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Newslinks for 2/27/2008

Dr. Lott: Columbine To Va. Tech To NIU: Gun-Free Zones Or Killing Fields?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As Northern Illinois University restarts classes this week, one thing is clear: Six minutes proved too long."

"It took six minutes before the police were able to enter the classroom that horrible Thursday, and in that short time five people were murdered, 16 wounded."

"Six minutes is actually record-breaking speed for the police arriving at such an attack, but it was simply not fast enough. Still, the police were much faster than at the Virginia Tech attack last year."

"The previous Thursday, five people were killed in the city council chambers in Kirkwood, Mo. There was even a police officer already there when the attack occurred." ...

Assassination by Mike Vanderboegh
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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... "So while the prospect of an Obama presidency is scary, the threat of an Obama assassination is worse. Personally, I'll take my crises one at a time as they present themselves. If Obama gets elected and proves to be as great a danger to our liberties as we fear, I'll worry about that then. But for now, if Obama comes to my town to make one of his kool-aid drinker, swooning teeny-bopper high-falutin' speeches, you'll find me and my friends working the crowd, protecting his skinny butt from harm. If you're smart, you will too. Just watch out for the FBI, the Men in Black and the Cigarette Smoking Man -- and the powerful elites they serve."

Media Hates Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Our First Amendment right to free speech and freedom of the press is perhaps the most powerful tool we have to expose and combat injustice in society. What happens when the media becomes a tool to create and further injustices against its own audience?"

"The big media outlets have declared war on the Second Amendment using sensationalism, biased reporting, and coining anti-gun phrases in order shape the views and opinions of their audience."

"For example, recent mass shootings on school campuses and in other public places are blasted all over the media with images of blood, police, and trembling witnesses. No mention is made of the fact that such crimes are made possible by the systematic disarmament of people ..." ...

NRA: Going slightly too far
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The National Rifle Association is holding what it calls its 'Annual Meetings and Exhibits 2008' in Louisville from May 16-18."

"They call their event 'A Celebration of American Values.'"

"Okay. I agree with the Second Amendment, which gives Americans the right to bear arms, although in the 21st century 'bearing arms' should be done under reasonable conditions -- hunting, collecting or for self-defense only by those with no criminal record on extremely rare occasions." ...

KABA Note: The Bill of Rights gives nothing, it was written to protect pre-existing, G-d-given, individual, human and civil rights from governmental interference.

A deeper look at the second amendment
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.' So reads the Second Amendment of the U.S. constitution. As straight forward as the amendment may sound, it remains one of the most hotly debated passages of America’s founding documents, and the people of Washington D.C. understand that contention better than most."

"Handgun violence is nothing new in the district. According to The New York Times, the D.C city council sought to put an end to episodes of handgun violence in 1976 when it enacted a prohibition on the ownership of handguns for personal use. But the violence persists. ..." ...

CA: Business owner shoots at burglar
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Bakersfield Police are searching for a burglary suspect who may have been shot by the owner of a business he was trying to break into Tuesday morning.

It happened just before 5 a.m. at Dennis Brown Racing Engines in the 3200 block of Chester Lane. Police tell us the suspect was caught in the act by the business owner who reportedly got a call from the alarm company with a report of the power being out.

When the employee gets there he finds the alleged burglar inside the business, gets a gun and beings shooting at the suspect.

At this point, we don't know if the suspect was hit because he fled on foot. Police are still looking for the suspect.

MN: Residents capture burglary suspects
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three Lake City, Minn., residents who noticed 'suspicious individuals' at a vacant residence ... called the police and surrounded two of the unknown visitors in their car until authorities could arrive ..." ...

"The deputy arrested Gregory Victor Ahlers ... and Michael Paul Dumais ..."

"Later that evening, the Lake City Police received information of suspicious activity at Ahlers’ residence."

"... Lake City officers obtained a warrant and conducted a search. Many items that were related to recent rural burglaries within the county were found ..."

"One of the citizens who surrounded the car had a legal gun permit and was armed with a pistol. However ... the man never took the pistol out." ...

