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Newslinks for 2/21/2002

Fight over pilots who want to pack guns
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Supporters see it enhancing safety, but critics worry about bullets piercing the fuselage.

When an agitated passenger kicked in the cockpit door on a United Airlines flight to Buenos Aires earlier this month, the incident reignited an emotional debate: Should pilots be armed?

Newspapers Allow "Unchecked" Gun Sales Through Ads
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Study" Reveals "Potential Terrorist Threat:" U.S. Newspapers Allow "Unchecked" Gun Sales Through Classified Ads

WHEN: Thursday, Feb. 21, 1pm

WHERE: 1st Amendment Room, National Press Club, 529 14th Street NW, Washington DC

CONTACT: John Johnson of the "National Campaign to Close the Newspaper Gun Ad Loophole" 319.981.3325, OR Mark Karlin or Scott Vogel 312.474.1740

KABA NOTE: Are they crazy?

Has the NRA abandoned California?
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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The last two gun shows I attended I heard someone outside the gate yelling, "Join the so-and-so gun rights group and get into the gun show free. The NRA has abandoned California."

Huh? The NRA abandoned California? When did that happen? Did LaPierre make some kind of announcement that I missed somewhere?

Look, I'm no apologist for the NRA, but sometimes you just got to set the record straight. The NRA hasn't abandoned California.

WY: Ladies Hunt Antelope
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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For the first time ever, the NRA’s Women On Target™ program travels to Wyoming for an exciting, ladies-only antelope hunt from October 11-13. Enjoy the camaraderie of other lady hunters while pursuing the fastest species of big game animal on the continent.

Located in the center of the largest antelope population in the country, the hunt will be guided by Wyoming Professional Hunters, Ltd., of Glenrock, Wyoming. Ladies will be paired with guides on a 1:1 ratio.

ME: Violent week revives debate over gun safety
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Maine experienced its most violent spate of gun-related crimes in recent memory last week, leaving two men dead and a teen-age boy critically injured.

Safety advocates say the "violence shows that Maine needs more gun regulation and public education."

But some gun enthusiasts and law enforcement officers question the usefulness of more laws, noting that two of the three incidents involved stolen guns.

Campaign Finance Reform: Incumbent Protection Act
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"To what can the orgasmic sound of Congress protecting itself from the sin of tainted campaign contributions be compared? It's like the owner of a house of ill repute who, during a raid by the vice squad, demonstrates her commitment to civic virtue by firing the piano player..."

GA: It's not nice to anger pro-gun lobby (followup)
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Monday in the Senate, the governor's bioterrorism bill was brought back for a pro-gun amendment by Sen. Phil Gingrey (R-Marietta).

The NRA and other big gun groups took no position on the amendment, but local Second Amendment activists were in the halls and active on the phones and Internet.

This is an election year, and no one, Democrat or Republican, was taking any chances on a gun vote. The amendment passed, 40-2.

KABA NOTE: AH-HA! So we (pro-gun voters) CAN make a difference when we work at it!

NRA, Environmentalists Unite: Targeting Growth
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Members of the Georgetown Fish & Game Association have been gathering at the rustic clubhouse at the end of Lake Avenue more than ever lately, but the meetings come and go without a single shot being fired at the club's shooting range. Pistols are holstered and rifles left on gun racks, and instead, zoning maps are spread across battered wooden tables...

IL: Palatine Mayor Rita Mullins Wants Licensing of Gun Owners
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Just last week Palatine Mayor Rita Mullins had no plans to license gun dealers. So she said. I guess that was an expedient lie for her to hand out when we put her under the gun at her Village Board meeting last week.

You see, after telling us she had no plans to license gun owners, the Mayor has announced: Surprise! The village already has the power to license gun dealers..."

Canada: Hostage turns tables on robbery suspect
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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A hostage-taker brandishing a fake gun was overpowered by the victim he tried to use as a shield to hold off police after a botched bank robbery in North York yesterday.

A bandit took three women hostages in a drama that began with an 8:30 a.m. attempted heist at the CIBC branch on Finch Ave. at Weston Rd. The women were overpowered by a man who had broken into the bank through a window.

Democrats plan to circumvent Campaign Finance Reform
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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As comprehensive campaign finance reform nears its expected enactment, House Democratic lawmakers have already adopted strategies for redirecting the flow of large contributions to outside groups aligned with their party, a move they hope will help them regain control of the Chamber.

House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt (D-MO) has assured that he will raise money for groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the Southwest Voter Project.

“It’s disgusting they’re crying for reform when they’re already cutting deals with tax-exempt organizations like the NAACP” that play politics.

MN: Concealed Carry Study - Unequal Protection
Submitted by: Anonymous

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MN has may issue concealed carry. What this report shows is that out-state, non metro police will issue permits and that Metro/City chiefs WILL NOT. The study does not directly report permits GRANTED for Personal protection or Occupation. The study does however show VAST difference in application and permit grants for metro vs not metro. This is only the tip of the iceberg..

Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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It’s obvious that our government isn’t going to fix the problem of crime. It’s time the American citizens step up and fight crime.

Hurrah for H&R Block
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"It seems to me that H&R Block deserves a shot at your tax preparation business this year. If you plan on remaining in the state of low level slavery, consider H&R Block. If you are not into Turbo Tax and doing it yourself, consider H&R Block. If you do not have any special allegiance to some other tax preparer, consider H&R Block. If you support the Second Amendment, even if you are not an NRA member, consider H&R Block..." - Ed Cobb

82-year-old shoots himself, intruder in alleged robbery
Submitted by: John Salsgiver

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"An elderly man shot an alleged robber in the abdomen, but also shot himself in the scuffle at the Kensington Arms Apartments on Monday, city police said."

