CO: Hysteria trumps self-defense on 'Make My Day' gun bill
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Mark A. Taff
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Hysteria trumped reason yet again at the Colorado State Capitol when a Senate committee killed the so-called "Make My Day Better" bill on a party-line vote.
Responsible gun owners regularly find themselves subjected to this kind of treatment by wet-diaper, nanny-state liberals who believe that any Colorado citizen with a gun is barely capable of suppressing some ravenous urge to shoot everyone who casts so much as a cross-eyed glance.
House Bill 1011 was sound and reasonable, extending to workers in a business the right to protect themselves against an imminent criminal threat - the same right that Coloradans have enjoyed in their homes since 1985. |
TN: Armed citizens stop Memphis street shooter
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Mark A. Taff
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Police in Memphis say a gunman firing a pistol beside a busy city street was subdued by two passers-by who were also armed.
No one was hurt during the incident that apparently began with a minor traffic accident, but one passing car was believed hit by a bullet. |
DC: Citizens Breathe a Bit Easier in America's 'Murder Capital'
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In America's Murder Capital, at least one of the many crimes of an incompetent government has been addressed - and a lot of citizens in Washington, D.C. are breathing a bit easier. Earlier this week the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals declared the city's decades-old ban on personal firearms in the home to be unconstitutional. |
PA: Pistol proposal pending
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Now, more than ever, the relationship between the Pennsylvania Game Commission and the state's sportsmen should be one based upon trust -- with a large dose of understanding thrown in for good measure. That has never been more obvious, especially in light of preliminary approval given by the board of commissioners to several proposals at the agency's January meeting. |
Pistol training keeps 26th MEU ready for close encounters
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As the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit and Bataan Strike Group continue to conduct maritime security operations in U.S. Naval Forces Central Command's area of operations, the MEU's elements are working to ensure that personnel who carry the M-9 service pistol are ready to use the close-quarters combat weapon. Marines from each part of the MEU recently participated in combat pistol ranges on the flight deck and flight elevators here to enhance overall familiarity with the weapon and to introduce troops to firing situations that simulate the unknowns of combat. |
NY: Officer slay club shooter
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A young tough paid with his life when he fired a shot at an off-duty detective during a scuffle in a crowded Brooklyn nightclub early yesterday - but was cut down by the victim's pal, an off-duty cop, police said. |
George Washington To The President of Congress, "those Arms which were taken from the disaffected", Feb. 9, 1776
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"...I have tried every method I can think of to procure Arms for our Men; they really are not to be had in these Governments [belonging to the Public]..."
"...I have wrote to the Committee of New York, this day, requesting them to send me those Arms which were taken from the disaffected in that Government, the Congress interesting themselves in this request, will doubtless have a good effect. I have sent Officers into the Country with Money to purchase Arms in the different Towns, some have returned and brought in a few, many are still out, what their success will be I cannot determine..." |
Australia: Army man feared attack on nation
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AN army sergeant accused of stockpiling an arsenal of stolen weapons and explosives feared Australia could come under imminent attack from insurgents, a court has heard. Ian Dudley Read, 53, of Puckapunyal, is accused of stealing high-powered weaponry from Puckapunyal army base.
Sgt Read, head of the base's school of artillery, kept the stolen weapons loaded and combat-ready, Shepparton Magistrates' Court was told yesterday.
He allegedly amassed a war chest over five years including an F1 sub-machinegun, an F1 machinegun, two SKS assault rifles, 14 unregistered hand guns, 26 hand grenades, 27 high-explosive rifle-launched grenades, 13 unregistered rifles and up to 500,000 live rounds of ammunition. |
Dr. Lott: The All American Gun
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Did you know that in New York City through 1969 virtually all the public high schools had riflery teams?"
"Thousands of students carried their rifles on subways, buses and streets on their way to school, when they went to practice in the afternoon and on their way home. And until 1963, all commercial pilots were required to carry guns and were allowed to carry guns until 1987."
"Gun laws have certainly changed over time."
