Nicki F: Made a convert this weekend
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Bruce W. Krafft
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... "... Being a good, responsible conservative/libertarian, my friend's hubby had an ulterior motive for flying me all the way out to the libtard coast: he had bought his wife her first handgun as a birthday present. She's a tiny little person - probably 100 lbs. soaking wet - and she didn't feel safe home on her own while he traveled. ... Hence the gun... Since this was her first gun, the good, conservative/libertarian husband felt it was necessary to fly in an 'expert' to teach her proper gun safety, train her how to use it, clean it, maintain it and store it. Since an expert costs money, he decided to use me instead." ... |
Report: Hunting, Shooting Gear Tops Golf in Sales
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"Fore! Sportsmen and women are playing through."
"Hunting- and shooting-related equipment has out-driven golf in sales, according to data released by the National Sporting Goods Association."
"New statistics show that hunting gear and firearm sales topped $3.7 billion in 2006, up 4.1 percent from the previous year. Only exercise equipment performed better, with sales of $5.22 billion ... Golf equipment, which claimed the No. 2 spot the previous year, fell into the third spot ..."
"'These statistics ... further demonstrate the willingness of America's 40 million hunters and shooters to spend big bucks to enjoy their lifestyles ...' said Doug Painter, president of ... the National Shooting Sports Foundation." ... |
Right to self-defense extends to parks
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"Anti-gun Democrats on Capitol Hill, led by Rep. Norm Dicks of Washington and Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, are livid about a common-sense effort to allow legally licensed citizens to carry concealed sidearms inside national parks. It's as though they think the proposal was tantamount to condoning genocide."
"... Dicks has hardly been a friend to gun owners and Feinstein's record speaks for itself. Both are 'F' rated by the [NRA]."
"Dicks and Feinstein have threatened to block a sensible move by Interior Secretary Dirk Kempthorne to change national park rules to allow concealed carry in the parks. Opponents claim this change will open the parks to rifle-toting poachers. It's not true and they know it." ... |
Wayne Director Gets National Attention
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"In this week's News You Choose, a local film director is getting national attention for his recently released documentary on the 2nd Amendment and the right to bear arms."
"'We're just trying to give people both sides of the argument - instead of the one side of the argument you get from the national media,' said Ashley Stinnett."
"Stinnett says his newly-completed documentary, Our Second Amendment - A Guarantee of Freedom, is designed to inform folks who live in the Appalachia region about proposed and future changes to gun owners rights." ...
"Stinnett says the 30 minute film deals with the true issues at hand, staying away from misleading stereotypes that other documentaries showcase. " ... |
American Hunter Alert
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The lamestream media told you:
The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:
A group calling itself American Hunters and Shooters is soliciting funds under the pretense of defending Second Amendment rights and hunters' interests.
In reality, the group has funded anti-gun lawsuits, gun bans, the Brady campaign, candidates such as John Kerry, Al Gore, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Ted Kennedy, and seeks "reasonable" gun control.
The underhanded deception goes as far as an amicus brief in the Heller case, superficially on the side of Heller and gun rights, which, if adopted, would undercut gun rights nationwide. The hubris of these people knows no bounds. Thanks to NRA-ILA for alerting me to the scam. |
Ruby relic hot as a pi$tol
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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The gun Jack Ruby used to kill Lee Harvey Oswald would seem to belong in a museum.
But that's not the case. The .38-caliber Colt Cobra has been in private hands since 1967. This weekend it will be auctioned at the Palms, with a starting price of $1 million.
The FBI had taken possession of the rifle Oswald used to shoot JFK and it ended up in the National Archives in College Park, Md. |
Allowing weapons ruins sanctuary
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"National parks such as Mount Rainier, Olympic and the Lincoln Memorial are special places. They preserve some of America's most sacred ideas, hopes and sites. They shouldn't be battlegrounds for special interests to push a dangerous political agenda."
"Unfortunately, the National Rifle Association doesn't agree. And if the NRA gets its way, families traveling to parks would need to consider packing bulletproof vests, along with their cameras, backpacks and tents." ...
"National parks have faced poaching and resource degradation problems since Yellowstone was set aside as the world's first national park in 1872. ..." ... |
The Second Amendment, guns and death
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"After my father died, friends advised my seventy-year-old mother to get a gun for protection. ... I told her that if she got a gun, the only thing she would accomplish would be to enable an intruder to take the gun away from her and shoot her with it. ... Surveys have shown that having a gun in the house significantly heightens the danger to the occupants."