UK: Shotgun advertisement attacked
Submitted by: Rick Schwartz

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An ad with similarities to the case of farmer Tony Martin, who is serving a prison sentence after shooting two burglars, has been criticised by the industry watchdog.

The ad, for a security system, showed a farmer holding a shotgun. The drawing has the farmer smiling and giving a thumbs-up sign with the shotgun still smoking and cartridges in mid-ejection.

A person who complained said it was "irresponsible" because it "condoned the use of a shotgun to protect private property".

Feb. 19 Neal Knox Update
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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An Apology: "In my Feb. 12 update, in a section promoting passage of the Georgia Sport Shooting Association State Director Bylaw I wrote:

'The NRA Board has put a gag on members trying to influence NRA Board elections and Bylaw changes... the Board unanimously approved elimination of the special 'at-cost' ads for internal elections -- more than trebling the cost of a full-page ad from about $18K to more than $60K.'

That's not correct. But it's a misunderstanding, not a lie..."

Feb. 20 Neal Knox Update
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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* NOW The Press Talks About Bill Flaws - Prior to the vote on McCain-Shays-Meehan the press rarely mentioned those First Amendment problems...

* NY AG Eliot Spitzer, who sued gun manufacturers because criminals often misuse their products, has begun civil procedures against knife makers and distributors...

* The Federally funded, NRA-backed "Project Exile" can and is prosecuting law-abiding gunowners...

MO: Gun bill fires back in Senate
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Sen. Jon Cauthorn, R-Mexico, is one of the bill’s sponsors.

“Jon made the promise when he ran for Senate that he would protect the Second Amendment,” Jerry Dowell, Cauthorn’s chief of staff, said. “This bill allows Missourians their rights to protect themselves.”

Gov. Bob Holden has said that he will veto the bill if it passes.

Florida Family to Get VeriChip
Submitted by: Tim

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Soon, the Jacobs will become the first family ever implanted with a new identification device -- no bigger than a grain of rice -- called the VeriChip. The VeriChip is similar to a MedicAlert bracelet, but instead of being worn on the wrist, it is implanted under the skin. It was created by Applied Digital Solutions, a technology development company based in Palm Beach, Florida.

'Paperwork shortage' ties up 'Inalienable Right'
Submitted by: BobL

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The newest way to deny you your Second Amemdment rights: require that a particular form be filled out for each and every gun sale, then don't send that form to dealers!

No joke--the BATF made very minor changes to Form 4473, then FAILED to get the new forms to dealers by the deadline ... So now the government can make a rule, make it impossible to obey the rule, and not be held accountable!

Also see the DenverPost version.

ID: Marines will play war games in Boise (Update)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"In an effort to better understand urban warfare and get some valuable experience in reconnaissance and intelligence-gathering in a real city instead of a simulation, the Marine Corps plans to visit Boise for some interactive war games."

--GOOD GRIEF! First Little Rock now Boise... welcome to Police State USA. Is it just coincidence they're exercising in Idaho, or are they getting ready to crack down on Patriots in the mountain states?

This Time It Has To Cost Them Something
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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by L. Neil Smith: "Regrettably, the time to "draw a line in the sand" with regard to schemes for national identification was almost exactly a century ago, when politicians in some of the more puckered states decided that this newfangled automobile thing was a dangerous fad that had to be discouraged."

The Police State We Live In (Or, If it isn't martial law, then what is?)
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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by Ed Lewis: "A large number of people have indicated their fear that we will soon be living in a police state and under martial law. However, if one investigates the matter, the only conclusion best represented by facts is that we already live in a police state. We are under martial law even without the ominous appearance of US military people on every street corner. Here are some interesting facts taken from the Justice Policy Institute..."

When 'reform' becomes outright censorship
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The "Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002," was passed in the House on February 14, 2002, by a vote of 240-189. The bill is a rather draconian version of campaign finance "reform," including not just limits on what people can donate to candidates and parties, but also tight restrictions on independent political advertisements within 60 days of a general election or 30 days of a primary election.

FL: Florida Leads Nation In Murder-Suicides
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"According to a recent study, Florida leads the nation in a rather morbid category – murder-suicide. ... Experts attribute the high rates to a large aging population and what they characterize as Florida's loose gun control laws."

MO: Bill curbing gun possession by violent felons clears committee
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"A murderer who does not serve his life in jail, I believe, still owes a debt to society," said Chaudhary, DFL-Fridley. "We don' t allow sex offenders around kids and as such we shouldn' t allow murderers around guns."

--A murderer does not belong on the street at all.

MT: Family sues gun maker
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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The Barber lawsuit, like the Hester suit, claims Remington failed to properly warn consumers, produced a gun of negligent design and manufacture and failed to recall or retrofit the gun.

It also accuses Remington of destroying "incriminating evidence," like customer complaints, gun examination reports and internal memoranda, "with the full knowledge of past, pending and future claims regarding he Remington Model 700," according to the suit.

PA: Butler man 'guilty of stockpiling bombs'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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--Of course the reason he was a "felon" was because of earlier unconstitutional "drug charges" -- yet he was never accused of hurting a single person. What a disgusting perversion of justice.

South Africa: 'Strife-torn communities favour gun control'
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"Main reason cited for the increase in number of firearms was the level of accessibility."

"3 communities in which the 'use of guns is rife' have come out in favour of gun control and said they would like to live in communities without firearms."

"The findings of the institute's project, known as the arms management programme, coincided with a police workshop yesterday, set up to teach communication officers aspects of effective firearms control and safety as required by law."

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. — C. S. LEWIS

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