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Newslinks for 3/14/2003

Canada: Calgary police officer shoots fellow cop
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A city police officer who fatally shot his friend and colleague in a hostage-taking training exercise says he simply forgot to check if his gun was loaded."

"Simply forgot"???? Is this what anti-gunners mean by their claims that only "trained professionals" should have firearms?

South Africa: State to Stamp Hard On Firearms Proliferation
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Halting the proliferation of firearms in the country would be a major priority of the SA Police Service (SAPS) this year, national police commissioner Jackie Selebi said in Parliament yesterday."

"He said the intention was to reduce weapons in both state and private ownership."

CA: Calif. City Rescinds Police Awards
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The city has rescinded employee of the year awards given to two white police officers whose slaying of a black teenager fueled protests for more than two years."

"City Manager Glenn Southard said he took the action to promote racial healing and to deal with his own misgivings."

Will GPS tech lead to 'geoslavery'?
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Jerome Dobson worries that 1984 may be just around the corner. Dobson, a University of Kansas research professor and president of the American Geographical Society, is concerned that technical advances carry the potential for bringing about George Orwell's nightmarish vision of a society that destroys privacy. This new threat, says Dobson -- a respected leader in the field of geographic information technologies -- is 'geoslavery.' "

UK: Armed gang stages £10,000 bank raid
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Armed robbers escaped with £10,000 from a village bank after threatening terrified staff and customers with a handgun." ...

"They terrorised people inside the bank and one of the men produced what appeared to be a handgun with which he threatened customers."

AZ: House OKs guns in eateries that sell alcohol
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The House voted yesterday to allow people to carry guns into restaurants that sell alcohol unless the business posts a sign prohibiting it."

UK: Tough laws to reduce tragic gun toll
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Tougher laws controlling the ownership of potentially lethal air weapons were unveiled by Home Secretary David Blunkett yesterday."

"The reforms mark a major victory in the fight to slash the tragic toll of air gun shootings."

Much like stricter handgun laws "slashed" the tragic toll of handgun shootings? The Brits really should learn from their experiences, instead of repeating the same errors over and over again.

AL: Ex-chief sentenced in gun-theft case
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Former Linden Police Chief and City Councilman Preston Bowden has been sentenced in Mobile to more than three years in federal prison for possessing firearms that were stolen from the Linden Police Department."

NY: B'klyn DA sticks to his guns but lowers dad's rap
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Brooklyn prosecutors back-pedaled yesterday on weapons charges against a Navy veteran who shot an intruder in his home - but would not drop the case."

"Prosecutor Dawn Flowers moved to reduce the charge against Ronald Dixon to attempted possession from illegal possession. A conviction would not require a jury trial and could land Dixon in prison for up to 90 days instead of a year."

South Africa: 'Target shooting at schools absurd'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"National Police Commissioner Jackie Selebi has forcefully rejected Education Minister Kader Asmal's proposal to give schools rifles for target shooting."

"Selebi said there 'is absolutely no way in this country' that schools would be given weapons." ...

"Rather than giving schools additional guns for target shooting, Selebi has vowed to collect and destroy weapons from those schools with weapons dating from the cadet system."

AZ: Legislature Passes Measure Recognizing Gun Shows
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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HCR 2025, Legislative Recognition of Gun Shows, is a message to the U.S. Congress from the Arizona Legislature. It states that the Legislature stands firmly alongside Arizona's gun owners in the battle to protect gun shows from the misguided efforts of gun control zealots intent on eliminating them from the American landscape.


Senate panel faults border security
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"Several members of the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday told the nation's new head of border security that his agency needs to do a better job of protecting the nation against terrorists while not hampering legitimate trade and travel."

Germany: Armored car robbed
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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The URL for this story was too lengthy for our Newslinks system. It can be found here.

