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Newslinks for 3/16/2005

Wayne LaPierre: Checks are working
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"No one is more opposed to terrorists acquiring firearms than the 4 million members of the National Rifle Association of America (NRA)."

"But a handful of politicians are trying to scare Americans into believing that terrorists are buying guns in America and that the FBI is unable to stop them."

"Nothing could be further from the truth, and law enforcement is doing its job well!"

"The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) was implemented in 1998, with NRA's endorsement, to help ensure that only law-abiding citizens are able to purchase a firearm. To the credit of the Department of Justice and the FBI, the system works well: Lawful Americans can buy a firearm, while felons and otherwise disqualified persons are denied." ...

Time Magazine: Terrorists Planning U.S. Soft-Target Hit (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Time Magazine is reporting that, two weeks after intelligence officials confirmed that Osama bin Laden had sent a message to terrorist Abu Mousab al-Zarqawi, urging him to plan attacks on U.S. soil, information gathered from interrogation of a top al-Zarqawi aide indicate the terrorist has talked about hitting 'soft targets' in the U.S., which could include 'movie theaters, restaurants and schools.'"

"It should surprise no one that our enemies would target some of the softest targets in the United States – places where gun ban extremists have succeeded to a large degree in obstructing the human right of self-defense via bans on carrying concealed firearms." ...

Playing Chicken Roulette
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Imagine that your local government makes it a crime to engage in an activity that you believe to be constitutionally protected -- like possessing a handgun in your home for self-defense. Imagine further that the weight of legal scholarship, from liberals and conservatives alike, holds that the Second Amendment secures an individual right to keep and bear arms. Too bad if you live in Washington, D.C., where you may be faced with a Hobson's choice. You can forego possessing a gun for self-defense, and perhaps suffer personal injury. Or you can defy the law, illegally own a gun, use it to defend yourself, then risk arrest, prosecution, fine, or even incarceration when D.C. authorities investigate your 'crime.'" ...

Nationwide, Bells Acknowledge Victims, Toll Warning About Threat to Rights (MMM)
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"From California to Maine and Texas to Minnesota, members of the Million Mom March and local gun control activists joined together today in a nationwide effort to remember victims of gun violence and sound the alarm against immunity for gun manufacturers and dealers, which will soon reach a vote in Congress." ...

Beware of Back-Door Gun Registration Scheme, Group Says
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Being on a terrorism watch list does not mean you really are a terrorist -- and therefore, your right to buy or own a gun should not be infringed, Second Amendment supporters say."

"But FBI Director Robert Mueller, Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) and gun control groups disagree."

"In testimony before Congress on Tuesday, Mueller said lawmakers 'ought to look at what can be done' to prevent people on the government's terrorism watch list from buying guns."

"His comments followed the release of a government report showing that more than 40 people included on a terrorism watch list were allowed to buy guns last year." ...

Despite Mass Shooting in Wisconsin Leaving Eight Dead and Four Injured, Congressional Panel Plans Hearing Tomorrow on Bill to Shield Gun Industry from Civil Liability (VPC)
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"Despite a mass shooting in Brookfield, Wisconsin, on Saturday in which a gunman killed seven people, wounded four more, and then committed suicide, a subcommittee of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee is scheduled tomorrow to take the first step toward passing legislation to grant the firearms industry protection from some civil lawsuits. The 'Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act' (H.R. 800) would shield the gun industry from liability for suits that arise when a gun dealer's or manufacturer's actions contribute to gun violence. The gun industry already enjoys an exemption from federal health and safety oversight." ...

IN: Teen wins lawsuit about dress code
Submitted by: Wildfire

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"Fort Wayne Community Schools officials violated an Elmhurst High School student’s free-speech rights when they suspended him for wearing a T-shirt bearing the likeness of an M-16 rifle and the text of the Marine Corps creed, a federal court ruled Friday."

"The district suspended Nelson Griggs in March 2003 for violating a provision of the school dress code that prohibits students from wearing clothing depicting 'symbols of violence.'"

"'Schools are under undeniable pressure to prevent student violence,' and the anti-violence section of the dress code is 'a reasonable, constitutional tool toward that end,' Cosbey wrote. But in the case of Griggs’ Marine creed shirt, officials went too far, the ruling said." ...

