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Newslinks for 2/28/2008

Gun Control Isn't Crime Control
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"It's all too predictable. A day after a gunman killed six people and wounded 18 others at Northern Illinois University, the New York Times criticized the U.S. Interior Department for preparing to rethink its ban on guns in national parks."

"The editorial board wants 'the 51 senators who like the thought of guns in the parks — and everywhere else, it seems — to realize that the innocence of Americans is better protected by carefully controlling guns than it is by arming everyone to the teeth.'"

"As usual, the Times editors seem unaware of how silly their argument is. To them, the choice is between 'carefully controlling guns' and 'arming everyone to the teeth.' But no one favors 'arming everyone to the teeth' (whatever that means). ..." ...

Gun Control Non Sequiturs
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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While researching my column for this week (about Barack Obama's position on gun control), I came across this lame response from Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, to the recent shootings at Northern Illinois University (NIU):"

"Do we give up and say we can't do anything about these tragedies? Or do we take common-sense steps today to make it harder for dangerous people to get dangerous weapons?..."

"Over the years, the Brady Campaign has proposed numerous common-sense measures to reduce and prevent gun violence. It may be difficult to stop 'suicide shooters' like the Northern Illinois University killer, but there are steps we can take as a nation." ...

Do away with guns
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Every day we hear in Virginia of the death or injury of a citizen by gunshot. We have got to wake up to the fact that we are a very violent nation."1

"In Washington, D.C., citizens want to reverse the ban on carrying arms because they feel threatened. What on Earth are these people afraid of, their own shadows? Or can't they trust their neighbors? We don't need guns of any sort, not even for sporting events. Guns are designed and manufactured for one purpose only –– to kill."2

"The time has come for our nation to close all gun shops throughout the country, and for a national amnesty to be invoked whereby all current gun owners could hand their weapons to the police for a reward. " ...

KABA Note:1 Excluding murder, the United Kingdom has a violent crime rate 2 to 4.5 times that of the US.
2And police officers carry them, why?

Mark Webb missed the mark
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"I am a student at Buffalo State College and an editor at our paper, The Record. While I was reading your paper I noticed a column called 'My Turn', and I have to say that I disagree with Mark Webb on his views of the Second Amendment."

"If I am not mistaken, the Second Amendment was written some 220 years ago; back then the average American had a different set of worries; standing armies, roving militias, bandits, and the like."

"What they didn't have, for obvious reasons, was knowledge of social disorders, brain chemical imbalances, semi-automatic weapons and systemic societal dysfunction." ...

Do you have a legal right to own a gun?
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Guns, and questions about how much power the government has to keep people from owning them, are at the core of one of the most divisive topics in American politics."

"Nowhere is that divide more pronounced than in the gap between Americans' beliefs about their rights under the Second Amendment, and how courts have interpreted the law." ...

TX: Dallas Man Shoots, Kills Burglar
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A Dallas man who shot and killed a burglar Wednesday will not face charges because he was protecting his family's property, police said."

"Police said the man was driving by his parents' house ... at about 6 a.m. Wednesday when he saw someone breaking into their shed."

"'He came down through here to check on them, that's when he seen somebody in the little shed,' said Tonya Finn, the shooter's sister."

"Police said after the homeowner's son confronted the man, the two started fighting and the burglar was shot and killed."

"Neighbors said after the man was shot, he ran through an alley and down a street before finally collapsing." ...

"Finn said the neighborhood has been plagued with problems. ..."

MA: Rochester resident held purse-snatching suspect at gunpoint
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Brad Correia had just returned to his home ... with his wife and two children about 10:30 p.m. Sunday when they heard a knock at the front door." ...

"'Before I went downstairs, I tucked my .45 into the back of my pants,' Mr. Correia said." ... ...

"By then, however, Mr. Correia had grown suspicious of his visitor because his story kept changing as it went along, he said."

"'It just didn't add up, so I called 911 and asked them if they were looking for anyone.'" ...

"'When it dawned on him that I was talking to the police, he jumped out of his chair. That's when I pulled my gun. ...'"

"I've had my permit since I was 18, and that's the first time I've ever pointed a gun at another human being. I hope I never have to do it again ..." ...

