Owning the Power to Control My Destiny
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"I have great respect and adoration for financial guru, Suze Orman. She is an intelligent, financially brilliant and witty lady (If she's anti gun, please don't tell me!) Recently I watched The Suze Orman show on the local PBS channel. The show was entitled 'Women & Money'. ..." ...
"Yet the most profound words were to come to the audience full of women when Suze stated you must 'own the power to control your own destiny'! That statement hit me like a Mack Truck. Own the power to control your own destiny!!! For me, those words were so profound. April 8, 2004 Ohio's General Assembly granted me the 'power to control my own destiny'. That is the day that concealed carry became law in Ohio." ... |
CCRKBA Hails D.C. Gun Law Nullification on Second Amendment Grounds
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"The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today hailed a ruling by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia that, for the first time in American history, struck down a gun law on Second Amendment grounds." ...
"'Anti-gunners are screaming hysterically about 'judicial activism at its worst' that ignored decades of 'Supreme Court precedent',' noted CCRKBA Executive Director Joe Waldron. 'In fact, this ruling strikes a mortal blow to decades of judicial activism based on erroneous interpretation and deliberate misrepresentation of a 1939 Supreme Court decision, and returns the Second Amendment to its historically accurate place in the Bill of Rights.'" ... |
SAF: D.C. Appeals Court Ruling Holds Second Amendment Protects 'Individual Right'
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"A ruling Friday by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia that strikes down the District's 1976 handgun ban and holds that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms is 'a landmark for liberty, and an affirmation that everything the gun rights community has been saying for years is correct,' the Second Amendment Foundation said today."
"The 2-1 ruling came in the case of Parker v. District of Columbia. Senior Judge Laurence H. Silberman wrote the opinion, with Judge Thomas B. Griffith concurring. ... The ruling holds that the District's long-standing ban on carrying a pistol in the home for personal protection is unconstitutional. SAF filed an amicus brief in the case." ... |
Cato Institute: Washington, D.C. Circuit Court Strikes Down 30-Year Old D.C. Gun Ban
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In a ground-breaking opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit today overturned the D.C. gun ban, a three-decade old prohibition on possession of firearms within the Nation's Capital. Senior Judge Lawrence H. Silberman, joined by Judge Thomas B. Griffith, a recent Bush appointee, concluded that 'the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms.' Judge Karen Lecraft Henderson filed a dissenting opinion."
"The case, Parker v. District of Columbia, was brought by six D.C. residents -- including Cato senior fellow Tom Palmer -- who sought to keep functional firearms in their homes for self-defense. ..." ... |
U.S. Court decision obliterates gun grabber position, notes American firearms law expert
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"'Today’s federal court decision overturning Washington, D.C.'s firearm ban obliterates gun grabber arguments for denying an individual law-abiding citizen his or her right to own a gun,' gun law expert John M. Snyder." ...
"'The court threw out the argument that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution recognizes only a collective right, rather than an individual right to keep and bear arms,' Snyder continued. 'For decades now, the movement to undercut Americans’ individual right to own and use firearms has used this erroneous interpretation of part of our Bill of Rights as the intellectual basis for their campaign. ... Philosophically, this is a tremendous victory for the American gun rights movement.'" ... |
Gun Owners of America Praises Overturn of DC Gun Ban
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"'For 31 years, the DC gun ban has been the criminal class’s best friend. DC victims have been legally disarmed and helpless in the face of savagery from home invaders and street assailants,' said Larry Pratt about today‚s ruling by the DC Court of Appeals overturning the DC law."
"'DC has been home to the nation's highest murder rate for most of the 31 years of the gun ban. DC's politicians and the Congress as well never wanted to admit that their law was killing people. The criminals were the only ones to benefit from the law because they never cared what that law, or any other law,' [Pratt] said." ... |
Washington, D.C. Circuit Court Strikes Down 30-Year Old D.C. Gun Ban
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"In a ground-breaking opinion, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit today overturned the D.C. gun ban, a three-decade old prohibition on possession of firearms within the Nation's Capital. Senior Judge Lawrence H. Silberman, joined by Judge Thomas B. Griffith, a recent Bush appointee, concluded that "the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms." Judge Karen Lecraft Henderson filed a dissenting opinion." ... |
"We reverse"
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"...March 9, 2007 the United States Court of Appeals - For the District of Columbia circuit reversed its previous ruling..."
