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Newslinks for 2/23/2008

Citizens by Mike Vanderboegh
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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"The 'Fatigues' of Supporting Freedom"

"Rasczak: 'You.' (Pointing the stump of his arm at Johnny Rico.) 'Tell me the moral difference, if any, between the citizen and the civilian.'"

"Johnny: 'The difference lies in the field of civic virtue. A citizen accepts personal responsibility for the safety of the body politic, of which he is a member, defending it, if need be, with his life. The civilian does not.'"

"Rasczak: 'The exact words of the text. But do you understand it? Do you believe it?'"

"Johnny: 'Uh, I don't know.'"

"Rasczak: 'Of course you don't. I doubt if any of you here would recognize 'civic virtue' if it bit you in the a--.' - Starship Troopers, the movie, 1998."

A month of violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With otherwise positive headwinds blowing throughout the nation, it seems like an unusually bloody February."

"FEB. 2: A gunman kills five people in a Chicago store robbery."

"FEB. 3: A gunman kills three people after an argument in a Largo, Md., restaurant."

"FEB. 7: An enraged citizen shoots and kills five people at a city council meeting in Kirkwood, Mo."

"FEB. 7: A gunman kills a Los Angeles police officer and kills three family members in his home."

"FEB. 8: A student with a gun kills two fellow students and then herself in a classroom of a Baton Rouge, La., vocational college."

"FEB. 14: A student with three guns goes on a shooting rampage at Northern Illinois University in Chicago, killing six."

"Question to Second Amendment enthusiasts: What's really going on here?" ...

Submitter's Note: Too many gun free zones.

We Can Do Something About Gun Violence In America
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and families touched by the recent gun violence at Northern Illinois University. At a time when the country confronts one mass shooting after another -- six separate multiple murders across the country in just the first two weeks of February -- the nation is faced with a critical choice:"

"Do we give up and say we can't do anything about these tragedies? Or do we take common-sense steps today to make it harder for dangerous people to get dangerous weapons?" ...

KABA Note: See the Logical Fallacy of the False Dillemma.

Creeping around a debate that has citizens up in arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"ON THE third day at his new school ... my nine-year-old son came home and excitedly told me they had spent the morning practising code red and code blue."

"Code blue, he told me, was when there was a threat outside the school. The school would be locked down, the blinds closed but lessons would continue."

"'And code red?' I asked, horrified. 'That's when the threat is inside the school, Mum. That's when we have to be really quiet, the teacher locks the classroom door, covers up the little glass window, turns out the lights and we hide behind the brick wall that divides the storeroom from the classroom.'" ...

"For a few moments, I wondered whether I had made the right decision in bringing my children to America. ..." ...

What They're "Smoking" at Colleges in South Dakota
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"We spoke on Wednesday about the South Dakota campus carry bill (HB 1261) that was stopped in the Senate by a procedural maneuver called a 'smoke-out,' that not only killed it for this year, but also managed to stifle any debate on the floor." ...

"I've been in correspondence with someone who has inside information on this from a faculty perspective. ..." ...

NE: UNL Bans Toy Guns After Classroom Scare
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A long University of Nebraska-Lincoln tradition came to an abrupt end this week after a student brought a Nerf gun into a classroom."

"University officials said on Thursday that the game 'assassin' has been banned on campus, along with all toy guns. In the game, players use a Nerf gun to hunt down another player."

"When it spilled into a classroom on Wednesday, people got nervous." ...

"UNL police said they had to treat the situation like it was a real weapon because some guns are now painted to look like toys." ...

"... Vice Chancellor Juan Franco said they're not overreacting." ...

"The game had become an annual event at Neighardt Hall. The honors students housed there say it was a fun way to get to know other students." ...

NY: Cornell University Republicans Call for New Gun Policy
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"In the wake of last week's tragedy at Northern Illinois University and last April’s massacre at Virginia Tech, the seemingly endless series of school shootings has incited debate over the safety of college communities across the country."

"Yesterday, the Cornell College Republicans placed approximately 20 signs on the Arts Quad that publicized their stance on the increasingly polarizing issue of the concealed carry of weapons. They have joined the approximately 12,000 students nationwide who are part of a grassroots effort that is advocating for concealed weapons license holders to be able to carry their weapons on campuses." ...

Ron Paul: Second Amendment Battle in DC
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As a United States Congressman, I take my oath to uphold all of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights very seriously. Unfortunately, too many in Washington DC believe they can pick-and-choose which provisions of the constitution they can uphold. For example, many politicians, judges, and bureaucrats believe they have the power to disregard our right to own guns, even though the second amendment explicitly guarantees the people's right to 'keep and bear arms.'"

"Like the Founding Fathers, I believe that the right to keep and bear arms is fundamental to a free society. Where law-abiding citizens are most freely allowed to defend themselves, communities are safer ..." ...

How big a political football will the Second Amendment be in the election? Update: More Obama gun nuance
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pretty big if the Messiah’s ascension continues:"

"In his answers to the 1998 Illinois State Legislative National Political Awareness Test, Obama said he favored a ban on 'the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons.'"

