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Encourage Gun-Free School Zones? Well, the Signs Anyway . . .
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An idea dawned on me. How about gun rights advocates promote the idea of schools posting signs announcing that their campus is a 'Gun-Free School Zone' (GFSZ)? Here’s the angle . . ."

"The anti’s believe GFSZs save lives. So let them put their policy where their mouths are. Either they 1) take us up on our recommendation and erect such signage; or 2) prove themselves hypocrites by refusing to inform parents of their school’s GFSZ policy. If a school already has a sign, gun rights advocates should lobby the school board to erect more, bigger and more explicit 'No Guns Allowed' signs." ...

Which trip is better for a leader, the golf course or Gunsite?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"While Jordanian King Abdullah II is being widely admired for his swift and decisive retaliation for the murder of one of his citizens by ISIS terrorists – though this morning the Independent newspaper reported he will not actually participate in the fighting – there’s something else about the monarch that surfaced yesterday, and it means something special in the firearms community."

"When he was Crown Prince, King Abdullah attended the renowned Gunsite Academy outside of Paulden, Ariz. That’s not a golf course, but the site of the legendary American Pistol Institute (API), which has now become known among shooters simply as 'Gunsite' under current owner Buz Mills." ...

Second Amendment meets a fine-tooth comb
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A robust, 80-minute discussion helped to prove that any sort of mass agreement on gun ownership remains elusive."

"'Guns and America: Exploring the Second Amendment,' an Oregon Humanities/Conversation Project open forum on Tuesday generated a respectable group of approximately 20 community members at MHCC."

"Due to the controversial nature of the topic, there were many passionately held points of view represented, ranging from unrestricted pro-individual gun ownership, to regulated and responsible ownership, to complete abolishment of ownership." ...

SHOT Show: Pietta Single Action Revolvers (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"F.A.P. di Pietta or F.LLI Pietta, commonly just referred to as Pietta and sold in the U.S. under the Pietta and other brand names, is best known for post-Civil War and 'Wild West' era Single Action Army revolver replicas in both black powder and cartridge flavors. A real showman, Pietta’s Bryce Huddleston gave us an entertaining booth tour to show off some of their revolver offerings, from bird’s head grips to buntlines. The Pietta crew may also have won the 'most tactical' attire award. . ." ...

Customizing My Ruger LCP for Everyday Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gun is a tool. You choose the tool that best fits the job. My job every day: protecting myself and my family. As a Navy SEAL, that’s what I went looking for. The right gun would be practical for everyday carry in a side pocket, and it would shoot when I needed it to shoot, where I needed to shoot it. I spent a year making the choice and decided to go with the Ruger LCP .380. Of course, the gun would undergo a few modifications before I would be completely happy with it . . ." ...

Pro Tip: Call an Ambulance After a Defensive Gun Use
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Don’t bring a knife to a gunfight. Do bring a gun to knife fight. No matter what happens, you still have to deal with the one rule of a knife fight: you’re going to get cut. And here’s the thing: you stand a pretty good chance of after-the-fact exsanguination. Thanks to the psychological effects of adrenalin, you could suffer a lethal injury and be bleeding to death without feeling a thing. Until you don’t feel a thing ever again. We’re not talking about arterial spray. We’re talking about invisible internal bleeding which can take 20 minutes or longer to kill you dead. In fact, after any defensive gun use . . ." ...

LA County Sheriff Active Shooter Video [Graphic]: “Defend Yourself As a Last Resort”
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"How far can we, as individuals and society, remove ourselves from combat medic and TTAG contributor Jon Wayne Taylor’s advice to identify a lethal threat, eliminate the threat and reassess? If the LA County Sheriff’s office’s video SURVIVING AN ACTIVE SHOOTER is any indication, we’re so far away from active self-defense we might as well just, I dunno, run? Hide? That’s what the video recommends. Until seven minutes in, when viewers are told . . ." ...

What (And Why) I Carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I was recently chided here as stupid for carrying a gun in my car and in my briefcase. I was informed that any sort of off-body carry was stupid and so was my article. It’s good to know people are reading your stuff. And it made me wonder, how the People Of The Gun usually carry. My personal habits are to have one by the bedside, one in the car, and one in my briefcase. The car gun is a Kahr, and slips easily into my pocket when I deem it advisable. It’s admirably suited for its role, plus, Kahr in the car is just obvious . . ."