British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw outlines treaty to regulate arms trade
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The British government is to try again today to secure an internationally binding treaty to regulate the arms trade."

"A similar UN initiative four years ago, aimed at curbing small arms, was blocked by the US president, George Bush ..."

"The foreign secretary, Jack Straw, will today set out details of a proposed treaty to regulate trade in conventional weapons, estimated to be worth about £500bn a year."

"According to an advance draft of the speech, Mr Straw will say: 'We should be clear that our goal is not a voluntary agreement, or a talking shop, but a treaty which is legally binding on all its signatories, putting on a firm statutory footing the principle of responsibility in arms exports.'" ...

AR: Police Continue to Search for Suspects in Attempted Jewelry Robbery
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Several suspects are still on the loose Tuesday night after police say they tried to rob two jewelry merchants in Little Rock Monday afternoon. Up to seven suspects were reportedly involved. Two are in custody, one was shot and killed, and three or four others are still on the loose." ...

"(Capt. David Ebinger, LR Police) 'I think we probably got at least some of the individuals from yesterday who really didn't know what they were getting into, and an amateur who's not prepared is more dangerous than anybody involved.'"

"A shootout began and the two merchants, who were also armed, shot back at the suspects. One suspect was hit in the shootout, dropped off near a local hospital, and later died." ...

"Meanwhile, prosecutors are reviewing the case to see if any charges will be filed against the two jewelry merchants."

Tale of Two Countries: "Batterings more likely for Britons"; Crime falls in US (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The (UK) Sun is reporting that the rate of armed attacks against British citizens continues to soar out of control."

"In the news story, Chief Inspector of Constabulary Sir Keith Povey blasted the rise in violence recorded by police as 'unprecedented'."

"He stressed: 'The public, police and the Government are rightly concerned about the level of violence routinely displayed on our streets.'"

"'There has been a troubling increase in the use of firearms.' (emphasis added)" ...

"Meanwhile, in a country where civilian ownership of firearms, and the practice of carrying them concealed for self-defense purposes, is at an all-time high, another news report says crime in Ohio cities is following a trend experienced by the rest of the nation: DOWN." ...

OH: Ottawa Co. Sheriff says number of women obtaining Ohio CHLs 'surprising' (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Port Clinton News Herald is reporting that Ottawa County Sheriff Robert L. Bratton has been surprised by the number of women who have obtained licenses to carry concealed handguns in his county."

"According to the story, eleven percent of those who have gotten permits to carry concealed guns from the Ottawa County Sheriff's Office are women." ...

"This is indeed good news. According to Dr. John R. Lott, Jr., 'murder rates decline when either more women or more men carry concealed handguns, but the effect is especially pronounced for women. ..." ...

Feinstein brings up assault weapons ban again
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"SEN. Dianne Feinstein is going to take another shot at reinstating the federal assault weapons ban that lapsed late last year when it came up for its 10-year renewal."

"Gun control has been Feinstein's issue since she was first elected to the Senate in 1992, and it is very personal for her."

"Feinstein became San Francisco's mayor on Nov. 27, 1978, when Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk were gunned down at City Hall by Supervisor Dan White. The shooting deaths on July 1, 1993, on the 34th floor at the 101 California St. office building that left eight dead and six wounded came during her first year in the Senate." ...

Feinstein bill would re-establish assault weapons ban (another story)
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"Sen. Dianne Feinstein introduced legislation Monday to re-establish the federal assault weapons ban, which expired last September after Congress did not reauthorize it."

"Feinstein, D-Calif., was the author of the original 1994 ban on the manufacture and importation of at least 19 types of common military-style assault weapons. She got an amendment through the Senate last year to extend the ban, but it was killed when the piece of legislation it was attached to failed after lobbying by the National Rifle Association." ...

IL: NRA to fight state gun list that feds recently OKd
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"The National Rifle Association is pushing legislation to scrap an Illinois database of more than 2.1 million gun transactions -- six months after Gov. Blagojevich won permission from the federal government to keep it."

