Doctor refutes research about gun laws, deaths
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The head of a pro-gun-rights physicians’ organization today blasted the findings of a research project published by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) that intimated states with more gun laws have a lower rate of firearm fatalities."
"The JAMA report was first publicized by NBC News, which also has been blistered by a National Rifle Association official for an unrelated story yesterday that suggested the NRA was ready to make a behind-the-scenes deal on a national universal background check bill." ... |
Bearing arms a natural right
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"J. Michael Malec, in his letter ('Founders never implied treason,' Feb. 28), must be oblivious to statements like that from Thomas Jefferson: for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."" ... |
Charlie Sisk’s Sub-MoA Subsonic .243 Win Load
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"I was hanging out with Charlie Sisk doing some load development in his private indoor range a few weeks back, and we stumbled across a pretty surprisingly accurate subsonic .243 Winchester load. We were trying to find an acceptably accurate load for one of his friend’s kids to start practicing without much recoil or noise (they have a silencer), and after some trial and error we were getting as good a group as if we’s been shooting supersonic. Here’s the data . . ." ... |
SHOT Show Shopping: Kitting Up for Team FNH USA
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"One of the biggest pains for newbie 3-gun competition shooters: finding the guns and gear that fits. It’s hard to justify dropping a couple hundred dollars on belts and magazine holders and special bags and such. Being a naturally cheap bastard, kitting up for 3-gun has been a long and involved process. But the instant I got picked up by a sponsor, things changed . . ."
"On the last day of SHOT Show, I sat down with Larry Houck of Team FNH USA to talk about the plan for the year. After a chat about my competitive shooting background and how the team runs, he got down to business."
"When you sign up for a sponsorship, you have to use their gear. ..." ... |
So you want to buy a 1911? A basic primer
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Arrighty then... You've just seen 'Sin City', 'Pulp Fiction', or 'Last Man Standing'... or maybe you've been watching too many episodes of 'The Unit', but you've got the itch."
"You're a gun owner already, or at least you've shot before; and all the gun rags are full of them... but you don't know anything about them."
"Maybe you've only shot your dads .22"
"Maybe, God forbid, you're a Glock shooter..."
"And now... you want the purest expression of personal defensive firearms perfection ever created. Gods gift to gunnies, through the genius of Holy St. John Moses Browning."
"You need a 1911." ... |
Politics by Intimidation
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Three days before the December massacre in Newtown, Conn., a 22-year-old gunman named Jacob Tyler Roberts opened fire at the Clackamas Town Center, a suburban shopping mall in Portland, Ore. He killed two people before killing himself, though it could have been much worse. His stolen semiautomatic AR-15 rifle jammed early in his shooting spree." ... |
Mark Kelly Is Still A Liar, A Hypocrite and A Gun Lover
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"'In our last post on former astronaut, professional husband (of a spree killer’s survivor) and gun control advocate Mark Kelly, we repeated an assertion that Mr. Kelly didn’t take immediate possession of an AR-15 purchase because he’d asked for gun mods (trigger job, flash suppressor). Since then, the store in question, Diamondback Police Supply Co. of Tucson, Arizona released a statement about the reason for the 'delay”'. . ." ... |
Chicago Trib: Gun Purchase Paper Trail <> Gun Registration
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"'Ask police chiefs — we asked ours — about the need for background checks on gun buyers,' my.chicagotribune.com suggests. 'They will tell you universal background checks would reduce the number of guns ending up in the wrong hands.' See how that works? The civilian disarmament industry creates a catchy name—”assault rifle” or “universal background check”—ties it to a piece of gun control legislation and voila! Gun rights gone. Why? Because voters don’t have the time for or interest in investigating the truth of the matter. But it is there. For example . . ." ... |
This is What Happens to a Disarmed Populace: Operation Clean Halls Edition
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"'Jay Victorino was standing outside his mother’s apartment when he was grabbed by police, and he says if she hadn’t come downstairs to identify him he would’ve been arrested on a trespassing charge,' the AP reports. That’s because his mother’s South Bronx building is one of thousands of private dwellings patrolled by the New York Police Department under a program known as Operation Clean Halls.' According to nyc.gov, Operation Clean Halls 'offers police patrols in residential buildings to prevent drug use and sales. Landlords can request that the police conduct patrols in the hallways and stairwells of their building to remove non-residents who are loitering.' Ah yes, loitering. Not to mention any other crime the cops detect. .." ... |
WI: Marine with concealed carry permit stops man from beating woman
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Stewart Naaden
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... "... Blackmore didn’t realize it was a woman on the ground being kicked in the head and stomach until he got closer."
"That’s when he jumped out of his car and sprung into action."
"'I said 'stop' and he starts coming towards me and that`s when I drew on him. He started getting closer and I said ‘get down on the ground,' Blackmore said."
Blackmore held his gun on the suspect and called ... police. He says several times while waiting for police to arrive, the attacker moved toward him."
... "[I]f he came at me I was going to have to take him down and I told him that. I warned him multiple times not to come towards me because he was a big guy and I wasn’t playing around and he didn’t seem like he was playing around,' Blackmore said." ... |
NY: Newburgh man cleared in fatal shooting
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"An Orange County grand jury has cleared a Newburgh man of any charges in the shooting death of another man outside a Liberty Street bar in that city last October."
