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Newslinks for 3/15/2008

Marakov 9X18 Pistol
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Makarov pistol resulted from a design competition for replacing the Tokarev TT-33 semi-automatic pistol. The TT was derived from the FN Model 1903 automatic pistol and was, by 1945, too large, weak, and unsafe as a military pistol. Rather than building a pistol to an existing cartridge, Nikolai Makarov designed a new cartridge, the 9x18mm Makarov, based on the Browning 9x17mm Browning Short (.380 ACP) cartridge. For simplicity and economy, the Makarov pistol was of straight blowback operation, with the 9x18mm cartridge the most powerful that could be safely fired by the design ..." ...

'Really hot' gun hearing to decide ban's fate
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"John Payton, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund's president and director-counsel, says 'it will be really hot' Tuesday at the U.S. Supreme Court."

"So hot, in fact, that he is not certain he will get a seat when crowds line up to hear oral arguments in the gun-control case, District of Columbia v. Dick Heller."

"So hot, that court administrators already have agreed to release audiotapes of the seminal Second Amendment case, practically the moment the justices adjourn after what promises to be a lively debate about what the Founding Fathers were thinking more than 200 years ago with respect to the rights of individual Americans to possess firearms." ...

Your Second Amendment Rights Take the Stand
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Individual American gun owners' constitutional rights lie in the hands of the Supreme Court this Tuesday when they hear the case of District of Columbia v. Heller. The groundbreaking gun rights case will decide the fundamental question of whether the Second Amendment preserves an individual's right to keep and bear arms or only protects the rights of those who belong to organized -- and government-sanctioned -- 'militias' specifically mentioned in the Amendment." ...

Moving Targets
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear argument over whether the District of Columbia's gun ban violates the right to bear arms as enshrined in the Second Amendment. In yesterday's Washington Post, Robert Novak ... sheds darkness upon the two irreconcilable positions taken by the Bush administration in the case."

"In an unprecedented intramural implosion, the U.S. solicitor general ... has argued that while there is an individual right to bear arms protected by the Second Amendment, the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit Court struck down the city's gun ban using the wrong level of constitutional scrutiny. He wants the case revisited with greater deference to the government's need for some gun regulations ..." ...

CU Law Prof Says Gun Control Laws Nationwide To Be Decided With U.S. Supreme Court Ruling
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For the first time in nearly 70 years, the United States Supreme Court will rule on the Second Amendment’s meaning ... and according to Scott Moss, a law professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder, the ruling will most likely affect gun control laws across the nation."

"'The case of the District of Columbia versus Heller not only will decide whether Washington, D.C., can keep its handgun ban, but ultimately will determine the fate of gun control laws across the country,' said Moss. 'Remarkably, this case is likely to be the first time the Supreme Court ... truly will have to decide, once and for all, whether the Second Amendment protects individual citizens' rights ...'" ...

D.C. Gun Ban's Effectiveness Questioned
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"On Sept. 24, 1976, one of the toughest gun laws in the nation took effect in the District of Columbia, essentially outlawing the private ownership of new handguns in a city struggling with violence."

"Over the next few weeks, a man with a .32-caliber pistol held up workers at a downtown federal office at midday, a cab driver was shot in the head, and a senator was mugged by three youths, one carrying a revolver, near the U.S. Capitol."

"Since the ban was passed, more than 8,400 people have been murdered in the district, many killed by handguns. Nearly 80 percent of the 181 murders in 2007 were committed with guns."

"On Tuesday, the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear arguments in a challenge to the city's handgun ban. ..." ...

The Second Amendment Comes Before the Supreme Court: The Issues and the Arguments
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The United States Supreme Court has decided only one significant case involving the Second Amendment, and that was almost 70 years ago. Next week, the Court will return to the issue when it hears arguments in District of Columbia v. Heller. This is a test case brought by a D.C. special police officer who carries a gun while on duty. Under D.C.'s extremely restrictive gun control laws, he is forbidden to keep a handgun, or an operable rifle or shotgun, in his home."

"The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit held that these laws violate the Second Amendment. The court concluded that handguns are lineal descendants of founding-era weapons and are still in common use today, so they may not be banned ..." ...

Defining the right of self-defense by gun
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"First, the robber hit Willie Lee Hill more than fifty times with a can of soda, knocking him unconscious. Later, the 93-year-old victim awakened, covered with blood, to find his 24-year-old assailant ransacking the bedroom. When Hill pulled out a .38-caliber handgun from near his bed, the robber lunged at him. Hill stopped his attacker with a single bullet to the throat. ..."

"... similar acts of self-defense occur by the thousands all across America every year. Overwhelming historical evidence and common sense demonstrate that guns ... are a powerful method of self-defense ..."

"In the District of Columbia, however, citizens may not lawfully possess a handgun for self-defense, even in the home ..." ...

N.C. State Shares Sketch of Robbery Suspect
Submitted by: jac

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"Police at North Carolina State University have identified a suspect in an armed robbery on Centennial Campus Tuesday afternoon."

"He is a black male in his mid-20s, about 5'10" and 150-160 pounds. At the time of the robbery, he was wearing a black ski mask, a black ribbed sweater, desert camouflage pants and tan or grey work gloves."

"Campus police have been especially alert after the week began with two armed robberies in two days." ...

Submitters note: Armed robberies in broad daylight in the victim disarmament zone, NC State University. The criminals have figured out that it is a safe working environment.