"Todd Vandermyde, an NRA lobbyist in Illinois, said he thinks the database violates the Second Amendment right to bear arms."

"Police use the 13-year-old database to check if gun buyers who live in Chicago and other cities with handgun bans are breaking municipal ordinances by keeping the guns in their homes, Vandermyde said." ...

PA: Mayor Declares City Violence A Crisis
Submitted by: lifeisdeath

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... "Within the past eight days there have been 21 homicides in Philadelphia, including three in the late-night and early morning hours after the prosecutor made her appeal Monday." ...

"[Mayor] Street has declared the violence throughout the city a crisis and as a result has ordered the full review of police department policies and has suggested a full moratorium on the issuing of gun permits."

"In addition, Street has requested a meeting with Governor Ed Rendell to talk about possible new gun legislation." ...

Submitter's Note: Ahh yes, let people stop carrying guns legally and add more laws that wont be followed. I'm sure that HAS to be the answer to stopping the murders. After all, that has worked in the past, right?

CO: El Paso County may reconsider open gun ban in county buildings
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"The Colorado Springs City Council banned carrying weapons into government buildings two years ago, and right now it is also banned in county buildings. But county commissioners are reconsidering that policy."

"Newly elected Commissioner Douglas Bruce insists it is a constitutional issue, and that the county should repeal its ban. Bruce also said, 'Nor do I accept the premise that any one individual has the ability to establish what I would call a constitution free zone. By restriking the balance between feelings and the expressed language of the constitution.'" ...

NY: Restriction of guns on county property discussed in Tioga County, N.Y.
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"Tioga County is currently working to restrict who can have guns on county property, County Legislator Dale Weston told the Barton Town Board Monday night."

"According to Weston, the county is working to restrict people from bringing guns to the county office building, county construction sites and county cars. Weston added that county law enforcement would be able to continue bringing their guns into those areas." ...

"'Right now someone could bring a shotgun there,' he said of the county office building."

"He said the county was working on the security issue before Friday's shooting in an Atlanta courthouse, where a judge, county sheriff's deputy and court reporter were killed by Brian Nichols, who was on trial for rape charges." ...

IL: Gov: Daley not well-served by his lobbyists on gun control
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"Gov. Rod Blagojevich on Monday said Chicago Mayor Richard Daley is not well-served by his lobbyists in Springfield on gun control bills because they have not asked the governor's office for help or kept it informed when such measures come up for a vote." ...

"Several gun control measures proposed by Daley failed this month in a Senate committee, but they will likely be heard again. Blagojevich described Daley as a leader on gun control and said he supports Daley's package, which includes closing the 'gun-show loophole' and banning assault weapons. Daley also wants to limit buyers to one handgun a month, license firearms dealers and stiffen penalties for armed crimes and irresponsible gun shops." ...

MA: Bill would ban 'cop killer' guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Hoping to keep guns that can penetrate bullet-proof vests and the skin of airplanes out of the hands of criminals and terrorists, a lead state senator plans to file gun control legislation today with the support of a MetroWest lawmaker."

"The legislation ... would ban two guns not included in the state's recently renewed assault weapons ban: the Five-seveN pistol -- which fires a 5.7mm round -- and the .50 caliber sniper rifle."

"'These weapons can't be used for hunting, they can't be used for target practice and no legitimate sportsman would have a use for these weapons,' said state Rep. David Linsky, D-Natick, a former prosecutor who plans to co-sponsor the legislation." ...

IL: Reaction Mixed On Legislation To Allow Judges To Carry Guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Saline County Associate Judge Brocton Lockwood once found himself in his front yard with the muzzle of an irate father's gun stuck to his nose."

"The man was angry Lockwood had sentenced his son to 30 days in prison and was threatening to shoot him in the head."

"'At first I didn't think I was going to be able to talk him out of it,' Lockwood said, recalling the incident. 'He had said he had cancer and didn't care what happened to him.'"

"Lockwood was able to crack a joke that lightened the man's mood, eventually making him lower the gun."

"... But, despite the experience, Lockwood said he isn't inclined to take up an offer recently presented in a bill from a state senator, which would allow judges to carry concealed weapons." ...