"By definition, this would include all pistols ever made, from .22 target pistols used in the Olympics to rarely-fired pistols kept in nightstands and sock drawers for the defense of families, and every pistol in between. Obama’s strident stand would also ban all semi-automatic rifles and shotguns, whatever their previously legal purpose…" ...

Obama Shooting Himself in the Foot with Anti-Gun Stance
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"As she clawed for survival against Barack Obama in Wisconsin’s Democratic primary this past weekend, Hillary Clinton lamely asserted her Second Amendment bona fides over that of her rival by claiming that she once shot a duck in Arkansas."

"As pathetic a pander as that tale was, it did serve to point out one gaping weakness in the armor of the Illinois senator, a man who must rely on blue-collar white voters if he hopes to prevail first in the Democratic primaries, and later in the general election."

"The weakness? Barack Obama's utter disdain of firearms (especially handguns) and a refusal to recognize the rights of law-abiding Americans to own the most common and relied-upon types of firearms." ...

NPCA Blasts NRA, Administration Over Guns in National Parks Issue
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"... I contacted the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) for their comments on the gun issue, and a few hours later, the group sent me a press release blasting the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the Bush Administration ..."

"Prompting the announcement was a letter sent today by Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne ... saying the Department of the Interior would 'update' regulations governing guns in national parks and wildlife refuges."

"'Today's action is alarming,' NPCA President Tom Kiernan said ... 'Overturning Reagan-era rules that struck the right balance between the rights of gun owners and the safety of families and wildlife is a blow to the national parks and the 300 million visitors who enjoy them every year. ...'" ...

National park gun regulations will be reviewed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Rules on firearms in national parks will get another look by U.S. Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne."

"Kempthorne announced today that the Interior Department will ask for a review of gun laws on lands administered by the National Park Service and the Fish and Wildlife Service. By April 30, the department will have drawn up new rules for the public to comment on ..."

"[Sen.] Crapo wrote a letter asking for the review; 50 other U.S. senators signed it, including Alaska's Lisa Murkowski and Ted Stevens."

"Crapo had complained to Kempthorne that the existing guidelines were 'confusing, burdensome and unnecessary.' He said he was pleased the agency was working to 'eliminate inconsistent regulations.'" ...

VA: Concealed weapons bill passes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The House of Delegates on Thursday passed a bill to allow people with a concealed weapons permit to bring a hidden handgun into a restaurant if they do not drink."

"The measure sponsored by Sen. Emmett W. Hanger, R-Mount Solon, won House approval on a 62-36 vote and now goes to the desk of Gov. Timothy M. Kaine."

"Delegates in both parties said they expect Kaine to veto it. A spokesman for the governor said he would have to review the bill’s details before deciding whether to sign it." ...

TN: Rep. to propose gun carry bill
Submitted by: Jeremy Hatfield

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"If Stacey Campfield has his way, UT faculty and staff could carry firearms on campus this summer."

"The Tennessee state representative is proposing a bill allowing full-time faculty and staff to carry handguns at all times on college campuses. According to Campfield, the bill would allow licensed concealed weapon holders to carry their weapons ..." ...

"Keith Lambert, special operations captain for the UT Police Department, said the UTPD is opposed to any bill that would allow civilians to carry firearms on campus." ...

"Lambert said, instead of resorting to carrying firearms, faculty and students can familiarize themselves with an evacuation route in campus buildings." ...

MD: Woman set ablaze testifies in support of bill targeting domestic violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Cade, one of an increasing number of women set ablaze in violent domestic disputes, is the inspiration behind a proposal ... that creates a new crime of intentionally setting a person on fire. ..." ...

"One lawmaker wants to create a crime for accused abusers who violate no-contact orders before their trial. Another wants to enable judges to force an accused abuser to turn in guns under temporary protective orders."

"The proposal could save lives, said Cheryl Kravitz, ... of the state's Council on Family Violence Prevention."

"'My abuser kept a baseball bat under the bed and would find numerous sadistical ways to intimidate me,' Kravitz said. 'I have no doubt the next step would have been gun violence and my murder.'" ...

PA: County parks gun ban shot down
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On further review, another proposed county parks restriction will bite the dust, this time on legal grounds, not necessarily due to public sentiment."

"People who have a license to carry a concealed handgun ... will still be allowed to pack heat on a stroll through Central Park or any of the other five county parks or two rail-trails."

"County park officials had proposed a slate of new regulations that would have banned any weapon, including handguns, from being brought into the parks."

"But as guns-rights activists here and out of state have pointed out, the Pennsylvania Uniform Firearms Act of 1995 prohibits any county or municipality from preempting the license-to-carry law." ...