CA: Prosecutor: Bay Point Man Killed Roommate In Self Defense
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"William Lenox, 31, hadn't paid rent in a few months and was in a rage when he kicked in the door to his Bay Point residence Feb. 19 and threatened his roommate, prosecutor Harold Jewett said Tuesday."

"The argument ended when Lenox's roommate Andrew Mahler, 33, fatally shot Lenox in the abdomen inside their residence at 44 Pensacola St. in the unincorporated community of Bay Point."

"Mahler was arrested for murder, but Jewett, supervising attorney with the Contra Costa County District Attorney's office, declined to file charges Friday saying that Mahler shot Lenox in self-defense." ...

AR: 1 hurt in shooting at University of Arkansas-Little Rock
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Police are describing today's shooting on a sidewalk at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock as an isolated incident. One student was injured.

Two suspects fled the campus and people at the school are not believed to be at risk. Even so, tonight's classes were canceled.

There's no word on the condition of the injured student.

A university spokeswoman said the victim was accosted by two other men before being shot. After he was shot, she says the victim staggered to his car, where ambulance attendants reached him and administered emergency aid before taking him to a hospital.

Submitter's Note: AR State Statute 5-73-119(c)(1): "No person in this state shall possess a handgun upon the property of any ... publicly supported institution of higher education in this state ..."

CA: Eight wounded in LA school shooting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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At least eight people have been wounded in shootings outside a fast food restaurant and a school in south Los Angeles.

LAPD Spokesman Jason Lee says the gunfire happened just after 3 p.m. pacific time outside a Jack in the Box restaurant. Another shooting happened at the same time at nearby Carver Middle School. Two of the injured in that shooting are believed to be students.

The fire department says six people were hit outside the restaurant and two were wounded at the school. Three people are in critical condition.

A spokesperson for the school district says school had already dismissed but the campus was put on lockdown as a precaution.

Firearms should be limited to maintain campus safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"School shootings have unfortunately become an all-too-common occurrence lately and calls into question the right to bear arms outlined in the Bill of Rights."

"Not only confined to educational campuses, the amount of firearm-related violence in the U.S. can hardly be overlooked, and begs the question of whether we need to give up our Second Amendment Right to bear arms for our own security?"

"Actions of a few should not provide sufficient cause for the suspension of a fundamental right outlined by the founding fathers of our country. However, I do want to be able to go about my business on campus every day and feel safe." ...

Submitter's Note: Then get your own gun and practice situational awareness.

Weapons on Campus: Concealing the Issue
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"I walk into Cascadilla Hall every day, and I don't run into anyone who'll care what's in my bag. I dart past no metal detector up to my room, which I know is locked and hasn't been searched by my RA. I feel secure in knowing that I can bring in whatever I want and nobody will know. I might have brought in something as innocuous as a book ..."

"It might even be a gun."

"If we look around our 'gun-free' learning environment, it becomes painfully obvious that the physical impediments for someone who wants to conceal a firearm are nonexistent. So long as I can procure the weapon, I'm allowed to roam as I please with a Desert Eagle .50 in my backpack and not worry about being searched or discovered, much less arrested." ...

Campaign growing for allowing guns on campus
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Since the tragic string of college campus shootings across the country, students have organized a national campaign to allow handguns in classrooms. Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, an Internet-based organization, is claiming to have over 15,000 members nationwide."

"The group has already staged 'empty-holster' protests in several states, and 14 Ohio campuses have established their own chapters."

"Stephen J. Feltoon, a University of Miami graduate and psychology major, is the Midwest regional director of the student group."

"'The group started about two days after the Virginia Tech shootings,' said Feltoon. 'We were just trying to gather like-minded individuals and it just blossomed into the national campaign.'" ...

NC: ECSU: Campus notified five times about safety drill
Submitted by: Anonymous

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ELIZABETH CITY, NC -- Officials at Elizabeth City State University are puzzled about why some students on campus did not know about a safety drill conducted Friday.

In the exercise, an undercover police officer took a classroom hostage to test the university’s emergency communications system.

Submitters Note: More nonsense from the grass eaters.

NC: Mock Gunman Drill Terrifies Students, Faculty at North Carolina University (another view)
Submitted by: jac

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"Elizabeth City State University is offering counseling to faculty and students after some became unknowing participants in an emergency response drill."