"The bedside gun is a Sig P229 that often makes its way into the TV room of an evening, or even into my capacious pockets for walks in doggy or otherwise appropriate areas. ..." ...

Personal Defense Tip: Don’t Shoot Through An Exterior Door
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Shooting through a door is usually a bad idea. Your ability to see your target is at best obscured or totally nonexistent. And it may be difficult to show that you believed that you were confronting an imminent, deadly threat. Shooting through an inside door may be less problematic than one that’s an entrance to a building. A person who has retreated to a bedroom or bathroom and who has locked the door may have fewer options than someone who is defending an entrance door, but still isn’t recommended . . ." ...

The Entirely Understandable Psychology of a Mother Who Lost Her Son At Sandy Hook (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'For all the moms and dads out there,' Nicole Hockley calls out to her TEDx audience (@ 5:40), 'you can stop this happening to you.' Ms. Hockley’s referring to the tragic death of her son Dylan, one of twenty first-graders murdered by Sandy Hook spree killer [redacted]. 'Because every gun-related death is a preventable death. These are not random acts. You can never say 'this will not happen to me.' This can happen to anyone at any place at any time.' Gun rights advocates will immediately see that the born-again civilian disarmament crusader is both completely wrong and totally right, and not a small bit confused . . ." ...

Guns’ role in US history
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"From the volume of commentary and letters, two themes seem to be persistently on the minds of readers locally and across the country: the long-cherished right to bear arms and the assertion that the Second Amendment upholds that right. There seem to be constant reminders of how our freedoms were won by humble rifles."

"Yet four times in our history, the Supreme Court ruled against a constitutional right to own a gun. In 2008, the court ruled for the first time that the amendment protects an individual’s right to gun ownership. The famous 'originalism' espoused by Justice Scalia was twisted, in this instance, to base his argument on contemporary conditions." ...

Submitter's Note: The author conveniently ignores the fact that the four dissenting Justices in Heller agreed that the Second Amendment protects an individual right:

"The question presented by this case is not whether the Second Amendment protects a 'collective right' or an 'individual right.' Surely it protects a right that can be enforced by individuals. But a conclusion that the Second Amendment protects an individual right does not tell us anything about the scope of that right.

AZ: AZ lawmakers hoping to put a pistol in every pocket
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Whenever Arizona lawmakers can't think of anything constructive to do, which is, well, always ... they come up with new gun laws."

"Not the common sense kind. The kind of laws in which Second Amendment rights are balanced with the need to protect public safety, the kind of laws that polls show are supported by large majorities of citizens, including gun owners."


"No. Not those."

"Arizona lawmakers prefer the kind of gun laws that would seem eventually to put a pistol in every pocket of every person of every age and ability and mental capacity and require no paperwork, no questions, no background checks, no training, no nothing." ...

Submitter's Note: You say that like it's a bad thing . . .

UT: Legislators, get your guns!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"And the madness continues: our legislators at work."

"It is big news at the Capitol apparently, when the year’s commemorative firearm makes its appearance. Yes, indeed, our legislature has a gun."

"And not just any old gun. This is the same model gun, an AR-15 semi-automatic, as that which was used in 2012 to kill 20 children and 6 staff members at Sandy Hook Elementary ... The AR-15’s esteemed pedigree of death doesn’t stop there, however. In 2002 the two men known as the DC snipers used an AR-15 to kill 10 individuals and critically injure 3. This is one mean killing machine."

"But to be fair, the gun’s hype says it can be used for target practice, killing small to mid-sized animals and for home defense ..." ...

ID: New Bill Would Allow Idahoans To Conceal Carry Without A Permit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Idaho residents could carry concealed weapons without a permit under a new bill that was introduced to the House State Affairs Committee on Thursday."

"Greg Pruett with the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance says the bill doesn't require training either."

"'Anybody can go into a gun shop right now that is not legally prohibited from doing so, purchase a firearm and carry openly without any training. Our argument is well, what good does the permit process do if open carry is not the same as concealed carry.'" ...

Submitter's Note: An argument which opens the door for the antis to require a permit for open carry.