"Charles Alexander, 21, shot and killed Justin Doctor, 23, of Newburgh on October 14 outside the Game Time Bar at 5 a.m."
"District Attorney Frank Phillips said the entire incident was captured on surveillance video that the police acquired."
"Alexander’s attorney, Paul Trachte, said that video proved Alexander did not commit a crime." ... |
Mass. US Senate hopefuls split on assault weapons
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The candidates in Massachusetts' U.S. Senate special election are offering voters a stark choice on the question of gun control."
"Both Democratic candidates, Stephen Lynch and Edward Markey, have called for the reinstatement of a federal assault weapons ban approved in 1994. The prohibition on high-grade, military-style weapons expired in 2004."
"Two Republican candidates -- Gabriel Gomez and former U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan -- oppose reinstating the ban, arguing that it isn't effective in reducing violence and would infringe on the rights of gun owners. A third Republican, Daniel Winslow, hasn't said if he supports or opposes the ban." ... |
Senate committee ready to OK assault weapons ban
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"'The sponsor of an assault weapons ban is conceding that she'll need lots of help from President Barack Obama and others for the proposal to have a chance of surviving in the Senate."
"The ... Senate Judiciary Committee seemed certain to approve the measure Thursday, probably on a party-line vote. But once it reaches the full Senate - probably in April - the measure appears destined for defeat, thanks to opposition by Republicans and some moderate Democrats, as well."
"'I'd like to see everybody doing more,' bill sponsor Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said Wednesday when asked if she'd like more assistance from Obama. 'Yes, absolutely, we need help. We have - a reference to the potent National Rifle Association." ... |
NRA money helped reshape gun law
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"In 1977 at a Denver hotel, Don Kates paced a conference room lecturing a small group of young scholars about the Second Amendment and tossing out ideas for law review articles. Back then, it was a pretty weird activity in pursuit of a wacky notion: that the Constitution confers an individual right to possess a firearm." ... -------
Submitter's Note: It is still a 'wacky notion' because the Second Amendment doesn't confer anything, what it does is protect the freedom to own and carry the weapon of your choice. |
Outdoor Channel Blacklists Colorado Over Gun Control Laws
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Living in the Southwest for most of my life, I’ve seen just how many people go to Colorado to hunt, fish, ski, hike, camp and sight see. Combined together, these activities generate millions of dollars for businesses as well as the state government."
"Yet, the controlling Democrats are willing to lose a large portion of that revenue and place many businesses in jeopardy, just to push Obama’s anti-gun policies. A couple of major businesses are already looking to relocate out of the state because of the recently passed and newly proposed anti-gun laws." ... |
NY: Supervisors call for repeal of NY SAFE Act
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Bruce W. Krafft
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" Following passionate speeches by the public, which cited Thomas Jefferson and the Greco-Persian Wars, the full Columbia County Board of Supervisors voted Wednesday night on a resolution calling for the repeal of the NY SAFE Act."
"About 100 opponents of the act were in attendance and cheered the passage of the board’s resolution, which had been in the works for weeks. The supervisors agreed to allow a half hour public comment session before the vote, after an agreement by both parties, though such comment is not typically allowed at full board meetings without a prior request and a vote by the supervisors." ... |
CO: Votes anger gun activists
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The most controversial of Colorado Democrats’ gun bills – a ban on larger ammunition magazines – is on its way to Gov. John Hickenlooper for final approval."
"After voting for it, Rep. Mike McLachlan, D-Durango, came out swinging against a recall campaign that has targeted him."
"At the same time, local gun supporters called the bill pointless, unenforceable and an affront to Second Amendment rights." ... |
UT: Syracuse reaffirms gun rights
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution got a shot in the arm Tuesday when the Syracuse City Council adopted a resolution reaffirming its support of it."
"The Second Amendment ... has been at the core of recent debates as President Barack Obama and Washington, D.C., leadership wrestle with proposed legislation to impose some type of assault weapons ban in light of the recent mass shootings across the country." ... |
MA: Comm2A Files Suit Over Denial Of License To Carry
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Bruce W. Krafft
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"Commonwealth Second Amendment filed suit earlier this month in US District Court for the District of Massachusetts. They are challenging the lifetime ban by Massachusetts on the issuance of a license to carry for even minor drug offenses. Named as defendants are the towns and police chiefs of Salisbury and Natick."
"The individual plaintiffs, Michael Wesson of Salisbury and Thomas Woods of Natick, each had a misdemeanor conviction for possession of less than one ounce of marijuana in other states over 30 years ago. They are both well into middle age. Massachusetts law treats simple possession of an amount of marijuana this size a civil offense and not something which can be used to deny someone a LTC." ... |
The right of a citizen to bear arms, in lawful defense of himself or the State, is absolute. He does not derive it from the State government. It is one of the high powers" delegated directly to the citizen, and `is excepted out of the general powers of government.' A law cannot be passed to infringe upon or impair it, because it is above the law, and independent of the lawmaking power." [Cockrum v. State, 24 Tex. 394, at 401-402 (1859)] |