"Two men remained at large on Thursday with a large sum of cash after they used their stolen car to block an armored car and then opened fire on the stationary vehicle with a submachine gun until the guards inside opened up. One of the two guards suffered a wound to his leg but was recovering after the incident on Monday..."

Doesn't Germany have very strict gun control? How did those criminals ever get a hold of that submachine gun?

All they had to do was do their jobs
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Whenever someone like me complains about the assault on freedoms launched by current Attorney General John Ashcroft, someone will rise up and scream that all of Ashcroft’s extremism is justified by the war on terrorism."

" 'We have to take these steps to prevent another September 11,' some flag-waving, Johnny-come-lately patriot will proclaim. 'I’m willing to make the sacrifice to keep America safe.' "

"Well I hate to break it to all you duct-tape hoarding, canned food stockpiling sheep who don’t mind following somebody into oblivion as long as he waves the American flag, but surrendering your freedoms to Uncle Sam ain’t gonna save you."

UK: Burglars seize guns hoard
Submitted by: Blacksnake

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"Guns and ammunition worth hundreds of pounds have been stolen from a house in Delph."

"Police are eager to recover the stolen weapons, which were taken some time yesterday afternoon, before they get into the wrong hands."

Liberals trade crusading anger for hardheaded realism
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"As the inestimable economist John Lott has shown, the study behind this flagrantly dishonest 'cold hard fact' assumed that anyone killed by a gun in or near a home where anyone owned a gun was, therefore, killed by 'a gun in the home.' The study merely attests to the fact that people who live in high-crime neighborhoods tend to own guns. This is like the joke about diets causing people to be fat because most people on diets are fat. Or, as Lott says, on that theory of causation, hospitals must cause people to die because lots of people who die have been hospitalized recently. (Lott exposes dozens of such phony 'studies' and shibboleths about guns in his splendid new book, 'The Bias Against Guns.')"

Answer to terror? Arm yourselves, says LaPierre
Submitted by: Anonymous

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" 'Guns, Freedom, and Terrorism' is a fact-filled volume that tackles a number of subjects surrounding gun rights, including: arming airline pilots, animal rights extremism, media bias, gun-show prohibition, self-defense, and others. Its convincing arguments will cause even the most adamant gun-control supporter to consider the values our forefathers fought to protect – liberty, self-government and justice."

MD: Police offer reward for illegal-gun tips (Another report)
Submitted by: Jim Sr

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"Howard County police hope that a $250 reward will entice residents to pick up the phone to report illegal guns."

"The department received a $60,000 grant from the state and plans to spend a significant portion on public relations."

"Callers can remain anonymous and will receive a code number that they can use to claim their reward if their tip leads to a gun seizure or arrest."

Another "rat on your neighbor" or "cause grief to someone you don't like" program.

OK: Edmond adds funds for training center
Submitted by: serinde

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"Expansion of the city's police firearms training center is one step closer after City Council members voted this week to appropriate an additional $45,000 for the project."

"The police department requested the extra money after all bids for the work came in over budget..."

"Edmond has a police pistol range at 7707 E Danforth, but the training classroom there is dilapidated and cannot accommodate enough people to fill the police department's needs, [Maj. Steve] Thompson said."

TX: Council of Governments seeks input on security plan
Submitted by: serinde

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"The Brazos Valley Council of Governments is putting together a regional homeland security plan with a $100,000 grant from the state, officials said Wednesday."

"Council officials asked member governments to nominate representatives for an advisory committee, which must draw up the regional plan by Dec. 31."

"The homeland security plan will address security threats and outline how government should respond to attacks or disasters, said council executive director Tom Wilkinson."

MD: Day After Court Deal, Man Kills Wife, Self
Submitted by: Doug Compton

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"A day after a courtroom deal was struck with a man who agreed to stay away from his estranged wife in exchange for charges being dropped, the two were found dead inside a home they once shared in Oxon Hill." ...