"Now comes a Commentary in ... by Sandy Froman ... and Ken Blackwell ... They argue that the Second Amendment to the Constitution protects Americans' right to own guns and that people should be able to have handguns in their homes for safety and defense." ... |
In Congress, The Uphill Battle For Gun Control
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Brent Greer
Website: http://thereadyline.blogspot.com
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"The scenario is all too familiar: A disturbed gunman opens fire in a school, an office, or a shopping center and, before horrified spectators, slaughters innocent men, women, and even children. After the massacres at Columbine High School, Virginia Tech University, and Omaha's Westroads Mall, the question is always the same: How could this tragedy have been prevented? Inevitably, there are calls for tougher gun control, and routinely they are followed by arguments about Second Amendment rights, along with protestations that 'guns don't kill people; people do.' In the end, the reactions to these tragedies serve only to remind how deeply divided Americans are when it comes to guns." ... |
Gun Battle at the White House?
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"In preparation for oral arguments Tuesday on the extent of gun rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment, the U.S. Supreme Court has before it a brief signed by Vice President Cheney opposing the Bush administration's stance. Even more remarkably, Cheney is faithfully reflecting the views of President Bush."
"The government position filed with the Supreme Court ... stunned gun advocates by opposing the breadth of an appellate court's affirmation of individual ownership rights. The Justice Department, not the vice president, is out of order. But if Bush agrees with Cheney, why did the president not simply order Clement to revise his brief? The answers: disorganization and weakness in the eighth year of his presidency." ... |
The Roe v. Wade of gun rights
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"On March 18, America could see another Roe v. Wade, only this one will be on gun rights."
"And, as a historic Supreme Court case on the Second Amendment looms, two unexpected perspectives show what is at stake in this case for all Americans."
"Between the two of us as authors, our commitment to the Second Amendment, coupled with our real-life experiences, explodes the stereotypical images of gun owners in America. We are living proof that the Second Amendment is a blessing for all Americans, and that all Americans have a vested interest in the pending court case." ... |
VA: Langley HS annual Case Day
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Langley High School seniors will hold the school’s annual Case Day on Friday, March 14, with a moot court of the controversial Supreme Court case, the District of Columbia vs. Heller.
The case questions whether the District of Columbia’s law that permits ownership of rifles and shotguns but bans handguns infringes on the right to keep and bear arms as outlined in the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Langley students taking Advanced Placement (AP) government will argue the case. |
What's in a Word?
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"The El Mirage boy, who was celebrating his 10th birthday in the Tonto National Forest, remained calm even as he was attacked by the animal..."
"Paul's uncle reportedly took up his pistol and shot the lion, which was an older female, then loaded it in the family's truck and took it to Smith's home in Glendale." That would be 'National Forest' as opposed to 'National Park.'"
"If this had happened in the latter, the Bradys ... and the usual gang of idiots would require the boy's birthday to also be his death day ..."
"Because, you know, there's no place for guns in the sacred wilderness, where ordinary people who have them are invariably there to either shoot up other campers or poach. |
OK: Weighing the need for concealed carry guns
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"I have never felt threatened while at OSU. Whether it is the stale glow of the blue lights from the emergency posts littered around the campus or just my naivete, I feel safe here."
"That was until my intramural basketball game on Monday night. That night a certain alpha male decided that if he was not going to win on the court, he would extend the competition to a more physical arena. Aside from reaffirming my belief in evolution, this throwback giant ended up not doing anything other than threaten my team."
"He spewed threats throughout the game unabated by the referees and continued after the game bellowing 'I hope I see you in the streets.'" ... |
WV: Principal Accused of Bringing Gun to School
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Police accuse him of bringing a gun to school and we aren't talking about a student. We are talking about the principal of Wirt County Middle School.
Danny Hoover, Junior was arrested and charged back in October with two counts of unlawfully possessing deadly weapons on school property.
Tuesday lawyers tried to get the charges against him dismissed. A judge will rule in the case at the end of the month. |
PA: Family Sues School District After Son Gets Detention for Wearing T-Shirt With Gun Image
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"A 14-year-old Pennsylvania schoolboy is fighting back after being sent to detention for wearing a T-shirt bearing the image of a gun in honor of his uncle fighting in Iraq."
