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Exactly who is extreme enough to look like a terrorist?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Homegrown terrorism is described as plans or threats to use force to promote a political objective. I'm reminded of bumper stickers that feature the amusing but constitutionally grounded slogan, such as, "When they come for my guns, I'll give them the bullets first." "They" refers to the government if it were to violate the Constitution and ignore the Second Amendment. There are many who feel that use of force to protect this right would be justified.

The proposed commission could target such a statement if this bill were to become law.

Naturally, members of this commission -- which is reminiscent of the 20th-century Special Committee on Un-American Activities -- would be selected by politicians.

OH: Personal Tasers becoming popular
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Shooting it at random – not, say, in justifiable self-defense – could land a person in jail, said Assistant Hamilton County Prosecutor Megan Shanahan. If the target is seriously hurt, the shooter could face a felonious assault charge – and up to eight years in prison.

“I think that it’s fantastic that women in particular are equipped with the ability to defend themselves,” said Shanahan, who hasn’t seen an influx of personal Tasers in Hamilton County. “But … you have to be a responsible Taser owner.”

GA: Huckabee: Romney is "Arrogant"
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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"How presumptuous and arrogant must a man be to assume that if I did drop out of the race that the people who voted for me would vote for him?" Huckabee asked at a rally in Macon.

"I'm going to tell u something, there is one of us who grew up in the South like you. One of us who understands how to cook grits, and fry catfish, and who didn't have to be taught which end of a rifle to point, when you point at a white tail deer," Huckabee said in one of the few Super Tuesday states where he's running second in the polls. "We got candidate who says he's a lifelong hunter but never had a hunting license - we call that a poacher where I come from."

A Manifesto and Address from HEAVEN, "with our weapons of defence girt about us", 1766
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"...and we who escaped the sword of those devourers, like unto the children of Israel at the rebuilding the temple, sweat and toiled with our weapons of defence girt about us; labouring to raise supplies necessary for the support of life..."

"...thus with views of making you our offspring happy people, we surmounted all difficulties, and endured all hardships with pleasure, hoping to have left you always in possession of those sacred rights which nature has given to all men, without the abridgment of any earthly prince or state..."

" addition to those rights derived to us from nature; entered into the most sacred engagements to give, secure, and preserve to us inviolably, all the rights..."

At a General Assembly of the Governor, "and shall provide himself with a good and sufficient Gun, Bayonet, Cartouch Box", 2d Thursday of May, 1779
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"...BE it Enacted, by the Governor, Council and Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That there shall be forthwith raised by voluntary Inlistment..."

"...And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That for the Encouragement of those who shall voluntarily in list into said Service, each able bodied and effective non commissioned Officer and Soldier who shall inlist into either of said Regiments by the fifteenth Day of July next, and shall provide himself with a good and sufficient Gun, Bayonet, Cartouch Box . . . and in Case either of the said Articles shall be lost in {Omitted text, 1w} Service, the Owner thereof shall be allowed and paid for the same..."

AT a General Assembly of the Governor, "who shall provide Arms for himself", April 26, 1775
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"...FOR the Encouragement of such able bodied and effective Men of said Militia or Others, as shall voluntarily offer and inlist themselves..."

"...That each inlisted Inhabitant, or Person, as aforesaid, who shall provide Arms for himself, well fixed with a good Bayonet and Cartouch-Box, shall be paid a Premium of Ten Shillings: And in Case such Arms are lost by any inevitable Providence, such Inhabitant, so providing himself, shall be allow'd and paid the just Value of such Arms and Implements so lost,deducting only the said Sum of Ten Shillings, allow'd as aforesaid--Said Premium of Ten Shillings to be paid as soon as such Inhabitant shall be so provided..."

General orders, "Self-defence is the first law of nature, and applies to nations as well as individuals", June 13th, 1797
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"...The Militia, the natural defence of all free States, is our best hope on every occasion of sudden or unexpected danger..."

