment rights.

Look at the escalating episodes of shootings in the last few months in our schools, malls, colleges, etc. Who would be there to protect my family? The police cannot be everywhere, furthermore, it is not their job to protect you as an individual.

Why do you think more men and women are legally carrying guns? They are frightened. Outlawing guns in national parks would be just like outlawing drugs ... only the bad guy would have them.

John Archibald

Fort Pierce

ID: The Great Gun Debate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There has been some controversy drifting around campus about the new proposed concealed weapons legislation (Senate Bill 1381) and its possible effect on Boise State University. Opinions concerning this bill are diverse on campus as well as within The Arbiter's Editorial Board. Due to a wide spectrum of opinions, we felt it necessary to allow everyone on the Ed. Board their own words." ...

MA: Copping out: BPD review panel meets in secrecy
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Boston's year-old police-civilian review board - touted as the peoples watchdog on cop abuses - is so shrouded from public view it stands out nationally as among the most secretive panels of its kind, a Herald review shows."

"Not only is the public not invited to the boards rare meetings, but its activities cannot be monitored because there are no minutes."

"Since Mayor Thomas M. Menino created the Community Ombudsman Oversight Panel and Complaint Mediation Program in March, the three-member board has convened just 11 times, in six locations - all of them closed to the public, said corporation counsel William Sinnott." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

CT: Police Officer Arrested For Third Time
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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for separate incidents."

"For the third time, Torrington police officer, Rob Hebert, 33, has been accused of getting violent or out of control. Hebert's last arrest occurred on Saturday."

"Winsted police said Hebert has been placed on unpaid leave, pending disciplinary hearings, involving a number of different internal policy violations."

"Officials said the first incident took place in November, when Hebert was charged with carrying a dangerous weapon and breach of peace stemming from threats he made against his wife, with whom he is in the middle of divorce proceedings ..." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

LA: Police State Louisiana
Submitted by: Thomas Paine

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An upset criminal suspect tells her police captor that she's glad the whole thing is on video record. He turns the camera off. It comes back on, and the handcuffed woman is very badly beaten, lying in a pool of blood, and must be taken away on a stretcher. The cop's lawyer claims she tripped and got two black eyes herself.

Thanks to Manuel Lora for the link.

VA: Virginia Cop Wrecks Police Car, Charged With DUI
Submitted by: jac

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A Roanoke, Va. cop was charged with driving under the influence after running the marked police car he was driving off the road, hitting a guard rail, The Roanoke Times reported.

Shortly before the Saturday night crash police received a 911 call about someone driving erratically, police told the newspaper.

A breathalyzer test revealed Officer Andrew Page's blood alcohol content was 0.16 percent, double the legal limit, the newspaper reported.

Page, who was not wearing his uniform at the time of the crash, was suspended, a Roanoke police spokeswoman told the newspaper.

It was not clear if Page was on duty at the time of the incident.

Submitters Note: They get away with driving drunk, but not crashing drunk.

NY: Rap CD flips to positive side with message against gun violence
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"If a rap CD has any powers to install positive changes in young people, Stop the Violence Coalition Chairman Marc L. Fuller is convinced that the one his organization has been working on for three years is it."

"The coalition, formed nearly four years ago, held a special listening party Monday in the Tropical Gardens restaurant for invited guests to hear portions of the 20-track Stop the Violence CD, Volume 1, which the group anticipates will be released to the local public next month." ...

IL: 20 dead this month in Illinois spree killings, but the state's gun-grabbers will never get it
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"How long does this have to happen? How many of my home state brethren have to die? When will people like Chicago Mayor Daley and Governor Blagojevich realize they are leaving their citizens at the whim of thugs and the deranged?"

"The sad truth is they will never get it they will never learn that their draconian gun policies dont work. Chicago leads the nation in murders nearly every year, yet Mayor Daley doesnt get that criminals know Chicagoans are disarmed. The same is true for colleges where students are easy victims, left to die in masse without the ability to defend their life." ...

By calling attention to a well-regulated militia for the security of the Nation, and the right of each citizen to keep and bear arms, our Founding Fathers recognized the essentially civilian nature of our economy. Although it is extremely unlikely that the fears of governmental tyranny, which gave rise to the second amendment, will ever be a major danger to our Nation, the amendment still remains an important declaration of our basic military-civilian relationships, in which every citizen must be ready to participate in the defense of the country. For that reason I believe the second amendment will always be important. --JOHN F. KENNEDY

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