"Officials at Penn Manor High School in Millersville, Pa., gave Donald Miller III two days of detention in December after he refused to turn his shirt inside out. But Donald and his parents say the shirt is a symbol of patriotism, and they've taken the case to federal court."
"Donald's shirt showed a military weapon and the words "Volunteer Homeland Security" on the front. The back of the shirt displayed ... another image of the weapon."
"Miller said he wore the shirt in honor of his uncle ... who is serving in Iraq and who gave it to Miller as a gift." ... |
MN: Rep. Tony Cornish lends his support to Demmer
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"House District 24B state Rep. Tony Cornish recently endorsed Randy Demmer as the Republican candidate in the state of Minnesota's First Congressional District."
"Demmer, a state representative from Hayfield, is seeking the Republican endorsement to challenge Tim Walz in the 2008 general election." ...
"'As a champion of Second Amendment rights and a hunting and fishing enthusiast, I have appreciated Randy's help in passing legislation such as conceal and carry,' Cornish said in his endorsement letter. 'I know he will be a great congressman for us and will represent the principals and values of the people in southern Minnesota.'" ... |
Time To Stop BATFE Abuses: Congress Pursues Firearm Law Reforms
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Idaho Ordnance
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... "The bill, H.R. 4900, was introduced in January by Reps. Steve King (R-Iowa) and Zack Space (D-Ohio). It’s mainly aimed at one problem: Around the country, gun stores small and large have been threatened with closure over minor, unintentional record-keeping violations."
"Among them--and certainly the most outspoken, through owner Ryan Horsley’s widely read blog on the Internet--is Red’s Trading Post in Twin Falls, Idaho. Red’s has been a family business since 1936, which makes it Idaho’s oldest gun store. After giving Red’s a clean bill of health in a 2001 inspection, BATFE found record-keeping errors in 2005, and began proceedings to revoke Red’s federal firearms license (FFL) in 2006." ... |
AZ: Bills would ease gun rules despite public's concerns
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"An Arizona bill that would allow concealed guns on college campuses has gained national attention, sparking a debate over whether to let students and teachers arm themselves."
"But it's only one of at least 15 measures in the Republican-led Legislature this year aimed at loosening gun controls in a state that has long had a fascination with firearms."
"Although polls indicate that a growing number of Arizonans favor stricter gun laws, GOP legislators and pro-gun activists continue their fight to expand the right to bear arms."
"And they appear to be winning." ... |
AL: Not far enough
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"The problem with Hank Erwin's bill seeking to arm academics and ROTC students on Alabama campuses isn't that it goes too far. It doesn't go far enough, and it fails to ask the fundamental question: Why do we allow boards of trustees in state-funded institutions to violate the constitutional rights of its students? Every eligible student who can obtain a concealed carry permit in the state of Alabama should be able to carry on campus, without exception, and without harassment by their educational institution."
"The presumption that a permit holder is qualified to make life and death decisions isn't modulated by the fact that they are enrolled in school." ... |
PA: Phila. City Council Headed To Court Over Gun Laws
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"Philadelphia council members have asked a court to overturn a law that stops them from adopting local gun-control laws."
"City Council members Darrell Clarke and Donna Reed Miller say the state's loose gun laws contribute to the city's rampant gun violence."
"'Everyday we wake up, people are dying. We've got to figure out a way to have gun owners be more responsible. We're not trying to violate anyone's Second Amendment rights,' Miller said." ...
"Statehouse lawyers want the court to dismiss the suit. They blame the violence on criminals."
"'Statistics show that the kind of approach that these city council members are taking just hasn't worked,' said State Senate's attorney John Prill." ... |
NY: Paterson's '06 misfire
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New York State Rifle & Pistol Association
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"The man who will be governor, David Paterson, once sponsored highly controversial legislation in the state Senate requiring police to shoot to harm, not kill."
"The current lieutenant governor, a Democrat from Harlem, also pushed a bill that would have allowed non-citizen residents to vote in local elections."
"He has since disavowed the police bill and dropped his 'active' support of the voting measure."
"In 2006, as a state senator, Paterson backed the bill to severely limit the use of deadly force by police against crime suspects who threaten them."