Mayor Rallies Behind Bill Opposed by Gun Lobby
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A Democratic senator from New Jersey, Robert Menendez, introduced a bill late last night that would strike the Tiahrt amendment, a piece of gun legislation staunchly opposed by Mayor Bloomberg's anti-gun coalition."

"The introduction of the bill, called the Firearms Information Use Act of 2008, is prompting lobbyists for the gun industry to once again fight to protect the amendment."

"'Of course the NRA opposes the bill. We feel like the Tiahrt amendment is there for a reason and Congress intended that trace information be available for law enforcement in bonafide criminal investigations,' a spokeswoman for the National Rifle Association, Rachel Parsons, said." ...

IL: House committee defeats effort to trace gun ammunition
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Legislation intended to help solve gun-violence crimes that opponents said could have shut down a major ammunition plant in Alton was defeated Wednesday."

"It was among a handful of gun-related legislation acted on by lawmakers in a House committee."

"One plan, proposed by state Rep. Will Davis, D-Homewood, would have required ammunition in Illinois to carry a laser-inscribed code on both the casing and bullet."

"Davis said the matching codes could help identify killers at crime scenes."

"But opponents said that the process of etching the codes would cost the ammunition industry millions and all but force the Winchester Ammunition plant in Alton to close. ..." ...

OK: Okla. House passes campus gun bill
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The state House agreed Thursday to allow people with specialized firearms training, such as military personnel, to carry concealed weapons on the state's college campuses, despite opponents who said it made no sense following shootings at schools across the country."

"The measure was approved 65-36, and now heads to the state Senate for a vote."

"Introduced by Rep. Jason Murphey, R-Guthrie, the law would authorize active-duty military and National Guard and reserve personnel, honorably discharged veterans and others with firearms training certified by the Council on Law Enforcement Education who hold a state concealed weapons license to carry guns on college and university campuses." ...

WY: Gov signs 'castle doctrine' bill
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Declaring that Wyoming residents have a right to defend their homes, Gov. Dave Freudenthal signed a bill Thursday that spells out in statute that citizens may use deadly force on intruders."

"Freudenthal said he supported a last-minute change to House Bill 137 that narrowed the scope of the bill to only cover intrusions inside the home."

"'I was troubled as it came out of the House because it went outside the castle,' said Freudenthal, referring to the bill's common title, the 'castle doctrine,' which is said to have originated from a concept in English common law that a man's home is his castle." ...

A Proclamation, "a good new Fire-lock . . . to be delivered to every man . . . to be his own for ever thereafter", May 9, 1709
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"...which Her Majesty hath Intended wholly for the Safety of Her Subjects upon the North Continent of America..."

"...And further as a particular mark of Her Majesty's favour & Respect to all such of Her Subjects as shall Go as Volunteers on the said Expedition: She hath sent over by us a good new Fire-lock, Cartouch-box, Flints and Ammunition, to be delivered to every man, as soon as he shall Enlist himself in the Service, to be his own for ever thereafter; And that Her Majesty will moreover put distinguishing Marks of Her Favour up-on all Gentlemen and others, who shall go as Volunteers..."

At a General Assembly, "and shall allow to the Owner of each Gun so hired", June 14, 1776
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"...That the Fire Arms taken from Persons, belonging to this Colony, who are Enemies to this Country, and in the Hands of the Committees of Inspection, or others shall be marked with the initial Letters of the Owner's Names..."

"...and they are hereby directed to purchase or here Arms to furnish such Soldiers of any of the Battalions aforesaid as cannot furnish themselves..."

"...who are to procure any Arms to be repaired, shalll keep a particular Account of the Repairs of such Arms, and enter the same distingctly, with the Prices of such Arms in their Accounts to be transmitted to the Committee of Pay-Table, for their Orders for Payment; and when such Arms shall be returned to the Owners..."

At a General Assembly, "That such as arm and equip themselves with a good Firelock", May, 1780
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"...That such as arm and equip themselves with a good Firelock, Blanket, Knapsack and Cartouch Box, shall be entitled to receive therefor the following Bounties, viz. For a Firelock 12 s. . . . and they are hereby directed to furnish such of the Troops hereby ordered to be raised, belonging to their respective Towns as are unable to furnish themselves; and the Owner or Owners of the Arms, Blankets, Knapsacks and Cartouch Boxes supplied by the Select Men, shall be allowed the same Bounty for the use of each as in the Cafe of the Soldier who shall furnish himself as abovesaid..."

Army Reservist guilt of illegally transferring 'machine gun' after firearm malfunctions (video)
Submitted by: David Olofson

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KABA Note: Video from CNN regarding the WI man who was convicted of felony transfer of a machine gun after an AR-15 he loaned to someone malfunctioned.

FL: [Winter] Haven Police Ditch Glocks After Two Explode
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"The Police Department is ditching $38,000 worth of guns after two .45-caliber GAP Glock Model 37 pistols exploded in separate training incidents a year a part, causing minor injuries to an officer and a cadet."

"'I've been around 34 years in law enforcement, and we've seen malfunctioning with guns, but never seen it explode,' Police Chief Mark LeVine said." ...

"The department has not had any problems with the guns during use in the line of duty."

"The force of the explosions came down through the bottom of the guns and blew the triggers off, LeVine said."

"Police Officer Frank Scianimanico, 32, and then-cadet Rodrique Jean-Louis, 20, suffered bruised fingers in the separate incidents." ...

Quemadmoeum gladis nemeinum occidit, occidentis telum est ("A sword is never a killer, it's a tool in the killer's hands") — Lucius Annaeus Seneca "the younger" ca. (4 BC - 65 AD)

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