Pendleton to Washington, "He was surprised to hear the people were under arms on this occasion, and that he should not think it prudent to put Powder into their hands in such a situation", April 21, 1775
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"...he had removed the Powder from the Magazine where he did not think it secure, to a place where it would be in perfect security; and that, upon his word and honour, whenever it was wanted on any insurrection, it should be delivered in half an hour. That he had removed it in the night to prevent any alarm; and that Captain Collins had his express commands for the part he had acted. He was surprised to hear the people were under arms on this occasion, and that he should not think it prudent to put Powder into their hands in such a situation. This diplomatic reply so incensed the people that the learders had some difficulty in preventing the companies from marching upon the palace at Williamsburg..."

George Washington to Virginia War Board, "The first and most essential point is to arm them", Oct. 20, 1779
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"...The putting of the Militia on a respectable Military footing, is certainly a desirable object . . . In a Country however like ours, where the Inhabitants are thinly settled, and where the laws which have generally prevailed, have not in their foundation been much calculated to introduce discipline and less attended to in their execution. . . All reforms must be the result of Legislative establishments . . . the genius however and the prejudices of the people must be regarded. The first and most essential point is to arm them, this done, the bare report will have an influence to prevent invasions and descents..."


Elbridge Gerry to John Adams, "We mean to be prepared for them by having a well armed & disciplined Militia", Nov. 8, 1785
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"...If they wish for Hostilities, We mean to be prepared for them by having a well armed & disciplined Militia, but with forty Millions sterling unfunded & with a people so burdened, as to be clamorous upon every Attempt to fund this Debt or any part of it, so loaded with Taxes for supporting Government & for paying the Interest of the funded Debt as to be hardly able to subsist, I think they cannot be so distracted as to wish for another hundred Millions on their shoulders by again waging War with the U.S..."

"... duties on imports as will give adequate protection to the manufacture of wool, cotton, silk, paper, glass, iron, fire-arms, and all other articles essential to the comfort of our people ..."
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"...Andrews laid on the Clerk's table, under the order of the House of the 29th of March, two memorials of citizens of the State of Ohio, residing in and about Cleveland, representing that the people of that region are laboring under great embarrassment and distress, arising from the excessive importations of foreign manufactures, and from the want of a sound currency, and praying Congress to pass such a law in regard to duties on imports as will give adequate protection to the manufacture of wool, cotton, silk, paper, glass, iron, fire-arms, and all other articles essential to the comfort of our people, and to the protection of the country in case of war, and which we have the ability to make..."

TN: Lawsuit Claims Officer Planted 'Contraband'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A lawsuit was filed on Thursday accusing Cookeville police of 'excessive use of force' and 'planting contraband' during a domestic assault arrest last year."

"One officer has been placed on leave because of the incident, and five others are named in the federal lawsuit."

"Police car video from the Cookeville Police Department captured the incident that triggered the lawsuit." ...

"Durham also accused Melton of planting drugs on Ferrell. In the dash cam video, Melton is seen searching Ferrell's pockets a number of times."

"Then, Durham said, another officer appears to give a signal with his hand, at which point ... Melton appears to put drugs in Ferrell's pocket." ...

LA: The Shreveport Reaction
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In reference to the recent Angela Garbarino 'unpleasantness':"

"Joyce Bowman, who represents District G, said the incident gives the city a 'black eye.'"
"I don't think it's the city that got the black eye, there, Joyce. Two of them, along with split lips, knocked out teeth, that Frankenstein stitch on the forehead, bruises all over her body..."

"...She said she would like to say more, but 'it is a legal matter now and I serve on the Risk Management Committee — I do not think that it would be wise to speak on the matter at this time.'"
"Circle the wagons and bring in the mouthpieces and bean counters. God forbid a representative of the people should take a moral stand based on what's right." ...

GA: We need students, teachers better-armed
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Another tragic, senseless shooting, this time at Northern Illinois University, has again brought the gun issue to the forefront. However, have you ever thoughtfully considered just how we got to where we are regarding the ownership of firearms?"

"Our nation was founded and evolved as a uniquely free society during the same time that modern firearms were invented and became readily available due to the Industrial Revolution. Combine those two events with our founding fathers' genuine fear of tyrannical government along with a need for protection on a dangerous frontier and you have the answer —- a modern society with an estimated 250 million guns." ...

NY: Chasing gold at age 61
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"New Paltz's Art Stegen, essentially the father of nordic ski racing in Section 9, isn't afraid to show the kids he still has what it takes to compete."

"A legend in the biathlon community, Stegen will sling his rifle and shuffle through the snow in Lake Placid this weekend at the Empire State Winter Games."

"Biathlon combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting on loop courses."

"'It's unusual to be doing this sport at this age,' said Stegen, 61. 'I've been involved with the sport for a long time, doing it since my 20s. After I retired last year (from teaching), I decided to give it a try and enter a few races. I had fun.'" ...

Thanks to the government’s past record, it is unfortunately very predictable that, in spite of the severe penalties mandated, tens of thousands of people will not comply at all (with Bill C-68). A new class of criminal will be created among harmless citizens whose previous lawbreaking may have resulted in nothing more than parking tickets. — Lee Morrison, Canadian Mounted Police

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