"...Self-defence is the first law of nature, and applies to nations as well as individuals; and to provide for that defence is the duty of every nation, even when in the most profound Peace; yet, by experience it is found, that in times of perfect security, when all has been tranquil in our foreign and domestic relations, the laws for governing and regulating the Militia, have been less vigorously executed than in times of greater danger..."

"...but in all other cases the individual must be required to furnish himself, without delay..."

A PROCLAMATION, "constrained by the over-ruling Laws of Self preservation, to take up Arms for the Defence of all that is sacred sacred and dear to Freemen", June 18, 1776
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"...God, in great Mercy, inclined his People to form themselves into Society, and to set up and establish civil government for the Protection and Security of their Lives and Properties from the Invasion of wicked Men: But through Pride and Ambition, the King's and Princes of the World, appointed by the People the Guardians of their Lives and Liberties, early and almost universally, degenerated into Tyrants, and by Fraud or Force betrayed and wrested out of their Hands the very Rights and Properties they were appointed to protect and defend..."

"...step forth to defend their Wives, their litt'e Ones, their Liberty, and every thing they hold sacred and dear, [t]o defend the Cause of their Country, their Religion and their God..."

IL: Five Die in Strip Mall Shooting in Southwest Chicago Suburb
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Part of the sad narrative of America's love affair with gun violence is that we historically have seen 'fads' of deadly shooting outbreaks: schools, workplaces, and now malls."

"On Saturday, February 2, in a Lane Bryant store in the Southwest suburban suburb of Tinley Park, at least five people have died. As we write this GunGuys update the shooter is still at large." ...

Submitter's Note: Perhaps it would have been more couth to wait untl the bodies had cooled for the antis to start joyfully dancing in their blood?

GUNS Magazine: February 1958
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Even though it fires blanks as fast as if it were a bullet-shooting machine gun, it does not 'fire a shot' nor 'expel a projectile by the force of an explosive,' as the definitions are in the machine gun act. Currently, because it goes 'bang' and shucks out shells, the Treasury word-manglers are holding that this modified Kpist does in fact and in law 'fire a shot,' even though the word 'shot' (as opposed to 'shell') has long meant a solid missile propelled from-a gun."

The February 1958 issue of GUNS Magazine is now online, featuring this article and plenty more, including the classic period ads from 50 years ago.

OH: Dial 911 and Get Strip Searched
Submitted by: clell

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To follow up on my article on why calling 911 might not always be the best idea, we have a story out of Canton, Ohio, where a woman called 911 after being the victim of an assault -- and then found herself dragged to prison, where a gang of deputy thugs stripped her and left her naked in a cell for six hours.

You can see the graphic video footage, which the local news heroically aired, here: Part 1, Part 2.

NY: Post-Star, Pistol Permits And Public Safety
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Three million Americans carry concealed weapons. The Glens Falls Post-Star wants to know the names of all pistol permit holders in Warren County and has submitted a Freedom of Information Law request to the Warren County Clerk’s Office to obtain a list of the concealed carry permit holders, apparently with the intent to publish those names. This request, apparently being undertaken by Post-Star reporter Nick Reisman, has initiated a firestorm of protest from local law enforcement officials, county officials, and certainly among gun owners and holders of concealed carry permits.

WA: Guns in national parks? Only in D.C.
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Every now and then, the people who work for us in Washington, D.C., propose a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. That’s what happened two weeks ago when 47 senators proposed ending regulations that forbid carrying firearms in national parks. It’s a foolish idea.

Foes fire in gun battle
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Talk of guns and God set off a round of campaign bickering between Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday - after the Illinois senator at an Idaho rally said he'd been "praising Jesus" for 20 years and had "no intention of taking away folks' guns." Clinton accused him of flip-flopping, noting that in 1996 he'd been in support of a handgun ban.

Results Of Incremental Gun Control [video]
Submitted by: clell

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Submitter's note: I remember watching this about a year or so ago.
The ironic thing is that the NRA produced this.
And they are lulling us into the same trap that GB and Australia and Canada were lured into.
Vent your anger on those who are working on selling us out.
I am at a loss for words to correlate this video with the NRA.
Do you vow that it will never happen to you?