"On Monday, Ernestine Dyson agreed in court, to drop the charges that her estranged husband Tyrone Dyson, choked and threatened to kill her in exchange for a promise to stay away from her."

Why is it that women are indoctrinated to believe that a court order and a promise will protect them from a violent significant other, but a firearm is more than likely to harm them?


NY: Firearms For Kids?
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Should 14- and 15-year-old New York residents be able to hunt deer with firearms?"

"Chuck Thousand Jr. doesn't see why not."

" 'I've hunted in other states that allow kids that age to hunt deer, and they're usually safer than the adults,' said Thousand, the president of the Onondaga County Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs. 'They listen, they're willing to learn, they're enthusiastic.' "

NC: Senate committee moves bill on N.C. concealed handgun reciprocity
Submitted by: Paul Raynolds

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"A proposal that would allow North Carolina to honor other states' handgun conceal-and-carry permits was recommended for approval by a Senate committee Thursday."

"After similar legislation passed the House but bogged down in the Senate twice in the past four years, the proposal now appears headed for a floor vote in that chamber."

"Wrestling" With Libertarianism
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"I do not watch a lot of television. But the shows I do watch often times remind me that there is a lot of hope for our message of libertarianism. I enjoy the political overtones in 'The Simpsons' and especially in 'South Park.' However, there is another highly popular company that tells us very openly how political correctness has run amuck and how government can be too intrusive. This company, World Wrestling Entertainment, has been one I have followed since my childhood."

Use Your W-4 Form
Submitted by: LFA Editor

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"Today, I am urging all of you to take care of yourselves first and the whole of humanity, such as it is, second. We have all been willing slaves to the intrusion and support of our government to wield our will over others for too long and it will ultimately be our downfall. We have let corporate/legislative pigs ruin our nature for too long under the guise of humanitarianism."

"Do you need an authoritarian source to tell you when your next door neighbor is in trouble?" ...

CA: LAPD officer charged with stealing illegal assault weapons turned in by public
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A 30-year-old police officer pleaded innocent Tuesday to charges of stealing illegal assault weapons turned in by the public."

"The surrendered weapons were supposed to be destroyed."

"Deputy District Attorney Mark Ashen said Piffard was caught in an undercover operation run by the department's internal affairs officers, who were investigating tips that he had expressed interest in buying illegal guns and silencers."

GA: Law could help endangered children
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"A South Georgia lawmaker is trying once again to push legislation through the General Assembly to protect children. Senator Michael Meyer Von Bremen introduced the Child Endangerment Act on Lieutenant Governor Mark Taylor's behalf. It defines criminal negligence as reckless disregard for child safety. For example, parents who leave a child in a hot car, or leave a loaded gun within reach of a child could be prosecuted."

UK: Robber 'was shot dead with his own gun'
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A security guard was arrested yesterday after it was alleged that he shot and killed an armed robber with the robber’s own gun during a raid at a supermarket."

"Police are investigating claims that the security guard, who was wounded during the raid, picked up an abandoned gun and shot the robber after the masked man had been overcome by other staff."

PA: Gun in school charge dismissed against apologetic teacher
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A teacher who brought a loaded handgun to school merely did a 'stupid' thing by accident and should not be prosecuted, a district justice ruled."

"It wasn't immediately clear whether Thursday's ruling would affect the employment status of Shaler Area High School teacher Anthony Sarkis, who was suspended without pay earlier this month."

MO: Teen charged after officer finds gun in car at school
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"A 15-year-old boy was charged today in the juvenile division of Johnson County District Court after a gun was discovered in his car at Blue Valley High School." ...

"A school resource officer, acting on a tip, found a long gun Wednesday in the student's car parked at the school, 15020 Metcalf Ave. in Overland Park."

Airport Background Checks
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The threat of terrorism is being cited to justify ratcheting up federal police-state measures at airports. ...The new security program, known as CAPPS II — Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System — will rate each passenger’s risk potential according to a threat level color code: green, yellow, or red. This appears to be part of a piecemeal approach to implement the controversial Total Information Awareness (TIA) program, which has run into considerable opposition."