CO: Guard may face felony charge
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Local prosecutors anticipate filing new charges against a Sterling prison guard accused of firing a gun just across from Sterling police offices last Tuesday."

"The proposed change came Friday when Logan County Court Judge Robert Smith granted a prosecution motion to dismiss a lesser misdemeanor case against Julian F. Sandoval, 32. Police had arrested him on suspicion of use of a firearm and reckless endangerment." ...

"At about 2:30 a.m. March 8, police investigated a report of gunfire directed at their ... station house. But witnesses later informed them the shots came across Walnut Street. Two policemen, their guns drawn, found Sandoval ..."

"He was heavily intoxicated, unaware of his surroundings and armed, according to court files." ...

GA: Suspect's death investigated
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"DeKalb County police are still trying to figure out what went wrong Saturday night when a handcuffed man in the back of a patrol car was fatally shot after police said he pulled out a hidden pistol and shot at an officer."

"Brarkus Johnson, 25, of Stone Mountain, had been arrested in Cash Pockets Pool Hall, 5639 Memorial Drive, about 9:20 p.m., according to police reports. Johnson was a suspect in the shooting death, about 20 minutes earlier, of Adrian S. Pless ..."

"An arriving officer shot Johnson after he fired at police. It's not clear why the suspect had a gun in his possession after being arrested, handcuffed and put in the back of the squad car, according to DeKalb police spokesman Sgt. Charles Dedrick." ...

UK: Police chiefs support protest over red tape
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Three of the country's most senior policemen expressed support yesterday for Nottinghamshire's chief constable, who disclosed that government-inspired bureaucracy was preventing his officers from fighting crime." ...

"Their support for Steve Green, Nottinghamshire's chief constable, intensified the political row over Government targets and paperwork, which Michael Howard, the Conservative leader, claimed were keeping police officers 'chained to their desks'."

"Mr Green told The Telegraph that his force could no longer cope with violent crime because government restrictions forced him to use officers in back-room jobs rather than front-line duties." [emphasis added] ...

UK: Man cooked friend's brains
Submitted by: Michael Lewis

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"Lapses in mental health care allowed a convicted killer to butcher and eat a man in a London flat."

"Today the Old Bailey was told of repeated failings by key professionals after Peter Bryan pleaded guilty to two killings." ...

"A major row erupted over how he was ever considered to be safe enough to be discharged. Bryan, now 36, was convicted of killing a 20-year-old girl with a hammer in 1993 and sent to Rampton. In 2002 he was freed."

"In February 2004, within hours of his release by the East London and City Mental Health Trust, he had killed and dismembered a friend at a Walthamstow flat. He cooked his brain in a frying pan with butter before eating it. The trust today promised a full independent inquiry. Following the Walthamstow killing Bryan was sent to Broadmoor mental hospital where he killed a fellow inmate in a 'medium risk room' nine weeks later." ...

CA: California Firearm Sales Remain At All-Time Low
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"Attorney General Bill Lockyer today announced sales of firearms during 2004 increased to 315,065 from 290,376 in 2003. Sales of handguns and long guns in 2004 were slightly higher than 2003's all-time low and remained less than half the high-water mark of 642,197 established in 1993."

"From January through December of 2004, Californians purchased a total of 145,335 handguns and 169,730 long guns, pending a 10-day waiting period and background check of the buyer. In 2003, the number of handgun sales totaled 126,233 and 164,143 long guns were sold." ...

MS: Program allows Sumrall police to give out gun locks
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"Sumrall resident Will Parker loves to hunt."

"However, Parker is quick to say there's one thing he loves more than guns or hunting - his family, particularly his 2-year-old daughter, Heather."

"That's why during a recent visit to Sumrall, Parker picked up several gun locks the Sumrall Police Department gives away to the public."

"The Sumrall Police Department has 200 free cable-style gun locks to distribute through Project ChildSafe, a national firearm safety education program. The lock consists of an armored steel cable with one end permanently attached to a keypad lock. The lock prevents the firearm's action from closing." ...