"Below you will find pertinent quotations from the ruling. (More will be added as the ruling is studied). In addition, you can access the full (downloadable) PDF copy here. The court cites a number of interesting precedents used in determining their ruling."
"... The court held that the Second Amendment ("A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed") does not bestow any rights on individuals except, perhaps, when an individual serves in an organized militia such as today's National Guard. We reverse..." |
D.C. Handgun Ban Reversed By Federal Court
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"A federal appeals court overturned the District of Columbia's long-standing handgun ban Friday, rejecting the city's argument that the Second Amendment right to bear arms applied only to militias."
"In a 2-1 decision, the judges held that the activities protected by the Second Amendment 'are not limited to militia service, nor is an individual's enjoyment of the right contingent upon his or her continued intermittent enrollment in the militia.'"
"The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that the city cannot prevent people from keeping handguns in their homes. The ruling also struck down a requirement that owners of registered firearms must keep them unloaded and disassembled. The court did not address provisions that prohibit people from carrying unregistered guns outside the home." ... |
Federal appeals court overturns D.C.'s handgun ban
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"A federal appeals court Friday overturned the District of Columbia's long-standing handgun control law, rejecting the city's argument that the Second Amendment right to bear arms applies only to militias." ...
"Assistant Police Chief Winston Robinson said opening up gun ownership would be hazardous for a city that has struggled with gun violence. He said overturning the law 'more than likely will put more guns in the hands of youth.'" ...
"Alan Gura, an attorney for the six plaintiffs, said claims by city leaders that overturning the law would hurt their ability to fight crime were 'nonsense.'" ... |
Appeals Court Overturns D.C. Gun Ban
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"A federal appeals court overturned the District of Columbia's long- standing handgun ban Friday, rejecting the city's argument that the Second Amendment right to bear arms applied only to militias."
"In a 2-1 decision, the judges held that the activities protected by the Second Amendment 'are not limited to militia service, nor is an individual's enjoyment of the right contingent upon his or her continued intermittent enrollment in the militia.'"
"A lower-court judge in 2004 had told six residents they did not have a constitutional right to own handguns. ..." ...
"If the dispute makes it to the high court, it would be the first case in nearly 70 years to address the Second Amendment's scope." |
Major Second Amendment Decision
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"The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ... today (Friday, March 9) issued a very important Second Amendment decision broadly upholding the right of individuals to possess and use firearms ..." ...
"As an aside, it is interesting to note who weighed in as amicus curiae in this case in support of the plaintiffs and the D.C. Government."
"Supporting the plaintiffs were the attorney general's offices of Texas, Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Utah, and Wyoming. Also supporting the plaintiffs were the Second Amendment Foundation, the Congress of Racial Equality , the American Civil Rights Union , and the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund." ... |
Court Calls District Gun Laws Unconstitutional
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"The District's restrictive gun laws have long been hated by Second Amendment activists everywhere, who have tried pretty much everything, including near-annual congressional legislation, to overturn them. Today might be their day, though -- the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has found that the District's gun restrictions are unconstitutional."
"In a decision published today, the court wrote that the District's restrictions on gun ownership, which date back to 1976, unconstitutionally infringe upon the rights of citizens to bear arms. ..." ... |
Statement of Brady President Paul Helmke on DC Circuit's Ruling Striking Down DC Handgun Law
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"The 2-1 decision of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in Parker v. District of Columbia striking down the District of Columbia's handgun law is judicial activism at its worst. By disregarding nearly seventy years of U.S. Supreme Court precedent, two Federal judges have negated the democratically-expressed will of the people of the District of Columbia and deprived this community of a gun law it enacted thirty years ago and still strongly supports."