CT: Ruger Launches Special Edition Mini-14(R) Rifle To Benefit NRA-ILA
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE:RGR) is pleased to announce the special edition Mini-14(R) Rifle to benefit NRA-ILA. This special edition Mini-14 rifle will only be produced in 2008 and will raise money for the NRA Institute for Legislative Action. It features a blued finish and 16-1/8" barrel in a patented black Hogue(R) OverMolded(TM) stock. The grip cap of the stock features an NRA metal gold-tone logo. This special rifle is chambered for .223 Remington and ships with two 20-round magazines.

Zzzzzap! Taser parties surging in popularity
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Stun-gun social events raise self-defense awareness for women

They're like Tupperware parties but only more shocking. NBC’s Jenna Wolfe reports on this latest stunning get-together.

They are called Taser parties — and the fact they are getting a lot of attention lately is anything but shocking.

“I think it's because I’ve mixed a very commonplace event, like a Tupperware party, with an extremely controversial product like a Taser C2,” said Dana Shafman, an entrepreneur from Phoenix.

Shafman told TODAY co-host Meredith Vieira that while gathering women to look over a pink or leopard-spotted stun gun may seem like a bizarre social gathering, there is actually a seriousness behind it all.

GLOCK, Inc. Introduces New GLOCK 30 SF .45 AUTO Short Frame Pistol at SHOT Show in Las Vegas
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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After releasing the highly popular G21 SF at the 2007 SHOT Show in Orlando, Florida, the Austrian Handgun manufacturer announced today the release of the compact version of the .45 AUTO short frame pistol, the model 30 SF. The newly released pistol includes new features to the GLOCK pistol that have been desired for the last couple of years by military, law enforcement and civilian markets.

GA: Police officers shoot each other
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Two off-duty officers from different police departments wounded each other in a gun fight in the middle of a road in an Atlanta suburb, authorities said.

Both officers suffered non-life-threatening wounds, police said. Their conditions were not immediately known on Saturday.

Submitter's note:
And the vindictive Sara Brady says only the police and military should be allowed to have weapons.

You don't read to many stories about civilians doing this type of shooting.

NY: Judge to rule in concealed weapon case
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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A 4-year-old federal gun law is facing a test in Orange County Court, and a 33-year-old Coast Guard officer from Newburgh is staking his future on the outcome.

The New Crime of Thinking
Submitted by: clell

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It looks like the term “thought police” just might take on a whole new and real meaning. This depends on what happens in the U.S. Senate after receiving House bill H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007. This act (now S-1959 – Senate version) is now being considered by Senate committees and, if passed by the Senate and signed by the president, will become law. Common sense would indicate that something this vague and dangerous would not make it out of committee, but considering that the House passed it on October 23 with 404 ayes, 6 nays, and 22 present/not voting, I’m not holding my breath.

Submitter's note: Thought provoking.

Russia: Former boxer who killed pedophile wins prosecutors’ hearts
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Law-enforcement agencies of St.Petersburg investigate a murder case filed against former boxer Alexander Kuznetsov who murdered a pedophile rapist. The jury will decide the man’s fate in the next several days. It is not ruled out that Kuznetsov can be fully acquitted, reports.

The defendant said that the boy was unconscious, beaten and stripped. The boy’s step-father, formerly a professional boxer, killed the pedophile with a few blows. The latter was subsequently identified as a 20-year-old native of Uzbekistan, a student at one of Russian universities.

Alexander Kuznetsov’s case is reminiscent of that of Alexandra Ivannikova... The girl pulled out a small knife and stabbed the man in his leg. The blade..into the femoral

GOA On John McCain's Record
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Arizona Senator John McCain is running for President (again). He has been courting various conservative leaders in his quest to secure the Republican nomination. McCain wants voters to believe that he is a conservative... but his record would certainly suggest otherwise.

Take, for instance, his record on gun rights and political speech affecting Second Amendment activists. Abysmal, wretched, and pathetic are words that come to mind.




The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed. — Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist Papers

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