The Winston-Salem Journal Way
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Americans don’t need their guns in their holsters as they drive through and camp in our national parks. Having the gun in the trunk of the sport utility vehicle should be more than enough protection."

"And your expertise in making such a definitive and blanket statement is...? Because if you're not truly qualified, doesn't that make representing such opinions as authoritative and informed irresponsible to the point of journalistic malpractice...?"

"Put another way, Mr. 'Authorized Journalist' Editor, if you were in a park and suddenly came under attack, perhaps you'd care to demonstrate the procedure you would use to protect, if not your family, then at least yourself? ..." ...

School guns won't help
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Over the last decade or so, with each new school shooting (and how regrettable it is to write that phrase), we've heard a new onslaught of arguments from all sides of the political spectrum."

"The pro-gun side frequently favors either equipping school authorities with guns, or relaxing conceal-carry laws, permitting students the chance for 'self-defense.'"

"Call me a leftist wimp, but I'm a little nervous of knowing other kids in class might be packing heat. The idea also leads to odd conflicts in terms of classroom authority: mightn't professor/student confrontations over grades or cheating be that much more charged in the knowledge that a gun might be around?" ...

Submitter's Note: Um, no?

Every shooter crazy 'bout a 'gun-free' zone
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I see where Clark County School District Superintendent Walt Rulffes has responded to the drive-by murder of a 15-year-old Palo Verde High School inmate by another one of his young charges by whining that it's difficult to prevent his wards from shooting each other given today's 'easy access to guns' and television violence." ...

"Just as it's true that there would be fewer shootings if we 'got rid of all the guns,' so would there doubtless be fewer rapes if we 'got rid of all the penises.' But ... I suspect there might be some hint of a civil rights problem with a society-wide penis removal program, even though the right to keep and bear those organs is not protected as explicitly in the Constitution as the right to keep and bear arms of military usefulness." ...

AZ: Guns-on-campus bill advances in Senate
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Legislation that would allow people to carry guns on Arizona community-college or public-university campuses advanced Monday, 11 days after a gunman killed five people and himself in an Illinois university lecture hall."

"Members of the Republican-led Senate Judiciary Committee passed the legislation along a party-line 4-3 vote. Democratic senators Ken Cheuvront, Albert Hale and Richard Miranda voted no."

"Senate Bill 1214, which would allow concealed-weapons permit holders to carry a gun at community colleges and Arizona's three public universities, next heads to the Senate Rules Committee." ...

OH: School shootings fresh in our minds...until we forget about them
Submitted by: ChareltonHest

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"Marietta College recently experienced something that more and more schools are starting to have to deal with; a rogue student on campus with a gun."

"Regardless of whether or not the student, who shall remain nameless (Buddy Walker), had any intention of harm or malice, the fact remains that on a school campus, the only guns that should be present are the bulging biceps of the steroid-enhanced football team."

"This kid, who I did not know personally, had firearms in his vehicle and ammunition in his room, allegedly. That poses a big problem for everyone. You can make arguments to defend him, saying that maybe he is a collector or perhaps he was hunting, but it really doesn't matter. .." ....

PA: Right to conceal firearms does not increase threats
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"This is in response to yesterday's letter, 'More guns on campus means more violence.'"

"Mr. Lawlor, like so many other individuals in this country, believes that guns are inherently dangerous, that just because an individual carries a firearm he or she is automatically a threat to everyone's safety. The fact of the matter is that Mr. Lawlor and all of those like-minded individuals are simply uneducated."

"Individuals who exercise their constitutionally given right to carry guns have done nothing wrong to deserve this negative treatment. Just because the Brady Campaign comes out and says that everyone with guns is dangerous and should be stopped doesn't mean it's true or should be done. ..." ...

AZ: Even students know gun bill is bad idea
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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I wish you could have seen the look on my 13-year-old son's face when he read that Arizona legislators were considering expanding the laws regarding who can bring guns to school.

