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Newslinks for 2/28/2018

More Self-Defense Gun Stories
Submitted by: Robert Morse

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Responsible gun owners defended themselves, but you didn't hear about it in the news. Instructor David Cole joins host Rob Morse to talk about three new examples.

First Story- Do you have a gun nearby at night? You wake up at 1:30 in the morning to the sound of glass breaking. You see an intruder in your home.
Second Story-  Are you armed at home after dark? You’re 83 years old. You get up around midnight to take your medication. You hear a crashing sound from your basement.
Third story- Are you armed at work late at night? You work in a convenience store. It is 2AM when a customer walks in..only this customer points a gun at you.

What would you do in these situations? Text and podcast available at the link. (17 minutes)

WA: New Bill Clarifies Semi-Automatic Rifles, Adds School Safety
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Gun control supporters were out in force Tuesday morning in Olympia as a new bill for enhanced background checks on guns like AR-15s got a hearing in the Senate Ways and Means Committee. An earlier version of this bill for enhanced background checks for assault weapons would have raised the age to buy an assault weapon to 21 and required buyers go through state background checks in addition to the federal checks they already do. That bill [SB 5444] stalled, but after the Florida school shooting, Governor Inslee called for lawmakers to revive it.

TX: Customer Shot, Killed After 'Threatening' Liquor Store Employee
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A liquor store customer was shot and killed by an employee Tuesday afternoon, according to the San Antonio Police Department. The employee is claiming self defense. SAPD said the call came in around 1:45 p.m. at S And M Liquor. The store is located at 1530 Austin Highway on the northeast side of the city. Early reports from the scene indicated the store's owner was the shooter, and that the customer was accused of robbing the store at the time of his death.

IL: Chicago Man Stops a Knife Attack With an AR-15
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Wait a minute! I thought guns were only reserved for nut jobs who like to shoot innocent people?! You mean to tell me that you can also use them for hunting, self-defense or to diffuse a situation? Yes. That’s exactly what guns are truly used for, and one suburban Chicago man proved it on Monday. Oswego, Ill. resident Dave Thomas witnessed a person with a knife attack another person during a heated exchange, so Thomas did what he thought was right and successfully attempted to break up the altercation because it was right outside his door at the apartment complex he lives in.


AL: Rep. Mo Brooks: “The Purpose of the Second Amendment is to Ensure That We Have a Republic”
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Responding to a question about gun rights in a tele-town hall on Monday night, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) expressed that his primary concern about the Second Amendment is a lack of understanding about its meaning. “The most important thing is to help the general public understand the purpose of the Second Amendment,” Brooks told his constituents over the phone. “The purpose of the Second Amendment is not to stop some criminal who is coming into your house, although that’s an excellent benefit. The purpose of the Second Amendment is not to enable you to go hunting, although that is an excellent benefit.”


Cubs’ Joe Maddon, A ‘Second Amendment Guy,’ On Gun Control: ‘What Civilization Doesn’t Protect Their Children?’
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Cubs manager Joe Maddon believes that social activism in the game of baseball is minimized in large part because Major League Baseball plays nearly every day. Maddon believes the schedule can be prohibit players from staying as involved in our nation’s issues as some of those in the NFL or NBA, for example. However, Maddon also believes that there will be more athletes and coaches using their platform provided by baseball to speak out.


Companies in Middle of US Gun Debate
Submitted by: David Williamson

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As the gun debate heats up following the massacre at a Florida high school, companies are under growing pressure to pick a side: whether to stand by the National Rifle Association or walk away. Metlife, Delta and more than a dozen others have decided to end benefits deals offered to the organization’s members. Others, including FedEx, are staying put. The decision to stay or go for many companies involves walking a fine line that can impact their image for better or worse.


PA: Republican Takes Point on Gun Control
Submitted by: David Williamson

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FBI agent turned lawmaker Brian Fitzpatrick on Tuesday became the only Republican in the U.S. House to back a bill preventing a potentially dangerous person from owning or buying a gun. The Democratic proposal, introduced in May, gained Fitzpatrick’s support after a Florida teenager shot and killed people at a high school. The measure would create what supporters call gun violence restraining orders.


Senators Propose Bill Blocking Those on No-Fly List From Buying Guns
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A bipartisan group of senators on Tuesday introduced legislation that would prohibit individuals on certain terrorist watch lists from purchasing a gun, an idea that has rankled civil-rights groups. The senators revived the Terrorist Firearms Prevention Act, describing the bill as a common-sense measure that would make Americans safer, the Hill reported.


