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Disarmed U.K. sees bigger rise in violent crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Regarding Tom Teepen's rant last month against the National Rifle Association:"

"... Yes, as Teepen says, the NRA has lobbyists with a lot of political clout. And yes, it is concerned about the Democratic majority because Democrats have historically been anti-Second Amendment."

"But rather than describing the NRA reaction as 'hysteria,' why don't we show a little honesty and let statistics speak for themselves:"

"... between 1997-2001, violent crime in the United Kingdom increased by 26 percent (no doubt one of Teepen's 'putatively civilized' countries with 'common-sense gun control'), while the gun-mad U.S. saw a 12 percent increase. The increase for 2000-2001 was 11 percent in the U.K. and 1 percent here." ...

Outdoor writer apologetic for online criticism of assault rifles - By Jim Zumbo
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"My recent blog on the Outdoor Life Web site was written with the interest of the hunter's image in mind."

"In it my use of some words inflamed America's gun community to the point where, in less than 24 hours, they were able to mount enough pressure to cause my TV sponsors to withdraw from my show. Outdoor Life magazine, under similar demands, asked for my resignation, which I reluctantly gave. I had worked for the magazine full time for almost 30 years."

"Despite this, I hold no grudge against America's gun lobby. I have publicly apologized and stated, 'I was wrong - big time.' Although I have always been active in advocating hunting rights, I've never thought of myself as a spokesman for gun rights." ...

Gun Control on the Rise Again
Submitted by: Liberty Belles

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"When the Democrats passed the federal 'assault weapons' ban in 1994, voters responded overwhelmingly by kicking the bums out of office. The Republicans did little to support gun rights during the following congressional session, although they did manage to allow the AW ban to sunset in 2004."

"Now that the Democrats are back in the majority, gun control legislation is on the rise again. Sadly, many voters believed that they were voting for pro-gun Democrats. ..." ...

TN: Kingsport man stabbed during home invasion, fires two shots at intruders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A Kingsport man fired two shots at men who invaded his home early today, but he was stabbed twice during the incident."

"The incident happened around 5:05 a.m. ..."

"KPD Det. Greg Lane said Frank Johnson, 25, reported he heard noise outside his home and someone knocking on his door."

"'He went to the door with a pistol in his hand. As soon as he opened the door, an unknown black male rushed in and attacked him,' Lane said."

"A second unidentified black male entered the residence and stabbed Johnson in the left side and arm, Lane said."

"Johnson fired his gun and the two men ran out of the house." ...

OH: Girl raped at gunpoint in 'no-guns' Toledo park (BFA)
Submitted by: Buckeye Firearms Association

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"The Toledo Blade is reporting that Toledo police are seeking information about the sexual and physical assault of a 16-year-old city girl last week at Highland Park in South Toledo." ...

"Got that? Those pesky rapists went and ignored a Toledo 'no guns in our city parks' sign, which city officials claim are oh, so important to prevent, well, rape at gun point, for instance." ...

MD: Ban on assault weapons not likely to pass
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Despite renewed efforts to ban assault weapons in Maryland and the support of top state leaders, a tougher gun control bill may not even make it to the floor of the Senate this year."

"Much like the bill to halt the death penalty, a proposed assault weapons ban yesterday faced a divided Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee."

"With most of a standing-room-only crowd attending the hearing against the ban, the votes do not appear to be there for the ban's passage." ...

MD: Montgomery sportsmen also care about constitutional rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Del. Roger P. Manno (D-Dist. 19) of Silver Spring should get an award for the most dramatic double-speak of the year ('Gun bill backed by House delegation,' Feb. 21 article)."

"His comments that he is not 'an anti-gun nut' and that 'Charles County sportsmen who are more concerned about Second Amendment rights' at once confirms a belief in the individual right to own and bear arms and a belief that the Constitution can be ignored if he finds it personally inconvenient."

"Yes, Delegate Manno is an anti gun nut. Exactly where does he get off thinking that the sportsmen of Montgomery County don't care as much about Second Amendment rights as their counterparts in Charles County, or any other county for that matter?" ...

WA: Senate committee OKs gun-show loophole bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Controversial legislation that tightens regulations on firearm sales at gun shows passed out of a state Senate committee today."

"Senate Bill 5197 would expand background check requirements to include guns sold at shows by unlicensed gun sellers. Currently, only licensed dealers have to screen customers ..."

"The lack of regulations on unlicensed dealers is known as the gun-show loophole. Gun rights advocates say the background checks are unnecessary because only a tiny number of guns used by criminals have been traced back to purchases made at gun shows." ...

Submitter's Note: Technically this is what is called a "straw man". The real argument is that there is no "loophole". All laws which apply outside a gun show apply at the gun show.