"This ruling represents the first time in American history that a Federal appeals court has struck down a gun law on Second Amendment grounds. ..." |
Court to D.C.: Bring on the Guns
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"The U.S. Court of Appeals today threw out the District of Columbia's highly restrictive gun laws, ruling that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to own firearms."
"The 2-1 ruling, which the city will immediately appeal, threatens to bring gun shops and easy ownership of handguns back to the District. But while this is just the latest of a long line of skirmishes over the meaning of the Second Amendment, the judges in the majority--Laurence Silberman and Thomas Griffith--went out of their way to trash the legal theories behind the D.C. law." ... |
Court to DC: Handguns for All!
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This morning the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, in the case of Parker, et al v. the District of Columbia, overturned the District of Columbia's handgun ban on Second Amendment grounds. Under the decision, which is contrary to the overwhelming weight of legal authority, District residents would now be allowed to keep handguns in their homes. |
DC: Mayor Voices Outrage Over Court Decision On Gun Ban
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"D.C.'s mayor says he's "deeply disappointed" and "outraged" by an appeals court decision Friday striking down a long-standing handgun ban.
The court rejected the city's argument that the Second Amendment right to bear arms applies only to militias."
"Mayor Adrian Fenty says the decision "flies in the face of laws that have helped decrease gun violence" in the city. He says the city will appeal - and that in the meantime, the law will be enforced."
"The handgun ban went into effect in 1976." ... |
PA: Diner Owner Tells All After Killing Would-Be Robber (follow-up)
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"A Philadelphia diner owner told all after he shot and killed a would-be robber and wounded another one on Thursday afternoon."
"Jason Lee, 45, owner of Sunrise Breakfast in West Oak Lane, said he was not a hero, just a man trying to protect himself and those around him."
"On Thursday morning, he shot and killed 20-year-old Cornell Toombs after he and 24-year-old Gary Williams pointed a gun at a diner employee, authorities said. The men demanded cash and threatened to open fire during the attempted robbery, Lee explained."
"As the owner's wife stepped to action and started opening the cash drawer because the cashier was shaking too badly to do it, the store owner grabbed his registered gun and prepared himself for the worst." ... |
NJ: Time for state to ban armor-piercing rifles
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"State and federal gun-control laws have overlooked a weapon with a killing potential that goes far beyond what is safe or sane: the .50-caliber rifle, a powerful tool of battlefield snipers designed to puncture armor and destroy targets from a distance of more than 20 football fields away. Incredibly, the .50-caliber rifle is easier to purchase than a handgun, and newer models can be had for as little as $1,000. New Jersey and the nation must take steps to ban .50-caliber weapons and their ammo from sale to the public, or the consequences could be grave, especially if the .50-caliber becomes a tool of choice for terror. The possibilities for loss of life and property are terrible." ... |
Edmund Pendleton to Joseph Chew, "This alarmed the Country and I suppose 1000 men were in arms", June 15, 1775
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"...The Crisis of our Fate in the present and unhappy Contest seems approaching nearer than may be imagined by us and perhaps this Summer may determine whether we shall be slaves or a Rotten wicked Administration be sacrificed to Our Freedom..."
"...Lord Dunmore very imprudently had 15 half Barrels of Powder removed in the night from the Magazine on board a Man of War whether Crown or Country property is uncertain. This alarmed the Country and I suppose 1000 men were in arms..."
"...there are many stands of Arms in the Magazine from which the locks have been taken and the people uneasy lest the Guns would also be taken away..." |
Samuel Chase to John Dickinson, "and Arms and Ammunition the only Means; to resolve to resist", Feb. 6th. 1775
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"...From an entire and perfect Approbation of the Resolve of the Congress, that if the late Acts of Parliament, relative to the Massachusetts Bay, should be attempted to be carried into Execution by force, that in such Case all America ought to support that Colony in her Opposition . . . that We were resolved never to resign our Rights, but with our Lives..."