"... that an armed man burst into a classroom Friday, threatening to kill students. The drill came eight days after a gunman killed five people and himself in a classroom at Northern Illinois University."

"Anthony Brown, vice chancellor of student affairs, said ECSU was testing its response to such shootings. E-mail and text messages were sent five days before the drill, notifying students, staff and faculty, he said."

"'The intent was not to frighten them but to test our system and also to test the response of the security that was on campus and the people that were notified,' Brown said." ...

SD: Second Amendment rights war against safety concerns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Allowing guns on campus: is it supporting students' second amendment rights or is it just an accident waiting to happen?"

"While the South Dakota State Senate failed to pass a bill that would have allowed students to carry guns on South Dakota college campuses, the legislation could be reconsidered if 'smoked out'-when the Senate votes to bring the bill out of committee-or if 'hog housed'-when another bill is gutted and the language of the gun bill replaces the original language."

"'I am upset by the fact that they are even considering allowing guns on campus,' said Ellen Huelou, a freshman biology major. 'The entire principle of it is ridiculous.'" ...

SD: Gun bill does not provide specifics for safety
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "While The Collegian is a strong supporter of freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights ... as well as the need to feel safe, we do not believe it is in students' best interest or safety to keep a firearm in their dorm room or to add a gun to the list of items we take to class religiously."

"Right now, firearms are banned from most national parks and monuments, some state capitols (including South Dakota) and other governmental buildings, all American airports and all public K-12 schools. This Second Amendment right is already regulated at several public institutions because of an increased need to protect large groups of citizens, and public universities are no different. ..." ...

Isn't Self-Defense Common Sense?
Submitted by: Paul Shoemaker

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"Under the Second Amendment, Barack Obama says, 'There is an individual right to bear arms, but it is subject to common-sense regulation, just like most of our rights are subject to common-sense regulation.' The leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination thus seems to be on the same wavelength as the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, which in a decision last March said 'the protections of the Second Amendment are subject to the same sort of reasonable restrictions that have been recognized as limiting, for instance, the First Amendment.'"

"But there is a crucial difference between these superficially similar formulations: The appeals court meant what it said, and Obama doesn't. ..." ...

CA: DA Dumanis 'Strong Supporter' of 2nd Amendment?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In a case now pending before the U.S. Supreme Court, San Diego County District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis filed a brief in favor of the draconian District of Columbia gun ban. What is odd is that Dumanis is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. We know this is true because she says so!"

"Indeed, she emphasized her pro-gun position in her campaign for the office of district attorney. And if you can't trust a campaigning politician, who can you trust?"

"After the local media picked up on her support of the D.C. gun ban, Dumanis put out a written defense of her seemingly contradictory actions. She claimed that news articles reporting her anti-gun brief were 'misleading.'" ...

Bill could allow guns in Smokies
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If legislation recently introduced in the U.S. Senate and House succeeds in revoking current National Park Service regulations regarding carrying of firearms in national parks, it could be left up to each state to determine whether armed citizens will be roaming public lands, such as the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, in the future."

"The legislation stems from a December letter to Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne which was signed by 51 senators who asked that he change the current regulation allowing the transporting and carrying or firearms into national parks and refuges in a vehicle as long as they are in a case and unloaded so that they are not available for ready use. ..." ...

Gun Rules May Be Eased in U.S. Parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Visitors to some national parks would be able to start packing heat along with their tents and picnic baskets under a proposal being considered by the Interior Department that would ease restrictions on loaded firearms in the parks."

"Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne said last week that officials would review long-standing regulations that require firearms in most national parks to be unloaded and inoperable -- through the use of trigger locks, for example, or storage in a car trunk or a special case. The department intends to propose new rules by April 30." ...

Submitter's Note: And the convenient thing (for the antis) about a rules change instead of legislation is that an anti-gun administration can just change them back.

MD: Update on Maryland Bullet Serialization Hearing
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A crime-fighting plan to require serial numbers on all ammunition sold in Maryland was denounced Tuesday by gun supporters, including the president of a Washington County sportsmen's group."

"Ammunition would be tracked through a state police database, paid for by a tax of 5 cents per round, starting Jan. 1, 2009."