Even a child whose favorite pastime is playing army with his Nerf dart gun knows this is an amazingly bad idea. - Andrew Williamson,Tempe

UT: Campus gun rules debated
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Brent Tenney always covers up his gun when he heads to class."

"The senior information systems major said that as a concealed weapons permit holder, he likes having the right to keep his firearm hidden. And he said students who openly display their guns on campus would surely be ostracized by peers."

"'I personally would not open carry,' said Tenney, president of the Second Amendment Students of Utah."

"Although Tenney doesn't see a need to open carry, he thinks other students should have the right to."

"His group is supporting a bill at the Utah State Legislature that would clarify that permit carriers can visibly carry firearms in most places statewide, including public university campuses. ..." ...

Presidential candidates need to address the real issues for gun owners
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In the pantheon of cringe-worthy attempts to fabricate 2nd amendment bona fides, presidential candidates of the last several years have provided more than their fair share. From the infamous 'Small Varmints'-Gate of the early Mitt Romney campaign to Hillary Clinton's desperate revelation that she too used to be quite the hunter, I find it fascinating that a love of firearms, however phony, has become part of the electoral checklist for every viable presidential candidate. Unfortunately, too often these displays are just shallow rhetoric by candidates going through the motions." ...

Subject of gun control absent from presidential campaign
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'I shot a banded duck,' said Hillary Clinton."

"Who says we have heard everything there conceivably could be to say from the presidential candidates?"

"There is something about an election year that makes politicians start bragging about how many furry or feathered critters they've killed. Otherwise, God forbid, voters might think they were interested in doing something about gun control."

"So far, the most memorable gun comments during this campaign have been:"

"'I'm pretty sure there will be duck hunting in heaven, and I can't wait.' -- Mike Huckabee

"'I've been a hunter pretty much all my life.' -- Mitt Romney" ...

OH: Space Lands Key NRA Endorsement
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The National Rifle Association endorsed Rep. Zack Space (D-Ohio) for re-election today, giving the freshman congressman key credibility among gun owners as he runs for re-election in a largely rural and solidly Republican district."

"'During just my first term in Congress, the NRA and I have already forged a strong working relationship as we both seek to protect the gun owners and sportsmen in the 18th Congressional District,' said Space in a statement."

"'We are both committed to preserving the constitutional rights of gun owners and sportsmen everywhere as we work to end the continual whittling away of the Second Amendment by those opposed to gun ownership.'" ...

OH: Space faces first primary as incumbent
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two Democrats and four Republicans are facing off in March 4 primaries to get their names on the ballot in November."

"U.S. Rep. Zack Space (D-Dover) faces Gnadenhutten resident Mark Pitrone in the Democratic primary next week, while the crowded field on the Republican side includes Beau Bromberg of Newark, Fred Dailey of Mount Vernon, Jeanette Moll of Zanesville and Paul Phillips of Chillicothe." ...

"Pitrone presents a unique challenge for Space, as he states his key issues as pro-life, pro-second amendment and limited government." ...

Park gun review prompts safety debate
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Permitting loaded firearms in national parks would be dangerous for visitors and wildlife and would alter the park experience, according to rangers, retirees and conservation groups."

"'Parks have long been sanctuaries for both animals and people,' said Butch Farabee, a former acting superintendent ... who is retired. 'There need to be places in this country where people can feel secure without guns ...'"

"But supporters of an Interior Department decision to reconsider a decades-old ban on bringing loaded firearms into national parks say ending the ban could make parks safer."

"'If you're hiking in the backcountry and there is a problem ... there's no 911 box where you can call police ...' said Gary Marbut ..." ...

NY: Committee aims to ban weapons from county buildings
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The Strategic Planning and Government Committee of the Oswego County Legislature met Monday morning to set forth a date for a public hearing to address the creation of a local law that would prohibit weapons in all county buildings."

"The public hearing will take place prior to the April 10 meeting of the full legislative body at 7 p.m. at the County Office Building in Oswego."

"The proposal to ban weapons from all county buildings stems from a 'scary incident' which took place last year at the County Office Building, in the County Clerk’s office." ...