MI: Teachers Could Carry Guns in School Under Proposed Bills
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Teachers could be armed with guns in schools under legislation being developed by two Republicans in the Michigan House of Representatives. The legislation is coming in the wake of yet another mass shooting, this time at a high school in Parkland, Fla., that left 17 people dead two weeks ago, sparking protests across the nation from students, teachers and parents who want more gun control.

MS: Lawmaker-Schools Could Let Teachers Carry Guns
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Some Mississippi lawmakers want to give schools the options of arming teachers in an effort to prevent future school shootings.
A proposal made Tuesday in the state Senate would let school boards set up safety programs that would include letting teachers and other school employees with special training carry concealed guns.

MI: Detroit Police Chief Supports 'Some' Teachers Being Armed
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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Detroit Police Chief James Craig has said he supports "some teachers" being armed while in the classroom.

Craig made the comments Friday during an interview with WWJ 950 AM's Greg Bowman.

He said mass-shooting incidents take place over a period of four to six minutes, and that it can take up to eight minutes, on average, for police to respond.

"By that time, the unfortunate tragedies are there, the carnage has happened, so this is about the business of mitigating a threat," Craig said. "Clearly, I would never suggest that every teacher should have a gun in the classroom.

"But it needs to be a vetting process, there needs to be a lot of rigor associated with it."

WA Solons Consider New Gun Control Bill, But Will it Work?
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Updated: A Tuesday morning hearing before the Washington State Senate Ways and Means Committee is hearing a new piece of gun control legislation that includes provisions prohibiting the sale of rifles and shotguns with “tactical features” to anyone under age 21.


The Self-Defense Stories You Don’t See in the Mainstream News
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Here is some news you won't find in the mainstream media. Again this week, responsible gun owners defend themselves and the people they love. Self-defense instructor David Cole joins the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast to look at three new examples. Were these gun owners lucky, or were they trained and prepared? What can we learn from their experience? Listen and find out.


WA: Despite Warning from NRA, Senate Guts Immunity Provision in 'Stand Your Ground' Bill
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Wyoming Senate gutted a so-called “stand your ground” bill that sought to provide initial immunity from arrest and prosecution for assault or murder to anyone who claimed self-defense. In a contentious vote Tuesday, the Senate removed the immunity provision and brought the measure inline with current Wyoming law, which allows individuals to use force in self-defense but only if doing so is reasonable.

FL: County Employees With Permits Can Carry Guns
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Lake County Commission voted unanimously on Tuesday to allow county employees with concealed weapon permits to carry their guns while on the job. Commissioner Josh Blake asked fellow commissioners to consider doing away with the county’s employee policy that prohibits the possession of weapons while on the job. Commissioner Wendy Breeden was hesitant but joined fellow commissioners in the unanimous decision to change the policy.

WV: Man Arrested in Charleston Burglary; Shot Fired by Homeowner
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A burglary early Sunday morning ended up with a shot fired by the homeowner, Charleston Police say. It happened in the 700 block of Ivy Drive. Eli Wayne Freeland, 30, was arrested and charged with one count of nighttime burglary. Police say the homeowner fired one shot, which hit the living room floor. No charges were filed against him because police say he was acting in self-defense.

What Critics Don't Understand About Gun Culture
Submitted by: David Williamson

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My wife knew something was amiss when the car blocked our driveway. She was outside our house, playing with our kids on our trampoline, when a car drove slowly down our rural Tennessee street. As it reached our house, it pulled partially in the driveway, and stopped. A man got out and walked up to my wife and kids. Strangely enough, at his hip was an empty gun holster. She’d never seen him before. She had no idea who he was. He demanded to see me.

Here’s What Pawn Shop Owners have to Say on Gun Control Debate, Mental Health Issues
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Jason Merritt and John Townsend buy and sell guns at their pawn shops. Both are firm supporters of the Second Amendment and the constitutional right to bear arms. And both are open to finding better ways to protect children from the kind of slaughter that took 17 lives on Feb. 14 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland.


Elizabeth Warren Urges Big Investors to Use Their Leverage on Gunmakers After Florida Massacre
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The deadly shooting spree at a South Florida high school shows it's time for BlackRock CEO Laurence Fink to put his company's money where is mouth is, says Sen. Elizabeth Warren. Fink, the head of a firm whose $6.3 trillion in assets make it the world's largest money manager, warned corporate executives in his annual letter of a growing insistence that corporations "respond to broader societal challenges" and demonstrate that they're making a positive contribution beyond simply making money.