TX: Proposals would arm owners with right to use deadly force
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Burglars beware: Lawmakers are working to give Texans the right to use deadly force to protect their homes, cars or businesses - without having to prove they first tried to flee."

"Advocates call them 'protect your castle' bills, necessary to help law-abiding Texans defend their personal property."

"'If someone breaks in, they're there to do you harm,' said Garland Republican Rep. Joe Driver, author of a bill approved Tuesday by a House committee. 'Your car and your place of business are just an extension of your castle. This would make it so you can use whatever force necessary to protect yourself.'"

"But opponents characterize such measures as 'shoot first' bills ..." ...

KS: Gun ordinance may have seemed like a good idea at the time, but...
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Bonner Springs City Manager Jack Helin may have believed a common-sense-sounding ordinance he brought to the City Council would meet with little discussion Monday night. The ordinance in question was meant, he told the Council in its workshop session before the regular meeting, to close gaps left open in the state's concealed-carry handgun bill which became effective Jan 1." ...

MD: Advocates hopeful on gun ban
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With the support of a new Democratic governor, advocates for a state assault weapons ban said yesterday that they have the legislative backing and momentum to pass a bill this session."

"'We are hopeful that the new political landscape will make a difference this year,' said Sen. Michael G. Lenett, the Montgomery County Democrat sponsoring the proposal."

"Gov. Martin O'Malley and state Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler are behind a proposal that would forbid the transport, sale, possession or purchase of military-style assault weapons. ..."

"A proposed state ban died last year in the General Assembly. Then-Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. ... didn't push for tougher state legislation." ...

MN: St. Paul approves ban on realistic toy guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Realistic-looking replica guns will be banned in St. Paul under an ordinance the City Council unanimously approved today."

"Mayor Chris Coleman supports the ban."

"'Today's council action is a testament to our shared commitment to public safety,' Coleman said. 'This ordinance sends a clear message that we will not tolerate misuse of these guns, nor will we wait for a tragedy to occur before taking action.'"

"The ban does not cover water pistols and other obvious toys. But the popularity of real-looking guns that shoot pellets and are used in war games, known generally as Airsoft guns, is on the rise."

"The guns have been cited in several officer-involved shootings where police mistook them for the real thing. ..." ...

John Adams' Proposed Resolutions, "the People of that Province by no Means to Submit", Sept. 30, 1774
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"...That the Province of the Massachusetts Bay, and the Town of Boston are now Suffering and Struggling in the common Cause of American Freedom and therefore that it is the indispensible Duty of all the Colonies, to Support them by every necessary Means, and to the last Extremity..."

"...Whereas Hostilities have been already been commenced against the Province of Massachusetts-Bay and through them against all the Colonies, and whereas this congress have already advised the People of that Province by no Means to Submit to the late Act of Parliament for altering their Government..."

"...Americans have can have little well grounded Hope of Defence, Protection or Security from anything but their own wisdom, Valour..."

Resolutions for the Continental Militia, "furnishing with Arms, such effective men as are poor and unable to furnish themselves", JULY 18, 1775
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"...That it be recommended to the inhabitants of all the united English Colonies in North America, that all able bodied effective men, between sixteen and fifty years of age in each colony, immediately form themselves into regular companies of Militia..."

"...That all the Militia take proper care to acquire military skill, and be well prepared for defence by being each man provided with one pound of good gun powder, and four pounds of ball, fitted to his gun..."

"...Also that they devise proper means for furnishing with Arms, such effective men as are poor and unable to furnish themselves..."

"...and that the making such arms be encouraged in these United Colonies..."

Journals of the Continental Congress, "a respectable body of citizens would arm for the security of their property", July 1, 1783
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"...That the council had a high respect for the representative sovereignty of the United States; and were disposed to do every thing in their power to support its dignity. That they regretted the insult which had happened..."

"...That the militia of the city in general, were not only ill provided for service, but disinclined to act upon the present occasion. That the council did not believe any exertions were to be looked for from them, except in case of further outrage and actual violence to person or property. That in such case a respectable body of citizens would arm for the security of their property and of the public peace..."

Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, "respecting such persons as shall be assembled or embodied in arms", Feb. 28, 1795
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"...The House proceeded to consider the resolutions and amendments thereto, reported, yesterday, from the Committee of the Whole House on the report of the committee to whom was referred a motion of the twenty-fifth instant, respecting such persons as shall be assembled or embodied in arms..."

"...Resolved, That all persons who, unauthorized by law, and with hostile intent, may be found in arms on any lands allotted or secured . . . shall, on conviction thereof, forfeit a sum not exceeding -- dollars, and be imprisoned not exceeding -- months:..."