"Today towns such as Kennesaw, Ga., Greenfeld, Idaho, and Geuda Springs, Kan., which all require residents to own guns, are considered odd. But Clayton Cramer's terrific new book, 'Armed America,' shows that, in fact, gun ownership has been deeply woven into this country's fabric since the colonial period." ... |
AK: Three Horned Frogs earn NRA All-American honors
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Three TCU Horned Frogs were honored by the National Rifle Association as All-Americans. Erin Lornenzen earned the highest honor for the Frogs with an appearance on the Air Rifle second team. Lauren Sullivan was honorable mention in both smallbore and air rifle, while Simone Riford garnered honorable mention accolades in smallbore. |
SD: New shooting range targets national audience
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After several failed public attempts to build a world-class shooting range, Sturgis and Meade County can now claim to have a new attraction, which officials hope will draw marksmen from throughout the region and nationwide. The Buffalo Chip Shooting Complex is on land owned by the Buffalo Chip Campground. Much of the complex is ready for business, but there are some projects that must still be completed. The rifle range, with stations has targets at 100-, 200-, 300- and 600-yard distances. The pistol range, when finished, will include six covered shooting lanes with targets at 25 and 50 yards. |
NY: County Struggles With Rifle Legislation
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Hunting with a rifle is safer for humans and more humane for animals, but is still illegal in Chautauqua County. On Saturday, hunters and elected officials discussed pending legislation that would make rifle hunting legal in New York during a meeting at the Falconer Rod and Gun Club. Area residents were given the chance to express their feelings about the rifle law with area elected officials, including state Sen. Cathy Young, R-Olean, who hosts a trap shoot every year; state Assemblyman Bill Parment, D-North Harmony; and Chautauqua County Executive Greg Edwards, who has been an avid hunter since he was a child. |
AK: Nanooks win 8th national rifle title in front of hundreds of fans
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More than 1,000 people turned out Saturday to the NCAA Rifle Championships at University of Alaska Fairbanks, the largest crowd ever for the national event. The University of Alaska Fairbanks won the championship again, their eighth title in nine years. Perhaps those most surprised by the crowd were the athletes themselves. “You’re not really paying attention to what’s going on behind you, so I wasn’t really aware until I turned around,” said senior Kristina Fehlings of the University of Nebraska. “It’s really neat. I was taking pictures just of the crowd.” |
CA: Woman slain in parking lot of Oakland church
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OAKLAND -- For a decade Bishop Bob Jackson, head of Acts Full Gospel Church in East Oakland has worked to curb violence in the city.
But on Sunday his 7,000-member congregation was personally rocked by it when parishioner Tanya McCall was fatally shot in the church parking lot just before the 8 a.m. service.
Jackson who has organized gun exchange programs said the killing should put city leaders on notice about the urgent need to get guns off the street.
Submitters Note: This guy has a member of his church gunned down in the church parking lot and his first response is to talk about banning guns. Unbelievable! |
DC: Court Rejects Strict Gun Law as Unconstitutional
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Interpreting the Second Amendment broadly, a federal appeals court in Washington yesterday struck down a gun control law in the District of Columbia that bars residents from keeping handguns in their homes. The decision was the first from a federal appeals court to hold a gun control law unconstitutional on the ground that the Second Amendment protects the rights of individuals, as opposed to the collective rights of state militias. ... Linda Singer, the District’s acting attorney general, said the decision was “a huge setback.” ...
George Washington To Gov. Jonathan Trumbull, "disarming all such persons upon long Island or elsewhere", Jan. 7, 1776
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"...As to Gun locks, it is not in my power to furnish any..."
"...that the Inhabitants of Long Island in the Colony of New York, or a great part of them, are Inimical to the rights and Liberties of America*, and from their conduct and professions, have discovered an apparent Inclination, to assist in subjugating their fellow Citizens to ministerial tyranny..."
"...and for disarming all such persons upon long Island or elsewhere, whose conduct and declarations, have rendered them justly suspected of designs unfriendly..."
"...Hmmmm, New York being "inimical to the Rights and Liberties of America"? Who would have thought such a thing could possibly be true? Isn't that right Herr Bloomberg..." |
GA: Suspected Intruder Shot And Killed
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DeKalb County police are investigating the deadly shooting, of a man who may have broken into home. Paul Meoaur told Channel 2 Action News that the man had a kitchen knife, that was about six inches long. He says tried to bust through his friend's locked bedroom door. He told police the man didn't stop, when his roommate warned him that if he didn't leave, he would shoot. Moments later the roommate did just that. The suspect died of his injuries at the hospital. |
George Washington To The Massachusetts Legislature, "all the Arms, which shall be furnished by the Recruits", Jan. 16, 1776
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"... You will be pleased to direct, that the Men come provided with good Arms, Blankets, Kettles for cooking, and if possible, with Twenty rounds of Powder and Ball..."
"...With respect to your other resolve relative to arms, I am quite ready to make an absolute purchase, of such as shall be furnished either by the Colony or Individuals. I am also ready to engage payment for all the Arms, which shall be furnished by the Recruits, if lost in the Public Service; but I do not know how far I could be justified in allowing for the use of them; when I know it to be the opinion of Congress, that every Man shall furnish his own Arms, or pay for the use of them, if put in his hands..." |
Column: Politcally incorrect comments doom Zumbo, aid anti-gun supporters
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Michigan Gun Owners
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Recent definitions of assault weapons often categorize them by cosmetics....
Well, excuse me, but if you are in imminent danger from someone with a bayonet, you are equally in danger from the same person yielding a pitchfork, a baseball bat, a kitchen knife, or, for that matter, a sharp stick. This is why such legislation is ludicrous.
That Zumbo, a member of the National Rifle Association who had attended eight of the group's last 10 conventions, could fall into that same trap defies explanation. But his off-hand observation was deemed unforgivable by the gun lobby. And he is paying dearly. |