"'This gives law enforcement the DNA trail of the bullet,' giving police a jump on investigations otherwise bogged down by lab-testing delays, Russell Ford said."

"Testifying at a House Judiciary Committee meeting Tuesday, Ford, of Seattle, said he has a patent for ammunition-encoding technology." [emphasis added]

"Opponents, including committee members, took turns tearing into Ford's plan, calling it unwieldy and oppressive. ..." ...

AL: Tougher state law on stolen guns is common sense
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Perhaps it is no surprise that Alabama also has one of the most lenient laws for possessing a stolen firearm. If the gun is worth less than $500, the crime is only a misdemeanor, punishable by a maximum fine of $6,000 and up to a year in jail."

"It's easy to see the correlation between the lax law and the high rate of gun thefts, a crime that helps breed other crimes. According to Jim Kessler of the Americans for Gun Safety Foundation, a stolen firearm 'is like gold to a criminal because it can be quickly resold without fear of it being traced.'"

"A bill to help close this dangerous loophole has been introduced in the Legislature. It deserves the strong support of every lawmaker." ...

AZ: Liability for 'gun-free zones' coming to Arizona?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I've talked before about a legislative initiative that I think has a great deal of merit: the 'gun-free zone' liability law. Under such legislation, any person, business, organization, unit of government, etc. that prohibits firearms can be held liable for harm inflicted on a person who might otherwise have used a firearm in self-defense. ..." ...

"Now, I see that Arizona is giving it another try, with SB 1400 ... introduced by Senator Karen Johnson."

"... the NRA has been ... pushing for laws that prohibit businesses from banning guns on company parking lots. It seems to me that the 'gun-free zone' liability type law makes a great deal more sense, and might not face the kind of opposition that the 'parking lot' bills do. ..." ...

A Bloody Butchery, "It is certain that the people have delivered up their arms", April 21, 1775
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" sun-rise they observing between thirty and forty inhabitants exercising near the meeting-House, the Commanding-Officer ordered them to lay down their arms and disperse, which not being directly complied with, he "damned them for a pack of rebels," ordered his men to fire upon them, and killed eight men on the spot, besides wounding several more..."

"...We have received no particulars of the transactions between General Gage and the inhabitants of Boston. It is certain that the people have delivered up their arms; very few of them have, however, been permitted to leave the town, notwithstanding the promise of the General..."

To The Gold Mines, "and should consist of . . . guns and ammunition", April 18, 1865
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"...The necessary outfit can be obtained in the vicinity of the termini of any of the Railroads in Iowa and Minnesota, and should consist of our teams and covered wagons loaded with flour, pork, beans, rice, coffee, sugar, dried fruits &c. &c., with guns and ammunition, as the country is known to abound in wild game. For further information in regard to outfit and facilities offered by this route, apply to Hon. W. W. Brookings or to the officers of the association at Yankton D. T..."

Columnist's aim is off on gun issue
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"KEVIN CULLEN'S ad hominem attack on Senator David Vitter, a Louisiana Republican, completely misses the point. ..."

"It's not the job of the US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms to 'make it harder for people to get guns.' Rather, that agency is tasked with enforcing statutes as passed by Congress and enacted into law following the president's signature. Vitter feels that Michael Sullivan, as acting head of the ATF, has overstepped his authority and gone beyond that which Congress intended, hence Vitter's blocking of Sullivan's nomination as permanent chief of the agency. Regardless of one's opinion of Vitter, he is doing the job he was elected (by the people of Louisiana, not of Massachusetts) to do." ...

ATF raids Firearms Manufacturer...for suspicions of fraud and money laundering
Submitted by: Idaho Ordnance

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"The BATFE raided firearms manufacturer Cavalry Arms for suspicion of fraud and money laundering, they also 'took hundreds of guns from the scene, including AK-47s, assault weapons and high powered rifles.' Here are my 2 big questions:"

"1. When did the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives begin to start regulating fraud and money laundering?"

"2. Even if they did why would they need to seize their firearms?"
"One firearms manufacturer told me of a similar situation where the ATF seized firearms and computers for 15 months, finally when it was all said and done they sent them a nice little letter stating that they didn't find anything and apologized for the inconvenience." ...