TX: Hotheaded rhetoric exposes dangers of open carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Kory Watkins can backtrack all he wants, but any person viewing his homemade video will come away thinking the leader of Open Carry Tarrant County threatened harm to any lawmaker who opposes open carry legislation."

"... Former Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson, a guy famous for carrying a derringer in his boot and authoring the state’s concealed handgun licensing bill, says 'a reasonable person could listen to that, not withstanding his subsequent denials, and say he’s making a threat.'"

"Watkins views opponents as traitors to the Second Amendment who have no rights to dissent ..." ...

TX: Of course, require open carry permits
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One has to wonder how we got to this point. From essentially erasing the phrase 'A well-regulated Militia being necessary … ' in how the Second Amendment is interpreted to an actual debate in Texas over whether people who openly carry handguns ought to get a permit first."

"And the truth is that one, a misinterpretation of the Second Amendment by the John Roberts Supreme Court, is directly connected to the other — this notion of 'constitutional carry.' This is thought to mean you don’t have to get government’s permission to carry a gun." ...

Congressional Democrats File Gun Magazine Limit Bill Once Again
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Connecticut Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty, who took office one month after the Sandy Hook massacre, has filed a bill to limit the amount of bullets in gun magazines. The Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Device Act would ban the importation, sale, transfer, manufacturing and future possession of magazines holding more than 10 bullets."

"Esty is bringing the House bill forward with more than 100 Democratic co-sponsors. It mirrors Democratic legislation that has failed in recent years. Still, Esty says it’s a common sense step in limiting gun violence." ...

NRA Backs Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In December, a Federal appeals court ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency could not regulate lead ammunition used by hunters. A flock of 101 environmental pressure and advocacy group had sued the EPA in an attempt to force them to ban lead ammo lest the furry little creatures of the forest and the dell eat it. 'We agree with EPA that it lacks statutory authority to regulate the type of spent bullets and shot identified in the environmental groups' petition,' Judge David Tatel wrote for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.' But the NRA-ILA doesn’t want to leave the matter to the vagaries of the judicial process . . ." ...

The Gays 'n' Guns Coalition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Joe Duggan, a reporter with the Omaha World-Herald, has the killer quote from the hearing: 'Is not the Second Amendment sex blind? Color blind?' Schumacher said. 'What great evil would come from saying a partner of somebody in the entitled to exercise their Second Amendment rights to carry a concealed weapon in this state?'" ...
"After the amendment passed, a legislator who abstained from the vote said, 'I think we just recognized gay marriage.' Libertarian activists, take heed: If you live in a red state, you should figure out a way to reframe all your gay-rights causes as gun-rights causes. And if you live in a blue state, try to do the reverse."

MD: Maryland: Reminder that Second Annual 2A Tuesday To Be Held on February 10 2015
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Tuesday, February 10 2015, the NRA-ILA, along with Maryland Shall Issue, the Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, and the Maryland State Rifle and Pistol Association,will be holding the second annual '2A Tuesday.'"

"As a rally and lobby day, '2A Tuesday.' is an opportunity for Maryland Second Amendment supporters to meet with their legislators, and introduce themselves to the newly elected Delegates and Senators serving their first term in Annapolis. In the last two years, Maryland citizens have come to Annapolis in record numbers to defend their Second Amendment rights, and it is critical that we continue that trend." ...

NJ: Substantial Changes Proposed To The NJ Administrative Code Affecting Your Gun Rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "There are less than 7 days left to have your voice heard."

"Will you sit back, quietly and let them restrict your rights even further?"

"Will you complain bitterly, after the new Administrative Code is implemented?"

"Will you ask: 'Why didn’t anyone do anything to stop this!' or will you speak your mind?"

"The time is now. You need to email Governor Christie and Colonel Fuentes immediately and tell them to stop trampling our rights. See the details below."

"Stop being a sheep and step up. If not, then stop whining when the wolves come calling."

"Will you bleat or will you roar? It’s your choice. Roar with us." ...

OR: If Oregon governor quits amid scandal, is gun control effort distracted?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber, who testified last year in support of expanded background check legislation and has backed other gun control proposals, has been called upon to resign by the Portland Oregonian, the newspaper that backed his re-election last fall."