"...unless it shall be in immediate pursuit of Indians who shall have recently committed hostilities..."

IA: Woman reports abuse from jail
Submitted by: barbarossa58

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A woman with a no-contact order against a man currently being held in the Polk County Jail has complained to police that he is violating the order by calling her from the inmate phone at the jail.

Michelle Wiese, 28, of Des Moines, filed a report with police Tuesday night. She told officers the man called her home phone nine times and her cell phone once from the jail. Officers said the man has been ordered not to phone her.

Police did not identify the suspect pending charges. The Polk County Attorney's office will review the case.

MA: Sister of shooting victim works to get guns off Brockton streets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The heartbroken sister of shooting victim Jason Fernandes is urging parents to get behind a campaign to rid the city's streets of illegal guns."

"'For me, this campaign is very important. Parents should be more on top of their children and should educate them more about violence and guns,' said 30-year-old Elisa Fernandes."

"She spoke out in support of Mayor James E. Harrington's recently launched hotline, which allows parents to hand in illegal guns without fear of criminal responsibility."

"'I think it is important for parents to help in any way they can,' she said."

"But not a single weapon has been handed in since the campaign, targeted at people who speak little English, began two weeks ago." ...

VA: Guard wounded by his own pistol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A security guard at the federal courthouse in downtown Richmond was slightly wounded this morning when a handgun he was handling accidentally discharged."

"The guard was grazed in the right upper thigh area by a lone bullet fired from a .40-caliber Glock 23 pistol, and he was taken to VCU Medical Center, where he was treated and released, said Jim Daley, the supervising deputy in charge of the U.S. Marshals Service in Richmond." ...

"Daley said the guard had just reported for work ... and was putting on his equipment in a third-floor room used to store weapons, radios and other equipment. As the guard was putting the gun in his holster, it discharged, Daley said." ...

MN: Bloomington explosives case expands with munitions find
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Military-grade ammunition was found Tuesday at a south Minneapolis building linked to a man jailed the day before on suspicion of having military explosives at his home, Minneapolis police said." ...

"The man, who hasn't been charged with a crime, was arrested Monday after authorities found 'small quantities' of explosive materials and 'quite a few' firearms at his home ..." ...

"Most of the firearms recovered were legally owned by the man, Bogdalek said. All of the explosive materials recovered can be obtained legally -- some by permit and others without -- he added, refusing to say whether the man complied with the law in obtaining the materials." ...

Submitter's Note: Not in the article, but mentioned elsewhere, he used to own a tree stump removal business. May explain the explosives.

MN: Explosives discovered in Bloomington house (follow-up)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A cache of detonation cords, blasting caps, guns and what authorities described as military explosives were found at a Bloomington house Monday afternoon." ...

"The man who lives in the home was arrested and was being held in the Hennepin County jail."

"He is a regular at gun and knife shows, often selling knives and military clothing, said Jim Wright, owner of Crocodile Productions, which stages many of the shows. He described him as 'aboveboard' in his dealings. 'I'd be shocked if he did anything illegal,' Wright said."

"Glenn Becker, who lives nearby, said that the man was quiet and that he had owned a tree and stump removal service until he sold it years ago." ...

VA: Museum Lands Rare Pistol
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"As the 13 colonies prepared to go to war for independence from Britain, craftsmen and laborers at James Hunter's Rappahannock Forge in Falmouth were turning out weapons and other gear to supply George Washington's Continental Army."

"Two-hundred and thirty years later, officials from the Fredericksburg Area Museum and Cultural Center discovered that one of the flintlock pistols made at that forge was going on public auction in San Francisco on Feb. 5."

"To put things in perspective, only 15 of these pistols, marked with the 'Rap a. Forge' stamp, are known to still exist, and ... it had been 40 years since the last one came up for sale publicly." ...

LA: We are under attack again! (blog)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Well, I guess I need to stand on a soapbox and scream to anyone that will listen, but our 'rights' as guaranteed by the Second Amendment are now under assault again. With the results of the most recent election which gave the Democrats/Liberals control of Congress AGAIN, new severe anti-gun legislation has been introduced in the House of Representatives by none other than Carolyn McCarthy, D-NY."

"Essentially, it is the same legislation that has been voted down for the last six years, and concentrates, but is not limited to, so called 'assault' rifles. The newly proposed legislation wants to limit magazine capacities, again, and limit if not out right ban, the sale and possession of ... 'any rifle with pistol grip' ..." ...

Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation, the existence of subordinate governments, to which the people are attached, and by which the militia officers are appointed, forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. — James Madison, The Federalist Papers, No. 46

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