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Newslinks for 2/26/2002

Former FAA Security Chief Calls for Armed Pilots Now
Submitted by: John Popp

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Former Security Chief of FAA calls for arming pilots in the cockpit now and gives an insider’s perspective to the politics behind the debate and the danger in not taking action now.

In a riveting interview on NRALIVE, Billie Vincent says:

"This ludicrous process of comment on stun guns vs. handguns, there’s no question stun guns are inadequate. We shouldn’t be debating guns and pilots now. We need to do it now."

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Airline Security - We're not serious. Take A Train.
Submitted by: CLCraig

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"Aviation Week for February 18 says that a Great Debate – “furious, behind-the-scenes” – rages over whether pilots of airliners should carry weapons. Granted, debate in Washington intellectually parallels professional wrestling, but without the dignity. Still:

Did we not just lose four aircraft, several thousand people, two and a quarter buildings, and get ourselves into an open-ended string of wars, and begin to turn ourselves into an officious security state, at a cost of many, many billions of dollars -- because pilots did not have guns?" - Fred Reed

To All Freedom Fighters
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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A group of freedom fighters (NY Tyranny Response Team & SCOPE, Shooters Committee On Political Education & AFA, Armed Females of America) are going to Washington DC for the February 27-28 Income Tax Trial. Other civil rights groups will be joining together in DC to attend the trial.

An Appeal to Every Organization That Stands For Liberty. The Time Has Come For Us to Stand Together

'There are no victories when guns are drawn'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"It was about what anyone could expect when they make an enemy of the gun nuts, a fanatical lobby capable of launching a fierce counterattack at even the slightest dis of their sacred "sport."

This time, they weren't calling in to complain and kvetch about one of my "anti-gun" columns. They'd scored what they believed to be an undeniable victory, a double-slam dunk of public relations that they thought had proved their point once and for all." --by Mike Seate, Pittsburgh TRIBUNE-REVIEW columnist

KABA NOTE: Pathetic. How sad.

SC: What issues are important to you?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The Sun News wants to be your liaison for raising questions with candidates and focusing our coverage on the issues you think are the most important challenges facing our state, region and communities. To do that, we need to hear from you. Please share your top local, state and national issues. We will use your answers in helping to frame our coverage of the 2002 elections."

--Then they give a form to fill out for your ideas.

Ashcroft’s Unconstitutional Problem - This is “cleaning up” Washington?
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Here's another snapshot of Washington working to reassure the American people that politics is a clean, above-board business: Attorney General John Ashcroft will soon be defending a law that he clearly thinks is unconstitutional.

The calculation of the White House is that it is easier to sign Shays-Meehan/McCain-Feingold than to veto it, or even — amazingly enough — to ask the Senate to change the constitutionally dubious parts.

Badge Of Dishonor: A Whistleblower's Account
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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"The Founders of the United States said that the people are ultimately responsible for policing the police. When the Republic was founded, police generally understood that the police derived their authority from the citizenry. The people had a responsibility to protect themselves, but they usually would delegate this responsibility to an elected sheriff..." - Larry Pratt, GOA

CO: Concealed Carry bill advancing
Submitted by: Rocky Mountain Gun Owners

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"The House State Affairs Committee passed Rep. Dave Schultheis’ HB1242 on Valentine's Day, the good concealed carry permit bill, by a party line vote of 5-4 (all the committee’s Republicans supported the bill, while all the Democrats opposed it)."

"Much to the dismay of the institutional gun lobby (which has studiously ignored the better concealed carry bill, so as not to appear too “pro-gun”) but not to RMGO, Sen. Ken Chlouber’s SB60 died in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday."


Canada: Debunking the gun control myth
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"The treacherous attack on the World Trade Center on Sept. 11 opened our eyes. Canadians now realize that our government can't protect us. The government's efforts to control violence have been badly misdirected. It was not wise to freeze the RCMP budget for a decade, slash CSIS, let violent criminals roam around on probation, and eliminate the Vancouver port police. To create a massive bureaucracy to register the guns of ordinary Canadian citizens."

NC: Cheek Road residents protest police tactics
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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The image of her 13-year-old cousin on the floor, handcuffed, surrounded by police officers and pleading for his life is one that Nataki McDonald won’t forget anytime soon.

McDonald lives at the Cheek Road Apartments complex and witnessed what she called excessive force by police last weekend.

CO: .50 Caliber Fun Shoot slated for May 3, 4 & 5
Submitted by: Rocky Mountain Gun Owners

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Hosted by Rocky Mountain Gun Owners & Rocky Mountain Fifty Caliber Shooting Association

Times of Shoot: Fri. 3:00pm-9:00pm; Sat. 8:00am-10:00pm; Sun. 8:00am-12:00noon

Gate Opens: 7:00am Saturday and Sunday to general public

Morgan County, Colorado (70 miles from downtown Denver)


BATF Interpretation Puts Canadian Gun Owners Through Hoops
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Previously, Canadian nationals needed only show their hunting license, gun permit, or event program to transport a rifle or shotgun into the U.S. for hunting, competitions, or shows.