"The issue has nothing to do with firearms, but with an erupting scandal involving what the newspaper’s editorial board calls 'sordid elements (that) keep surfacing with dispiriting regularity,' the political distraction could be huge in the Beaver State. ..."

"There is no indication about how this crisis in Salem might knock the gun control agenda of Kitzhaber’s Democrat party into a cocked hat. ..." ...

NH: Women’s Defense League supports bill on concealed carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Dear Senators,

We’d like to introduce ourselves. We are the Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire and we represent members in every one of your districts. We provide women opportunities to learn practical self-defense skills while defending Second Amendment rights. We are an education, training and legislative organization that is specific to New Hampshire. We are a non-partisan, non-political organization except when it comes to our right to self-defense."

"We are writing you today to urge your support of SB 116. As women, we know that the majority of women choose to concealed carry for obvious reasons. We believe that current New Hampshire law violates women’s rights ..." ...

PA: Cities repealing overreaching gun laws across Pennsylvania
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Doylestown, Bethlehem, Allentown and Liberty, includes the list of dozens of cities across the Keystone State that are in the process of scrapping illegal laws to comply with an National Rifle Association-backed preemption measure."

"The municipalities are scrambling due to Act 192, signed into law last year by Gov. Tom Corbett (R). As outlined in the language of the law, member groups such as the NRA can stand in for local citizens in challenging ordinances in court that exceed the state’s own gun laws."

"The gun rights group at the time called the bill 'the strongest firearms preemption statute in the country' and a 'much-needed protection for gun owners in the Keystone State.'" ...

ND: It’s unanimous: ‘shall certify’ legislation sails through North Dakota Senate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just a week after introducing a measure making it easier for gun owners to obtain National Firearms Act-regulated items by mandating local law enforcement to approve legal paperwork, the North Dakota Senate passed it 47-0."

"In order to legally own an NFA item — such as a silencer ... or machine gun — a local chief law enforcement officer must sign an individual’s application before completing the transfer. In North Dakota, as in most states, the CLEO, can technically approve or deny for arbitrary reasons, as it’s up to his or her own discretion. Under the proposed legislation, these sheriffs and police chiefs would be required to sign off on these applications as long as the individual can legally possess the item." ...

CO: Effort to reduce background check wait times fails
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Colorado Senate Republicans on Thursday shot down an attempt to reduce wait times on background checks related to concealed-carry permits."

"Democrats are using the party-line vote to turn the gun debate around on Republicans. The GOP has attacked Democrats for passing gun-control measures in 2013 that they said limited access to firearms and accessories. But Democrats say Republicans now are the ones impeding access."

"'What we’re doing here is intentionally creating obstacles to the constitutional right to get access to a gun,' Sen. Mike Johnston, D-Denver, said while addressing his colleagues in the Senate. 'As a gun owner, I find that offensive.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Well gee, Mike, if it is a Constitutional right then why do we need a permit at all?

VA: Senate strikes down law to allow concealed carry on school property
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Virginia Senate moved Monday to strike down Senate Bill 1132 , a bill which would have allowed individuals to carry concealed handguns on school property outside of regular hours."

"The bill was sponsored by Sen. Tom Garrett, R-Buckingham, and lost in a vote of 18 to 20. Three Republicans joined the Democratic opposition."

"Sen. Barbara Favola, D-Arlington, said she opposed the bill and felt passing the bill would have made dangerous environments around schools." ...

AZ: GOP pushes series of gun bills
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Republicans in the Arizona Legislature are pushing a series of bills that would ensure gun owners’ rights to sell and transfer firearms at gun shows, bring guns into public places and protect owners from having their weapons taken."

"Arizona already has some of the strongest Second Amendment protections in the country, including the right to carry a concealed weapon without a permit and sell firearms at gun shows without a permit or background check. But Republicans in the House of Representatives said new laws will further protect those rights." ...

AZ: Legislators should not bend the rules
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "And, the House Military and Public Safety Committee on Thursday, Feb. 5, passed House Bill 2527 in a 5-3 vote. Rep. Anthony Kern, R-Glendale, said the bill would add the word 'transfer' to an existing [preemption] law so only the state legislature can regulate the transfer of firearms, in addition to storage and possession."

"'There's no harm in that. I think it just adds to the rights of the Second Amendment,' Kern told the Associated Press."