MA: Turnpike toll takers' guns collected
Submitted by: R.S.G.

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"Gun-toting toll collectors have been stripped of their sidearms by Mass Pike brass after secretly carrying them for decades without formal training, the Herald has learned."

"'I didn't want to have a wild west show out there,' said Massachusetts Turnpike Authority Executive Director Alan LeBovidge, who ordered the practice stopped. 'I could find nothing to show that the employees had state police training that would make them qualified to carry guns.'"

"But union officials said they are going to fight to allow the toll collectors to keep their weapons, even though a Pike review found the guns were not being properly maintained, with firing pins misaligned and other problems." ...

FL: West Palm Beach police officer charged with burglary
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A police officer was ordered held without bail today after his arrest Monday night on charges of armed burglary at his ex-girlfriend's home ..."

"Craig Lemanowicz, 40, has been a West Palm Beach officer for 16 years, most recently patrolling downtown and Clematis Street on a Segway."

"According to the arrest report, he parked his car more than a mile away from her home at the Mall at Wellington Green and rode a bicycle to her house armed with a screwdriver, pocket knife, gun and an extra clip. When he broke a window to get in, a friend at the home and neighbors called deputies."

"He was also charged with smuggling contraband into the jail for keeping the three-inch knife on him while he was being booked." ...

NJ: 'Steroid' cops benched
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A number of Jersey City police officers have been placed on administrative duties and some have had their guns taken away as a consequence of the internal affairs investigation into alleged steroids abuse among officers ..." ...

"The Jersey City officers assigned to administrative duty are expected to remain there pending the outcome of the investigation that is currently being pursued as a personnel matter, Sgt. Pat McCarthy said. Police and city officials refused to name the officers or say how many have been placed on administrative duty."

"Last month, the NYPD launched its own internal affairs investigation into several officers' alleged use of steroids ... triggered by a raid on a Brooklyn pharmacy." ...

MN: Judge and wife allege harassment by Minneapolis police
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "... Lois wrote down the female officer's badge number and informed her that they'd be filing a complaint regarding her conduct." ...

"... the white male officer, Michael Meath, made a show of writing down the family's license plate number. ..."

"'There was no reason for him to take our license plate,' James says. ... We hadn't done anything wrong except to say we were going to go file a complaint.'" ...

"This incident might have been just a footnote in the long chronicle of unfriendly interactions between the MPD and the city's black residents, but in this instance, the cops picked on the wrong family. James Cannon is a 56-year-old judge with the Office of Administrative Hearings ... He also spent a decade serving on the city's Civil Rights Commission. ..." ...

PA: Erie police officer charged with cocaine theft to go to rehab
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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An Erie police officer charged with stealing cocaine from the police department's evidence room has been ordered released on bond so he can enter a drug rehabilitation program.

Erie County Judge Shad Connelly says 46-year-old police Lt. Robert Liebel will go to a program in Ohio or Florida.

The state Attorney General's Office didn't object to the request by Liebel's lawyer, David Ridge.

Investigators say they used surveillance equipment to observe Liebel taking 12 grams of cocaine from a larger amount of the drug placed in the evidence room as part of the sting.

He's charged with theft, tampering with evidence and other offenses.

OH: Life Term for Ex-Cop in Woman's Death
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former police officer was sentenced Wednesday to at least 57 years in prison for killing his pregnant lover and her fetus. Jurors spared Bobby Cutts Jr. the death penalty on the most serious charge, an aggravated murder count in the death of the fetus. He could spend up to life in prison on those and other charges."

"Cutts' attorney Fernando Mack said the defense had achieved a goal of sparing the defendant's life."

"'Clearly, that was the objective here,' he said."

"Assistant Prosecutor Dennis Barr said he was satisfied that the judge ordered the sentences served back to back, giving Cutts the maximum time behind bars." ...

CA: Oakland’s Gun Buyback Misfires
Submitted by: motoboy

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On Feb. 9, Oakland police, led by state Sen. Don Perata, D-Oakland, offered to buy handguns and assault weapons for $250 each, 'no questions asked, no ID required.' The 'One Less Gun' buyback program attracted so many eager sellers that the money quickly ran out. But instead of closing up shop, the police handed out IOUs good for a future buyback. The Oakland police are now stuck with a bill for $170,000." ...