WV: House Backs Employee Guns in Locked Cars
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Employees in West Virginia could bring their loaded guns to work as long as they are locked in their cars, according to legislation approved by the House of Delegates on Tuesday. Titled the "Business Liability Protection Act," it says the owner or manager of a property cannot prohibit any customer, employee or invitee from having a legally owned gun in its parking lot provided the weapon is inside a locked vehicle or compartment.


Guns Sales in South Carolina up ’33 Percent’ Over Same Period in 2017
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Gun sales in South Carolina are up “33 percent” in February 2018 compared to where they were in February 2017, according to local reports. Sales skyrocketed after Democrats responded to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting with a push for gun control upon gun control.


KY: House Democrats File Sweeping Bill to Curb Gun Violence
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Democratic lawmakers have filed a bill they said will help keep guns out of the hands of those they say should not have them. House Bill 502 contains new regulations that would affect every gun owner, but it also specifically targets those considered mentally unstable.


Ben Shapiro on School Safety: ‘We Should be Guarding our Kids’ The Way We Guard Banks
Submitted by: David Williamson

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In the wake of the latest school shooting, liberals only seem interested in gun control. Why is discussing school security and other bipartisan solutions controversial? On today’s show, Ben Shapiro listed some ways to help keep students safe, discourage shooters and potentially prevent the next tragedy – all without eroding our Second Amendment rights. Liberals have turned the gun debate into a “moral push” even though we should be able to find bipartisan, commonsense solutions like these.


MI: Washtenaw County Looks to Divest from Gun and Ammo Makers
Submitted by: Corey Salo

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As a national debate over gun control continues following a mass shooting that killed 17 people at a Florida high school, Washtenaw County leaders are taking steps to try to cease investment of pension funds in gun and ammo makers.

Commissioner Conan Smith, D-Ann Arbor, proposed the idea and County Board Chairman Andy LaBarre, D-Ann Arbor, authorized a resolution that won unanimous support from the county's pension board on Tuesday, Feb. 27, to begin the divestment process.

Smith and LaBarre both serve on the pension board, officially called the Washtenaw County Employees' Retirement Commission.

The approved resolution direct's the county staff to come up with a divestment plan.


IL: District Wants To Be 1st To Give Teachers Guns
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A week after members of Illinois' largest teachers union slammed President Donald Trump's call to explore the option of arming teachers as "insanity," a school district in southern Illinois is hoping to do just that. Century School District 100 near Ullin, Illinois, not far from Carbondale, is having its attorneys investigate whether an existing Illinois law will allow it to arm teachers and other school staff members who've had firearms training.

KY: Pike County School District Moves To Let Teachers Carry Guns
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A public safety meeting held at an eastern Kentucky high school has led to a proposal that might allow teachers to begin carrying guns in the school. According to East Kentucky Broadcasting, a public safety meeting at Pike County Central High School was held Monday evening. A large crowd filled the school's library. The conversation on school safety came in light of deadly school shooting incidents in both Kentucky and Florida.

NY: Residents Shocked Over NRA Fundraiser in Coney Island Where Guns Will be Raffled Off
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Gargiulo’s restaurant on Coney Island is known for their family-friendly environment and their traditional Italian cuisine, but critics say an upcoming event being held at the restaurant is leaving a very bad taste in their mouths. On April 12, the century-old eatery will host a National Rifle Association-affiliated fundraiser where organizers plan on raffling off vouchers for shot guns, revolvers and rifles – among other items.

TN: APSU Offers Active Shooter Defense Training for The Public
Submitted by: David Williamson

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As part of their ongoing safety training offered to the campus community and public, Austin Peay State University police officers are offering active shooter defense training sessions on campus beginning Thursday, March 15.

OK: ‘Moms Demand Action’ Oppose Proposed Bills at Capitol
Submitted by: David Williamson

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An activist group that is pushing for stricter gun laws in Oklahoma gathered at the state capitol in opposition of multiple bills. Over 100 people with the group 'Moms Demand Action' gathered on Tuesday at the capitol. "We are here to talk about three bills, for the most part," said Alyson King with Moms Demand Action. "One is a bill that is in committee about guns on campus. One is about permit-less carry. The other is about expanding stand your ground."

A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercises, I advise the gun. While this gives moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise, and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks. — Thomas Jefferson, Encyclopedia of T. Jefferson, 318, Foley, Ed., reissued 1967.

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