"However, Sen. David Bradley, D-Tucson, said communities should be able to craft their own laws based on the Constitution. 'It's funny because sometimes we talk about local control, and when it's not convenient we view this as a restraint on Second Amendment rights,' the AP reported." ...

CO: Chinese Immigrant Explains What Gun Control Means to Her
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Last night, the Colorado State Legislature heard eight hours of testimony on legislation to roll back the over-the-top gun control bills that East Coast Democrats imposed on Colorado in 2013, including the Magban, which limited the legal capacity of a magazine to 15 rounds. Lily Tang Williams testified that she immigrated to the United States when she was 24 to escape communist rule in China. Her powerful speech told of how Chinese police could knock on your door and enter your home without warning, and how the people of China felt powerless to defend themselves."

"She accurately noted that only law-abiding citizens were subject to magazine round limits:" ...

Alan Gura and SAF 2nd Suit against DC
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The wheels of justice in the District of Columbia are turning exceedingly slowly in enforcing the second amendment ... It was shortly after the Heller decision in 2008, that Alan Gura and SAF filed suit in what has become the Palmer case in the District of Columbia. That suit was filed in August of 2009, only a little more than a year after Heller was decided in June of 2008. It took almost exactly five years to get a ruling in the Palmer case. Alan Gura, during that period, filed two petitions for a writ of mandamus."

"After the Palmer ruling, D.C. has resisted following the court’s orders ... Now SAF and Alan Gura have filed another lawsuit, based on the law that was passed by D.C. to prevent the issue of almost all carry permits ..." ...

PA: Harrisburg tries to shoot down lawsuit that threatens city gun ordinances
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Attorneys representing Harrisburg will face a gun rights group in Dauphin County Court Friday in an effort to shoot down a lawsuit that threatens the city's finances and gun ordinances."

"In preparation for the court hearing at 9 a.m. Friday, attorneys for Harrisburg filed three motions Thursday that aim to:
  • delay the gun lawsuit filed last month by the McShane Law Firm,
  • deny McShane's request for a preliminary injunction and
  • disqualify McShane and his firm as attorneys in the case."
"In court Friday, the McShane Law Firm plans to argue for a preliminary injunction, which would prevent Harrisburg from enforcing its gun ordinances while the lawsuit is pending." ...

DC: Handgun Owners Miffed at D.C. Regulations
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A gun advocacy group wants the District of the Columbia to drop regulations requiring citizens to prove that their lives are in danger before they are allowed to own a pistol."

"The Second Amendment Foundation and gun owners Brian Wrenn, Joshua Akery and Tyler Whidby sued the district and Police Chief Cathy Lanier on Feb. 3 in Federal Court, claiming that the district's requirements violate the Second Amendment."

"The lawsuit takes aim at the district's attempt to salvage its stiff gun control regulations that took a hit after the U.S. Supreme Court determined that DC's 33-year-old handgun ban was unconstitutional in the 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller." ...

Submitter's Note: I wonder if Mr. Abbott would say that blacks in Selma were "miffed" by not being able to vote?

DC: D.C. Shoots Down 99% Of Gun-Permit Applicants
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If anyone has been able to get a concealed-carry permit in the District of Columbia since it was ordered by a court to allow such permits, Alan Gottlieb would like to know the secret of their success."

"That’s because the district’s police chief, Cathy Lanier, has rejected almost every applicant since the city’s new gun-permit law went into effect six months ago. Less than 10 people are known to have successfully obtained a permit, says Gottlieb, founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation."

"SAF announced this week it is suing the District of Columbia, challenging its highly restrictive concealed-carry permit process, which requires applicants to have a 'good reason' to carry a weapon." ...

GA: Man calls 9-1-1 after finding girlfriend stabbed, cops show up, kill him and his 3-legged dog
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "On the 29th, an argument escalated between Edwards and their house guest. Hilyard then stabbed Edwards with a kitchen knife before fleeing the residence. Davis called 9-11, and the couple waited in their bedroom for help to arrive."

"Shortly after the call, Davis heard gunfire from the front room of his home. He believed Hilyard had returned with a gun. Davis grabbed his gun and went to the front room where he heard the shots."