"The idea drew howls of outrage from police and even opposition from Paterson's running mate, Eliot Spitzer. Paterson ultimately withdrew the bill." ... |
PA: No Charges Filed Against Trooper's Stepson After Fatal Crash
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"Serious questions are being raised about the way Pennsylvania state police investigated a fatal car crash."
"It involved a state trooper's close relative."
"The accident left three children without their mother."
"The police report said witnesses saw the driver weaving on the road, but he walked away from a fatal car crash without a traffic ticket." ...
"Though police didn't do a test, the hospital did. The report showed several hours after the accident that O'Halloran's blood-alcohol level of 0.149 percent was almost twice the legal limit ..." ...
"Three hours before the fatal accident, O'Halloran was involved in a hit-and-run accident in another county ... Again [he] wasn't charged with anything ..." ... |
Rate-My-Cop: New Website Has Police Furious
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"Police agencies from coast to coast are furious with a new website on the internet. RateMyCop.com has the names of thousands of officers, and many believe it is putting them in danger." ...
"Police associations that represent more than 100,000 police and sheriffs in California are now seeking legislation to see if they can eliminate the site altogether. They say that officers who are rated face unfair maligning without any opportunity to defend themselves."
"The CPCA will work with other law enforcement associations to pursue legislation to stop the website. Constitutional attorney and former San Francisco Police Commissioner Peter Keane said eliminating the site is difficult." ... -------
H/t to LRCblog.com who note that the website has already been removed. |
MI: 4 cops, motorcycle club member indicted in Detroit
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Four police officers and a Highwaymen Motorcycle Club member were indicted by a federal grand jury in Detroit on charges ranging from lying to federal agents, lying to a grand jury, and committing various drug offenses.
In addition, a formal criminal complaint was filed against Detroit area Attorney Lee O'Brien for lying to federal agents.
All charges arose from an FBI investigation that resulted in the indictment of over forty HMG members and associates last year. The officers are from Brownstown Township, Hamtramck, Garden City and a reserve officer from Detroit. |
PA: Ex-Trooper Accused Of Tipping Off Pimps For Sex, Money
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"A former Pennsylvania state trooper is facing federal charges he tipped off pimps who ran a child prostitution ring in exchange for money and sex."
"A federal indictment announced Wednesday accuses 42-year-old Kevin J. Coleman of interfering with a nationwide investigation of a ring that used the girls and young women as prostitutes."
"Prosecutors said that among Coleman's duties was conducting anti-prostitution patrols at Gables Truck Stop near Harrisburg at a time when pimps from Toledo, Ohio, were operating there."
"The federal investigation known as Precious Cargo led to the conviction of 14 pimps and two lead prostitutes who are awaiting sentencing." ... |
IL: Woman Arrested for Non-Crime
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"Leave your two-year-old in your car, asleep, walk no more than 10 yards, keeping your car in sight at all times, return minutes later . . . and find yourself arrested and handcuffed for 'child endangerment and obstructing a peace officer.' The 'peace officer' would be the thug who, according to the poor mother, 'was on a tirade' and 'yelling at' her." ...
"While this mother was being booked for a non-crime, one wonders how many real crimes were taking place in the Windy City that the cops didn't bother to impede." |
MI: Southwest Michigan Friends of the NRA Dinner Event
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"On Friday, March 28, 2008 the Southwest Michigan Friends of the NRA will hold its Fifth Annual Dinner Event. This event is a fundraiser for the NRA Foundation, which uses all funds raised to support shooting sports in the State of Michigan and Nationally. It will include a social hour at 5:00pm, and a prime rib dinner at 6:30pm which will be followed by raffles, silent auction, and a live auction of official NRA furnished items: prints, sculptures, NRA gun of the year NRA knife of the year, rifles, optics, and more." ... |
IL: Let suburbs secede from Cook County
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"I seen there was an article about seceding from Cook County for most of the Northwest suburbs."
"I would love nothing better. I moved to the suburbs to get away from Daley and all the rest of his cronies. Nothing would please me more than to totally cut those ties -- the never-ending high real estate taxes, rises in sales taxes and all the rest of it."
"If there is any way to put this to a vote by the people and go ahead with it, please by all means pursue it."
"I am sure 99 percent of the people in the suburbs want out. This is especially true of law-abiding gun owners, who want no part of the county board or its anti-Second Amendment members." ... |