"...We must either resist or infamously submit. If We are resolved to resist, and to defend our Liberties at the Risque of our Lives, a military force appears to Me to be necessary, and Arms and Ammunition the only Means; to resolve to resist, without preparing a military force & Arms will be, in my Opinion, of little Consequence..." |
Samuel Adams to James Warren, "a Spirit becoming the Character of Americans", Dec. 4, 1776
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"... Let me tell you that every Nerve must be straind to resist the British Tyrant, who in Despair of availing himself of his own Strength which lately he so much prided himself in, is now summoning the Powers of Earth & Hell to subjugate America. The Lamp of Liberty burns there & there only. He sees it, and is impatient even to Madness to extinguish it. It is our Duty, at all Hazards to prevent it..."
"...Have they not disgraced themselves by standing the idle Spectators while the Enemy overran a great Part of their Country? ..."
"... there are a sufficient Number in Arms resolvd to defend their Country. Many are now on the March. Heaven grant they may be the honorable Instruments to retrieve the Reputation of their Countrymen..."
James Duane's Notes of Debates, "That all the Country was in arms", Sept. 5, 1774
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"...Mr Henry from Virginia insisted that by the oppression of Parliament all Government was dissolvd & that we were reduced to a State of Nature. That there were no longer any such distinctions as Colonies. That he conceiv'd himself not a Virginian but an American..."
"...5. Resolved that a Committee be appointed to state the Rights of the Colonies, the several Instances in which they have been violated & infringed and the means most proper to obtain Redress..."
"...That a party was sent to take this; & that six of the Inhabitants had been killd in the Skirmish. That all the Country was in arms down to [ ](3) in Conneticut. That the Cannon fired upon the Town the whole Night..."
Mueller admits fault in FBI intrusions
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"The nation's top two law enforcement officials acknowledged Friday the FBI broke the law to secretly pry out personal information about Americans. They apologized and vowed to prevent further illegal intrusions."
"Attorney General Alberto Gonzales left open the possibility of pursuing criminal charges against FBI agents or lawyers who improperly used the USA Patriot Act in pursuit of suspected terrorists and spies."
"The FBI's transgressions were spelled out in a damning 126-page audit by Justice Department Inspector General Glenn A. Fine. He found that agents sometimes demanded personal data on people without official authorization, and in other cases improperly obtained telephone records in non-emergency circumstances." ... |
FBI Underreported Use of USA Patriot Act
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"The FBI underreported its use of the USA Patriot Act to force businesses to turn over customer information in suspected terrorism cases, according to a Justice Department audit." ...
"The FBI in 2005 reported to Congress that its agents had delivered a total of 9,254 national security letters ..."
"Justice Department Inspector General Glenn A. Fine's report says that number was underreported by 20 percent ..." ...
"It was unclear late Thursday whether the omissions could be considered a criminal offense. One government official who read the report said it concluded the problems appeared to be unintentional and that FBI agents would probably face administrative sanctions instead of criminal charges." ... |
Officers outgunned on U.S. border
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"Violence along the U.S.-Mexico border is undergoing 'an unprecedented surge,' some of it fueled by weapons and ammunition purchased or stolen in the United States."
"Mexican military officials stopped a tractor-trailer containing weapons and ammunition, along with a pickup truck fitted with armor and bulletproof glass. The weapons included 18 M-16 assault rifles, an M-203 40mm grenade launcher, several M-4 carbines, 17 handguns, 200 magazines for different weapons, 8,000 rounds of ammunition, assault vests..." ... -------
Submitters Comment:1st, how do they know those weapons weren't headed INTO the US? 2nd, if they were from here it's cause our GOVT sold them. |
AK: Ready, aim, fire
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"March Madness arrived in Fairbanks this week, but it's bullets, not basketballs, that have everyone bouncing off the wall."
"The NCAA Rifle Championships begin today at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the first time the school and city has played host to a national collegiate championship event."
"In a town - and state - where guns and shooting are a big deal, hosting the NCAA Rifle Championships is huge." |
UK: Dogs responsible for sheep deaths
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"Dog owners are being warned their pets could be legally shot if found attacking sheep."
"The warning comes after 13 sheep were killed and three injured during dog attacks on farms in Worcestershire." ... -------
Submitters note: Shoot them with what? |
These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of men and women. — Thomas Paine, The Crisis, Intro. (Dec. 1776). |