KABA Note: New York State Penal Code section 120.14 - Menacing in the second degree already covers the 'scary incident'.

AZ: If these bills pass, I'm buying bulletproof vest
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A batch of bills that would allow Arizonans to carry guns in more places and with fewer restrictions has me wondering what our state legislators are smoking."

"Gunpowder, perhaps?"

"Consider HB 2629, which would allow anybody who feels intimidated by another to respond by showing a gun, drawing it or announcing that he has a weapon or both. It passed the House Judiciary Committee last week despite law enforcement concerns that such a law could turn mere disagreements into deadly gunbattles." ...

Submitter's Note: HB 2629[.pdf] does not "allow anybody who feels intimidated" to display a weapon, but when "... a reasonable person would believe that physical force is immediately necessary to protect himself against the other's use or attempted use of unlawful force.

VA: Senate stalls concealed-carry bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Senate panel killed a bill Monday that would have codified an order from the attorney general to remove from the public domain a state database of Virginians with permits to carry concealed handguns."

"The Senate Courts of Justice Committee voted 9-7, along party lines, to carry House Bill 982 over until next year after disagreement about how far the measure should go."

"The bill's sponsor ... intended the bill to write into state law what is currently in practice anyway."

"Attorney General Bob McDonnell advised state police in April to stop distributing the database after a Roanoke Times editorial writer wrote a column encouraging readers to check the list and included a link to the database ..." ...

IN: Hobart family claims police abuse
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Candace Olig couldn't hold back the tears Monday as her lawyers played a videotape they say provides visual proof of her family's accusations of police abuse. ..."

"The 32-minute videotape, taken on the night of Aug. 30 in the Oligs' front yard, shows police arriving at the home in response to a call by the Oligs, who reported a disturbance in their neighborhood involving a speeding car. In moments, the scene turns violent."

"Words are exchanged before a police officer enters the Oligs' front yard and then is seen throwing a punch that knocks Candace Olig to the ground. As a struggle ensues involving other officers and family members, the same officer is seen in the video pointing his gun at her." ...

FL: 28-year-old man charged with cruelty to animals
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Police arrested a 28-year-old man Sunday on a cruelty to animals charge after he yelled an obscenity at a police dog in a patrol vehicle, according to an arrest affidavit."

"Moses Rogers Jr., of the 700 block of East Avenue, also faces a disorderly conduct charge in connection with the 2:24 a.m. incidents in the 2300 block of Southeast Federal Highway."

"Police say Rogers yelled an obscene statement in the window as he walked past a patrol vehicle that contained a patrol dog 'causing (the dog’s) behavior to become overloaded, tormenting the dog,' the affidavit states.

"Rogers became irate when an officer went to talk to him and ask for identification and continued drawing bystanders' attention." ...

NY: Saratoga County Gives Post-Star Pistol Permit Holders
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Will The Post-Star be responsible or not now that Saratoga County officials have released the names of pistol permit holders in that county from 2001 to present?"

"Earlier this month, The North Country Gazette learned that The Post-Star had filed Freedom of Information Law requests with the town clerks of Warren, Washington and Saratoga Counties for a list of names and towns of concealed carry permit holders in the three counties and had plans of publishing those names in a database on their website."

"Although Post-Star editor Ken Tingley vigorously denied that the daily newspaper intended to make public the names of pistol permit holders, NCG filed its own FOIL request and found that Tingley was telling a story." ...

2008 National Collegiate Men's & Women's Rifle Selections
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"The NCAA Men’s and Women’s Rifle Committee announced today the team and individual qualifiers for the 2008 National Collegiate Men’s and Women’s Rifle Championships."

"The U.S. Military Academy will host the championships, which will be held March 14-15 in West Point, New York at the Christl Arena."

"A total of 48 competitors were selected for the championships. The top eight teams in both the smallbore three-position and air rifle events were selected based on the average of the three highest regular-season aggregate scores with no more than one match at any given site. The average of the three highest scores was added to the aggregate scores from the designated qualifiers to determine the top eight teams." ...

I ask, sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them. — George Mason, during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788)

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