OH: Mark your Calendars: Join OFCC for Party in the Park II (OFCC)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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Ohioans For Concealed Carry is pleased to announce our second annual Party in the Park - scheduled for August 6th at a Central Ohio park.

Party in the Park II is a family event. All pro-concealed carry Ohio residents, friends and family will be welcomed.

Our website will be updated as information is available, so keep your eye out for further announcements that will include the location, time, details on this year’s keynote speaker, etc.

Please mark your calendars now – make plans to spend August 6, 2005 with hundreds of your closest friends and the most dedicated self-defense advocates in the state!

Legal concealed carry is not only permitted, it's encouraged!

PA: Self-defense Expert to Present a 2-Day Combat Handgun Seminar for Law Enforcement & Security Professionals and Concerned Citizens
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Self-defense expert Jeffrey M. Miller, founder and director of Warrior Concepts International, will be conducting a defensive combat handgun seminar on Saturday and Sunday, March 19th & 20th, at his company's training facility in Sunbury, Pa. The primary purpose of the seminar is to teach participants the skills necessary for safely and effectively using and defending against a handgun in a life-threatening situation. Through the use of time-tested and proven tactics, strategies and techniques, participants will come to understand the effect and illusions accepted as reality from TV and movies; and, they will learn the difference between target shooting and realities of a self-defense situation involving a firearm." ...

UK: Pensioner knifed to death by burglar
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A north London elderly mother-of-two was stabbed to death as she attempted to confront thieves in her home, detectives said today."

"Anne Mendel, 85, who was deaf, died following the violent raid on the property in Elmcroft Crescent, Golders Green, north London."

"Friends said her husband, 80-year-old Leonard Mendel, returned from a shopping errand to find his wife's body slumped at the bottom of stairs." ...

"Detective Chief Inspector Steve Morris, of Scotland Yard's Specialist Crime Directorate, said: 'We are determined to work closely with the local communities, particularly the Jewish community, to bring to justice those responsible for this awful and cowardly murder.'" ...

Submitter's Note: Good thing she didn't have a gun, the burglar(s) could have taken it away from her and used it against her!

UK: 'Debacle' claim over burglar law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Conservatives have been accused of cynicism after Tory MPs did not turn up to debate the party's own plans to improve laws on force against burglars."

"Labour says the 'debacle' shows Tories do not really care about the issue."

"A committee is examining the Tory plan but its latest meeting was called off when only five MPs arrived in time - one short of the number needed."

"The Tories admit three of their MPs were late but stress the bill is 'very much alive' and will be debated later."

"They blame Labour MPs' delaying tactics for preventing the bill going through the committee in just one meeting last week, as originally planned." ...

Submitter's Note: And how many more pensioners will be murdered while these politicians posture?

UK: Store manager tells of armed raid ordeal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A SHOP manager has told of his terrifying ordeal after three masked robbers armed with a gun struck at his store."

"The gang targeted the Stop to Shop store and post office in Cressing Road, Braintree, at about 9pm on Monday."

"They threatened staff with a gun and forced them to hand over £210 from the till and about 200 cigarettes before fleeing."

"Speaking yesterday, store manager, Ram Ramadassou, 30, said: 'They were fully masked and you could only see their eyes. They just walked up to the till and pointed a gun at my colleague.'"

"'We were both on the till and they asked me to put all the money in the bag. We stood still. They said 'Do it otherwise we will shoot you - come on, do it'.'" ...

UK: Burglary Bill 'killed off' by Tory no-show
Submitted by: John Isaacs

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"Michael Howard was facing embarrassment today after a noshow by his own MPs effectively killed off a Tory bill to clamp down on burglars."

"The Householder Protection Bill aimed to give stronger legal protection to homeowners who retaliate against intruders."

"The Private Member's Bill, tabled by Tory homeland security spokesman Patrick Mercer, was backed by nearly every party MP at its second reading last month. But today, although Mr Mercer turned up for the Bill's committee stage, his Conservative colleagues failed to join him on time and the sitting had to be suspended." ...

Submitter's Note: Unfortunately, it appears the conservative party doesn't have the political will to fight for this basic human right.

The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full possession of them. — Zachariah Johnson, 3 Elliot, Debates at 646

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