"... Gun buybacks attract low-quality guns from people who aren’t likely to use them to commit crimes. The Oakland police, for example, bought a dozen guns from seniors living in an assisted-living facility. Are you relieved to know that Perata disarmed these dangerous senior citizens?" ...

NY: DA Seeking 'Community Guns' on Vacant Properties
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"It's not difficult to find boarded-up buildings in the City of Albany and Albany County District Attorney David Soares says that means it's not difficult to find a firearm."

"'These are 'community guns,' says Soares. 'These are guns that are being shared by more than one individual and we also know that they use abandoned buildings and vacant property to stash their guns.'"

"Now, the district attorney's office is asking property owners to help him get these 'community guns' off the streets." ...

OH: 'More Guns, Less Crime' Why a convention center in Wilmington was Ohio's safest place last weekend
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"As I waited in the parking lot for the doors to open at 9 a.m., two guys pulled up next to me in a black Chevy pickup. They wore camo ball caps, jeans and sweat shirts. Nothing unusual there - until one slung a rifle over his shoulder as they headed for the door."

"Anywhere else, people would grab their cell phones and dial 911. But this was the Pro Gun Show at the Roberts Centre in Wilmington. Dozens of guys were toting shotguns, rifles and handguns, not to mention swords and knives." ...

FL: Look at Second Amendment to reduce firearms violence
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From what I read in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel, following yet another macabre incident of mass murder on a college campus, it seems the public has given a collective shrug. 'People go crazy whether it's at a school or workplace,' one student was quoted as saying."

"My ongoing 'take' on gun violence in America is that we can end — or greatly diminish — our nation's civilian bloodletting if Congress would rescind the hoary two-centuries-old Second Amendment (1791) ... and put into play another constitutional truism to the effect that we Americans — men, women and children — have a 'right to life' — not gory premature death on a college campus, or in a high school, or shopping mall, courthouse ..." ...

WY: Judge raps guns in national parks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The criminal killing of an elk underscores the need to restrict the use of loaded guns in national parks, Chief U.S. District Judge William Downes said Tuesday."

"'You took a magnificent bull elk in a United States park, then engaged in acts to cover up your crime,' Downes said before sentencing Michael David Belderrain to four years in prison."

"'Your case represents a classic public policy answer to the question: 'Why do we not want to have people with indiscriminate access to firearms in a national park?'"

"'And your crime answers that question,' he said. 'We don't.'" ...

"The ban didn't stop Belderrain." ...

TN: Responsible gun owners get punished
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Here we go again. Trying to give life to the inanimate. Imagine going into a court of law and watching a prosecutor trying a murder case against brass casing picked up at the sight of the murder and the misshapen copper and lead bullet taken from the chest of the deceased. ..."

"Guns do not kill people. Ammunition does not kill people. People kill people. Plain and simple. There really are good guys and bad guys ... Bad guys carry guns, shoot people, don't register their guns, and try and get around or better, just ignore the laws. Good guys buy their guns legally, register their guns legally, only carry their guns legally, and use them responsibly and wisely. The facts are out there — look them up." ...

UK: Woman 'was killed on first date'
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"A 'successful businesswoman' was stabbed to death while on a first date with a man she had met in a nightclub, the Old Bailey has heard."

"Karl Taylor, 27, denies murdering Kate Beagley, a 32-year-old manager ..."

"Peter Clarke QC, prosecuting, said Mr Taylor had led police to woods ... where the body was found."

"Mr Taylor claims he took the knife to steal Miss Beagley's Volkswagen Golf car, but stabbed her after an argument."

"Mr Clarke told the court the Crown did not accept Mr Taylor's version ..."

"He said Mr Taylor chatted to his girlfriend, Lauren, on his mobile phone as he drove Miss Beagley's car with her body in the boot back through London in the early hours of the morning."

"After stripping her body and dumping it in stinging nettles, Mr Taylor drove back down the M1 motorway and threw away her clothes and the murder weapon, Mr Clarke told the jury." ...

You do not examine legislation in light of the benefits it will convey if properly administered, but in light of the wrongs it would do and the harms it would cause if improperly administered. —LYNDON B. JOHNSON

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