Now they must complete ATF Form 6, the "Application for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition, and Implements of War," for each planned entry into the U.S. with a firearm or ammunition.

KABA NOTE: To find out why we changed the Headline from 'ATF' to 'BATF', read BATF - Bureau of Applied Terror and Fraud by Ed Lewis.

Fingerprint reliability goes on trial
Submitted by: serinde

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Ninety-one years after fingerprint evidence was first presented in an American courtroom, its reputation as an infallible forensic tool is under attack in a court challenge that could change how criminal cases are tried.

...critics of fingerprint analysis say it's about time the process was reviewed.

Hate mail adds to family's Grief
Submitted by: Duncan Adams

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"Animal rights advocate" says death of a son is "God's judgment"
in coyote hunting accident.

UK: Britain Thinks About Tracking its Drivers
Submitted by: Ken Ross

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[Not KABA related, but damn if Orwell isn't jumping up and down pointing saying, "See? See? I told you!"]

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain's motorists could be charged for using busy roads with satellites monitoring their every move under plans to be announced by the government's "transport czar" on Monday.

OH: Pro-Gun Plan Would Trump Local Gun Laws
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Some legislators say a patchwork quilt of local laws that ban different types of guns from one community to another are confusing and should be eliminated.

They back a bill that would make Ohio the 43rd state to override local gun control ordinances and make it legal to own, possess, buy, transport or sell guns or ammunition.

If the bill succeeds, the uniform law would reverse Cincinnati's ban on semiautomatic weapons.

NC: Soldier killing ‘tragic’ error - Deputy unaware of role-playing
Submitted by: Michael Lewis

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The Moore County sheriff’s deputy who shot a Fort Bragg soldier to death and injured another on Saturday did not know the soldiers were part of a role-playing Special Forces exercise, said Lane Carter, chief deputy of the Moore County Sheriff’s Department.

‘‘They attacked the deputy with everything they had, and he responded accordingly,’’ Carter said. ‘‘One was trying to get the deputy’s weapon. The other was pulling a weapon out of a bag. They ended up getting shot over it.’’

Other Online Versions:
FOXNews | HeraldSun | MSNBC

VT: House would give police more power to make arrests
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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The Vermont House has given preliminary approval to a bill that would broaden police authority to make arrests.

Supporters said the current rules were too complicated, making it difficult for police to do their jobs. 'What we have heard from the law enforcement community,' Rep. Michael Kainen, R-Hartford, explained, 'is that it is very difficult on the scene to decide whether to arrest or not.'

'Athletes find it necessary to pack the heat'
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Think back to the last time you read this headline: "Athlete uses gun to ward off attacker."

Or this one: "Athlete uses gun to thwart robbery."

Or this one: "Athlete uses gun to save woman from street gang."

Let me help you out: You can't. You've never ever read of an athlete doing anything good with a gun.

Which is why it boggles the mind that the allure of carrying a deadly weapon captivates so many professional athletes." - Mike Bianchi, Orlando Sentinel

GA: BB gun law indicative of growing culture clash
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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Once an icon of Rockwellian America, the lone boy toting a Daisy BB gun as he wanders the woods has a new reputation - that of an outlaw.

In the boldest of a growing ledger of laws across the country aimed at grade-school "gunslingers," a new ordinance here makes it a crime to let children under 16 use a BB gun - or its modern cousin, the paintball gun - without parental supervision.

'The man who killed my son had help - The gun industry sacrifices safety for profits'
Submitted by: Anonymous

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KABA NOTE: The letter seems to have disappeared from their website.

"As manufacturers and sellers of products designed to kill... as the suppliers of artificial power that appeals to the mentally ill, paranoid and socially immature... the gun industry and its supporters perpetuate a culture of paranoia and distrust through obfuscation... Welcome to the legacy that an unregulated gun industry has left our children." -- by BILL JENKINS, university professor, activist, and "father of a victim of gun violence"

-- Sad how grief oftentimes destroys the ability to reason.

KABA NOTE: He is the father of a victim of human criminal activity. The gun was just the tool used in this particular case.

You can respond to this article here: Letter To The Editor

Gun Grabbers Target Your Doctor
Submitted by: Anonymous

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The once-respected American Medical Association wants your doctor to butt into your constitutional right to own firearms.

Although only an embarrassingly low 32% of American physicians are members of AMA, the organization claims to speak for all doctors.

If your doctor is among the majority of physicians who are not AMA members, perhaps he could give you a laundry list of reasons for a refusal to participate. They could range from nonsense bureaucracy to politics.

Calling National Guard whistleblowers!
Submitted by: Newslinks Director

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Any officer engaged in cooking the books to pump up force structure is more than just a liar and fraud. They may not want to recognize it, but they are domestic enemies and constitute a significant threat to our national security. Any soldier who has knowledge of fraud of this nature and does not expose it is not being a good troop and loyal to command, they are co-conspirators. Any soldier regardless of rank, race, creed or political affiliation has a responsibility and a duty to report fraud.

It doesn't require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires to people's minds. — Samuel Adams American Patriot

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