Canada: Feds need more money for gun registration
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"The thorny issue of funding for the national firearms program has returned to haunt the government after it was revealed that Ottawa is asking Parliament to approve another $172 million for this fiscal year and next."

GA: Citizen holds burglars at gunpoint
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"Scotty Phillips was so tired of being burglarized, that he took it upon himself to do his own investigation. He arrested two burglars in his driveway, held them at gunpoint, and waited for police."

UK: Suffolk pair in court after M11 gun raid
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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The URL for this story was too lengthy for our Newslinks System. It can be found here.

"Glenn Webb was today due in court to face firearms and ammunition charges..."

"Webb [and three others] all stand charged with possessing firearms, conspiracy to import firearms, possessing ammunition, and failing to declare goods to Customs and Excise."

What the Brits have yet to learn is that outlawing guns creates a black market for them, and their government doesn't have the resources to catch and arrest every black market gun dealer.

CA: Trucker kills robber in Lodi
Submitted by: Paul Raynolds

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"According to police reports, Delorio said the two men looked suspicious, so Delorio got into the cab of his truck. However, one of the two men followed him into the truck and hit Delorio in the face with the butt of a handgun."

"Joe Braggs, 52, of Stockton apparently did not know that Delorio had a gun of his own and was surprised when Delorio fired a single gunshot at Braggs, wounding him in the chest. Braggs died a short time later at a hospital in French Camp."

NE: Woman Attacked With Stun Gun
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"A heartland woman trying to help three young girls wound up getting beaten and having her car stolen Wednesday night."

"Ashley Grubb never imagined the trouble in store for her when she decided to give three girls a ride home from Westroads Mall." ...

"Ashley's kindness was repaid with a stun gun attack. The red marks on her face, head, and neck are healing but the memory of the attack, especially the stun gun, will be with Ashley forever."

UK: Customs charge man in gun fight
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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The URL for this story was too lengthy for our Newslinks system. It can be found here.

"Armed robbers escaped with £10,000 from a village bank after threatening terrified staff and customers with a handgun." ...

"They terrorised people inside the bank and one of the men produced what appeared to be a handgun with which he threatened customers."

AZ: Human Wave border incursions
Submitted by: Doug Charette

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"Thirty- four volunteers including two new recruits from California spent the weekend patrolling the Cochise County border with Mexico over the past weekend. Civil Homeland Defense concluded its most productive - yet most terrifying weekend to date with forty-three illegal invaders peacefully and humanely turned over to Border Patrol."

CA: Gun suits, grandstanding and doves
Submitted by: Paul Raynolds

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"This victory supports the long-held principle that responsible and law-abiding manufacturers of highly regulated, non-defective firearms cannot be held accountable when criminals misuse their legally sold products."

"The suits are nothing more than a political means to try to implement ill-conceived gun control lawmakers can't ram through state legislative houses. Many of us are accustomed to lawmakers being nutcases, but for the media not to report on this significant news shows a profound bias in firearm coverage."

Homeland Security Act could cause model rockets' descent (Another report)
Submitted by: Newslinks Admin

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"For more than 40 years, kids have taken to the fields and woods with their model rockets for that burst of sparks, spirals of smoke and the "FFSSSSSSTTT" that is the unmistakable sound of approval for countless hours of labor and hope."

"But model rocket makers say the days for their hobby are numbered, thanks to little-noted provisions in the Homeland Security Act that classifies the solid fuel used in model rocket motors as an explosive material and imposes new controls on interstate shipment of the fuel known as ammonium perchlorate composite propellant, or APCP."

"The new rules don't take effect until May, but United Parcel Service already has stopped shipping rocket engines, and hobby store supplies are drying up."

The real destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations and benefits. —PLUTARCH

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