"Tragically, the shots he heard came from an Officer Joseph Pitts, the first to arrive on the scene. He had just shot and killed Davis' three-legged dog, Tooter. Three witnesses all claim the officer never announced his presence or identified himself as a policeman." ...

MO: Employee at St. Louis City Jail caught having sex with inmate (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A former St. Louis jailer is charged with committing several crimes while on duty, including having sex with an inmate."

"Ciara Jones, 28, admits to the crime. She had been a city jail employee since 2008."

"'Sadly, this is a situation where a corrections officer abused her position of trust,' said Assistant St. Louis Circuit Attorney Rachel Smith."

"In March 2014, Jones was fired after fellow corrections officers told their supervisors she was having sex with one of the inmates in an open area." ...

H/t to David Codrea who notes: Just in case you were wondering why hardened cons called them "screws"...

MO: Ferguson, Mo., police begin testing new ‘less-lethal’ attachment for guns
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"About a month after a white officer fatally shot an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Mo., the city’s assistant police chief, Al Eickhoff, took to Google and searched under the words 'less lethal.'" ...

"Browsing a California company’s Web site, Eickhoff found pictures and videos of an odd-looking, blaze-orange device docked on a normal handgun barrel. When a bullet fired, it melded with an attached projectile the size of a ping-pong ball that flew with enough force to knock a person down, maybe break some ribs, but not kill him, the product’s makers said — even at close range."

"Its name: the Alternative." ...

NH: Gun Rights and Dead Children (first letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With reference to William Tufts’ letter concerning the Second Amendment, I have a few questions ('Defend The Right to Bear Arms,' Jan. 27)."

"What does the phrase 'well regulated militia mean' and how does it apply to the right to bear arms?"

"According to the journal Pediatrics, about 20 children and teenagers are shot daily in the United States. About 80 preschool children are killed each year, according to the FBI and CDC."

"Is this a problem? If yes, do you have any suggestions for solving it?" ...

NH: Supreme Court supports some limits on gun possession
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I am writing in regards of NH Senate bill SB 116 that would eliminate restrictions on carrying concealed weapons. There has been a lot of discussion on both sides of the issue of gun control. A lot of it heated. When I was in high school and college I belonged to rifle and pistol clubs and enjoyed many a day hunting with my dad ... however I do see a need to control who is allowed to possess guns and how they are carried."

"Perhaps if you had the experience of spending a week in Portsmouth Hospital supporting the family of a man, who was shot in the head by a teenager who had a gun; perhaps if you had the experience of carrying this man’s casket you might think differently. Believe me, it is a life changing experience." ...

NE: Gun Rights Supporters Just Gave An Unexpected Victory To Gay Marriage
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nebraska state senators on Tuesday passed an amendment that would recognize military members' same-sex spouses applying for gun permits in the state despite the state's ban on gay marriage, according to the Omaha World-Herald."

"During debate on a bill that would make it easier for out-of-state military spouses to get a Nebraska conceal carry permit, state Sen. Paul Schumacher (R) asked whether the bill would apply to same-sex partners."

"'Is not the Second Amendment sex blind? Color blind?' Schumacher asked, according to the World-Herald. 'What great evil would come from saying a partner of somebody in the military … is entitled to exercise their Second Amendment rights to carry a concealed weapon in this state?'" ...

NH: Constitutional rights are not absolutes
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In Dennis Karoleski's unhinged support of unlimited guns for all, he writes, in opposition to a proposal to require a license to carry a concealed handgun, 'When last I read it; 'The RIGHT of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be INFRINGED' was the pertinent part that WAS listed there. So I have to wonder if he has actually ever read it and why he feels the Second Amendment should be the only right we need 'permission' to exercise.'"

"Mr. Karoleski is apparently unaware that NONE of the amendments in the Bill of Rights are absolute. Some spech is not protected under the First Amendment. ..." ...

PA: Officials erect 'not a gun free zone' signs in township (video story)
Submitted by: jac

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"A Lancaster County township is putting up a different kind of sign – one telling everyone that the township is NOT a gun free zone."

"So far crews in Conoy Township, have put up four signs along township roads. They plan to erect 10 more today."

"Township officials said the signs are meant to deter crime. Police in the township aren't taking a position on the signs themselves, but say they're for anything that deters crime." ...

War is just one more big government program. — JOSEPH SOBRAN

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