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DC v. Heller (SCOTUS) Attorney Picked
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The pro-gun rights brief in the blockbuster case of D.C. v. Heller is being filed today at the Supreme Court, and in case anyone had any doubts, the lead counsel will be still be Alan Gura of the D.C. and Virginia firm Gura & Possessky — not any of the bigfoot lawyers who have been suggested to argue the case instead.

General Orders, "and it is the duty of every Citizen enrolled, capable of providing himself, and who is not already so armed, to procure such Arms without delay", May 1, 1798
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"...In Peace as well as in War, every State has found it necessary to have a Military Establishment. This is necessary not only to repel the Foe from without, but for the preservation of tranquillity within the body politic. In arbitrary States the Military Power is confided to a Standing Army; but in those that are free, the Citizens themselves form the bulwark of their own Liberty and Independence. Thus it is in the United States, the Free Citizens of America are their own Guardians; they constitute the Military Force destined to preserve the Peace of the Community..."

"...the duty of every Citizen enrolled, capable of providing himself, and who is not already so armed, to procure such Arms without delay...."

COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, "But being ready and determined to defend themselves", Oct. 12, 1814
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"...The fortifications, until lately strengthened by the exertions of our own citizens, were essentially defective..."

"... the inference is fairly warranted, that the American cabinet intended no other means of defence for this state, but such as a brave and free people would feel themselves impelled to make, by their own sense of danger and love of country..."

"...the principles which unite men of every class and description in the determination to conquer or die in its defence . . . Thousands of brave and hardy yeomanry, composing a part of a well provided and well disciplined militia, have hastened to the post of danger, and other thousands are ready to follow, at a moment's warning..."

In Provincial congress, "and in their being properly and effectually armed and equipt", Oct. 26, 1774
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"...Also Resolved, That as the Security of the Lives, Liberties and Properties of the Inhabitants of this Province depends under Providence on their Knowledge and Skill in the Art Military, and in their being properly and effectually armed and equipt, if any of said Inhabitants are not provided with Arms and Ammunition according to Law, they immediately provide themselves therewith; and that they use their utmost Diligence to perfect themselves in Military Skill; and that if any Town or District within the Province is not provided with the full Town Stock of Arms and Ammunition according to Law, the Selectmen of such Town or District take effectual Care without Delay to provide the same..."

IN: Guns at colleges could save lives, state senator says
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Would a pistol-toting professor at Virginia Tech University have prevented deaths there last spring? More guns on college campuses as a first line of defense might seem nonsensical, but to state Sen. Johnny Nugent, the idea makes perfect sense. Nugent, a Lawrenceburg Republican, got 25 votes on a Senate bill last week that would have stopped universities and many other public buildings from prohibiting those who have permits to carry concealed weapons from doing so. Courthouses, airports and jails would have been exempted from the prohibition.

FL: Florida is Bottom of the Barrel on Gun Control
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Well, the numbers are in. We got... um, 8 points out of a possible hundred from the Brady Campaign to Stop Gun Violence. Which is probably making a lot of you out there really happy because you fucking hate them and would like nothing more than to unload all of your various weapons into the belly of the already-paralyzed Jim Brady. After all, you live in Florida: the eight point state.

CT: State's gun laws ranked third-best in nation
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence ranks Connecticut in third place among states with the toughest gun laws in the nation. And while the Constitution State achieved 54 points out of a possible 100, a statewide organization says the Brady scorecard fails to give Connecticut credit for having a law no other state has to confiscate guns. "Connecticut has a unique law on its books, a law that several other states are now considering," said Lisa Labella, co-executive director of Connecticut Against Gun Violence in Trumbull.

NY: The Post-Star addresses pistol permit controversy
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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We here at The Post-Star find ourselves in the unusual position of responding to the concerns of our readers about something that has not even been published in our newspaper or Web site. In the past week, the amount of e-mails and general conversation in the community -- and in some cases around the state -- has reached such a pitch that we felt it was in everyone’s best interest to address the concerns directly.

US Military Asking Soldiers if They Would Shoot Americans
Submitted by: Clell Adams

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U.S. troops are being trained to conduct round-ups, confiscate guns and shoot American citizens, including their own friends and family members, as part of a long-standing program to prepare for the declaration of martial law, according to a soldier who recently returned from Iraq.


The issue of whether U.S. troops would be prepared to round-up, disarm and if necessary shoot Americans who disobeyed orders during a state of martial law is a question that military chiefs have been attempting to answer for at least 15 years.

Its known origins can be traced back to an October 1994 Marine questionnaire out of the Twentynine Palms Marine Base in California. Recruits were asked 46 questions, including whether they would kill U.S. citizens who refused to surrender their firearms.

Submitter's note: Can any of you comment on this from a personal perspective?

SD: House panel OKs bill allowing guns on campuses
Submitted by: Anonymous

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Law-abiding people should be allowed to carry and possess guns on the campuses of South Dakota's public universities, a state House committee recommended Wednesday.

The State Affairs Committee voted unanimously to pass HB1261, which would guarantee people the right to carry or possess firearms on college campuses. The schools also would be prevented from expelling students or firing employees for having a gun on campus.

The panel later voted unanimously to kill a competing measure, sponsored by the Board of Regents, which sought to ban guns on campus.

Submitter's Note:
Good Job, South Dakota!

To the Freemen and Freeholders, "Have not some of them lately turn'd informers against those of you, who were endeavouring to supply yourselves with arms &c. necessary for your defence?", Sept. 23, 1775
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"...Therefore, whenever Magistrates, under colour of oaths, or pretence of supporting government, are constantly sideing with the crown against the liberties of the people, they are either ignorant of their duty, dastardly dependents, or wilful and corrupt traitors..."

"...Have not some of them lately turn'd informers¶ against those of you, who were endeavouring to supply yourselves with arms &c. necessary for your defence?--Have they not, as far as they dared, addressed a man**, whom they knew to be sent here for the express purpose of destroying the union of the colonies (which is so absolutely necessary to our existence, as freemen) and who has since confessed it? ..."

An Address TO THE CITIZENS, "I would defend my life, assured of its danger, and that of my family and friends", July 30, 1857
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"...At stated periods during the past three years, I have been exercising a constitutional right, and performing a religious duty, in preaching to a portion of you the Gospel of Christ, as I understand it--that Gospel which requires as one of our duties--"All things whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you do ye even so unto them." ..."

"...But I may ask of you equal protection by law in the expression of my sentiments. This is my natural and constitutional right..."

"...The very injuries I receive I seek not to avenge. I would defend my life, assured of its danger, and that of my family and friends. But to avenge PAST INJURIES I may not..."

VA: Abusive Bullies Marred Gun-Control Rally
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Ed: The good stuff (and the facts) are in the comments. Hats off to VCDL & SCCC.

You say that the anti's "peaceably assembled?" Well, so did we. If they didn't want the public to show for their rally, they shouldn't have held it in a public place. Just because more of the public that showed up opposed them than supported them is not grounds for crying foul...especially when the crying is based upon painting a misleading picture of what went on there.

Was it disrespectful of us to attend their rally? I say it is disrespectful to conduct a publicly advertised rally specifically held to advocate feel-good, do-nothing legislation based upon nothing more than emotional diatribes and then have the audacity to say that people who disagree should not have been there...and then follow that up by painting a peaceful disagreement with their policy positions as "bullying."

SD: On guns, from a Second Amendment Sister
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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With some serious gun talk in Pierre these days, I asked gun-rights advocate Nancy First of Jack First Guns in Rapid City to share some thoughts.

Ed.:The WA Senate will conside pro & anti CCW on campus bills this Thursday.

NV: Intruder shot in NW Reno
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Reno police responded this morning to a shooting on Chesterfield Lane in Northwest Reno. Scanner traffic indicates that a resident shot at an intruder at around 7 a.m. The intruder apparently ran away after the shots were fired and has not been located. The resident has stated that he does not know if he hit the intruder when he fired at him.

Charter of RHODE-ISLAND, "to assemble, exercise in arms, marshal, array, and put in warlike posture the inhabitants of the said Colony, for their especial defence and safety", July 8, 1663
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"...And that they may be in the better capacity to defend themselves in their just rights and liberties, against all the enemies of the Christian faith, and others, in all respects..."

"...and major part of the Freemen of the said Company, present at any General Assemblies, nominated, appointed and constituted, according to the tenor of his and their respective commissions and directions, to assemble, exercise in arms, marshal, array, and put in warlike posture the inhabitants of the said Colony, for their especial defence and safety, and to lead and conduct the said inhabitants, and to encounter, repulse, and resist by force of arms..."

To The Country, "Let every friend of the Union throughout the country immediately arm himself, and be ready for action, at home or in the field", Sept. 9, 1862
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"...Second: Let every friend of the Union throughout the country immediately arm himself, and be ready for action, at home or in the field..."

"...Our dear old constitution will bless us for disregarding any provision of hers, if NEED be; and she will embrace us for doing so the more fervently, when her great general purpose, always the preservation of our Liberties, shall have been secured. The People have ALL power..."

"...Let the Politicians, now, cease their selfish vocation. They are disgusting at all times, and at this afflictive crisis, hateful as the snake, and loathsome as the toad..."


"Attorney and Counsellor at Law &c."

DC: Supreme Court Brief for D.C. Gun Ban Challenger [pdf]
Submitted by: Anonymous

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This is the brief submitted to the Supreme Court for Dick Anthony Heller, who is challenging the D.C. gun ban.

GA: Gun laws already too lax
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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If a truth-o-meter measured falsehoods during General Assembly debate, state Rep. Tim Bearden's whopper last week about Georgia's "restrictive" gun laws would have rattled the machine off its hinges. In encouraging House colleagues to allow guns in churches, restaurants and public parks, the Villa Rica Republican proclaimed Georgia "the most restrictive state for law-abiding citizens" in the nation, claiming "California and New York have better gun laws than us," meaning less strict. Bearden made that ludicrous statement on the day the Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence released its annual scorecard of state gun laws.

NY: Jefferson County trades Tommy Gun for new ones
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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It's a gun that was made very famous by some very famous criminals back in the 1920's. Remember Bonnie and Clyde? It's a fully automatic submachine gun called a Tommy Gun. Al Capone, he used them during the infamous St. Valentine's Day Massacre. One of those guns today, is worth a lot of money. Jefferson County Sheriff John Burns has two in his office worth about $30,000 a piece. With his department needing some new equipment, he got an idea. Trade one of them for some new guns that his deputies can use.

That rifle on the wall of the labourer's cottage or working class flat is the symbol of democracy. It is our job to see that it stays there. — GEORGE ORWELL

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